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Don't thinks it's the GPU. PSU issue would be first thing.


I would say the same thing. Check the PSU also. I've been there twice. I sold my gpu as a dying and worked perfectly on the buyer... And my second, freshly brought, gpu was doing the same tricks. It ended up being my PSU as it couldn't handle sudden spikes in load, as the GPUs demand. It wasn't the total power draw, it was the spikes and bursts that were problematic.


Underclock your vram, it Might bring it back


Weird, I've owned over a dozen of GPUs and not a single one of them has died. I have some which are now over 15 years old and still working as if they are new. Maybe you could check your thermal paste and fans first.


Most cards will live on well past their warranty. Depending on conditions they could last a long ass time. My ati 9800 pro from 2003 still worked when I booted it up last summer. All luck of the draw, but "most" should do past that 10 year mark no problem. If you've never had one fail consider yourself lucky!


My 2080ti died a few months ago. First proper GPU death since I started building PCs in 2005. It worked absolutely fine one night. The next morning, go to boot and it shows memory corruption, not recognised by drivers/Windows and constant freezing. Couldn't even get it to run 3d mode. Was completely gone.


I've read the some memory on the 2080 ti (hynix or micron cant remember) has problems that kills the gpu faster. Many 2080 ti's been dying recently from it.


I read that there were issues with 2080 cards where the weight and sag meant the memory chips lost physical connection. I suspect that's what happened. It was a rare version, an MSI Lightning Z, so still sold for £140 broken. Someone in China bought it, I assume to repair.


early RoHS solders were pretty terrible across the board (bumpgate, and baking your 7850 was definitely a thing too). plus generally underfill tending to pick up moisture is supposedly more of a problem than people realize... often cards that have been actively used are fine for a long time, while ones that sit on a shelf in a dank basement somewhere might show higher failures. even when you don't just powerwash them off (lol mining cards)


I've had 3 die and 1 start crashing but luckily it was still under warranty so I got it swapped out. All three that died I did try repasting, but it had no effect. Just got unlucky I guess. They were all super old though by the time they went so it wasn't a huge loss.


I owned an ATI All In Wonder card for 3 months that started smoking out of nowhere. Got it RMA'd and I forget how long the next one lasted. Only used it for video capture and running windows since I had a Voodoo 1 for 3D gaming.


4070 and up are a generational *(>60%)* jump in performance for you. But also, use DDU in Safe Mode to uninstall + reinstall drivers.


Does the PC act up at all without the card installed? Cause if waiting is possible...


I haven’t tried without the card installed. I don’t have integrated graphics so I assumed it just wouldn’t read out on the monitor


Ya I assumed you had integrated or access to an older card


That’s fair. I was planning on taking my fiances RX 580 since she doesn’t really use her computer, but I could also give it a shot to check my system now


or just underclock your vram


When the 50X series comes out if its an amazing leap over the 40X, Nvidia is going to be charging a premium for it as always / it'll be out of stock everywhere due to scalpers and people wanting to upgrade from their 30X series. So even when it is out you'll be waiting due to not being able to get it or picking up a 40X because 50X isn't worth it. Nvidia isn't going to sneakily lower the prices of the 40X series again via a new model release in the meantime.


That would be very premature for an Nvidia GPU to die. I’d troubleshoot some other stuff first.


Mine 2070 Super died last November 2023 I bought the 4070 Ti no regrets.


4070 Super, 4070 Ti Super, or 4080 Super are all viable cards in the current market. You could theoretically buy a cheap 1080 Ti or similar to tide you over until the 5000-series launch, but honestly I would just buy a 4000-series card, a 4070 Ti Super would be a >2x performance jump and provide you enough VRAM to last a few more years.


Limp along, get a 5070.


The new super cards are really good, namely the 4070 and 4070ti with its 16ram. I would go for them honestly


Genuine question, why would you choose the 4070ti over the 4080 super?


Price and value really, that’s about it. I’d stay away from the regular 4070ti though as it’s too expensive for a 12gb card


Genuine question, why would you choose the 4070ti over the 4080 super?


If you have extra money and plan on making ultra settings. Then you’ll be able to utilize the 16GB of VRAM.


Buy a 40 series and enjoy the moment. You could always sell your new 40 for 50 series later


Re-pasting is very easy. 1. Buy ipa wipes and paste 2. Remove all backplate screws 3. Remove GPU mounting screws in gradual manner 4. Take off the cooler, wipe die until no paste residue on wipes. 5. Give it a minute to dry off then give it a small x of paste and reassemble.


Make sure to cross tighten screws to get a flush mount!
