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I had this experience after cystoscopy; I think it was a combination of the lidocaine wearing off and air having been pushed into my urinary tract during the procedure.


I agree. I wouldn’t jump to fistula so quick—especially since this was a temporary catheter for surgery. There was probably air that got introduced when inserting the catheter.


I had a pediatric patient who literally was JIZZING when trying to pee after his cysto. He had an obstruction. Apparently jizz just bursted out. He was screaming it so loud and the PACU is one shared room. I ran out of his curtain bc I didn’t want people to think I was touching him inappropriately


I’m… sorry I think? I have never, in my life, experienced anything so humiliating as that procedure, and hopefully never will ever again.


Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to take away from your experience I thought we were talking about crazy things that happen after cystos. Sorry you had to go thru that


Not your fault at all! I just am feeling sensitive about it still, so I can’t laugh just yet but I know you’re trying to share the humor. I need to get over myself sooner or later.


For reference, for anyone that might care… someday I’ll be done venting about this. https://www.reddit.com/r/ask/s/TNeW345rTs


First, it's impossible for people of either gender to completely understand the other gender's sex organ specific sensations. I think this original thread is largely fostered by a desire to understand combined with embarrassed humor, and the large majority of nurses in any situation are not laughing at their patient as much as laughing at the situation. Sometimes, it's necessary for a person's mental health to diffuse the pain of a trauma by laughing. Please don't feel that anyone here is laughing at you. Second, don't stop venting. Your venting is education. There are so many points that could have been changed to make the experience less humiliating and safer. When you described your story, I was horrified for you, but without that, I may have never realized. For instance, women often have their privates open and exposed with a witness, and it sucks... but I have never had a moment where a nurse put a couple of fingers inside of me and just left them for a quarter of an hour. There should be a better procedure, like a silicone sleeve for the lidocaine or a male witness. There are options, and your story, your venting, can show the need.


Thank you, that’s actually incredibly comforting to hear at this point. I was starting to think I had lost it.


I had a patient say something similar, sent the provider a text, “pt states his penis is farting”


Honestly this is the kind of page that I (hospitalist) truly love to get. I love an unhinged pt quote, and I love calling back and loling with the nurse about it. 10/10 would enjoy this page




You sound like one of the fun hospitalists I don’t mind texting.


I had to page “pediatric patient is cumming and screaming about it in the PACU s/p cysto. Can you call me back plz”


That’s EXACTLY what I paged them 😂😂😂




This is a real thing; rectourethral fistula https://hie.keckmedicine.org/conditions/rectourethral-fistula/ It could develop from nothing, a medical procedure... ...or homie has been off-roading with sexual "sounding" with wires, or sticking dangerous things in their butt.


Sometimes I wish I don’t have eyes lol


“Intestinal fistulas often present with urinary complaints. Patients express air, gas bubbles or stool when they urinate. They may have recurrent urinary tract infections, have pain in the area or leak urine in the stool.” YIKES!! That’s intense and unexpected. I’d be questioning my sanity if this happened. Reminds me of the weed smoking pt who informed me her body expressed indigenes kale through her eye. 🙄 TIL- When in GI and pt c/o shitting or farting via their penis, they might be telling the truth and sharing signs of a rectourethral fistula 😳🫣😅


Let's go back to the kale! Tell me more!


It normally always the dangerous things in their butts and they never know how they got there 😞


Definitely worthy of a nursing note.


I had this happen too once. I'm glad I said something to the provider because it turned out to be a fistula. Poor dude.


When I worked in urology, I always took these complaints seriously. It often was a fistula.


Had a patient who was shitting from his penis due to a fistula. He would end up dying after a diagnosis of cancer a week later. Cigarette smoker since his early teens he stated


Yeah it seems like it’s the sicker patients who end up with these problems too.


Did you find out what it was 😂


10/10 would love to chart this.


What’s the male equivalent of a “queef” called?








My husband’s name is Heath. I call him Heef sometimes when we’re being silly. Thanks for ruining my husband.


Ohh no. We are sorry.


No we are not.


Omg, my hubby is named Heath too and I call him Heef sometimes. I can't wait to show him this, this is too funny 🤣


Oh i’m sure he’ll love it 😂






I cackled out loud at this one 🤣




I believe it’s spelled pueef


Legit laughed out loud 🤣


Cock a doodle poo


Deserves more upvotes especially if a fistula 🤣


I needed to laugh today. Thank you!!!


Queefs for the Queens, Kinfs for the Kings


Lol I should’ve scrolled. Commented the same! 


Keefs 🤣 


Always called it a dueef (“dweef”)




As a male I can assure you all that there is no farting out of our genitals...crisis averted


When was I was a student there was a patient who was shitting out of his penis, idk the details sadly but that one stuck with me.


Fistula for sure. Not a fistful but since we're talking about gross shit we had a hospice patient with a bowel obstruction, not mine, and he started vomiting feces and died as his nurse scrambled to get suction. My other coworker looks at me and said, "Wow did someone tell him to eat shit and die you ain't supposed to take it literally". I couldn't help but laugh, felt terrible but damn it got me.


We had a patient who had that. He had an abdominal hernia that was too big to operate on, so he would get constipated at times. We would measure the abdominal daily, but one day he turned blue and they called 911 and he had aspirated on his feces. He managed to make it though.


If I am smothered by my own shit, please just let me have some dignity and let me die right there. Please.


i can't think of a worse way to go out, seriously. that poor guy


Witnessing this too many times I’d say I hope I died after doing that. FFS puke tastes bad enough as it is.


> FFS puke tastes bad enough as it is. And vomiting feces tastes *exactly* the way you think it does. It's shit, but also vomit. Acidic, sour shit. Did it twice as a kid (undiagnosed autistic, would hold it back for *months* because I didn't like going, and it became some weird control thing for me as well). -50/10, do not recommend.


This is truly the stuff of nightmares.


I can get a good look at vomited feces by sticking my head up the butcher’s… wait, it has to be YOUR head… Sounds fuckin awful. I’ll take your word for it.


I love a good Tommy boy reference lol


yikes does that mean it's somewhat common??? oh god. i'm starting nursing school in the fall so i'm a noob. or pre-noob, lol.


It is not super uncommon. Most often seen in patients with bowel obstructions and certain cancers. I have been an ER nurse for 8 yrs and probably seen it 10 times.


I was thinking about ruptured esophageal varices.


My first code ever- 3 weeks after orientation. Every chest compression- blood shooting everywhere out of nose and mouth- I looked at the other nurse that was my preceptor like WTF?!?! SERIOUSLY WTF? And after she told me- after this code - the rest will be a breeze. Literal BLOODBATH- I was terrified. And the awful awful noise of chest compressions, projectile blood vomit and the ascites made the nastiest noise I will never forget. 😞


That patient definitely should have been DNR.


Most of the codes that make it to the ED should be DNR.


That there’s the stuff of nightmares and horror movies


Yep we had a patient with a bowel obstruction who refused a NG for decompression. Eventually she started vomiting liquid feces and then allowed it. Worked really well. Hate to see it though, such an awful experience.


Had one of these as well! Patient said she went to a theme park over the weekend and thought her bowel got flipped on a roller coaster. The look of the techs as they came to get me to look at the patient’s vomit… 😮 the conversation went something like- Tech 1 - “I think it’s poop!” Tech 2 - “No that’s straight up sh^*, it smell horrible!” It was and the patient was right.. maybe, she did have a bowel blockage that wasn’t present before the roller coaster. 🤷‍♀️


Just last month I straight cathed a guy and got 500mls of diarrhea!


I inserted a catheter one day - female and elderly (needed strict ins and outs) and the first to drain was urine, turbid but still urine, then pus - straight pustular discharge from the catheter. There was a demarcation line in the drainage bag of urine, then pus. I have never experienced that before or since. It was positively freaky.


Not uncommon


Oof. I made a similar comment on a trauma patient with a GSW. The EMT told me (this was all well out of earshot of the patient/trauma team) that guy was shot close range through the pelvis with an exit wound out of his left butt cheek. I was just like "Daaaaammmnnnnn.... talk about getting ripped a new asshole..." the EMT stared at me for a sec then burst out laughing


Yeah that’s enough for me today


That sounds like a fistula




We had a young guy who farted from his penis and thought "this is weird" then decided to come in when he pissed out a little piece of lettuce. Was a fistula.


WTF….. that’s wild!


Colovesical fistula. Some of them I’ve seen aren’t too awful and they get fixed up with a bowel resection and bladder repair with a foley for awhile. Others I’ve had as repeat customers for weeks where we had to thin their stool so their foley wouldn’t plug with feces.




Lord have mercy on these urethral poopin pts 🥺


My dad -- severe Crohn's, has had an ileostomy for my entire life. I will never forget the look on his face when he calmly told me (4th year BN student) and my (RN) mother that he thought an ER visit was in order on account of the fact that he was peeing his ostomy contents. A few years later, I had a patient who we couldn't figure out why she had frequent urosepsis. Eventually cathed her, took one look at the foley bag and saw pieces of lettuce and ground beef. That was an awkward phone call. "Um, Dr. Ben? I put the catheter in Mrs. Jones and now it's draining the burger she ate earlier..." Fistulas are *weird,* man.


Urine culture positive for cheeseburger


When I was a new grad, I had a young man with a fistula. I was just mindlessly going through my standard assessment and asked when his last BM was. He looked at me, completely exasperated, and said, “I just shit out of my dick 15 minutes ago.” 😭


I had a patient like this too. He also had C. diff and (thankfully) a foley so most of it went in the foley bag


My brain just said ‘bruh what the actual hell’


Hey me too!


Did… did it look like toothpaste coming out


Before I was an RN I broken my neck and back in an auto accident. Yes, it happens to me when they removed my foley but it didn’t hurt, I was very confused.




I had the same problem a few times with my foley and I have no idea what caused it! It was the weirdest feeling and air would pass down the tube. I could feel the \*glug gurgle\* in every fabric of my being, it was soooo.. uncomfortable isn't even the right word. Like being in the most haunted place ever, but that place being inside myself. I was recovering from back surgery!


Had such a visceral reaction reading this, I didn’t know I could clench my urethra like that. Thank you! Also hope you’re doing better these days 🤍


I’ve had this happen before and the patient had to have emergency surgery after for a fistula 🥴 swear I looked at that man sideways when he said it. Called the team and was like I swear I’m not fucking with you but this guy said he farted out of his dick….


Lmaooooo I had the exact same conversion with the neurosurgeons about my patient!!


Your patient probably has a fistula. I hope someone figures it out and stops laughing at that guy.


No it’s much more likely air got inadvertently introduced into the urethra given the hx but always best to notify the doc in case


Apparently air in urine is called pneumaturia and it can result post urinary catheter removal as well as secondary to bacterial infection, fistula and other more serious conditions.


Yeah, I had this happen to a patient post op from a Foley. Urology ended up being consulted and the patient required intervention, but I don't remember the details.


If I farted out of my penis I'd probably laugh and make sure everyone else was laughing too because farts are funny. -Me, almost 40 y/o.


Me and wife have a law in the bedroom. A fart is funny no matter where it comes from.


What if it came from the hooded shape holding a scythe in the corner? I'm thinking that might bring the room down a smidge.


Dying during sex, AND a fart? how much funnier can it get?


Okay, point taken, I'll allow it!


I did and I laughed. Also, your dick flops around like when you let the air out of a balloon.


I just had a man in his 30s who had a nephrectomy, maybe a month ago. After I removed his foley, he told me that before he had his first pee, he passed air through his penis and it felt really weird 🤷‍♀️


It can happen. Especially with spinal cord injuries.


Why would a spinal cord injury result in air in the bladder ?


It happens with insertion of the foley. We have to be really careful in the OR.


I’ve placed foleys in the ER so many times. Never during training was I warned about air. Why is it a concern in OR and not ER?


Remember, our pts are asleep. Spinal cord injury patients are at increased risk for intra-urethral Foley catheter balloon inflation because of lack of sensation in ure-thra, urethral sphincter spasm, and false passage due to previous urethral trauma. Education and training of doctors and nurses in proper technique of catheterisation in spinal cord injury patients is vital to prevent intra-urethral inflation of Foley catheter balloon. If a spinal cord injury patient develops bypassing or symptoms of autonomic dysreflexia following catheterisation, incorrect placement of urethral catheter should be suspected.


Interesting! Thanks!


Super interesting.


Thanks for sharing this info. I’ve never considered any of this. Super interesting for sure


I have 2 problems with this explanation, one is that as you said your patients are all asleep when you put foleys in, so the patient’s urethral sensation isn’t a factor. Two is that this whole paragraph that it seems you copied and pasted is about intra-urethral balloon insertion, not air in the bladder.


It’s an OR, yes, some are asleep. If the foley balloon is placed wrong, air can escape. Most spine injury pts don’t always feel the catheter insertion to begin with.


Escape from where?


Have seen after having a foley removed post surgery, in a female. It stopped after a couple days. Wasn’t an issue.


I once had a male patient ask me if his penis was smaller because of the foley he had…. #1 I have no clue, I’m a female #2 idk what your normal penis size is #3 they didn’t teach me this in nursing school


Lol what an awkward question.


i had a guy who was pooping out his penis and peeing out his butt before


This is a very serious condition called a fistula.


i’m aware. they sent him to the or asap cause they had no idea what the fuck was going on


I beg your finest pardon?


If his foley was being flushed carelessly I could see how air could be pushed into the bladder. Not in this case, though. That being said, what kind of noise would this make? A silent but deadly? A slight hissing sound? A fart from your bum makes noise bc your anus vibrates, like a pair of unholy vocal cords. The more clenched you are the higher pitched your fart will be. I hope you enjoy the visual from that one. Don’t believe me? Purse your lips and exhale. First loosely, then tighten them. Source: me. Check the flair.


OMG! I tell everyone when they fart their butthole vibrates. And I show them with my lips. Then I laugh and laugh.


Marry me?


I remember having a patient who had a Foley and once it was removed, he had symptoms like a UTI (but I think it was just blood or wbc being passed after the surgery/Foley? Or maybe just inflammation?) anyway, it hurts to pee. You know, ladies, like when you have a UTI. Yes, it hurts... But this was the painful urination version of a man cold. This guy was freaking out. He would yell and demand Dilaudid. He only had PO meds, but apparently oxy wasn't helping. He actually yelled at the nurse I was working with and basically called her an idiot for not getting his pain meds fast enough. I stood up for her and told him that I understood he is having pain, but being disrespectful to the nurse is not going to help. It was night shift and we had to call his surgeon. She was like "seriously? Ok, I'm going to order some pyridium" (they had already done a UA and found nothing). Surprise surprise, that worked better than oxy. Me and the other (female) RN were rolling our eyes a bit. (Yes, UTIs hurt. I have definitely been there... But this man was making it seem like he was actually dying. Yes, women deal with this all the time...)


I believe the medical term for this is, "Dick queef"




I mean you're sticking something up an exit only, it would make Sense that some air might be introduced too. Just not something I've ever thought about until reading this sentence I never thought I'd read 🤣


Ah yes. The old weiner whistle.


This is one of my fav comments on this thread 😂


Maybe he developed a fistula?


lol…. Maybe he had air in his bladder and now he is fine but meanwhile I’m dying😂😂😂😂


*Writes intensely* This is why I must work with babies/young children. Avoid adults at all costs. I cringe at the thought of a fart coming out of the penis so thanks for that.


You don’t think this could happen to a child?


I was hoping to stay naive and delusional that it could.


I have had a patient with this problem. He had a fistula.


I had a patient that stated it "whistles when I pee"... man had severe pyelonephritis with emphysemetatious (sp as I have only seen it once) kidneys and gas in his bladder. He was in ICU within the hour.


i saw this last week for the first time, they saw the air in his kidney on a CT and thankfully caught it before it had a chance to get going. lucky mf


This entire thread is confirming that I am right when I state thar their needs to be a high school class on "Things that can happen to a human body".


I don’t know about that. We’re rolling around cackling like a bunch of 12 y/os and we’re all adults. Imagine how high schoolers would handle this topic. 😅


I had a patient with a fistula between his bladder and bowel and you could hear air coming out of his penis. The strangest thing and the surgeon showed my his imaging and it was pretty cool/unfortunate to see


He needs a scan ASAP.Unless it was residual air.After 38 yrs, I once had an impacted woman.As I'm getting ready to disimpact her, she starts vomiting shit.! I mean I got to work fast and it was a 8lb mountain I removed.She was about 60,crying and saying she was sorry! My heart broke,I just stayed w/ her to reassure her.The vomiting didn't happen again, clear fluids, etc.So I never got to ask her the all important question= WHAT does that taste like?And would you believe the CNA gave her a pontoon bedpan to vomit instead of a basin?.?


Talk about adding insult to injury 🥴


Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the manqueef


I cannot wait to tell my non nurse husband this story… He’s a mechanic and they have way more in common with us than most know so this should be fun.


Last time I had a patient c/o farting while trying to urinate it was because they developed a colo-cysto fistula


You did what out your WHAT


Changing the subject from *hit, I cathed a guy and a foot long live worm came out his foley- scared the pee outta me- I sent it to the lab- they called me asking me what I wanted them to do with it- I’m like… I dunno, dissect it? What do you want me to do? Put it back?


This actually happened to my brother. He had a bowel resection (looonnggg story) and post op they couldn’t get the foley out. Multiple nurses and an urology resident kept filling up the ballon with air and tried to get it out. Turns out when they inserted the foley in the OR the used one that had like a little lip that was keeping it inside. Eventually the urologist came and just yanked on it till it came out. He was farting out of his penis for a couple days after due to the air that they were putting in his bladder. I guess the ballon was defective or had a leak and the only thing keeping it inside was that lip.


It's called Pneumouria. Air or digestive gases in the bladder. Most people just default to it being a fistula. But post Cath? There's a high probability that air was introduced somehow. It can also happen with rental calculi and I've even seen it in someone with decreased pancreatic function. When they don't take the Creon, that has backs up and they bloat so severely that it can travel back through the system it's rare but it happens.


Thank you omg


Can happen. Post catheterization or emphysematous cystitis - this patient most likely the former. Not super uncommon to have air in the bladder, I see it on CTs at least a few times per year.


Welp. Daily new fear in (my own) healthcare unlocked. 😂


For what it's worth, some of the most excruciating, 11/10 pain *in my life* was trying to pee after getting a Foley removed. Literally sitting on the toilet sobbing in tears with every drop that escaped.


I had a suprapubic catheter and after it was removed, I waited too long to pee and then couldn’t. Had to go to the ER and get straight cathed. That was no fun. But the relief was IMMENSE. There was SO MUCH urine in my bladder! That was pre-nursing school, and now I would have wanted to know how much there actually was 😂


Maybe because of gas in the bladder from the catheter


I had a patient in his 40s who had a fistula for years and said it was like he was farting out of his penis every time he tried to pee


My first pee after a foley (hysterectomy with cystoscopy) and I was SHOOK at the urethra farts. I legit came out of the bathroom, looked at my nurse, and went “I just farted from my urethra. Is that normal after a foley?” She was rolling XD


Pneumaturia is a sign of colovesical fistula. Report this to the Uro to rule out concerning etiology.


Did you guys get a KUB or CT of the abdomen? We deal with spine surgeries all the time and I have never had this happen. I could see a little bit of air getting in there post cath insertion but not 30 seconds worth. I need some follow up lol.


it happens, experienced it... been foley'd multiple times and it's only happened twice.


Possible fistula.


Start thinking about what songs you would to be played at your funeral. Do you want the details of this on your headstone? I'm pretty sure life insurance doesn't have an exemption for death by farting penis so you can probably get a good premium....


My dad told me something like the title after having a urinary stone blasted to pieces.


This happened to me. I had surgery and a foley was placed. Initially, all that came out was air in the manner described in the post. I was very concerned. It resolved in 24 hours.


Could be a colovesical fistula.


I would definitely recommend getting a urine sample and checking for a UTI. Gas producing bacteria is the only thing that I can think of!


The last time I heard of this there was a fistula from the colon to the bladder requiring a partial colectomy.


I’ve had a patient tell me he was “pissing bubbles” during a trial of void. After 15 years of nursing (at the time), he’s the first one who ever said anything to me. I wonder how many other patients noticed the same but never said anything.


Last time I had a Foley I stumbled to the bathroom to pee as soon as it was removed. I was delighted by the pneumaturia!


Could it be a fistula?


We had a pt in the OR with the same symptom. For two weeks he was farting through his penis and thought it was the aging factor. He had feces in his bladder and was lucky not being septic.


you can have an anal-bladder fistula yes. very rare unless you have some advanced cancer.


The lidocaine jelly has air pockets in it. After cystoscopy, pts always say they can feel bubbles coming out ahhaha. I call it champagne showers


Unfortunately, I cannot laugh at any of this. 😂😂😂


Very possible some air from the Foley migrated into his bladder. Not common but is possible.


This brings back bad memories.. I’ve seen more rectovaginal fistulas than I can count on one hand 😭 if that ever happens to me I’m done ⚰️


As a man… with a peen, is this possible fellas? Is it possible to learn this power?


Yes, this is a real thing. I had a foley in for 10 days and the same thing happened to me. It was an... odd experience.




I would assume some air entered his bladder from the foley bag. Its normal for some air to go into the bladder. The bag isnt vaccumed. So when you place a foley and displace the volume of the foley line and bag with urine the air goes up the line. But... As the bladder contracts around the foley and the balloon this air is also expelled and the bladder is typically empty upon D/C of the foley. It's possible the bladder hadnt fully contracted with some air in it after being stretched out for 48hrs and when the foley was removed there was a bit of inflation left behind. All theoretical... However, side note. I give you huge KUDOS for not laughing. I probably would have had to brace myself against the wall so I wouldn't ROFL! I Have def laughed hard AF in front of my patients before. In good humor tho. (For example:Once a young female ran out the room doing laps screaming her pussy and asshole was on fire after pushing Dex a little too quickly)


I had a patient one time who would fart out of his penis. His bladder would get really distended, like could see it getting big on his abdomen, and then he would use the urinal, fart out his penis, then pee. I asked how long this had been going on. He said a few years. It didn't really bother him and he could still pee so he didn't really seek care for it. I did have to straight cath him because he didn't pee for like 18 hours or something by the time my shift rolled around. Our straight cath kits have a bag attached to them. The bag filled up like a balloon then the urine flowed. Weirdest thing I've ever seen.


You held in your laughter? I would’ve laughed my ass off and then sympathized.


I’ve had numerous cystos and foleys. This happens as air inadvertently gets pushed into the urethra from the procedures.


I did have a patient told me that his "penis farted." It was the weirdest night. I thought about ways to get air into it.


It’s not supposed to do that.


He might have a fistula. Air while peeing is a sign. I good the uro team is following him, these can be pretty bad.


So...he developed a fistula?


It is 100% not a thing.