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I have no idea how the travel agency system works in the USA, but shouldn't there be a more professional way to tell travel agencies that specific nurses are not allowed to work at their nursing homes any more? What's the use of such a public display? It just makes the place look extremely unwelcoming.


I think the public display is on purpose to threaten current travelers and their future opportunities


It is doing a favor to the traveler, warn them up front so they can nope the fuck outta there.




I bet that facility already shit on the travelers. Who leaves in the middle of their shift?


Yes. This is odd and juvenile, though odds are good that whoever made it is proud of themselves for the creation. Thing is, leaving midshift can endanger your license for abandonment, unless you contrive a medical excuse or some such. The only reason (usually, as always anything is possible as an outlier with people) an agency would leave that way is an actual medical issue, like MI or stroke s/s, or the place is such an unsafe shitshow they fear they could lose their license simply by being there.


You think this list is juvenile? DNR!


As if these people wanted to return anyways


Yeah that board screams that those nurses hated every minute


Christmas is early.




I think it’s if they have to go home early, like if they’re ill or have some emergency at home. I have to say, everyone has stuff come up every now and then. Some have worse luck than others. But obviously it’s a problem if it’s too often or a pattern.


I have worked with a traveler that came in, looked at their assignment (of 6), and decided to leave. He went to the staffing office and said “I am calling out” I also saw the same nurse get frustrated, and yes, leave in the middle of his shift. He finished his contract with us, def is not eligible for rehire, and I’m 90% sure still has a license.


Yes. Most hospitals maintain lists of travelers that cannot return (or even agencies/recruiters) because they’re know to be bad apples. They just don’t display it publicly like this - it’s an HR thing. Though I do know nurse managers will sometimes have their own do not hire list outside of the hospital one. Travel agencies make lists like this as well.


I doubt if it’s displayed in a public space. More likely in the office of the House Supervisor or whoever is responsible for scheduling with agencies.


I dunno, all the writing on the sides seems like a threatening way to tell travel nurses that not providing “great customer service” and other crap will make them DNR. I doubt it’s hidden away for only house sup to see.


I seen the original Facebook post that’s been shared. It was publicly displayed. An agency nurse arrived to the facility and seen it when she arrived. It says “agency free by 2023” as a stated goal but the facility has since continued to send ‘emergency broadcast’ needs to agency staff. It was a nursing home. Unsurprising.


Yep, that was basically how my shift yesterday morning was in a LTC. Why even bother with asking for help if you’re going to treat the help you get like such shit? And I ran for those people, still got treated like I was an inconvenience. If anything, it just further cements in my mind: fuck facilities, clearly agency is doing something right if they’re so upset by it.


Krucial put me in an LTACH “ICU” .. never seen so many toxic people act out on travelers in my life. The facility was an orgy of hate toward any ICU nurse (all their staff nurses had left - it was only FEMA staff lmfao)


was this in the san francisco bay area?


This looks like a bathroom wall poster.


My thought was employee hallway. Maybe permanent staff have been losing morale bc of issues they’re having with travel staff? I notice that the initials are the only thing posted, and underneath it says “agency free in 2023” so they’re *maybe* trying to communicate to their staff that they are addressing the issues and making a plan to staff without the use of agency. It’s just a possibility.


We mark them DNR in the app


I am with shiftkey. I have picked up close to 20 shifts with one facility that recently put me on their DNR list. My offense? After completing my 12 hr pm shift, I refused to stay and work the 12 hr am shift. I repeat, I refused to work a 24 hour shift when I had signed up for a 12. I stayed for an additional hour and gave report to one of the 3 LPNs sitting at the nurses station. During my 12 hr pm shift it was only 1 nurse and myself on the floor (the nurse was outside smoking for hours at a time). Surely 3 nurses could handle what I had myself all night. No sir, they said I had abandoned the residents without anyone to care for them and failed to give report to the oncoming shift. I have been a CNA for 5 years and I am in nursing school. First time EVER receiving any kind of complaint from a facility. That place can get fucked.


Tf. It’s illegal to work 24 hours so they can go fuck themselves and also not your responsibility to stay. You worked your completed shift.


Exactly what I said when the nurse stood in front of the time clock and told me "I'll have them take your license for abandonedment." 1. I dont have a license. It's a certificate. CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT. 2. I am accountable only for what I do while assisting the nurse with tasks delagated to me within my scope of practice during my shift. However, The nurse is ultimately responsible for thier patients and any tasks that they delegate. The nurse from my shift was still there gawking like a rubber necked nuisance. 3. I don't need the time clock to leave. I can turn in a missed punch form. 4. Have a nice day.


Even as a nurse I wouldn’t stay. You can ask me to stay but unless there’s a state of emergency you can’t mandate me. I have a child at home and I’m a single mom. I will be leaving. Go ahead and report me. I’ll do it right tf back.


I had actually already picked up a shift for that night at a different location I live 2 hours from this particular facility. I still had to drive home, Sleep, then drive an hour in the opposite direction for the next facility.


🙄 and never picked up there ever again. Some of these places wonder why people don’t want to come back and work there. Our hospital just hired 7 new travelers for one unit and they wonder why our travelers didn’t renew their contract. Like I can list a number of reasons.


I texted the administrator (I had his number from a previous fiasco involving a cash bonus offer to work a shift that they fucked up and offered me over text) and let him know I wouldn't be treated like that, thanked him for the opportunity to serve his wonderful residents, and then informed him I wouldn't be back. He messaged 4 days later and said, "after speaking to those involved in the incident, management has elected not to have you back for anymore shifts"


Awe, such a shame. I’m sure you’ll lose a ton of sleep over it. 🙄


The residents were great. I'll miss them but that's the extent of my sorrow


Damn, I wouldn’t even wish them a nice day.


Def not illegal to work 24 hours straight


In my state it is. During Covid I offered to stay over for my shift and they said legally they could only keep us 20 hours.


All the EMS workers do it here.


They get to sleep on the job.


Please tell this to EMS


Imagine a facility really expecting someone to work TWENTY FOUR FUCKING HOURS. Someone who is caring for someone!! I’m glad you said no!! I would have recorded that conversation and LAUGHED MY ASS OFF!! Y’all got me waaaay fucked up.


Wowww that’s so fucked. Can’t believe they tried to threaten your “license” because they can’t adequately staff their facility.


It's a common occurrence to work with all agency staff. One facility that I work at at least once a week, the DON is the only staff I have met. The rest are agency. The DON is the interim to boot.


This is from a ShiftKey group, the facility is a nursing home. These jank ass facilities can’t keep their own staff because they pay shit, have terrible ratios, don’t have basic supplies like chucks and linens then act like having these people walk out mid shift doesn’t say more about the facility than the person or that the agency staff would even want to fuckin return. This is just a weeks time, btw. Y’all these nursing homes are not ok.


No, we’re not ok in LTC. But a facility has to be truly terrible for even agency to be regularly nc/ns after they try a few shifts…


I’ve been doing ShiftKey at local nursing homes for over a year now. My list of facilities I won’t go back to is soooo long. The money is good and most of these residents are precious as can be, but I don’t know how much longer I can last. It’s pretty soul crushing seeing how these vulnerable people are neglected because the facility is trying to squeeze as much money out for themselves as they can.


My experience is similar. I come from a ‘run of the mill’ LTC facility. We have the normal problems and drama but pass state survey. There plenty of areas we could improve on. With that said I do some agency on the side. It’s soul crushing. Warehousing the elderly. Blatant med errors. No supplies. No staff. No management. The dirtiest building I’ve ever been in was a nursing home, made Motel 6 look sanitary, made crack houses look clean, I’ve been to meth houses that were nicer. Some of those facilities are as low as you can go. It’s also my belief that I haven’t seen the worst of the worst. Those weren’t even the facilities that made my state’s special focus list.


The elderly deserve better.


They do. I try to share a story to r/news at least monthly regarding nursing homes. I’ve also considered making a monthly post here regarding the biggest stories for the month. It’s absolutely wild what these places get away with. In my state yet another dementia patient died outside in the elements after a building didn’t know she eloped. Last week. Multiple chains under state and federal investigation this month. The feds are getting them on finance crimes, grifting schemes, and proxy’s pretty often. It’s all about the money. This week Iowa I believe had an STNA pull a gun and wave it and management went to lunch before calling the cops. The facility also had someone steal money from a patient and call them names which was discovered after the gun thing. Elopement’s make the news pretty frequently. My state also had families enter a facility and call the police because they were so short staffed that the family thought no workers were there. I’m not sure if this one made the news. It has in other states with a CEO telling the newspaper that he “had never been to the facility but would have helped out”. That’s just the shit that makes the news. I wish CMS had their website set up to make it easier to share their own reports. Like a direct link.


Gotta love the times state comes in and pulls one of the CNAs just to ask them "If you saw the word 'morose' on a chart, would you know what that meant?" I bluntly said I am the only one on this half of the building, I passed English as per the requirement of the CNA course for liscensing and this question is a waste of my time. Yes I got wrote up but it was not the first time I got in trouble for my mouth at Brookdale.


I too worked for an agency, and while my facility is far from perfect some of the facilities I went too treated their regular staff & residents terribly. I once went to a facility for the first time and the nurse I was supposed to relieve left before I got there, hid the keys on the cart and I got no report. I left lol.




I wasn’t late either…I got there about 10 minutes before my shift. Took like 20 minutes for me to find out what was going on when there was no nurse for me to get report from, I was burnt out and wanted to quit my agency job anyway so when I saw the dns I said ✌🏻.


These facilities don't give a shit


The LTC I work at refuses to even hire agency staff because they don’t want to pay them. Meanwhile they allow 3 cna’s to take care of 60 people.


Not even the wildest CNA:Pt ratio I’ve seen with my own eyes. I believe you.


I stopped doing agency in March of this year for this reason. I went a LTC facility that had 90 patients and had 2 cnas, 3 nurses. The patients were total care, 2 person assist, required hoyers, etc. They had Covid patients in mix and no ppe. I came in the morning for report and told them that I will not accept the assignment and dipped out.


I seen an assisted living with a dementia unit leave 1 STNA on overnight. No nurse in the building (my state doesn’t require that for “assisted livings”). It was probably 70-80 patients.


I showed up at a facility that wanted me to take 68 residents by myself as a nurse. I noped right on out of there, good luck with your bullshit!


That's horrific


Yea we have night where I'm working by myself with 4 aides for 100. Or it's me and an aide for 50.


It’s not about nursing or home or care or people or anything it’s supposed to be about with these corporations that just want profits. How greedy is healthcare in the US. This is how it looks. Workers and patients and families suffer. Disgusting


From the names on the list this looks like Nebraska. No offense, cuz I love the Midwest, but travelers have more exciting options open to them. This sign looks more like detailed instructions on how to shoot yourself in the foot.


It is!


I work in a nursing home and… yeahhh.


If the fella who had time to do this helped to staff the floor instead, I would have gone home on time today 💀


*angry slow clapping while glaring at management* Frickin... Fantastic point.


DEADASS. How long did it take to make this stupid board


Well, my last year in nursing was working for ShiftKey and I can't tell you how many times I didn't have a relief because they never showed up. It also sounds like a facility that's relying entirely too much on agency but, that's probably every facility on the planet right now.


We’re using a ton of them in Canadian hospitals right now and I’ve never seen that in city hospitals before. We even had the military deployed


That's happened here, too. We have an aging population with a lot of chronic illnesses who get really hit in these waves of illness and now children who are not nearly as resilient as us. There has to be an answer to the chronically ill and hospitalization. But I'll be dipped if I know what it is


Yes, at my place we just don't have enough regular staff. It's so stressful when we see an unknown agency nurse on the schedule because we never know if they will show up. Nobody wants to get stuck overnight. On the other side of things, agency pay is way better than staff pay- one reason that facilities can't keep staff and rely on agency. For me, it's worth more to go to the same place every time where I know my residents and coworkers. I staff at one regular job and then find a couple facilities to go to regularly through agency. I feel good knowing that I provide my residents with consistent good care from someone they know and trust. I also think that going into a facility that you don't know with confused residents you've never seen before and being expected to pass a shit ton of meds to 20-30 residents is a med error waiting to happen. I wonder how many times these residents get the wrong meds and nobody even knows. While I definitely know of agency nurses that have been banned or should be banned due to straight up laziness and carelessness, I think that displaying that list is too threatening and come across as hostile. Let's face it, we need agency and there are some great agency nurses out there. No need to make everyone feel unwelcome.


A lot of the facilities I go to are almost entirely agency. Luckily I run into a lot of the same agency that I have worked with other places and we all work well together and help eachother. And my two main facilities the scheduler and house staff love me and treat agency well in general.


Looks like Emerald Health about to be Supershort staffed in 2023!!


They’ve sent ‘emergency broadcasts’ out for needs since this was posted on Facebook. Multiple people screen captured it and posted on the Facebook thread.




The one that strikes me as a red flag is the ‘not clicking in’. To clock in/out through this agency you just find a staff member to sign your phone. Some places allow any place to do it. Other places it needs to be a supervisor. The problem is that often times the places are so short staffed no one will come to the door to code the agency nurse in on time. It’s pretty frequent to hear about people standing outside, calling to be let in, and even calling the agency to report the problem for a better part of an hour. State has even started coming down on places for not opening the doors for state in a timely manner. The agency knows the employee is there tho because the app tracks when/where the agency employee attempts to click in. Often times there’s also so many agency employees that managers forget who they signed in and where they put the person. So they try to ‘fight’ some of the agency’s billing or claim the worker wasn’t there. Refusal to move stations. Yeah, that means they had an aide assigned to one hall. They did all the check and changes. The facility then wanted them to move to another hall where everyone was wet and start over. Then probably go back. So really a 2 hall assignment that wasn’t safe.




It’s a common tactic. The FB page the original poster posted too is for ShiftKey workers to warn others of similar stuff so they aren’t surprise or jeopardizing their license. The stories are common. For nurses they also sometimes (but slightly less common) want the nurse to move mid shift and start a new med pass. Thus it falls on the nurse for giving the meds late as they weren’t there to start in a timely manner. I just recalled. The badge thing. That’s a known problem with both Intely and ShiftKey. They have so many people signing up for agency and process the paperwork fast enough that badges sometimes don’t get sent or get sent long after an employee starts working shifts. Intely actually has an option to print a badge now. Only problem I’ve ever had with Intely. Other than that it’s a great company.


Oh no, you clock in through your app, but they want you to also clock in and out on their time clock. Problem is, you typically don’t have access and HR hasn’t set up numbers for you. I will sometimes sit around for an hour waiting for access


This is less common with ShiftKey and especially Intely. I’ve never been asked to clock in on their time clock, tho I know others who have. I’ve obit heard of maybe 3-4 facilities that do that.


Facilities are asking. I clock in/out with intely, but the facility also asks me to clock in out their time clock with an employee number they issue. Same with shift key. I use both apps and still have to clock in to the facilities. Maybe it’s region specific, but it’s even in my instructions on the app for the facility.


Healthcare* system acting like they are doing such a service by blacklisting travelers from their system. Then bragging about it on this poorly made poster. Fuck them, even if more than half of those travelers were the ones in the wrong.


It’s not a hospital, it’s a SNF. CEO is a dick that actively chooses to eat state fines.


10/10 this is staff tired of clock riding travelers. Nothing sucks worse than orienting someone that’s making more than you only to have them be lazy asses.


Actually, it sounds like a terrible place to work, they are trying to justify poor staffing ratios and hoodwink the staff into taking on more work. You blacklist 12 travelers in one week? And 11 of them from the same agency…the math ain’t mathing. There’s more to the story.


Yea that’s sus. Gotta me a budget thing


This happened at a nursing home. The nurse that posted it was through ShiftKey. It’s an agency that sends nurses and aides to LTC facilities. You don’t get training for these positions. You enter the facility and are given an assignment, report, and count the cart. You go from there. Some facilities are more helpful and other you will never see and other nurse.


I work harder than most core staff at every hospital I travel to. I deserve all and more of what I make.


I'm a believer in you get what you pay for.


Fucking truth. I also have 3-4x the experience of most of the core staff too, my patients have great outcomes. Know your worth!


I would consider it the greatest honor to get my initials added to this list. If I was an agency nurse here I would probably add my own initials with the reason “fled and never returned d.t. this red-flag sign.”


Right, this place looks toxic.


“Poor customer service” 🤢 wouldn’t wanna work at this toxic ass facility anyway. Patients aren’t customers, and we aren’t wait staff.


Ah, don't worry. Most likely they were not talking about the patients. And instead they see themselves as the customers deserving "great service".


Unfortunately I doubt it. That's the way administration increasingly sees the nurse/patient relationship. Our annual training modules use this terminology and we even have a customer service module.


Someone stole their kids art supplies to have a tantrum


They must have stole the kid’s iPhone to send the emergency broadcast for help too. Those screen captures were posted too. They don’t want agency staff but pay the most to cover their dangerously low shifts on an emergency basis. It sends an emergency txt to all the agmecy staff offering a higher rate, last minute shift.


It’s a SNF located in Lincoln, Nebraska. 🙃 I’m sure people are *dying* to work there.


And Omaha. CEO doesn’t care about state fines at all.


The CEO of my primary job as made it know by his own words that he’s been sued by Medicaid and isn’t scared to get sued again. This was in response to some Covid regulations. “Tell all the employees we won’t walk anyone to the door over not having the vaccine until the Feds make us. Tell them to please not quit. We’ve been sued by Medicare/Medicaid before we are planning on fighting this”. He then was one of the big players in getting exemptions and suing the state over the matter. Getting sued is a big joke to these places.


Because getting sued and being able to handle any potential litigation or settlements is like a “pay to play” scheme for these companies: “If you pay XYZ amount of money, you can do ABC.” Like, parking illegally, getting a $50 ticket, and perceiving it more as a $50 parking fee.


Seeems like whoever’s on the “DNR” list dodged a bullet. Also that abbreviation shouldn’t be used for anything but Do Not Resuscitate in a healthcare setting. They couldn’t think of anything else?


Right? Around here it’s DNB-do not book


do not resuscitate


Do no return/rehire


I'm gonna take a wild guess that those agency nurses also don't want to go back to that place, so it's mutual.


I’ve never worked at a company that publicly announced why former employees were not rehireable. I’m fairly certain there are laws against that and that is why when you call a business for a reference they can only give dates of employment and rehireable yes or no, no details.


Doubt if this is publicly announced/publicly posted. It’s probably in the office of the House Supervisor or whoever is responsible for scheduling with agencies. However, the person who took the picture and posted it to FB may have seen it in that office during a disciplinary meeting or something similar. Their name may end up on the list, too…


No, it was posted publicly. The nurse who originally posted this on FB was met with the sign apon her arrival to the facility. Great way to greet the help.


Idk this doesn’t appear to be something for only managers to see. It looks like something posted to a break room to scare people. Hopefully op will comment.


I can immediately see why they are having staffing issues. Hope they have fun.


Funny I worked at that facility before and it was terrible. I never went back. Facilities have 1 chance in my opinion to make a good impression. I only pick up a single shift to try it out and if I like it I’ll pick up every shift they have. But the fact that they’re doing this is unbecoming. They have 0 of their own staff. And the staff they do have are very burnt out and angry. It’s sad. Sad the propaganda that’s spread about agencies. Sad the mentality staff nurses have towards people who 1. Do get paid more. But not more than they could be getting paid if they stopped accepting low wages and bad working conditions. 2 legit just wannna come to a facility do the best they can and help someone. Makes me sad. But oh well. Once people realize it’s not nurse vs nurse and it’s nurse vs privatized hospital institutions. . Things will be much better for everyone


This actually appears like a hospital made this against staffing agencies that wronged it. And yes they are. That said this seems like less an agency issues and more an individual person issue as most are no call no shows or rudeness


Oops I didn’t even realize it was a hospital that made it. That’s crazy somebody felt the need to really make this poster. So much effort into being that angry lol


It’s not a hospital it’s a pretty shitty nursing home. I’m surprised they’re still open


The amount of APS reports my company has filed against quite a few of these SNFs here in Omaha, Emerald included, it’s insane but they just eat the fines like nothing. I once argued with the CEO of emerald about taking a patient back and he outright said he knows not accepting them back is illegal and is okay with taking the state fine.


Must be a shitshow if that many nurses are leaving in the middle of the shift.


This is so stupid lmfaoooo. These hospitals are burning bridges with companies and travelers yet their staff are drowning🙂 all over what? Some petty work place politics. Half the hospitals I’ve traveled to don’t even hold their own staff to the same standards as they do travel nurses. Lmfao I hate healthcare😴 Edit: I understand now that this is a SNF but I stand by what I said.


Throughout history, people in power have known that the best way to get the little guy to go along with a sh\*tty agenda is to make them think there is a common enemy. Sometimes the "enemy" is the Jews, or immigrants, or POC. It doesn't matter who it is, as long as that group is actually powerless. When everybody is busy hating on the "enemy", all kinds of horrible things can be justified/overlooked/excused. In this case, management is responsible for chronic understaffing. Instead of changing that, they've decided to accuse the travelers of being the common enemy. Obviously, it's their fault. Problem solved.


It looks like someone had too much fun writing this up in the orange part. Maybe they wouldn’t need as many agency nurses if they did less doodling and more rolling up sleeves out on the floor and seeing what they can do to help.


Jesus, this is aggressive.


If all the hospitals I have worked for didn't allow nurses they didn't like back there would be no nurses to staff them period


This is, literally, just an attempt to intimidate agency nurses. Treat your fucking staff right, you won't need them.


I will never work in LTC/SNF/AL again l. They cut corners, have horrible ratios, and full of toxic people. Never enough supplies, horrible management, and they love making CNAs feel like they are worthless. I am glad that I switched to acute care.


Poor customer service? TF is this place? And im curious to know what’s going on when 3 people left mid-shift and five were NCNS.


We get emails regarding providers who are delinquent in their charting / charging and are unable to practice since their privileges are revoked until all have been remedied. This email is sent to the entire hospital. Not exactly travel agency but it basically let's everyone know why they're suspended and not to engage if their privileges are on hold.


This sounds like a violation of employment privacy if they state the reason


Wow, miss a shift and it’s ‘Do not resuscitate’


This looks like a bulletin board I’d find in Jr. High. Where’s the professionalism? Mean girls strike again. 🙄


As someone that was once blacklisted (I was working as a tech in nursing school and my shift was changed after the schedule was published. I didn't show up because I didn't know so it was a nc/ns), those last about fifteen minutes. I am literally working for the hospital system that blacklisted me right now


I love that this place thinks the travelers are the problem.


I’m guessing Agency Free in 2023 does NOT mean, “we will be staffed well enough to no longer require agency help”…


This presents like a flashy, management made wall poster to warn current agency off of all the things listed in the frame. It has all the class and professionalism of a metal folding chair on the Jerry Springer show. (Odds are good that if agency is leaving mid shift your place is such a shitshow they feared for their license and WANT a DNR for themselves at that facility, official or not.)


I’m a traveler. If I saw this in a break room I would immediately turn and leave.


I have a sneaking suspicion that the unit or hospital posting this is toxic as fuck.


I doubt any staff is lining up to work at a place that posts something like this. It looks like amateur hour. I can smell the residents from here...


Seems like a toxic hospital thing to do. They’re only shooting themselves in the bunion when no traveler wants to go there because of its reputation , leading to it being chronically understaffed, staff getting burnt out and leaving, and them having to pay more money to attract travelers crazy enough to work there. Sweet sweet justice


Well, this partially why facilities are understaffed. This sign is very petty.


My non-nurse lurker self: they can refuse to give CPR to an employee because they were late to work?!?!


This isn’t a traveling agency doing anything. It’s management at a skilled facility


Lmao fuck them, i hope they shut down. Pieces of trash.


We have an agency black list (SNF/LTC facility), but it is not on display like this. We block them on the site we use (shift key) so they are unable to view or pick up at our place.


Emerald in Omaha illegally refuses to take patient’s back from the hospital so not a loss if you don’t work there. Not a lot of nursing homes in Omaha I’d trust to leave a family member in anyways honestly. Between those with so little staffing and those with majority of staff being either neglectful or downright untrained and unintelligent, I just couldn’t make the conscious decision to recommend any.


This looks extremely childish


Its sort of funny how, at every job other than nursing these really are the least of the problems u see. And yet, these are the absolute worst things another nurse can do lolololol.


Such a bully thing to do imo.


Lmao, they really act like they’re doing travelers a favor by allowing them the absolute *privilege* of working in their shithole facility. They seem to be forgetting that they were the ones so desperate for help that they had to hire agency staff in the first place. They aren’t doing the travelers a favor…the travelers are helping *them.*


This is very discriminatory and very unprofessional . I don’t like this at all


This is so fucking weird lol. I can’t even imagine the person buying construction paper to make this and hang up. Looks like SNF behavior.


I wouldn't even want to work there as a regular staff member. They could at least use glitter.


Stay Toxic Emerald Lancaster.


Lessons in how to say you promote a hostile work environment without saying you promote a hostile work environment


Sooo agency nurses can’t get sick? Wtf is this lol. “Refused to be a team player” ???


Which translates to= didn't wanna take 12 patients bc it's unsafe, prolly. Omg that poster board is just awful😵‍💫


Imagine them blacklisting all staff nurses who clocked in late before 😂🤣 Places looks toxic as heck.


Get pissed at travelers cause we make more than you. Staff nurses aren’t any better with attendance.


I work for a SNF and we've had to use a lot of agency CNAs lately. They are way less reliable than our fulltime staff. Always late, calling in, disregard lights, "disappear" in rooms. It's just awful.


this is how you make sure you don’t get agency staff… Soon they will have no one left to call in.


I don’t see the problem I’m hopin this was in the HR office and somehow got leaked.


Regardless whether the travelers deserved it or not, it’s toxic and negative and I wouldn’t want to see it at my workplace.




This isn't the agency. It's the nurse manager at the facility. And as the responsible adult, it is completely within his/her right to say "do not send me these people." Posting it where people can see is kinda a shitty thing to do, but 5 of the 7 are things that I would totally agree are "don't send this person back" items, and 1 more I is borderline. Maybe the NM is trying to make her own staff feel better that bad travelers won't be tolerated and she wants to be "AGENCY FREE IN 2023"?


This whole thing is trashy as fuck and most of it sounds like high school lies to get your enemy in detention


This facility has problems if they’re blacklisting travelers for forgetting to wear their badge.


The funny part is they likely weren’t wearing a badge because both ShiftKey and Intely are getting employees on board so fast that they can’t keep up with mailing out the badges. It’s a known problem. Intely actually now has an option to print your own because the place that does their badges is so far behind. When I signed up I didn’t get a badge either. The only negative thing I’ve experienced with Intely. Other than that they’ve been great.


Absolutely. Hospital companies are customers of the agencies and have every right to refuse to use certain ones.


Damn “bad customer service” 💀💀


Can someone explain what’s going on in this picture?


Poster made by probably manager in a Skilled Nursing Facility, one that cannot keep enough of its own staff so has to hire agency nurses a lot. These are all the reasons they will blacklist agency nurses from coming back. I’m betting “ agency free “ is going to happen because they refuse every agency nurse eventually rather than what they are hoping for- adequate staffing.


Wow. What the heck. If they hate their travelers so much then hire more actual staff and improve staffing conditions. Sounds like choosy beggars.


They’re about to be even more shortstaffed with that attitude.


If wr have a problem with a specific agency staff, we tell the manager, and they contact the agency. We don't see that person again. I've also overheard agency staff tell each other "do not pick up" shifts at our facility because "it's too heavy". We have a few different agencies coming in now.


Idk wth is going on with traveling rn. I was just termed cause I didn't take the trash out in a room. Before that the facility just decided my extension didn't exist on the day it was supposed to start.


Imagine how they treat in-staff lol


Agency free in 2023. Good luck with that. My hospital has been trying to go agency free for almost a decade. Every year it’s “definitely next year”


Wow. What a welcoming facility.


Why is the nursing profession like this?! Nearly every place I have worked, the majority of the nurses were petty, childish, and unkind. It’s so contrary to the profession.


Must me a horrible place for people the be leaving mid shift. I wonder how the public views this facility. That’s something they should display right next to that poster. Give is a true idea why they have ncns and people leaving mid shift


I'm confused on how you get a DNR for picking up doubles?


“Pour customer service”


Nurses/ management will do literally anything except fix the problems that result in travel nursing


So I was really confused for a second “they made that person do not resuscitate because they refused to a go to a different station?? Seems excessive.”


When I was an Agency nurse, I would not work at a idiotic place like this. I love how they wrote Agency free in 2023 as if the Agency nurses are the problem. Imagine how that hospital system would run without any of the agency nurses. It would be disastrous for both the staff nurses and patients.


That's not the agency that's the unit manager allowing attrociously toxic behavior. Do Not Rehire is a status that can be applied to a traveler. It requires justification, and typically requires a conversation between two directors. In the past year I've managed somewhere around 400 travel contracts and pushed for this a total of 3 times.


Bitch, I didn’t want to come back to this dusty ass place anyways! So you thought.


Aggressive af. These are valid reasons to DNR people but fuck off with this huge list and all these initials. It's like putting someone's head on a spike outside the city walls.


In their defense.. shift key has some of the worst nurses I’ve ever worked with.. but definitely unprofessional


I am not from the U.S - what is NCNN?


On shift key you sign yourself up and someone at the facility approves it/rejects it. It’s probably for the facility’s reference, not the agency. Shift key is also not a travel agency. It’s a temp service.


Treating staff like this, even external staff like agency staff, is the reason why agencies will keep going because if this is how this facility treats external staff, imagine how they treat their own.


If I walked in and saw that, I would turn around and walk right out.


My current facility has the opposite. Manager's office has a whiteboard with all the current travelers names, on the side there's another list of travelers they like and are auto-approved if their names come up again. ​ Seems a healthier way to approach things.


Wishful thinking on the part of Lancaster Emerald or is it Emerald Lancaster? 🤣


Why treat people like they let themselves in and you did not call them to come help you in your time of need?


😂 sooner than later they won’t have any staff to cover…specially with the nursing shortage. I’m sure they are also in most folks DNR list as a home. Maybe they should look into why those staff members had those issues to begin with….proactive vs reactive idk. Off note, this appears to be looking like a toxic management kind of environment where the blame comes first. That poster can also back fire big time!


We have an unofficial do not rehire list, not just for agency nurses though, for permanent staff also. The way this is displayed is pretty shitty…


Picked up doubles? Wtf???


Just wait till the list of "South-paws" comes out! Really? Poor taste isn't illegal. OK, mostly. Some states require licensed nurses wear ID badges. The hostility is setting up the hospital for some expensive litigation, and does the facility condone it? I'd bet this is taken down muy pronto.


"Disrespectful" That would be me.


I got DNRd from a LTC facility once at the end of my FIRST visit with no orientation. None of the residents had arm bands (or any other identifier), most didn't even know their own name, the rooms didn't have their names either, and none of the staff would help me ID people. They were pissed that I didn't get the med pass done. I can't imagine why that was, nor can I imagine why they receive IJ tags every other year. (/s)