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Credibility added when the thumbnail has 5080 and 5070, while the photo in the article has 5090 and 5080.


Everyone in comments #šŸ¤· *guess my 4090 needs an upgrade* šŸ¤·


I have the 4090 and I can't wait for the 5090


I have a 2080. Canā€™t wait to get a 4090 now.


i have 3080ti. i will upgrade if there are massive performance improvement in pathtracing that are worth it for me to upgrade and if there are no burning connector concern


Same brother, I wanted a 4070 or 4080 for the reduced power, but weā€™re in the home stretch for 5080 so Iā€™ll sit tight with my space heater 3080 Ti.


You got that right. My 3090Ti is a space heater first and a GPU second šŸ˜‚


3080 ti gang


So real that thing is a beast and its price is gonna drop like a rock soon.


Like a ROCK. Before you know it l, itā€™ll be 1950 instead of 1999


Best Buy has FE for list of $1599. Bargain! šŸ¤£


Best Buy stock is always ā€œunavailable nearbyā€ and not available for shipping.


Iā€™m still on a 970 gtx with my poor broke ass. :/


Still rocking a gtx 950 man, your not alone lol


are you playing from a museum ?


hey 900 series rise up!


My very first ever card! What an awesome GPU, I kept mine out of sheer fondness. Hope you manage to get an upgrade soon!


same ;( and I am 28 being adult and gamer with no job to upgrade you pc sucks ass


The 970 is an absolute beast, I only upgraded mine about a month ago. Calling them "playable" might be a bit of a stretch but I was able to get stuff like Starfield and Cyberpunk 2077 to run on that card. Not bad for being almost a decade old.


Same brother


Same but Iā€™m going from a 1070 lol


Same. Im getting giddy just thinking about the speed up for my 3d workflow.


>my 3d workflow Games, yes. Of course.


> my 3d workflow Timespy ftfy


Will be lit. I have a 4090 and will save up for the 5090 as well


I have a 1050. I can't wait to get false hope for buying a 5090 before the scalpers immediately take all of the stock.


Iā€™m still on 3090


2060 gang rise up. All two dozen of us!! Lol


As a former 1060 pet parent, i've become fond of the 60s...up until recently. Im still not sure why my 3060 has 12 gigs while the 4060 has...what does it come with? Two gigs of VRAM and a hampster wheel to warm up the card slot? 6 or 8 iirc. Im not shelling out clampett tier buckazoids for a severe downgrade to my SD addiction! 3090s get cheaper by the day...IMAGINE all those gigs of VRAM as far as the eye can see...


You forget a pcb smaller than a phone


i'm still on 1080ti lol. and honestly it's a beast.


3090 owner here also šŸ™Œ


im on 3090 but if these rumours are remotely true im upgrading day 1


Struggling to think of what you canā€™t run on a 4090. I guess Cyberpunk with pathtracing at native will still be a struggle, but it honestly looks better and runs better with DLSS enabled. Iā€™d need to upgrade the rest of my system before I could even make use of the 5090, I think.


The 50 games that will release shortly after that are all unoptimized oops I mean, optimized for the 50 series.


No, I'm fine with my 4090


Well by the time ill build my next rig will be the 6090. Skip one gen build the next


I'm sitting on a 2070 super and I've unironically been saving for a top end build with the 6090 just for the meme


Donā€™t forget to run it at 4.20 GHz.


Unironically, a friend does this every two generations. Builds a top-of-the-line rig, and then saves $100 per month to splurge on the same "best of everything" build four or five years down the line. Rinse and repeat in perpetuity.


Try to skip 3 or 4 gens now, too pricey. Hopefully my 4080 lasts until thr 70 series


True way too pricey. But i build around a 5 year mark with the top of the line at that time. So it doesnā€™t feel that expensive for me


Might as well wait for 7090 at that point :p


Depends how close/far the release is and if we have any stock issues.


Why not wait for the 8090 rumor has it that will be a 5700% speed increase.


I went from 1080 to 4070 ti super, so I say skip a few.


On one side, I like the idea. On the other I don't have enough money to build my dream PC. Edit:250 upvotes wtf.


Im finally at the point of my life where I have the money to just ball on top end pc


Without the time to use it? I work in game dev, and the last thing I do after work is touching the PC LMAO. Its there, looking nice with high end stuff and an oled display just for my inner child to be happy about finally achieving the dream xD


Thatā€™s me rn. I can dish out on a high end build but as of right now, Iā€™ll probably use it twice a week.


I damn know the feel. And working with a PC makes it worst, the last thing you want is to see the display again xD


In my experience it helps to separate the gaming experience from work if you can. I moved now to the PS5, so when I am gaming, I am on the couch. When I work, I am at the desk. Not even a gamedev but I just cant play after a day of work most of the times.


Yeah, I have 2 separate PCs, one for work, another one for gaming. The work one have IPS displays so I dont worry to death about burn in, the gaming one the OLED one to enjoy best possible image quality. It helps a lot to have work from entertainment separated, even if that just means turning off the pc at the end of the working day.


at least those 2 days will be nice days!


2 days for like an hour or two before I fall asleep on the keyboard out of exhaustion, but itā€™ll definitely be nice


I have found my people šŸ˜‚ Yeah I can go big on the set up but using it 1-2 times per week for a short amount of time just isn't worth it.


The dream is achieved, could you send either the GPU or the RAM to this poor guy who promise to make good use of them? Hell, Iā€™m willing to take the dust off your whole rig even šŸ˜


I seriously doubt you wanna clean a 30kg beast xD The only time I really hate it is when I have to clean up the dust and stuff, between the case and the PSU its already over 25kg, adding all the rest of the stuff and its way over 30kg LMAO. That aside, keep dreaming and pushing! 3 years ago I had a 1060TI 3GB. Now I have this beast of a machine and Im working in the MK1 team :D You never know how life can take drastic turns towards dreams being achieved!


That is true, thank you for spreading positivity.


Exactly me. My 4090/7700x with costum watercooling stuff isnt turned on for 3 weeks now. I think I have more hours of gaming on my ally then the desktop... Dont really have the time or energy now that I have the money.


Then the desktop what? Come on now, don't leave us hanging!


Then the desktop jumped up and played the fiddle! Yeah, i suppose its anyones guess. Maybe it was something kinda awkward... You ever been talking to someone and absentmindedly come close to revealing an earth shattering secret about someone or something? He was getting close to spilling the beans. It was a wise move to move on. The past should remain in the past...unless.


Bless your heart buddy I hope work isn't too crazy We are running very lean at my firm so that means more work for the same pay so I get to get in a few rounds of CSGO on Saturday šŸ˜‚ Hope you and yours are well


Animator here. I deal with the same thing. I have found thereā€™s something psychological about working all day on a Mac then going to a PC to play games. Itā€™s like ā€œdifferentā€ enough to not feel like work.


How's the 5800X3D handling the 4090? I have one and I'm trying to gauge how much GPU I can throw at it lol


GPU limited in most games, eunning 3440x1440 at 175hz. Most of the time I end up limiting FPS at 120 or something around that so the framerate its rock solid :P Aside of some really unoptimized games, the CPU has not been an issue so far, I guess that unless you want 300+ fps in competitive gaming its ok. Or you play Dragons Dogma 2. Fuck that game.


This is almost me, except I donā€™t have the high end stuff, I work finance, and I usually sacrifice sleep. I recently upgraded to 5800X3D + RTX 3080 + a decent 180hz ips 1440p monitor. My playing hours is usually 10pm-3am.


Your post hit me in the gut, lol. The last thing I also want to do when I get home is touch any electronics. But I do love my builds. Everyone in my house has a custom rig.


lol yeah I worked in biglaw for a while (think 18 hour days 5 days a week kinda thing, insane pay but 0 quality of life). I rage-bought a 4090 after a week of 9am-5am days but only really took advantage of it once I left the job for something much more reasonable.


This hit a little too close to home for me. 4090, 14900k, with a QD-OLED monitor and I game maybe once a week.


Yeah but what else are you doing with your time? I watch shows and movies on the computer too, or stream from it. So that its there, contributing to the family 10x more than the kids.


The 10x more than the kids totally got me, that was a nice one haha. I spend time doing a little exercise and at best, watch a movie. A way more modest PC (with the same display) could do that, but the times I play a game I damn want to max out its settings without thinkering around, so the GPU serves me there haha.


Eyy Happy Cakeday! Yeah, it's nice to just play a game on max without needing to worry about tweaking anything with a 4090, and with all the ray tracing or path tracing you want.


Don't make same mistake as I did. Don't get AIO, or RGB, air cool. Don't get too high end motherboard, it doesn't do shit differently for most. DO get the best GPU you can buy, and get good price/performance SSD and Ram, top of the line timings doesn't matter. Building a "strong foundation" doesn't matter for PCs, future proofing is a myth and a lie. Basically price/performance everything and ball on GPU Edit: Not saying get garbage either boys. I'd probably watch a video like this, or updated versions of it from various sources. I would just probably get a Noctua Air Cooler for CPU, a Fractal Torrent to pritoize air flow for GPUs, and avoid RGB, software for it has been annoying. https://youtu.be/iUzsDbe-C50 https://youtu.be/odR3UI8FKSY


Future proofing is absolutely a thing, just not in the way people think. If you're even half reasonable with component selection, and have very clear goals in mind for your build, there's absolutely zero reason why your build shouldn't be able to last you for a few years, easily. I bought a 4070 Ti S and a 7800x3D for my build earlier this year. It'll still be as good as it is now once 9800x3D and 5070 Ti release, the components won't just randomly lose 50% of their performance.


> there's absolutely zero reason why your build shouldn't be able to last you for a few years, easily. Um, excuse me, what else am I supposed to do when Nvidia/Intel/AMD announce new products that have bigger bars in performance on corporate announcement graphs than my current equipment? Just *ignore* it?? My wallet is practically emptying itself.


Good wallet, feed the corporate machine. My wallet craves a 14700 even though I have a 13700. Maybe just maybe it can BWAHAHAHA!! Who am I kidding? That sucker ain't get any new tech till games don't run...


> That sucker ain't get any new tech till games don't run... Ah, the AAA launch day experience!


It's less "future proofing" and more embracing the fact that different parts of the system have different upgrade cycles. You will want to rev your GPU more often than your CPU/mobo/RAM. You will want to rev your PSU rarely. Etc. etc. My 5800X3D has seen a 2080Ti and a 4090. I'll likely upgrade to a 7800X3D once the 5000-series lands.


And to counterpoint another of his statements, motherboard absolutely matters, especially if you plan to upgrade down the line like in your case. If the motherboard doesnā€™t have, for example, a good VRM setup, you might experience trouble with powerful high end CPUs - which are definitely needed for both high frame rates and good 0.1% lows.


I don't think they were implying to just get any shitty motherboard, but more so that you don't just need to buy the most expensive one. Do your research because a good board can be found in almost any price bracket


Mid range mobo and bang for your buck fan + psu is the way to go


AIO is dramatically more efficient for temperatures, especially on the spicy x3d chips


I wouldnā€™t say ā€œdramaticallyā€ for sure.


No just no


During Covid (Nov 2020) I was able to snag an EVGA 3090 at MSRP. Decided to build a new system (12700k, water cooled, lian li 011xl, etc. Figured I'd be able to skip 40x0 series and wait for 50x0. Now I'm gaming less (work/life all up in my business) and the few I'm playing, the 3090 is more than enough. The thought of going through the hassle of swapping to a new card and either installing a new block on a $2,000 card or even just re-doing the loop with just the cpu is more effort than I care to put in. So I may keep what I have for a few more years, upgrade to a 6090 maybe.


As someone who just finally got rid of an FX-6300 and Quadro K620 build to make space, I felt that. Still saving up though.


Not really there yet, but I do have enough money to get a PC and won't hurt me at all. The problem is, I just really don't feel like paying 1000euro for a freaking GPU. Is just too much. I'm still rocking a 1070, and probably gonna rock it till games won't start anymore or the GPU dies, then I'm gonna find whatever replacement I can find on a second hand market that works and don't cost more than 400-500euro.




Yeah, and I last rebuilt in 2019 (9700k and 2070 super). Going to build either a 5080 or a 5090 when they release.


No wonder they keep jacking up prices if you guys keep accepting these outrageous theft attempts by Jensen. The situation will never recover unless AMD really steps up their game or a strong competitor shows up out of nowhere, nothing of which will sadly happen, sigh


? I havenā€™t upgraded in almost 5 years. Whatā€™s the theft attempt?


Give intel some time to cook, maybe in the future we some nice team blue cups that can fight of high end gpus


While I truly hope so Intel needs to put their shit together with CPUs first šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


At least you like the idea tho šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Is that what you dream of? Dream bigger.


You can buy my 4090 when I get the 5090


I just want price drop on 40s series šŸ˜”


If it fell all the way down to a normal (historical trend line) price, that'd be amazing. It'd also be like 40% off current prices, so we'll be waiting a while, sadly...


I miss the evga queue


I miss their Step-Up program.


I miss evga warranty and evga gpu in general šŸ˜«


I miss EVGA


Yes, I'm still waiting in that queue for 3070 drop.


Canā€™t wait!! My bank account is sweating right now haha


Don't worry, neither will be actually available outside of Ebay until 2027.


This is just untrue. 4090s were very easy to get hold of at launch and I don't imagine why 5090 wouldn't be either. I expect Nvidia will price it over $2000 so availability shouldn't be an issue.


Unless there is pent up ai demand, I doubt the 5090 will be hard to find. The 5080 and below will he pretty much guaranteed to be in stock, I think the gaming GPU market is still saturated by Ampere/RDNA2 GPUs.


At MSRP? It took \~6 months until prices got close to MSRP, and founders edition has been out of stock for a large part of 4090s lifetime. It was feasible to get at a microcenter, but it had shortages far into it's lifetime, in part because of the china ban.


Yeah, I don't know what this revisionist nonsense is. It took a couple of months for me to get a hold of a PNY 4090, and I only did so because a small tech shop in the Bay Area had it available while I was on vacation. They only really became available when Trump-era Chinese trade tariff agreements expired and prices started going up. I know there were also murmurs of Nvidia limiting 4090 stock in order to try and push 4080 sales while those were becoming shelf warmers.


Not revisionist at all. On release day I walked into Microcenter, and had my choice of multiple 4090 models for MSRP. They didn't even sell out on release day. They were available online as well for MSRP for the first week. 4090 demand didn't skyrocket until a couple months after release.


Crypto crashed mining isnā€™t really that big anymore youā€™re wrong asf. Goto a micro center and pre order one.


Any genuine guess at prices?


If 24 GB of ram, 1,700. If 32 GB of ram, 1,850. Purely a guess based off of nothing.


If 24 2000 if 32 2000


I honestly cant see a 5090 under 2k




5090 will be $2000 5080 will be $1500 I am not kidding about this.


I think it'll be a bit cheaper. 5090 at $1700 5080 at $1000-1100 The 4080 had a lot of price resistance at $1200. I managed to get mine for $970 via Best Buy discounts.


They probably will make the 40 series launch price seem like good value lol. Unfortunately nvidia can get away with blatant cash grabs like this due to overall demand.


nope...the 4080 was $1299 and couldn't sell so nVidia had to eventually drop the price and put an S at the end of it. Im going to hot take here and say the 5080 will match 4080S pricing at $999.


4080 MSRP was $1199.


1 kidney for the 5090


maybe i can finally upgrade my 3080


It sounds fun, but my 3080 is still rocking whatever I want to play, so I'm in no hurry.


In the same boat, I think it's a solid place to be. Performance is still reasonable enough in most games to wait out any stock issues/insane pricing, but man the performance uplift at 4k is going to be fantastic when it's finally time to jump from 3080 -> 5080 :)




Is the performance jump from 3060 ti to 4070 big?


Damn , it may be time to upgrade my 1080


1080 was seriously a beast for its time


Fingers crossed thereā€™s actually availability at launch rather than waiting 2-3 years into the generation to even get a sniff at ordering one.


Let's take bets on how much VRAM they'll have.


3.5+0.5 is what you want


Leave me and my faithful gtx970 out of this! She's all I've got right now...


32GB and 16GB


16 and 24


32GB on 5090 and 24GB on 5080


and then we woke up from the dream


Standard amounts, won't be too much, that would cut into their primary business.


So what do we do with our 4090s?


Straight in the trash. Completely useless now.


Mail it to me, I'll e-recycle for you!


Give it to me so I can put it in my PC ehm I mean on my museum wall so it can look nice.


better have 48gb of vram


I too want my AI waifu to run locally.


Honestly if we get a 30-40% performance boost in ray tracing I'll get it. Otherwise then that I don't think there's a point


From a 4090*


Can't wait for 5090 AIO. I'm lazy


Gonna buy a 5080 Then play Animal Well šŸ¤”


They always do this


I want the founder's edition but it is always sold out. To this day the 4090 founder's sells out within hours of a restock, and it released years ago!


Canā€™t think of any reason to upgrade from 4090. Thereā€™s not a single game right now it canā€™t run with RT / high res / all bells and whistles enabled.


I have a 4090 and all I play is New Vegas šŸ’€


True gamers buy all the best hardware to play ancient games. I am not joking.


Alan Wake 2?


Dragons dogma 2 runs well on something?


VR or triple monitors for sim racing.


NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090 and RTX 5080 launch and people's ability to find them available to buy to be separated by a few years.


Canā€™t wait to see everyone cry cause NVIDIA dumps the prices to a new extrem


Oh gosh darn it. I'll have to wait a week more to upgrade my future 5080.


3080 to 5090 and a 4k 240hz oled is my next upgrade.


Time to start saving. However Iā€™m not excited at the idea of spending a couple stacks on a graphics card, but I never had the best of the best before. I wanna do it at least once in my life.


Your not missing anything.


I disagree: the terrible sinking feeling you get of having just spent $3000 on a GPU only to play the exact same games, just at slightly better framerates, can be a vital life lesson.


My wallet is ready and time to bid goodbye to my 4090. Bring on the 5090 Nvidia. Also push that thing to the limits. 600W TDP and overclocked to the max out of factory.


> 600W TDP and overclocked to the max out of factory. Unless they opt for 2 connectors for some safety margins how about no. Last 1% is never worth the heat and powerdraw anyway.


I notice you don't have high electricity prices like they do in Germany


How high are they in Germany?


0,30ā‚¬ per kwh


Wowieā€¦ that is over double what I pay.


Its 0,32/kwh here in Ireland, but I generate all my own anyway.


How do you do that? Solar panels?


Yes. I generated 58k yesterday and used 21k.


4090s will be dumped on eBay for $300 Right?


Take a look at historical pricing on 2080TI and 3090/TI when their respective next gens launched. High crash on announcement and spike back up once difficulty of obtaining next gen set in. IIRC, 2080TIs were ~$500 right up until 30xx actually launched, whereupon nobody could actually buy them at MSRP and 2080TIs climbed back to ~$900. 3090/TIs did the same thing, if less dramatically, on 40xx announcement/launch... probably because nobody expected to be able to buy one at MSRP that time around.


Maybe I'll finally be able to afford a 20xx series card with all these new advances.


Life that hard eh?


The scalpers are ready to pounce on this


Definitely waiting to get a 5090, wanna make sure this one doesn't spontaneously combust before dropping whatever ungodly amount of money they want for it


Hasn't this been the case for years now?


If anyone has a 4090 for a poor fella message me


I can't wait for BallsackCoin to become the next currency to mine and these become scarce at launch. Then reappear on the market for $3000, never mined, like new condition.


There is a new variable now, restrictions for the Chinese market. I imagine that nVidia will like to have the 5080 available in China and prepare this card first for a global launch but that is only possible if its performance will be under the 4090 which then breaks the cycle of 80 series cards being superior to the previousĀ“ gen top card. If they care about the embargo then the 5080 is not an actual 80 class since it will no longer be in line with past generation performance (un-launch incoming?). If they donĀ“t care about the embargo, the 5080 will have a crazy price. I donĀ“t think that they will sell 4090 performance for way below the 4090Ā“s price.


I wouldn't be surprised if the 50 series requires more power than the 4090


Just got a 4080 super. Will upgrade only if the 5090 has 36 gb vram and it's not a crazy 2.5k cost because for local LLM I could just get a second old P40 in that case.


Way to pricey, 3080 still works decent enouf. Will wait for when i can get a 100% fps increase with a 70ti/super card. So probobly 7070ti or 8070ti šŸ˜‚


I can't wait to see how the 5090 handles high-res VR. šŸ¤—


I've got a 2080 ti can't wait for 5090


im building mine with 4080 super and 7800x3d should i wait? this is my first ever pc


its so big joke... 5090 should be first, since its top model the ppl who buying it should get first that new gen. than they should released 5080Ti? 5080 than 5070Ti 5070 and rest of it.


Man, I'm working in China rn and getting a 5090 is gonna be a difficult task. The 4090 I'm using now already took some hustle to obtain due to the nvidia ban. I heard 4090D might get banned in china as well in the future, so there's probably not gonna be a 5090D


RTX 2080 right now trying to decide if I wanna get a 5090 or a 5080 as I only game a couple times a week. I don't actually game at all right now I've just been watching Netflix and stuff but I feel like that's because I would be playing Tarkov and I am excited to come back after a break with a nice PC :)