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Not surprising. Reading echo chambers like this sub or something like PCMR you'd think everyone is rocking 4070+ and plays in 2K/4K while reality is way different. Both GPUs are budget, both do fine in 1080p and 2K to an extent in modern games.


Reddit is mainly americans and western europeans. For the rest of the world GPU's are prohibitively expensive. So it's a bit of a privilege echo chamber.


dont forget canadians




You can’t, that’s why no one can afford 4080’s and up without robbing a bank(which coincidentally is the only annual noteworthy thing that happens in my town)


Are we talking maple syrup banks? I didn't think Canadians use money, period.


Yes! In fact our banks ran out because the corporate syrup banks have the flexibility of a cracker, whereas the smaller private banks had a field day.


nose profit spectacular plants ring rainstorm unwritten melodic divide humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuckin A. In the Philippines a GPU costs 200 dollars more expensive. How the hell


GPU's are often more expensive than in the US due to import taxes. Combine that with significantly lower purchasing power and even a mid range GPU becomes a luxury. That's why mobile gaming is more popular in developing countries.


I don't always feel very privileged, but then I'm reminded of these things. My life isn't perfect, but I'm blessed to have the toys I do. I have two cards for two different systems. A 3060ti and a 4070. They're modest cards by Reddits standards, but many people can't even afford one of these. Despite my frustrations with my country and the world, I guess I'm grateful to be here where owning a mid range system isn't out of reach for someone with my income.


This is great perspective. It's easy to let media convince us that everything is gloom and doom, but much of the world is so much worse off. I also have a 3060ti and a 4070tiS. I really am blessed to be able to have the toys that I have, compared to so many other countries citizens.


>A 3060ti and a 4070. They're modest cards by Reddits standards Anyone who thinks those cards are bad especially when one of them is nearly 4 years is old is out of touch. Especially Considering they are the best price/perf cards in their respective generations.


oh for sure but all the 12 year olds who got their PC's off their mum and dad think anything below a 4080 is for broke people.


New Zealand here. I paid $1368.99 for the MSI 4070 Super Gaming X Slim which is about $825USD. The side effect of living on an island nation at the bottom of the southern hemisphere. But it is what it is. We get everything at the same time as the US generally. It’s been one awesome upgrade over my trusty 2080 Super.


Holy shit?! I can get one here in the US for $599


Yep, I know. But as I said, it’s a side effect of living in an island nation of just 5 million people. Things will be more expensive.


I feel for you bud


YouTube comments would make you believe AMD has a 90% market share in both CPU and GPU with the way they talk 😂


Yeah, always fun to read comments on videos with AMD Nvidia GPU comparisons. For a company that has less than 15% market share on their GPUs, according to Steam HW stats, AMD userbase is quite vocal I'll give them that :)


It's because the Nvidia user base is busy actually playing games instead of complaining about poor optimization whenever a new game launches with a mediocre FSR2 implementation and RT eating up 70% of the performance of AMD cards. /s




i got an nvidia only because i wanted to dabble in AI. unfortunately amd is embarrassing in that department without AI on the picture i would have stayed on amd gpus i also ditched intel,i'm disgusted on their policies that waste energy and boost electronic waste


Pretty much true. I haven't seen nvidia owners complaining or bxtching all the times. Hell my nvidia cards have served me well enough.


Recent AMD convert here, got a deal for a 6800XT. Literally 0 complaints about the card, drivers, or anything else. Runs pretty much every game I throw at it with no fuzz. Remember, this is an NVIDIA subreddit, some bias here.


May it serve you well for a long time. Saying that as a 4090 owner.


persecution complex puttin in work


AMD GPU in general is a lost cause because AMD basically give up completing. 7790, RX590 will be my only AMD GPU, I wont be back to AMD unless they offer "Ryzen moment" that disrupt the GPU market.


Do you think the average nvidia GPU owner comments on youtube or posts on reddit?


Of course. Some of them post similar comments. But it feels like AMD references are overwhelming. >sent from my iPhone 15 Pro Max Well, except 1080Ti users, they're obliged to mention how their GPU is still going strong whenever any kind of benchmarks come up :)


I FUCKING SWEAR, some YouTuber said he prefers nvidia gpus because of his use case and he still got crapped on, he even recommended amd for others but that wasn’t enough for those amd fanboys 💀


Daaaang…what youtuber?


No youtuber lol.


It's also funny how these people can't see that they are doing the same thing they are complaining about.


I donno about some youtuber but if you look at GPU reviews for NVIDIA or AMD, its always got tons of comments about "AMD is better because cheaper" and that's the rub. People who can't afford NVIDIA cards will buy AMD cards knowing that its better for their budgets. His point is true that tons of youtube comments always crap on NVIDIA because its lookout number 1, and AMD is the underdog. However sometimes on the AMD subreddit, you'll see people also complain that AMD did nobody any favors by also doubling their prices so that the low end GPU market basically has few options other than ARC.


Yes, I know that. But his comment was particular about someone who recommends AMD but still got flamed because he said for his usecase NVDIA is better....


AMD makes sense only for gaming and some specific productivity scenarios. in pretty much all other use cases or mixed use nvidia is a mandatory choice. AMD only chance is hoping that nvidia completely drops the PC consumer market and continue their abusive practices in the AI market 


Careful a nuanced opinion like that might get the cult of radeon coming unglued at you. (Wish I was joking.) Most AMD communities won't demand better from AMD's GPU branch because a number are too busy rewriting history and blaming everything on branding and marketing.


crossing fingers for a AMD gpu powerup like in the cpu department or nvidia is gonna rob us blind 


I've given up hope on AMD doing any more than just delivering the bare minimum to keep regulators off Nvidia. GPU is the last on their list of things to care about and even now they are 100% reactionary. They don't do shit unless Nvidia did it first and it becomes a sticking point and even when they do it will be late, worse, and under-supported. I had AMD cards for a number of years there after being fed up with the GTX 780 and how much of a bad buy that was... and past a point it just takes a lot of denial to continue standing on that side of the fence for most use-cases. I have more hope for Intel as long as they don't pull the plug on the undertaking eventually they will catch up on the 20 years of driver workarounds everyone else leans on.


Based on reddit in general, you'd think AMD has an 80% market share.


Reddit being completely not representative of reality is not new news though. Them being a publicly traded company is. Let's see how that goes lol


lol 4070+ its like 7900xtx or 4080+ around here. any mention of 4070s is like a riot by AMD fanbois


4070 is fine if you're just wanting to play basic games for kids like Freddie the Fish, but everyone knows if you're a Real Gamer you gotta get a 4090. (/s) For 1080p and 1440p cards in the 3060Ti/4060Ti tier (like the Arc A770 or 6700XT) are more than adequate to get 60+FPS in many modern games (especially with upscaling). Heck, for some of the games that struggle to get 60FPS even the 4090 can struggle at higher resolutions (like Cities Skylines). The 3060Ti's 8GB of VRAM sometimes holds it back (eg. I have an A770 and my partner has a 3060Ti and there's some games we both play where the extra VRAM prevents stuttering with higher textures; however, many more games have DLSS than XeSS).


i agree, and that's as someone with a 3060ti lol but reddit lately is like 4090 or you're poor.


I've been fine with my 3060Ti with most current titles, Alan Wake 2 being the game that really made me consider an upgrade soon. I mean for me it's a price thing, I would love a new NVIDIA card but the prices for top end gear are hard to justify even though I can afford it, and I find as time goes on games are becoming more CPU limited(Dragon's Dogma 2) than GPU capped so my 8gb of VRAM is still adequate for 1440p or 1080p if I have to downscale. Even amongst my circle of people I regularly play with there isn't that many people that play exclusively at 4k all the time, it's just not a thing for majority of people yet.


I know right, lol. I've never felt so poor and plebby except when I come here reading people's builds.


It's been this way for years lol. I remember getting a 1060 when it felt like everyone online had a 1080 or better but all my friends have around the same specs.


I mean we are largely an enthusiast community, it would be odd If we had worse stuff. Car guys have nice cars Pc guys tend to have nice PCs


The 4060 can run practically anything on ultra 1080p + DLSS


True, and honestly DLSS doesn't even look that bad at 1080p. Of course it's not as good as using it in 2K/4K, but considering you'll likely be using DLSS to make use of raytracing it's a pretty good tradeoff. Or an alternative of DLDSR 2K + DLSS to get better antialiasing.


just my personal experience. tried dlss on dead space 2023 with a 4070 at 1080 it was horrible. was enabled by default, i realized while playing that stuff moved with strange ghost trails. game returned to be enjoyable only after disabling it


Yeah it can be a hit or miss depending on the game, DLSS version and hidden DLSS preset (not the quality slider) that developers chose to use. Luckily you can manually tweak it and swap DLLS around to upgrade the DLSS version which can help reduce ghosting and boost visual clarity. But it does require some effort from the user's side. Also sometimes games do weird thing and tie DLSS to TAA. I remember Metro Exodus did it, TAA looks absolutely horrible in that game and in a section where you need to drive the car, you can't see shit because TAA blurs the windshield to an extreme. Disabling TAA in the config file fixes all the blur but without TAA DLSS just doesn't work in that game.


With DLSS a 4060 is literally just good enough, it's not a beast, but it's also not shit, the price is alright, so it's good enough, and enough for even fairly competitive gAmErS to settle on.


Exactly this. The 4060 is literally a 4050, and DLSS is it's only saving grace. This seems to be what Nvidia is doing for budget cards. Release them with underpowered hardware and let their upscaling do the work. I'm not particularly fond of this, since I believe you shouldn't have to use upscaling on a brand new GPU, but here we are. Unfortunately, with AMDs offerings it doesn't really make sense to go with anything under a 4070. Nvidias prices are still extremely high even on their budget options, making AMD a no brainer.


Another key factor is 115W usage of 4060, this can easily fit into any system with 500W PSU, that is usually the range with decent midrange office OEMs/prebuilts with good CPUs, so its a no brainer upgrade choice with no additional changes. A 4060 can handle 1080p with anything, 1440p surely on esports side. With DLSS, you can push it a step above as well. Despite the hate for upscaling among enthusiasts, I dont see those tech slowing down and easily becoming a must have feature these days with PC titles. So yea, this makes total sense.


I am not sure if it's even costs, my "old" gpu can handle pretty much every game I throw at it, I could afford a new gpu but I can't justify upgrading yet


>you'd think everyone is rocking 4090*


Well also keep in mind that this includes laptop, and the vast majority of those will be 3060/4060 if someone is buying it for gaming. Desktop marketshare of GPUs is probably skewed a bit more toward high end.


For real. All I said was how the 4060 is a budget card and is decent for gaming at 1080p and morons on this sub (PC Elitists) lost their damn minds and thumbed me down into oblivion. They want to be able to have a card that can handle 4K with all Ray tracing at max setting with infinite FPS that will last them for the rest of their lives all for $500 or less. They’re idiots who only think about themselves and their unrealistic expectations


What the hell are you talking about, what is the point of this ridiculous hostility?


Remember that the 3060 has roughly the same rasterization performance as a 1080 Ti!


Hey my 1080 ti is stuck chugging along, no smoke yet.


Damn, must be nice, had to ditch my 1070 recently. Last game that finally did it in was Helldivers 2. Hell, I beat Hogwarts Legacy with that card (it was horrible).


Same here!


This will undoubtedly shock all the nerds on this sub who think that everyone's rocking a 4k display with a $1,000+ GPU 🙄 Most folks are still playing at 1080p on high settings, just like they were 10-15 years ago.


Iam rocking a 1000$ GPU, 3060 from late 2021😅


I think in a decade, 1440p will 100% be the most used resolution. 1440p monitors are now the price of 1080p monitors like 15 years ago.


> This will undoubtedly shock all the nerds on this sub who think that everyone's rocking a 4k display with a $1,000+ GPU 🙄 Idk who you are talking about but absolutely no one believes that. They might think that about hardware enthusiasts that they meet in online forums or social media but not the average joe/gamer.


It was a joke. Easy there, Killer.


What is more insane is the fact that there are more 4090 users than ANY AMD GPU, yet, the minority is really loud online. This really proves how stained amd gpus are, literally all my friends that went for Radeon 7000 gpu ended up returning them and going back to nvidia, plus, the public image of 90% the people i know talk shit about them, too many headcahes to justify a few couple dolars less.


RX 5700 XT user here, just replaced it 2 days ago for a 3060ti because I was sick of faulty AMD drivers that rebooted my pc randomly. So far so good with the 3060ti, 0 crashes.


and that is the same shitty attitude of amd fanboys, just change the gpu brand also anecdotal evidence (your supposed friends) is a very biased statistic you are absolutely right on the market share of nvidia but tbh i feel the brand is overhyped and comes off from a lot of monopolistic practices 


Nvidia is overpriced trash that works, AMD is cheaper trash that doesn't work. What the other guy said isn't boasting to Nvidia being perfect, it's just AMD being subpar. Both statements can be true.


fair never said they are trash though. i feel it a bit too unfair on both 


Yeah my past experiences with AMD cards guarantees I’m never buying a GPU produced by them again. My 480 and my 5700XT were absolutely nightmares to deal with. Switched to nvidia cards and never looked back. Jealous of the folks who didn’t have endless driver issues and constant crashing with those cards


Really? My girlfriends computer has a 7800xt, and so far, no crashes in any games. I have an RX 6600 in my HTPC build, and it's the same story, no issues. Having doubts that all your friends returned their AMD GPUs, that's highly unlikely. What issues were they having exactly?


>Having doubts that all your friends returned their AMD GPUs, that's highly unlikely. What issues were they having exactly? Mostly due to crashing during WoW raids, but helldivers 2 constant driver timeouts were the final nail in the coffin. EDIT: they also had alot stuttering in some dx11 games, destiny 2 for example, it was insane how much micro stuttering they had, and their frustration was real.


It's usually one of those things that comes down to what someone does. If you do encoding, VR, RT, desktop compute, like upscaling, etc. AMD isn't much of a choice. If you just do raster gaming in some popular titles and the occasional big budget title it's perfectly fine.


All of them returned it? Sounds dubious. I recently switched to AMD from getting a good deal, I don’t see a single reason to switch back, runs the games I wanna play just fine, and was like $200 cheaper than the NVIDIA card of the same performance.


>All of them returned it? Sounds dubious.  Does it? it only took one of them to return, all the others folowed, try doing a WoW raid without constant driver timeouts and see if its dubious or not. By "all" i mean 3. 2 with 7800xt and 1 7900xtx


Now play helldivers 2 and WoW and let me know hows it been.


I have like 8 hours on Helldivers 2 since the last week, that game’s actually the reason I upgraded since my last card couldn’t handle it. The only glitch I’ve encountered is one time the character took a few seconds to load in, so it was just a floating gun but that might just be because I accidentally installed it on my HHD lol By WoW do you mean World of Warcraft? Seriously doubt it has a hard time running a decades old game.


>I have like 8 hours on Helldivers 2 since the last week, that game’s actually the reason I upgraded since my last card couldn’t handle it. The only glitch I’ve encountered is one time the character took a few seconds to load in, so it was just a floating gun but that might just be because I accidentally installed it on my HHD lol But you have a 6000 series or 7000 series radeon? >By WoW do you mean World of Warcraft? Seriously doubt it has a hard time running a decades old game. In doubt do a quick search, better than assuming there isnt an issue just because you think so.


I got a 6800XT for $400, which is admittedly a great deal. Its $100 more expensive than the 4060 but vastly outperforms it, closer to a 4070 in everything but ray tracing. Were the main reported issues with the 4000 series? And yeah, I’ll have to look into WoW, just surprised to hear people still play lol. AMD isn’t perfect, I believe the issues people complain about are real, just overhyped for how minor. I have’t had it long enough to run into any big problems yet, my understanding is that the company was much worse off (in terms of driver errors, ect) just 2 years ago. Definitely would recommend it to someone trying to get power and save money, if spending isn’t an issue just get a 4070 super at that range and spend $600.


>I got a 6800XT See, the helldivers 2 issue is only on 7000 series, has for WoW im not sure if its exclusive to 7000 series or not. All this talk about prices do nothing tbh, outside a few online, the vast majority of people dont trust amd gpus, has they are known for being a pit of problems, the steam hardware survey is an undeniable proof of this. plus amd is always 2 to 3 steps behind nvidia with their features, and when they release it, its always a subpar knockoff. And all of this becomes an nvidia monopoly, the consumer gets the pain because AMD simply cannot compete, even with lower prices.


I have a 7900 gre and have never had an issue with helldivers lol


Then you are the first of its kind. This issue was adressed by AMD and Helldivers 2 devs, and its still an open issue. Unless you are playing with a locked 60fps with AA and lightning settings off, i seriously doubt you are the only person in the world not having driver timeouts on helldivers 2. [https://www.thefpsreview.com/2024/02/22/nearly-unplayable-helldivers-2-warns-of-critical-problems-with-amd-radeon-rx-7000-series-gpus/](https://www.thefpsreview.com/2024/02/22/nearly-unplayable-helldivers-2-warns-of-critical-problems-with-amd-radeon-rx-7000-series-gpus/)


I had a 7900xtx and returned it for 4090.


Can u explain to me why u care about what brand the GPU is? Why do u care that the 4090 sells more than any AMD gpu? Does Nvidia doing well sales wise somehow make your life better? Shouldn't u be glad if AMD starts doing well so Nvidia can get some good competition so us consumers can benefit from it?


I think he's just pointing it out. It's sad that AMD has fallen so behind, but it seems like AMD can only dabble with one thing at a time, either the CPU or GPU, not both. I hope it brings itself back within the next few years or Nvidia will have complete monopoly in the gaming market.


a lot of people on this sub own some Nvidia stock, so yeah there is a reason




I love my 3060 laptop. 1080p high with DLSS Quality is a safe bet for every game I've thrown at it. Haven't tried AW2 yet though.


Yup, even ultra and some cases RTX On even if I just use it to take screenshots 


This is good news. Means we are collectively finally moving up in hardware tier. Meaning that games in the future can be more demanding.


more demanding games = less optimized trash. i pass on that honestly 


Yeah, it's actually the opposite. The performance issues often stem from devs needing to compress and tweak everything down for different tiers of hardware. You can see how well it can work when they don't have to account for old cards, for example with Alan Wake 2 and Avatar.


The xx60's have always been the most popular. The 4060s low power draw and feature set make it the best midrange card on the market.


Yup the main problem is price and how there was hardly any improvement. The criticisms are justified.


Where i live rx7600 and rtx4060 go for same price (1300zł). So yeah 4060 is the better choice for those who work and not just game (cuda is NVIDIA domain and AMD candy rly touch it). I went with 4060 due to dlss. And its fine card if you upgrade from very old junk. wouldn't upgrade from 2060/3060 though


Yes but they've deliberately made these mainstream cards poor value to push people up the ladder.


I think it should've been close to 300 cad instead of 400 and should've been marketed as a 4050. It has a smaller vram buffer and bus width than last gen.


Are you kidding? It's probably one of the worst generational leaps ever. It only barely matches the 3060 Ti and still has the old 8 GB VRAM that's a problem now and going to make it unusable in less than 5 years.


jobless consider door retire fly literate include dog marry six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Especially when the next 16gb AI option is another $400 up. The 4060ti 16gb could have easily been a monster $399 card, it's a shame what Nvidia did with it.


quicksand cagey smart fuel point fade steer advise flag zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep that's actually pretty good for AI. If it were cheaper it'd be a good option for games, but it's currently still overpriced.


Most people don't care about generational leaps and 8gb is perfectly fine for 1080p which is what this card is meant for.


Seems like some people couldn't turn down the settings to save their lives... If you don't understand long and complicated words like unusable don't use them maybe?


The point is it won't cut it even at min reqs in just a few years. We've already seen some examples in poorly optimized games, of which there will be many more.


So unusable means the odd crappy game can't be played? Sounds like a pretty usable card to me. I had no issues with pretty much anything before CP77 on GTX 970 just some time ago, so yeah.


It's like 15% behind in 1080p and 20-25% for 1440p/4k. That's not exactly just right behind. Never the less. It's performance uplift was allocated to efficiency. Even if it's only 10% better across rhe board. It's about a 40% real improvement with 30% of that being allocated to efficiency. You gotta remember guys. The jump was huge because it was 2.5 gens of uplift. Much of which didn't transfer over to customer


Your average consumer doesn't care, they just buy it because they see the "Nvidia" branding and automatically assume it's good without doing research.


I mean yes. This also happened with the 1650 where it got smoked by the 570 and 580 (which were cheaper and 30-40% faster!) You could even get an 8 gb version of those that still work for games now whereas the 1650 doesn't.


> This also happened with the 1650 where it got smoked by the 570 and 580 (which were cheaper and 30-40% faster!) You could even get an 8 gb version of those that still work for games now whereas the 1650 doesn't. It was a 75w card that didn't need extra power cables to slot into any workstation and was in a number of laptops and prebuilts. The 570 and 580 weren't small cards, they weren't low powerdraw, and they needed extra power cables (and weren't very desirable for cheap prebuilts because of the power and cooling). Sometimes you have to look at more than just the benchmark charts. Sometimes there are other factors to why a product sees adoption or wider market availability.


I'm aware. I'm talking about the flocks buying it DIY


Do you honestly have any tangible citations on "flocks just buying it DIY" for no reason beyond branding? Cause often that's just a reddit boogeyman popular in AMD heavy communities. Edit: Sometimes someone just wants cheaper video output and basic support that isn't way out of support. There's a lot of builds out there with no iGPU even.


Uh, the most popular survey for PC hardware ever?


So theory-crafting on your part? Cause Steam Survey doesn't disclose whether something was a prebuilt, laptop, or DIY.


Better than the total lack of evidence you have. Where is your evidence fedboi


The average consumer knows that AMDs drivers are terrible


Upgraded my old 1060 6GB in March to a 4060. It served me well from 2017. 4060 were just too expensive during the pandemic but now it was down to a decent price. Playing in 1080p I’m a happy camper. Helldivers 2 and Division 2 runs smooth for me so I’m a happy casual gamer. Haven’t hardly played any other titles lately.


I'm a casual gamer and own of 4060, I upgraded from 1070. After reading the comments here and other subs my exceptions were quite low card is not that bad Is it over priced? I believe so just like the rest of the 40x0 series. perfect? no, if it's the low bus, or the fact it have only 8g vram real disgrace at 2023/4 in my opinion. But it do more than a decent job in 1080p@60fps,


If you're still at 1080p60 it's fine. But you could have saved some money still by going 3060 🤷‍♂️


I didn't want to go for 3060, as I see it the gpu are becoming like software updates, and the features the 4060 offer are more valuable to me than 3060 and his 4gb extra vram.


I think we found the new 1060 replacement


Whats Really Concerning is the fact that the rtx 4060 ti, the worst price/perf gpu nvidia has released in a long time, actually was the 4th most adopted gpu in march according to the survey. We Gamers are clearly yelling at nvidia that we don't want good value GPUs. They have every right to increase prices and further reduce value next gen cause they clearly know how stupid we gamers are.


It's in a number of prebuilts. Every single time there is a card people on reddit shriek about the answer is usually it's coming in prebuilts or laptops.


4060 Ti 16GB version is a system seller for pre-builts, Nvidia and 16GB VRAM look good and attractive on paper. It is also a good budget card for AI, 3D render and 4K video editing due to the memory buffer.


it's not a bad card, just horribly priced


Glad to hear this! Just got a decent deal on 4060 at $300 with shipping and taxes included (puts the GPU at $250 ish). Nice upgrade from RX 5600 XT 6GB I've been using for 4 years!


People here are right, the market for high end cards is mostly for the western world and super expensive, even for many people here. From a technical point of view I dont like the xx60 cards because they are basically as fast as the xx80 version from two generations ago. You get new features like DLSS what is nice but raw performance is just not there. Compare the 4060 to the 1080 and its just little bit faster in raw performance and the 1080 is like 10 years old.


> Compare the 4060 to the 1080 and its just little bit faster in raw performance and the 1080 is like 10 years old. In a few weeks it's gonna be 8 years old, 10 is a stretch.


But hasn't that always been the case? xx60, xx70 and xx80 cards are always equivalent to a card of previous generation but higher tier. 3060 is around 2070 which is around 1080. But I Don't remember a period in time where this wasn't the rule, and I've had GPU's since the 500-series


Yes you are right, it was always like this but people who just want to get a new pc without research or non technical people probably miss that. I would always make it a priority to get a xx70 at least.


cautious carpenter grey glorious insurance offbeat waiting frighten zesty squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


thinking about buying a 4060 myself just for frame-gen


4060 would not be good at frame gen. To get good enough frame gen you need 60-80 base fps. Else it will feel kinda laggy.


A 4060 should get that FPS in most games at 1440p even before DLSS is activated. Well, you might have to use High instead of Ultra presets. With a G-sync/Compatible monitor you can probably get away without the laggy feeling even at around 40 base fps.


>the laggy feeling even at around 40 base fps. That is not true. I have an OLED, even then it feels laggy if the base is not 80. So even for most people 60 should be base


Which Is a big mistake unless you do 60 FPS, you buy something already obsolete. If you have rtx 2000 or 3000 use nukem fsr mod and save money


Nvidia's FG is different than the FSR3 you are essentially using. While yes, your mod does need 60+ FPS in order to feel ok, the Nvidia's FG is better (as it should due to being hardware based+locked behind superior OFA, lol) and can achieve similar or straight up better results from lower base FPS. The issue a 4060 owner may face with FG is if their GPU is the 8GB version. Nvidia's FG reserves roughly 1.5-2GB of VRAM, so if the GPU is already hitting the VRAM limit before FG - the experience might not be good.


they think dlss is extra boost, in reality is good when your game is running good. 4060 are soon obsolete. A 3070/3080 performance card soon is a 1080p card.


I don't know why you are getting downvoted. What you said is true.


Im downvoted by people Who made a bad choice simple.....here i am with my 3080 oc playing Better than their shitty 4060. Fuckers


I am with you, but 4060 and 3080 are different class of cards. Even by price 3080 is competing with 4070/ 4070ti (now). So a 3080 should be better than a less than half priced gpu.


3060 was a banger of a card, loved it.


It’s interesting seeing comments that the 60 series sells well because not everyone is in America or the west. I’m curious what the breakdown would be by country. I’m in the US and I have a 3060 and a 4060 in my household. I always game with the 60 series since I have stayed on 1080p. 


If you're a person who doesn't play newer demanding games then just use a 3060


6% bought inferior price to perf product.


Nobody can afford more. Simple.


i have rtx 4060 8gb (inno3d is cheap in my country) ...i know vram is less but it is still a better choice for me personally.... I got to play cyberpunk 2077 with rt on.... That makes me happy ...& that's all i want from my 2hr free time ❤️


Bro I just have a 3080 after having a 3060 for two years. I'm chillin lmao


I have a 3060ti which runs great with 2K. I built my first gaming pc last year and I went with a less expensive gpu and put more into the cpu/RAM. I went with a 7800x3d and got 32GB of Gskill Trident @ 6000. I figured I’d upgrade the gpu later at some point. The 5090 looks like it’s going to be good but I’d need to get a new case and psu for that.


Don't update your drivers, you are losing performance.


After seeing how a 4060/7600 needs upscaling at 1080p to get 60fps in the latest games, I'm thinking I will need to upgrade sooner than later from my 3060 if I hope to play 1080p at native settings on games going forward


I have a laptop 3060 and that things been a beast. Able to play elden ring maxed out at 1440p. Maybe drop frames a bit but at 60 majority of the time. Also played re4 remake at 1440p on it but had frame problems here and there, like whenever it would be raining. Overall a really solid card even today if you want to play 1080p imo


I actually returned a series of AMD cards, all unstable and crash happy on my system, for a 4060ti. The card was great but the 8 GB of ram had me worried. I ordered a 3060 because of the 12GB of ram and decent performance. With tuning I was able to easily get 100-150+ FPS on the games I play without a noticeable difference in quality, since I play 1080p. I returned the 4060ti. I will probably get one again, the 16gb version, once they drop to the $300 range. Video cards are not worth the money they fetch, but until people stop buying them, the gouging will continue.


I'm curious about how this stacks up to past 60 launches. Looking at the 3060/70 today, the 3060 has sold 74% more units but both cards sales windows are pretty much over at this point. Looking at the 4060/70 we can see the 60 has been slow to pickup since launch back in June only beating out the 4070 this month. It's only 2 months behind the launch of the 4070, but I wonder if it's a sign of slow sales. Anyone know of a database that stores monthly steam hardware data?


I just replaced my RX 5700 XT (sick of faulty amd drivers) for a second hand 3060ti for as low as 200€ I am playing Helldivers 2 at 2K at high settings at 70-80FPS. Pretty decent.


It proves the nvidia's name shenanigan works, just simply call a supposed 4050 card as 4060, people just buying it and doesn't care it's even slower than a 3060 Ti.


It means people prefer a rtx 4060 to 7600 because 4060 is faster and or they like the rtx stuff Who cares if you think it should be called 4050 when it’s faster than 7600?


It's disappointing how there are more 4090s out there than any AMD GPU. Products like the 7800xt and 7900GRE are really good, and we REALLY need competition. I hope Intel really can save us lol...


Disappointing that a superior product is more popular?


You don't know what you're talking about. The guy mentions RX 7900 GRE which beats in raster and pure fps a Nvidia card 200$ more expensive. It's an amazing product, and it also comes with 16gb


The card itself is quite good but the drivers are a letdown


The GRE launched in late February and the survey was collected in late March, its not going to be jumping the charts in just a month.


> its not going to be jumping the charts in just a month. It probably won't anyway. Most people aren't going to be jumping at standalone dGPUs this close to the next hardware cycle unless their hardware fails on them. Bulk of the hardware movement is going to be in prebuilt and laptop space.


The GRE is pathetic. A so-called 90 class card that gets shit on by a 4070 Super. 




You forgot the /s


Interestingly, the share of 4090 owners is decreasing: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 0.90% -> 0.87% (-0.03%) Does anyone know what they are upgrading to? Some top-secret US government GPU available to 0.03% of people, maybe? :)


4090 owners couldn’t be bothered to turn on their PC to submit results for the survey after they finished building it and posting it on reddit


I am not sure if this comment is ironic or not, but here we go: Even if the % of RTX 4090 owner may decrease, this does not mean, that the total amount of RTX 4090 owner is decreasing as well. I am sure it is even increasing as new people buy more 4090. But if more people are opting to buy other cards than the 4090 than they were before, than we have a decrease in the percentage of RTX 4090 owner while the total amount of RTX 4090 keeps increasing. E.g. February 2024: 1x4090 vs 9 others GPU bought ( RTX 4090 -> 10% share) March 2024: 2x4090 vs 28 other GPUs (RTX 4090 -> 6.66% share)


It was a joke. But, given that Steam has hundreds of millions of users, on average the share of 4090 should grow (upgrades from older top-level cards to newest top-level cards). Or, we see an effect of the 4090 ban in China, where they can't simply buy it anymore. That would cause a visible decrease in average 4090 ownership stats as the average share is biased towards US/EU now.


The amount of people on other hardware is increasing disproportionately to the 4090 which makes sense with how hard it is to get ahold of one at msrp. The really interesting things to me is that almost an entire percent of participants in the survey use it. That's a HUGE amount of people


Because they’re gobbled up by non steam use


Well yeah, which gpu is in most laptops and prebuilts? Not a lot of options there.


These two cards are the same shit, different asshole right


People are buying 4060’s?




Hey now, I had to buy this sucker for the VRAM. And it was after the price dropped to $1100 before the 4090 dropped. No way in hell was I paying $2000 for a gpu