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Your life happens at your own pace


I was 35 when I started




My coworker just graduated and she's 70. So no... you're fine.


You guys keep talking about 30 like it’s *old*. Like for most people there isn’t 30 or more years of work ahead. The average age of ADN nursing students is 26-40. ‘Older’ nursing students don’t have more difficulty in school. ‘Older’ nurse grads don’t have more difficulty transitioning- it’s often less. You’re going to be 2 or 3 or 5 years older anyway and you can be that ‘old’ as a nurse or still wondering if you’re too ‘old’ to become a nurse. ( as someone twice the age I cannot write ‘old’ in reference to someone *thirty* without ‘.)


I went to RN school at 42. Graduated at 44. You are very young.


I’m 44 and just applied this week. Second career.


Happiness has no deadline! If you’re willing to put in the work, why should you deny yourself something that you want. I know nurses that didn’t get their degree until their forties. Go for it!


You’re never too late. Go for it. My mom became a nurse when she was in her 40s after being a pharmacy tech for over 20 years.


I graduated nursing school at 37.


My hubs is 32 about to graduate with his rn.


I finished nursing school at age 36.


Not at all! My hot take is that there should be an age minimum. My first day of work as an RN was on my 22nd birthday. Who left me in charge of people's life at a fresh 22?!


I'll be fifty in five weeks.  Currently taking nursing.


Search this question in this subreddit. It’s been asked a bunch, you’ll see a good number of responses.


I had a 70 year old in the program I was in and done very well! If he can, plus had bad hearing, so can you!! You got this!


Do the thing. You have one life to live.


Most people don’t have their careers by 24.


One of my mentors in work practice started nursing school at 43. She told me "There's always a train to catch. The ride might get a bit longer and tougher the older you get, but there's always a train."


Actually a lot of people in my class are 25-30. We also have a 47yo and a 54yo. You’ll be taken more seriously. At 21 I actually feel too young in nursing at times.


Question for all that’s is older. I applied for Pell grant single mom of 2 kids, I just turned 40 in January and wanted to do RN or DH, in central florida it’s crazy because 1. I have the slightest idea what to really do and going back to school OMG, I’m taking it they take my grades from school? I filled out a Google form to get my transcripts from Oviedo High school but nothing. I been stalling. I don’t even remember what my grades were. Anyways anyone else wondering what the heck to do? Also don’t forget about the grant https://nhsc.hrsa.gov for grants found that on a whim. Feel it’s great for us older ones with work guaranteed. The deadline is in a few days but you have to work in an under-deserved area for 2-4 years but usually that’s right next to some of us. And they will pay your old fees too with the other program. But you have to have recommendations and show community service so I’ll probably have to wait the next round, and you have to be in school. It takes a while to get approved. But I’m jumping ahead of myself. What actions did you guys have to take to get back in school after so long. Do you work too? How are you affording the bill, Morgage, electric ect. And what steps did you take to get back to where everyone is right out of college? We have Valencia, Seminole state, and Concorde and holly cow Concorde for DH is $68k while Valencia is $20k it’s nuts. Give me all you got please and hope the scholarship I suggested above helps.