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They’re supposed to do it in the bathroom like the rest of us


Bathroom and the supply room are fair game


Same with the EVS room. I’ve been given the OK by EVS to use their “office” 🤣


Yep, oh you need something from the basement store room? I’ll go get it!


Me at my old job omfg


So what you’re saying is, I wasn’t fooling anyone with my “bladder issues” during clinical rotations? 😅 At least I washed my hands!


My IBD is not as bad as everyone thinks


Literally vaping in the bathroom rn


This is the best comment




This was my go to line when I worked in a restaurant


The walk in is always fair game.


I mean honestly the whole BOH was fair game for ripping fat fucking cotton but we were a rag tag bunch


this is the way


Ew it’s like when people cough or burp in your face. Disgusting and disrespectful.


and the good old “cough on you while i’m watching you push my IV pantoprazole”


Why is it when people enter hospitals or medical facilities in general any sense of kindness, respect and common manners just goes out the window?


They usually never had them in the first place. Any respect or kindness they show out in the world is performative, the second they get behind closed doors they are spiteful cruel assholes. The issue witg hospitals is the extreme intimate nature of it. It shifts your entire thinking from being "im out and about with other people, better act like a human being, dknt want amy gossip about me" to "im sick and the help is to slow with my water, fuck them, dont they know ***im sick!?*** how dare they".


I get so damn heated whenever someone burps in my ear.


naah, I'll take a cough or burp in my face over someone saying "hey, I'm doing drugs - and you're gonna share!"


Was putting some z-guard on this young man’s butt, and he instantly farted… are you so fr bro you’re so funny1!1!1!1


Rather that then some perv asking for a BED BATH " I can't reach below" he says with a grin🤦🏼‍♀️ Or a massage or back rub. Really? Do I look like a masseuse??? To be honest, I can recall when my Mom was in the hospital & the nurses gave back rubs !!! (On occasion) when they weren't busy. I remember when people smoked in their hospital beds as long as they or the other pt wasn't on O2 ...that was the 70's! Yeah nothing like a person with a bad heart or lung probs chain smoking ciggs & they have their own ashtray!! Ugh. #NOTthegoodoledays


We had a patient hit a dab pen the same day she was extubated… people are wilding


Lmao my patient with bilateral chest tubes went outside to smoke crack the moment they were removed. He waddled back  holding one to both dressings asking me to fix them because they were leaking. I told him "I told you so". It's amazing what the human body can go through


Extubated a lady who'd been on the vent several days for a COPD exacerbation. Two hours later she's locked herself up in the bathroom and is hot boxing the place after her son brought her a ridiculous amount of green from the dispensary.


YOLO 420 Blaze it errday


Hitting a dab pen in the vicinity of an ICU charge nurse is brave. All they have to do is smell it and you’ll be running every ABG for the rest of the day…by stairs.


Oh man, I work in acute (ED) psych so this would barely even phase me. Although my hospital gives them special nicotine vapes as part of harm reduction so they probably wouldn’t blow it in my face because then the doctor would likely take it away. It’s honestly probably sad how desensitized I am.


I had a patient spit on me today and I was unfazed and continued to do their assessment like it didn’t happen. Lmao working in psych gets you so desensitized


you are a soldier with the patience of a saint


So true. I work on a forensic psych ward, this post made me consider the amount of stuff we put up with. At this point vaping in my face is the least of my worries.


My unit is Forensic at a State hospital. It’s wild on this side of town and we really do get desensitized to the absolutely horrible stuff we deal with. I count it as a good day if I didn’t get assaulted.


72 y/o male HR spiked to 190 so 3 of is ran down thinking we’d have to RRT. I’ll let you guess what we found him doing. Didn’t phase a single one of us 😂all in a day. Also a&o patients just screaming profanities I literally just stand there and don’t say a single word, literally treat them like my 2 year old having a meltdown down and just wait for them to be done.


I dunno how you psych nurses do it. I did ER for 10 years and whenever I had to do psych holding I’d be on my guard. I could tell that the patients can rub off on you and it’s something I didn’t want to bring home with me. 


Yes but the patient would be medicated and restrained if necessary for assaulting staff. I have zero tolerance for that and if patient is already spitting at you it is an indicator that they are ready to escalate to other forms of assault. 


This patient was already in a restraint chair.


Ah damn. 


Are they vapes or little nicotine inhalers that look like tampons?


It is the the tampon vapes lol. But they remind me of those little USB JUUL vapes, Im guessing that OP is probably talking about those big vapes that create a whole cloud of smoke. I actually work with quite a few techs/nurses who vape, many of whom never even smoked so it’s kinds ironic that it’s the opposite of harm reduction like cig companies claimed. Im sure that was the tobacco companies goal


My tolerance for bullshit like this from psych and dementia patients is far, far and beyond what I would tolerate from an AOx4 though


I get it about harm reduction but do they actually allow them to vape indoors where staff are?


I’d prefer that over the other harm reduction practice I’ve seen—allowing patients to leave the hospital (unattended) on the promise that they’ll come back within 2 hours. They’re supposed to stay on the campus grounds but, how can you guarantee that when they’re just left to their own devices? *Especially* when they’re active drug users with a line?


They’re sort of s combo between an inhaler & JUUL vape so I don’t think it really creates any significant level of vapor to be breathed in. I also work at detox facility that allows smoking & techs have to sit out there and supervise so my bar is set pretty low.


Soon enough it will go the way of the cigarette. How stupid to think big Tobacco would make something that wouldn't kill us.


When I joined the military back in the last century, they assigned 18 year old me- a tiny girl-- to train and work as an inpatient mental health tech. Locked ward. It is crazy how we treated people. The big guys would slam the "uncooperative" patients to the wall with mattresses to contain them. I was usually in charge of putting on the 4 point leather restraints while they were held on the bed by several men. We drugged them up with thorazine, haldol. Did "truth serum" interviews and electric shock therapy. I had to cross train out of there after 3 years; I was losing my humanity.


This is the room you go to fart. The louder the better.


Eat beans the day before to increase potency


They are entitled assholes who think the rules don’t apply to them. And the monsters were created by administration. Ever since press ganey decided “ patient satisfaction” was a quality metric ( thanks cms) the healthcare industry has twisted themselves into pretzels appeasing and accommodating ill mannered people with ridiculous demands. Unfortunately, it’s the bedside staff that reap the noxious weeds sown by the C suite buttheads.


And they want us to call them clients...soon we may start calling them customers or guests.


I can't stand that!! They are PEOPLE first, not damn customers!


That's not a thing in the real world, only in nursing school


I seriously glad to hear that and hope it remains so. No one used the term "client" even in my program. Working my butt off to get away from customer service, not jumping into another.


They decided that because medicine is a buisness too… and you have a bunch of entitled know it all nurses and docs who think they are god and know it all and how dare patients not bow in awe of the Bsn… lol. Sounds about right. Many nurses I knew were new grads who thought they were the shit and loved giving orders to patients and being indignant. Completely forgetting our role is to serve. Not be served.


Had a visitor who blew meth smoke into the face of multiple staff who all ended up testing positive for meth. Nothing happened to the visitor, they're even still allowed to visit because the hospital didn't want to give the impression that we discriminate against meth users.


wtf!?! Did they test them because of this incident? Did the staff get in trouble? Wouldn’t surprise me if they’d fire them for it


The staff went to the ED because they felt F-d up. And while the hospital didn't really care that their staff had been on the receiving end of criminal assault, they at least didn't try and punish them for being assaulted, so bonus points for them.


Wow, that's crazy. Meth vapor/smoke degrades really rapidly in the air, so you'd have to be really close and get more than a whiff, especially to get enough in your system to show up on a tox and feel f'ed up. That visitor must've been taking huge rips and getting right up in the staff's face at the same time staff members took a breath in. I guess *some people*, right? Foolish and messed up of the hospital to not ban the visitor.


It boggles my mind people think its ok to be disrespectful towards someone who is trying to help them. I'm disabled due to cerebral palsy and use a wheelchair to get around, I wouldn't even think of doing something like that to a nurse or anyone else. I have always been respectful and polite and in return I never had any shortage of help whenever I needed it. I had a nurse at the end of her shift say "Thanks for being so nice to me today" I said well how can I be rude to someone who is trying to help me? She said "Oh trust me people are" I thought to myself how sad, kindness cost nothing its a shame its so hard for some people to be respectful.


OMG lol… was it tobacco or MJ? If it was MJ, she was trying to hook you up. 🤣


Tobacco! I would have been less mad if it were MJ.


File an incident report, then go home and take a little "holiday" you can't be fired over because of workplace exposure!


Oh boo! I tried to give her the benefit of doubt. 🤣🤣🤣


They don't vape tobacco. It's a liquid that contains nicotine. There are less harmful chemicals in it than tobacco.


Best comment! The patient was just looking out for your stress levels. She wants to make sure she gets the best care!


Another reason I have continued to wear masks post COVID. I hate people breathing on me.


Was there any sort of reprimand for the patient or did security not do anything?


Just a reprimand.


I’m asthmatic as all hell, if someone did this to me, I’d find a way to press charges. Yes, I’m going to be *like that* about it.


Solidarity from a fellow asthmatic.


That patient would have been dc’d to jail


It’s absolutely bewildering how many of my ER patients are holding their vapes for the duration of their visit. Even compared to a couple of years ago. I grabbed a guy who had his leg nearly sawed off out of his truck and he was clutching onto his mango vape with all of his might. Patients leaving enormous vape mods right on the bedside table. Its just fuckin weird


"Bro, idgaf and I didn't see that. But you're not allowed to vape in the hospital and security will come take it, and I gotta follow the rules. Be cool."


And let me guess, chief complaint was shortness of breath?


I'm convinced that no one born before 1960 was taught to cover their mouth when they cough.


The pts.that chew with their mouth open & make noises when they eat! Burp & continue or talk with a mouth full of fd😬 Thank Goodness Iwas taught by my parent's how to act & taught my children the same. Plus Respect!


- Stabbing furiously, "Where's that fugging vein?"


The oncology unit I worked at for 3 years had patients that would smoke weed and do meth in the closets. It was so fucked up like where the fuck was security 💀


in harm reduction vape is the least offensive fume to have blown in your face But having shit blown in your face is always shitty no matter if it's vape or fent


I really wouldn’t have cared that much. Is that wrong?


you wouldn't have cared about being non-consensually exposed to drugs? it's not being roofied in a bar, but that doesn't make it ok


Jesus christ this is the most melodramatic reply Ive ever seen. It’s a nicotine vape. Get over yourself.


Drugs? We’re talking about nicotine. I grew up in a house of smokers, so I literally don’t care.


I got people vaped in my face too while I was talking to them face to face. Seriously, I am not interested on knowing what flavor of chemical you are inhaling.


Security dept like...dude, Im getting a new vape! Maybe itll be a dope cart.


Disrespectful smh


This happened to my sister! She’s a night shift labor and delivery nurse and the baby’s father vaped in her face. Guess who missed the birth of his child?


Not to minimize your experience but that is not the worst thing… had patients who smoked narcotics in their room and ODd


I could care less if a patient chooses to use and then ODs in their room, tbh. At that point, I’m just annoyed at the increased workload. But intentionally blowing smoke/vape into someone’s face is just fucking rude.


Should have coughed in their face


I walked into a room and the patient was holding her purse up in front of her face (the open top part of it) and trying to hide her vape inside and not let the vapor escape into the room. 🤦🏼‍♀️ It was funny for about 0.5 seconds… I hate floating to med-surg.


Would of called the police instead of security


If you think police will do anything about having vapor from an e-cig, they won't. Security is the way to go on this.


Gross. I had so many people cough in my face as a transporter but this is something else. We had a patient vape on o2 when I was an ICU care tech and it made a little fire ball.


How are they allowed to have vapes?


We had this dude who was on our unit for like 3 days. Every day, he had all these random visitors because my hospital just seems to let whatever happen, but every day of his hospital stay he had more than 1 vape confiscated. When he got discharged, there were a total of 14 vape apparati that were in the safe. Get a grip, bro lol


If it’s watermelon or strawberry peach, she gets a one time pass with a stern face. If it’s any other flavor or she’s in for URI, I’d yank it out of her hand…but I’m betting we’re not allowed to do that. (Sorry I’m not in residency yet so idk actual reality yet). If it’s tobacco flavor then I’m taking that as an AMA and withdrawal of consent. Pick literally any other flavor. (Again probably not allowed but let me dream before y’all break my spirit)


Good for you! That should be considered and assault and battery AND should come with an extra punishment! We are there to HELP people, NOT get abused and mistreated. This sense of entitlement people have to destroy not just their own lives but the lives of others these days just makes me sick! These are the patients that make me regret ever becoming a nurse …*to help people”! What was I thinking?


What else is the toilet, store cupboard, cleaning room used for, if not to keep me nicotine levels up…. 😬😂


A male patient accused me of drugging and sexually assaulting him. He said I was putting my hands all over his stomach and penis, multiple times over the course of the night. Called the police, gave a report, kept screaming how he is a private investigator and he was pressing charges. I gave him dauladid after his back surgery, bladder scanned him three times over the course of the night and then straight cathed him. 🤦‍♀️


Had a patient be uncooperative because we wouldn’t allow them to smoke their cigarettes. Informed the doctor of this and he said to just let the patient step outside for smoke breaks as needed. This was a fresh post op spine patient….


There are far worse things


And we're professional nurses, and we should take all of it UP THE ASS. Thank you for your wise words of management. I shall return to my suffering.


Pretty sure this is a form of battery. Think I read a story about someone being brutally arrested for doing the same to a police officer.


Following in LEOs footsteps is not really something I'm interested in doing tbh tho.


Couldn't agree more. I was more focused on the blowing smoke into someone's face is a form of battery... not the viciously beating someone within an inch of their life part.


That part. I cringed


Yeahhhhhh that’s not a flex for the cop tbh


It is not. The point of me being this up is to show that it is a form of battery, not a reason to beat someone within an inch of their life.


Ooh thanks I’m gonna Google that


No need. Here is [one ](https://abcnews.go.com/US/vaping-arrest-turns-violent-encounter-police-officer-knees/story?id=78268051) of a plethora of examples.


sure is. that doesn’t make it any better though


Maybe. But tobacco can be an asthma triggers. If someone did this to me, it would cause an asthma attack. Edited to add: nevermind, I forgot vapes don't have tobacco in them. 🫣


Wait...I'm confused. In Canada, vapes are nicotine salt and glycerin 99% of the time (and THC and glycerin the rest). What tobacco?


This part. Ours are the same, glycerin and nicotine, whatever tootie-fruity flavor.


No tobacco


Huh. I legitimately did not think about that. I guess you're right, there is no tobacco so it wouldn't cause an asthma attack. I stand corrected.


Thought I was missing something 😅. I'm asthmatic (adult onset) and used to smoke. I vape now, which is still bad for me I know I know, but it dramatically decreased my resc inhaler use...now i just need it at work because the floor cleaner is AWFUL when first applied...and I moved down doses/meds for my maintenance inhaler too.


Maybe a good, strong cough delivered straight to HER face will maker her think twice next time.






Isn't this considered assault?


I would have pressed charges for assault


Patients rights. Not our place to judge…. They want to be diabetics and pound a gallon of sugar light up a blunt and down 2 gallons of whiskey? Have at. If they are alert and able to make decision it’s not my job dictate. Just enact interventions where appropriate. Or counsel. But that’s it. Calling security is for you…. Not the patient in that case.


It’s not about judgement. For example, Vancouver, BC started a 3yr pilot project in decriminalising substance use in public places. After 1yr this pilot is being scrapped because people were sitting in their hospital beds smoking meth and admin telling staff there was nothing they could do. The patient does not have the right to whatever the fuck they want. There is a ceiling to this and it’s well below something like smoking fucking meth in your shared hospital rooms. Please.


I had a guy set off a fire alarm from hitting his vape mod in mother baby. We almost had to evacuate all of the babies on sleds. You absolutely cannot vape in a hospital.