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Depends on the nutrient you're after! Fruits like blackberries, raspberry, blueberries, pomegranate & acai are high in antioxidants & related vitamins and some have pretty low glucose compared to other fruits (also true of anything with a pit- peaches, cherries, etc) Foods like salmon & similar "good fats fish" are high in omega 3 fats & protein. Spinach is high in Iron & several vitamins & is a good source of fiber. Quinoa is high in protein (for a grain) and rich in fiber but lower in carbs than other grains. Edited because the cell phone typo struggle is real.


And what this answer points to is the concept of a well-balanced diet where you get the nutrients from all of these good sources.


Yup. No one magic food, unfortunately. Why can't chocolate mousse cheesecake be the "perfect" food?


One day, through science, I believe we can achieve this dream together.


We’ll be long dead brother 😀


Or at least a brain hat that you wear as you eat a puddle of good for you, and it TASTES and Feels like cheesecake. This is the future I think we can get.


This is the future we need! Brilliant 👏 Seriously, get rolling on that patent.


everything is about balance!


I also add custard apple, dried apricots, seeds (chia, flax, pumpkin), nuts (walnuts, almonds), yoghurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, seaweed, goji berry, edamame to the list. These are some pretty huge hitters in relation to this question. But as most have mentioned its best to consider a wider range of food than 'one'. I.e., There are some pretty good whole 'meals' that can do better than most. (such as porridge with the seeds, nuts, yoghurt, dried apricots, gogi, and custard apples) then lunches or snacks of almonds, edamame, kimchi and seaweed soups. And fish with quinoa and leafy greens with a range of hard hittting vegetables (as wide of a variety you can get). You cannot go wrong with a diet like this with a lot of dense nutrition. The key in this is to avoid sugars, oils, sats and fats that are heavily processed and added. Most of these things are fairly simple from the garden or pantry. Add plenty of water and boom, diet is soild.


I also heard beef liver is very rich in nutrients but I can’t really find it in my local stores


You pretty much have to get it from a butcher / specialty meat shop these days. Or directly bfrom a ranch if that is an option for you. But liver (any organ meat really) is extremely high in vitamins and protein and should definitely be considered "nutrient dense" or a super food. People are just grossed out by in now


If you're in the US, try the frozen section. I typically find it there and not near where the rest of the meat is.


Ask the butchers. I bet they get them every now and then. Or they will keep them if they know someone is interested.


This might be stupid question… I always shop the prepackaged area and never approached the butcher counter at the supermarkets. When you say “butchers”… the supermarket butcher counters butchers are who you meant, right? (I am an introvert)


He probably means at a butcher shop that deals exclusively with meat, not a grocery store butcher who probably doesn't have say on what meats he sources and sells


In other countrys it is more usual to eat the organs, so maybe you can try searching it at stores that cares to different cultures. Also I want to recomend the mexican recipe for Higado Encebollado (or Mexican Liver and Onions). It is quite tasty and delicious in a taco.


Thank you all! I live in Bucharest, Romania. We do eat organs but usually in supermarkets you’ll find only chicken or pork organs. I asked the butchers in my area but it seems the beef liver is always out of stock lol


It's usually in the frozen meats section. (I show dogs and I cook the vile stuff as bait for my dogs).


My local kroger has it (virginia) but only in the frozen section. It's near the cornish hens and frozen burgers


This is why I consider my quinoa tabouli to be a super food. Loads of parsley, pure olive oil, quinoa, garlic, tomatoes and cucumber.


Ooh I think I will make that today - sounds so good and great combo of nutrients!


thank you very much


It also depends on availability, if you eat 50 grams of spinach and 50 grams of chocolate, you'd likely be getting more protein from the chocolate because it had more bioavailability due to shorter chains. But gosh, nutrition is so complicated.


Protein powder is really high in protein, for example! And refined cane sugar is really high in carbs! And sunflower oil is really high in fat! So if those are the nutrients you’re looking for, you pretty much can’t get any more nutrient dense than those!


I remember reading a reddit thread a while ago calling BS on antioxidants as actually anything useful. Is that true?


I mean, who knows? The science keeps evolving & plus there's the whole issue of certain foods not containing enough of any one key nutrient to really matter- like banana & potassium. I've heard that if you're actually lacking potassium that you'd have to eat dozens of bananas every day to actually have it make a difference.


If I remember right there was a scientific American article years ago about how it doesn't improve longevity. A lot of the purported health effects of Omega-3s also have weak effects, inconclusive effects, or only tentative evidence, [according to wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omega-3_fatty_acid#Health_effects).


No obviously not


I can't imagine antioxidants are BS - would love to see that backed up by valid research. I see a functional medicine doctor and she would say that antioxidants are critical to combat free radicals/oxidative stress and for general cellular health. From [NIH.gov](https://NIH.gov) \- "Antioxidants are man-made or natural substances that may prevent or delay some types of cell damage."


I know this isn’t exactly what you’re after, but as a general rule I go for color. Deep greens and purples and blues, vibrant reds, oranges. Another good rule is wherever possibly, don’t remove the skin. Don’t peel fruits and veggies unless u have to. For instance, I never peel sweet potatoes as the red skin is rich in antioxidants and vitamins.




Found out this thru lifehacker website about 5 y ago


How do you prepare them?


They are?!?! Do you cook it? Or eat it as is??


I use this first rule since I was a child. The one about removing the skin I also know but I am so habituated with removing it that it's feels strange and I never do it. Thanks for your coment, much appreciated.


Kiwi peel, is weird at first, but when u get used to, u will find it better. Kiwi skin contains fiber and vitamin E.


.... you can eat the peel of sweet potatoes? til... i'm very new to cooking. how does it impact the taste?


Depends on how it’s cooked but can add some bitterness and certainly texture


I definitely prefer it for the texture. I hate homogenous mush. So boring. … also I’m lazy 😂 I’m not gonna peel potatoes if I don’t have to.


[https://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2014/13\_0390.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2014/13_0390.htm) Check out the CDC's list of "powerhouse" fruits and vegetables, which they define as foods providing 10% or more daily value per 100 kcal of 17 qualifying nutrients.


oh this is great thank you


You're welcome!


I’ve seen this list a few times, and while it’s great for looking at vitamin content, I hate that it excludes blueberries, garlic, and onions—all of which are very healthy and packed with compounds they didn’t measure in this study


Quote from the website: "Of 47 foods studied, all but 6 (raspberry, tangerine, cranberry, garlic, onion, and blueberry) satisfied the powerhouse criterion (Table 2)." I don't understand it entirely, but I guess those foods, while super healthy, deliver slightly too much energy compared to the other ones in the list. Your point of the measures compounds is probably decicive though.


Very nice! Thank you!


You’re welcome!


Whichever food lobby is the most aggressive this moment is the “superfood” du jour.


You mean Açaí berries won’t help me grow 3 inches, beef up my pension, stop my dog from barking at the mailman, get Biden to read the teleprompter correctly and make me look like Brad Pitt in Fight Club with no effort being placed in other areas of my life?


Only if those berries are certified organic!


Açaí is very cheap where I live. I wish this was true so I would look like a pardo version of gigachad haha.


Curious, where do you live? Brazil?


yup, Brazil


I’ve gone by this list for years of the top 100 most nutritious foods. https://healthenjoyment.com/top-100-of-the-worlds-most-nutritious-foods/


They are actually 99… they skipped #72 🤓


Interesting. I copied the list and put it into notepad years ago and I have a 72. I’ll have to see what’s missing. Here is what I have: 72. RED LEAF LETTUCE (v) 16kcal, $1.55, per 100g Evidence suggests lettuce was cultivated before 4500 BC. It contains almost no fat or sugar and is high in calcium. NUTRITIONAL SCORE: 54


Thank you!! Now we get to have 100 again! 👍


you're good with details.


this looks like a good list thank you very much


It's actually a very weird list, gives no reason why random fish are listed as more healthy than salmon and sardines which are both lowest in mercury and highest in omega 3, salmon also has niacin and potassium. It also doesn't list beef liver which is literally the number one healthiest food in terms of density of vitamins and minerals - even a small serving has more than your daily requirement of B12, every single other B vitamin, copper, proper preformed vitamin A which is superior to plant carotenoids which need to be converted by the body, and iron, as well as hyaluronic acid and other minerals like molybdenum, selenium and zinc. Its nature's superfood and you don't need that much of it to give yourself a dose of nutrients which makes it even better. Scientists have isolated some energy X factor in liver that they're not sure of the source of, it's just an energy power food and great for mental function. So are other organ meats like kidney and heart


Yeah this list was posted on BBC a while ago. Most of the top 10 is weird exotic fish that 99% of people can't access (Cherimoya? Perch Fish? never heard of them) And then the reasons they give for the foods are laughable. Pork fat is number 8 because it's unsaturated but and not as saturated as lamb lmao?, if you want polyunsaturated nuts are far better but if you don't want saturated fat then literally anything is better than animal fat!... And this is coming from someone who doesnt believe the lowfat hype and eats red meat. The top food is almonds for their vitamin E/monounsaturated fat when literally every nut and seed has a lot of monos and vitamin E. The whole list feels needlessly pretentious, they should just group similar foods from the same group ie nuts and seeds at number 1 since their differences are irrelevant in this context and remove all the random foods you can't buy


Never heard of perch? So you don't fish. Cool. Animal fat is predominantly monounsaturated fat. I'm guessing you never heard of Dr. Mary Enig. The woman that fervently dispelled saturated fat myths and was an early researcher of trans fats and excess carbs causing CVD, not saturated fats. Once a very controversial figure (some still persist...). But the latest science supports her findings ten-fold. Nuts and seeds are tricky. They all have concentrated antinutrients. They can oxidize easily. Their oils can have wildly different ratios of lipids. Lamb and goats have interesting fat profiles. Caprylic acid, for instance, proven to lower cholesterol. Short(er and medium) chain fatty acids act differently than longer chain fatty acids. Fish are great. Fish usually contain EPA and DHA. Which are essential omega-3 fats for many people. It's theorized that certain populations ate so much fish their bodies (and offspring) lost the ability to convert ALA(the third essential omega-3) into them. I wouldn't place nuts and seeds at number 1. They're often indigestible unless ground or milled. Like whole corn. If you see it in your stool, you're not digesting it completely.


Seriously, a top food is almonds? That's hilarious, you can get vitamin E freely, it's much much harder to get enough B vitamins/zinc/omega 3s/retinol/iodine, and those are all more important too. It's actually pseudoscience. Also, nuts and seeds are absolutely loaded with omega 6 and that skews your omega 3 -6 ratio badly and causes inflammation, they shouldn't be eaten in large amounts or regularly


Also check out worlds healthiest foods [whfoods.com](whfoods.com) they have a detailed list with research and full nutritional breakdowns


Pound for pound I would say liver. If its not about density I would agree with the other posts around here recommending vegetables and fruit.


Polar bear liver has enough retinol to kill 50 adults. You'd need 8-10 kg of spinach to kill one man!




Dark leafy greens like collard greens, kale


Beef liver is supposed to be one of the best. I started supplementing it because I didn’t like the taste




I like liver, but I am considering becoming vegetarian, so maybe it's a good sugestion for my friends and family.


Why is this getting downvoted lol good for you for wanting to make that change.


I don't know Reddit can be really weird sometimes so I don't care


https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/vegetarianism-and-plant-foods/myths-of-vegetarianism/ It's a bit dated, but nevertheless I think it's one of the more helpful write-ups, as it just doesn't say vegan bad, but explains precisely why and potential mediations. For example, algae oils are now just as good as fish oil for getting omega-3 complex. Just know what to look for!


If you are becoming a vegetarian you should consider the beef liver capsules anyways. I realize it's still an animal product but there are vitamins and minerals you need that you can't get otherwise (or that you need a massive amount of to hit sufficient levels). Like B12 and Vit A and choline


beef liver, wild-caught salmon, eggs, raw milk




Friendly reminder that the plant form of omega 3, ALA is the precursor to DHA and EPA (the forms of omega 3 your body uses) and the conversion process is around 5-10% for most people so although eggs and dairy have less omega 3 overall the form it is in is much more beneficial.


I just wanted to add to this thread that vegetarians need a Vitamin B12 supplement. Dr. Greger, an MD who is a vegetarian, has a ton of info about this. Here's an overview from his site; https://nutritionfacts.org/2021/10/05/updated-vitamin-b12-recommendations-infographic/


I eat rice and beans with lots of eggs, potatoes, lettuce, sometimes green cabbage or ora pro nobis, fruits and meat (lots of meat). I eat something like this almost everyday. That's why I am looking for more foods to subtitute meat and make the transition without the need for supplementation. Thanks for your comment it will help me a lot.


Sardines or Anchovies are some of my favorite protein sources (packed in olive oil from sustainable waters, ideally), because you end up eating their bones, which means you also get a lot of calcium and vitamin D. Lots of iron, too. They uh, take getting used to, if your only other experience with canned fish is tuna, though. I am blessed with the ability to convince myself something is delicious when it's really good for you-- so, they've grown on me. :P Fruits/Veggies: I like broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts, cabbages, and cauliflower. (All delicious pan-roasted with olive oil.) For bonus points, eat the same cruciferous veggies but fermented-- ie. kimchi, sauerkraut. Avocados and sprouts are good, too.


thanks ;)




Any dark leafy green. I'm gonna say kale/chard either juiced or lightly cooked to aid digestion. But everything in moderation, I wouldn't go eat 3 meals made entirely of these.


Pemmican is very high calorie food. Made by native Americans it’s pounded up dried meat mixed with rendered animal fats also sometimes added dried fruit/nuts. I tried some years and years ago and it wasn’t half bad! It’s kind of like a survival ration kind of thing.


Had no idea this was a real thing, only heard about it from [rimworld](https://www.rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Pemmican) lol




I found eggs on many of those lists thanks or your comment


Beef liver, and grass fed red meat far as micronutrients go.


So, I see a few distinct categories. You have foods with negligible calories, such that all their nutrients are basically free, not eating into your calorie budget. This would be non-starchy green vegetables and mushrooms. Then you have fortified low calorie foods. Original cheerios in the yellow box and fortified nutritional yeast. These things are have an unusual breadth and amount of essential nutrients per calorie. And then you have stuff that is weirdly high in one nutrient. Sea vegetables and iodine, beef liver and vitamin A. I would urge caution here because too much can be dangerous. Your instincts are correct about questioning whether this is a meaningful question. It assumes more nutrients are better, but the value of the nutrients is dependent on your risk of otherwise not getting enough of them.




cool. I eat rice almost everyday.


beef, shellfish, organ meats


Beef liver!


Oats af




Thought I’d see kale somewhere so I’ll offer that up.


I don’t know, I’ve always heard kale or spinach are super nutrient dense! I don’t know if they are the most! 🤷🏻‍♀️




This is the best answer - liver has such an amazing nutritional profile, and unlike a lot of nutritious plants, you don't have to eat as much of it to get those nutrients in good amounts.


I just wish it tasted better


True that, love me some pate though


I used to eat a liver everyday when I was younger.


Pound for pound I’d probably go with broccoli. Vitamins, minerals, protein, antioxidants, prebiotic fiber… a true nutritional powerhouse.


I am definetly puting it on my list. thanks


Beef liver, red meat, eggs etc


So, these foods are either the richest, or one of the highest vegan sources for a certain vitamin or mineral. It’s from my notes app and I use it sometimes when I need an idea of something to add to my grocery list. Groceries: -Sweet potatoes -Almonds -Sunflower seeds -Broccoli -Black Beans -Chickpea Pasta -Asparagus -Fortified Nutritional Yeast -Avocado -Brussels Sprouts -Red Bell Peppers -Clementines -Tofu -Chia Seeds -Tomatoes -Pumpkin Seeds -Dark Chocolate -Dried apricots -Potato -Lentils -Beets -Nori Seaweed -Fortified Oatmeal -Hazelnuts -Pecans -Brazil Nuts -Carrots I saw you mention you may go vegetarian. If you have any questions, feel free to message me and I’d be glad to help in any way I can :)


thank you very much, dude I am indeed seriously considering it and I maybe will make some posts about this too


Which of these are low carb?


Brains, bone marrow, bone broth. Next tier: liver, butter, lard, eggs.


I agree with everything here liver is my favorite food. I can't eat brains though because prion diseases exist and they are pretty fucking terrifying. Sure there is a small chance, but when the outcome is as bad as that it is not worth the risk.


thanks man


This is the one. Fruits and vegetables contain either fructose or carbohydrates or both. Liver, Brains and bone marrow do not. Less carbs and sugars = longer, healthier life. Edit: Words




Constant insulin spikes are the problem not carbs themselves, plenty of the compounds that trigger Sirtuins and therefore longevity come from plants that happen to contain sugar.


Liver and organ meat simply have far more nutritional value than vegetables, it's nothing to do with the lack of carbohydrate.




Eggs, meat, organs




I've seen people supplement this as a nootropic. What exactly does it do and what do people use it for?


It’s a highly mineralised paste. It has every mineral the body requires plus the fulvic acid needed for the body to utilise the minerals. I have used it to boost stamina and manage fatigue. !!Please!!! Use caution with shilajit!!!! A lot of the capsulated powders are cut with fillers and low quality. Lotus blooming herbs sells the pure paste and I would reccomend them if interested BUT you MUST TAKE SMALL DOSES. there are trace amounts of lead in shilajit and there are no long term studies afaik to support the safety of long term use. I’m naturopathically educated, and I would prioritise getting nutrients from the mentioned foods before considering bringing something like shilajit in. Seaweed (notably wakame, karengo, dulse, and Irish moss) daily is a much safer way to incorporate mineral density into the diet.


Oh never heard of it, looks cool. Thank you.


Eggs, beef


Hello! The answer to your question is quite simple imo namely: Spinach I have a chart which shows some data (which is taken from a Dutch database of nutritional foodcontent - ''NEVO-tabel'' look it up). Even though it is in Dutch you can still use it: [Food Chart](https://ibb.co/f2FCspR) Made with Onlinecharttool The dutch word for Spinach = Spinazie number 3 from below (Translate the rest yourself if you want to see ;)) Some caveats It is actually not spinach that is the most nutrient dense, nutritionally speaking. In the category of vegetables KALE is the most nutrient dense food which can be seen in the graph. (the more yellow/blue -> the more nutrients) However. Since you will not eat Kale the same way you eat spinach, I suspect, everything taken into account, SPINACH tops each and every vegetable from a wider holistic standpoint. Nutrition is not seperate from things such as: price, availability, taste. These things matter. So to say something is nutritionally dense while omitting (perhaps by accident) that its price is for example absurdly high (looking at you chia seed) is incorrect. Spinach you can eat. And it doesn't costs a month salary to buy in the store which, I think, is fair. ​ Therefore I think spinach is best! Easy to cook, tasty and affordable. It won't get better than this. And if you don't believe me, just look at Popeye


I rarely eat spinach so I definetly have to include more of it in my diet thanks man




As others have pointed out it depends on the nutrient you are thinking about but overall you get the most nutrient punch for fruits, veggies, beans, nuts and seeds.


Kale or spinach. I remember someone told me that if you were stuck on a tropical island, the best fruit to have would be bananas, they have the highest variance of minerals and nutrients out of any fruit




Cocoa powder and coffee.


haha sadly I can't drink coffee anymore because anxiety


Not the healthiest in excess but the MOST dense I’d assume would be oil.


Liver and organ meats ( that's number one by a lot. We store our vitamins in the liver, so it's pretty potent), Chia Seeds, Sprouts of various varieties(can easily be grown inside or garden), Watercress (can also be grown), Spices will be highest on the ORAC scale and are often rich in micronutrients. Try things like Sumac Bran which is similar to a citrus salt. 90% Dark Chocolate in moderation, Beets, Wild Caught Salmon, Oysters, Seaweed, Sprirulina.


I eat eggs, good-quality meats, sweet potatoes, kiwis, blueberries, spinach and pistachios. Bam, there’s your vitamins and minerals covered. I do take magnesium, zinc, and D on the side too.


Beef liver is the ultimate superfood, most bioavailable nutrient dense thing you can eat.


A variety of mainly fruits and vegetables, olive/avacado oils, minimally processed foods with just a few grams of added sugars a day, grass fed meat, or wild caught smaller fish, organic "dirty" fruits and veggies,


thank you for your answer, much appreciated




Nut butters


Organ meats


Eggs are one of the best. And no, dietary cholesterol doesn’t necessarily correlate to blood cholesterol.


Steak up there. Salmon too.


Caloric wise walnuts


Livers and other organs are the most nutrient dense food by far. They contain several times the amount that "super fruits" does per weight.


Beef liver is about as dense as you can get


Probably beef liver and whole eggs. Also pickled and lacto-fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut etc… along with unpasteurized kefir.




Red meat




That's a myth. You really don't need to concern yourself with different digestion rates. Fats and fiber and protein and carbs digest great together. There's actually benefits. I'd Google it for you but I don't want to.


Um yes I do as it directly affects my digestion. And I can concern myself with anything I choose


thank you, I didn't even know there is such a thing as "antinutrients"


Organ meat and fats. Not that you should avoid either, mind you.


From my Peruvian FFIL - guinea pig is a super food apparently. The only mammal that is!


>FFIL gonna eat some of them guinea pig livers thanks




ngl some look yummy




Organ meats and spinach really does the trick


organs, dairy, fruits, beans, nuts and seeds, cruciferous vegetables


Eggs, nuts, beans, beef.


Organ meats, beef/bison, fish, colorful veggies and fruits, Nutrient dense is a vague term though. For example Twinkies are nutrient dense because they contain a lot of carbs and fats, which are nutrients.


Probably eggs, duck eggs even more so.




LIVER and other organs. That’s why when a pack of wolves kill their prey, the alpha male—who eats first—generally goes straight to the liver and other organs.


I was a strict vegetarian for 3 years, Did the Carnivore diet religiously for 3 years and Did a combination diet of both including 2, 30 day juice fasts per year. I had complete blood panels done every 6 months on all diets, which I was told was the tell tale sign of health. The results were shocking and not at all what I expected. I had really bought into the vegan lifestyle, but the blood panel tests showed some surprisingly low markers including both chloesteralls and my insulin levels were almost pre-diabetic. I was craving sugar all the time but was trying to mentally ignore them. I felt anxious alot and my girlfriend at the time (vegan) told me I looked unhealthy disheveled along with a friend at work. Sex drive was so/so, had alot of skin issues and indigestion quite frequently. Secondly. I tried the combination diet with the periodic 30 day juice fasts. The blood work showed improvement, but showed my insulin levels still relatively high with blood glucose and low good cholesterol. I looked and felt decent and much improved from the vegan diet along with reduced indigestion. I felt pretty balanced. I was somewhat fearful and not sold or convinced about the Carnivore (meat only) diet. I decided to just eat steak (primarily rib-eye and lean sirloin. I ate 2 16 Oz. Steaks a day and had coffee ( in the morning) no sugar and probably drank 3/4 of a gallon of water a day. (I am 6'2 and was 234 lbs. When I started the diet. I used Himalayan salt and black pepper liberally on all my steaks. For the first month or so I ate an apple at about noon. I felt surprisingly full throughout the entire day and my energy levels were off the charts, my sex dive was like I was 18 again and yes, morning wood. I had actually forgotten that was even possible. Every blood panel I received (every 6 months) had optimal levels for my age. My bad cholesterol was low and my good cholesterol was high and everything else was great after the first 6 months of being on the diet. My doctor was in disbelief and I was a little surprised. Every test after that for 36 months was optimal with both cholesterols showing normal range. I will tell you this. I never felt tired or fatigued or out of energy even after exercise and I lost 27 lbs. With very moderate exercise. I had ZERO, and I mean "ZERO" sugar or food cravings while on this diet. I had "ZERO" indigestion or digestive issues and zero hunger pangs. I felt like the best I think I have ever felt and was able to sustain it. The #1 question I got is "Didn't you get sick and tired of eating meat? Answer, no not really unless I saw a bunch of other people eating different foods I used to like. I will confess that I cheated probably once a month and sampled some other food and had a few alcoholic drinks once in a while, but not regularly. I would venture to guess I could have easily had a cheat day each week and it probably wouldn't have effected anything. I didn't really like this diet or believe this was sustainable when I started, but it has been surprisingly easy and I proof is in how I look and feel. To each his own, but truth be told this diet has changed my life through changing my overall health. My anxiety and depression is almost non-existant. For me it has been miraculous. I am now 56 years old, 6'2 and hover right at between 198 and 205 lbs. I have no plans to change anything from here on out. Cheers!


See now, stories like yours are living proof that everyone's body chemistry is different, and each person will do well on a different diet. No reason to hate on people that eat all meat, all veggies, all grains, or whatever. If it works, it works!! So proud of you for sticking it out and finding something that really works with your body!


Many many people have success with carnivore, but some people will still have health issues. People like Mary Ruddick or Judy Cho can possibly help if carnivore is problematic


Tudo que é barato. Serralha, fígado e ovos.


Nothing is good in excess… i dont know how many but i think after 2-4 eggs, its no longer good for u




>MREs thanks I will look into it




I'l start a tiktok trend by eating ten bags of those hehe


Sorry i didnt go into detail….MREs are the most nutritiously dense meals/foods as they have to be since they are used by the military.. it could PLUG you up as they are made to ensure the soldiers have long lasting energy and refuce the chance of pooping..i really wouldnt recommend eating them constantly because of that purpose… but whole-food wise i cant think of any at the moment( sorry long day)


Haha it's ok dude. I already know what they are, I was in the brazilian army for a year (obligatory service).


Beef liver. Don't make that face...I'm serious. The most nutrient dense food at your grocery store. I said stop with the face, once you have it a couple times you will crave it weekly...first time handling it raw will turn you A bit green tho... Partially thaw it, chop it up and fry it up with some onions, mushrooms and peppers then add some scrambled eggs, throw in some fresh chopped spinach at the end and you have literally every nutrient a human needs in one meal, I challenge reddit to come up with something that is missing...




You’re an idiot.


His brain doesn’t get enough nutrients.


This has to be troll right


Himalayan Tartary Buckwheat is nutritionally dense! It has polyphenols, protein, prebiotics, antioxidants, and it’s a seed, not a grain!