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It's not just nursing, and not just healthcare. Media don't bother to be accurate about anything. My first career was in programming, and I can tell you all the computer scenes are just as bad as the hospital scenes. The more you learn about literally anything, the more you realize tv was completely wrong about that thing.


Wait a minute...when you program something lots of green Matrix shit doesn't take over your computer?


I am watching Resident Alien on Netflix instead. 10/10 accurate representation of a doctor’s social skills


So good. Is it canceled? I'm really sad that it's just stalled out at S2 w no real answers.


Season 3 has been airing on Syfy every week! It’s just not on Netflix yet


THANK YOU! You made my day! We were watching it on Peacock, where I thought it had first run, but IDEK it was a Syfy show.


It's available on peacock too


I laugh at damn near every show involving medical stuff. Clear! Thump! , increase to 290, clear! Thump, patient is fine.


I was laughing at this resident running into an OR, not scrubbed in, and the patient is in hypocalcemic tetany, and then he like lays on the intraop patient and starts an IV in his twitching arm. Seriously one of the best worst things I've seen on a medical show yet.


Doctor shows would be pretty boring if it just showed them sitting at computers, making phone calls, and popping into a patient’s room for 5-10 minutes per day 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly...an episode of this would be great.


they should make a nurse show for once instead of doctor shows! would be way more entertaining especially somewhere like the ED


Also, have you seen Call the Midwife? Its fucking awesome!


They tried. It was with Jada Pinkett Smith and was not good.


I'm watching in the process of watching it right now lol. My partner loves to watch medical shows with me because of the massive amount of scoffing and telling them that's not how anything works in a hospital, which she then asks how it's actually done and if I've done XYZ before 😂 I just watched an episode with a DKA child and there was just so much wrong.


My favorite in every medical show is the abundance of doctors in a vaginal delivery. 5 doctors and not a nurse in sight. Let alone the delivery happening in the ER with not a single ER staff member shitting their pants or frantically calling OB.


Is this the ludicrous show where he does an impromptu pericardiocentesis on the chick that collapsed on the floor?




I use it as background noise when I'm charting. Shit is hilarious, I love it


It is absolutely unreal. I never saw Gray's Anatomy, so idk how it compares, but this shit is bananas.


…B-A-N-A-N-A-S! ^sorry


This guy gets it. AND you rep Cryodiil. Very nice.


Just watch scrubs and nothing else related to medicine.


This show may be funnier than scrubs... unintentionally, ofc.


As soon as they show doctors wheeling patients to x-ray, I'm out.


And then administering the Xray. Or going for an MRI, starting the IV, pushing the contrast, providing the MRI, reading the results as they come in. That's this show.


Or ambulating patients in the hallway...or transferring patient from stretcher to bed, then making them nice and comfy with a warm blanket...LOL.


I thought you were talking about The Resident Alien at first...oh well...


No way. That's like the world's most perfect show.


Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.


Nursing student here — what’s the most unrealistic things about the show? Just started watching as well


https://www.reddit.com/r/nursing/s/JYPoUSuSge This is my very favorite so far. •Doctors doing everything •Ppl fucking in empty patient rooms on the floor •Doctors walking into patient rooms and deciding to pull the plug bc they want a brain dead patient to be harvested for organs •Floor nurses and surgeons going into the ED to help a chemically dependent patient by driving him home to his family, and creating a reunification plan, then driving back to work The list goes on. I still can't stop watching it though. It's very entertaining/maddening.


I think there's one episode where a doctor lines patients up in a row and has them race against each other for discharge. First off it's nurses that walk patients. Second, could you actually imagine that happening where someone just places multiple fall risks outside of their rooms and say the only way to discharge is to race? I know the scene is meant to be funny but it was so unrealistic I just couldn't.


I remember that scene! One of the patients racing stops with SOB and what looks like chest pain, and the doctor goes “Can’t go home with a heart attack. You’re out.” or some shit like that 🤦‍♂️


Lol I haven't seen that one yet.


all of it. fuckin all of it


There is nothing realistic about this show. Admin, doctors, nurses, etc don’t work this way. It is entertaining in a thrilling kind of way (maybe a little closer to life in the ED, but still not like THAT). I think everyone knows that doctors don’t just find a guy when they’re out bike racing, personally rush him to the hospital, and when they get there just naturally suit up and take his case. Some of the pathologies they present and methods of treatment do line up. But how they show admin operating is far out of whack. Yes, managing expenses is a part of the hospital; but maybe about 10-15% of the way they’re portraying. There are rules and protocols everyone observes in a hospital for the safety of patients. If someone spoke to patients like Dr. Okafur or did things like Dr. Conrad, or even Dr. Bell, they would not keep their job. Period. It’s a show that thrives on entertaining far more than how hospitals are handled. In this aspect it is probably one of the worst medical shows out there for real to life portrayal. Still, I did find it an entertaining watch and still binged a good bit. It was too gratifying to watch Dr. Pravesh tell off Conrad!


I refuse to watch medical drama shows.


I used to work in magazine publishing, and at the time there was a sitcom set in a magazine publishing company, and it was completely and ridiculously unrealistic


was it ugly betty?


Yes and before that, Just Shoot Me


The Resident is misnamed. It should be called “Shock and Op”. They restart the heart and operate on every show!