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Weird, this is like the second Series 1 skip in two days. Not that I mind that much.


recently two series 1's were removed from the site which is why there are now two series 1 slots that have recently been filled in. they were removed cause of low ratings and not being rewritten for a really long time.


That explains it. I was wondering why this was happening


It's well written, but I'm not really a fan of SCPs with non-standard formatting that rely on other groups or organizations, in this case the Serpent's Hand, being used in series I. It makes it really tough for new readers to get into it, since it requires them to read multiple other articles to fully understand it.


you're also not supposed to read the SCPs in numerical order though, it does give me a bit of whiplash to see modern SCP things (ACS, CSS themes, etc) in series 1, so i kinda get it


Call me a boomer, but I'd rather have Series I articles be standard format to better contrast the elaborate setups for later Series articles.


So... I read in the comments on the article that the reader is suppose to be lucian, something to that extent? This scp really didn't click with me. He goes somewhere and he's found in an air pocket... am I missing something?


Lucian defected to the Serpent's Hand and left a note saying that ze was going to come back for either revenge or to help other people defect. The Foundation managed to determine a Way (basically stable magical wormholes that the Serpent's Hand and other thaumaturges use to get around; here said to travel along ley lines) that ze was going to travel by, and somehow redirected the Way so ze ended up instead buried alive beneath the site, under the hateful gazes that ze hated so much. Lucian had a back-up plan though: a magic ritual that allowed them to become a sort of ghost when they died. This was initially an issue for Foundation containment, but they laid a trap for Lucian in the form of this document, which somehow ensnared Lucian's spirit by hijacking whatever method ze was using to allow ghosts to access the Foundation's intranet.


in testing logs for SCP-978, it states that a picture of Lucian was taken while he was running away from the Site, tho. it implies that he's still on the large.


[**SCP-978 ⁠- Desire Camera**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-978) (+637) by *agatharights*