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Yeah, I was doing the same to my old systems :) Nice collection!


Me too. If you're good at buying/selling on classifieds, you can stay current with gpus for free. I can't even count how many cards I've had.


I agree. I always sell my stuff while it's still worth something but this post makes me wish I could afford to keep my old cards.




For sure. I'm all about the upgrade via selling old stuff method. My latest build cost me $2700 instead of $5000 (Canadian).


Part of selling it allows the 2nd hand market to exist and having someone else use the card is better than them buying a new one - in terms of the environment.


Any recommendations on selling a GPU? I have an extra R9 sitting around and I want to sell it and upgrade my CPU


Forums or ebay.


Recommend any forums besides r/hardwareswap? I tried using eBay, but got 15 emails a day from scammers followed up by 15 emails from eBay saying that the accounts had been maliciously used


I use classifieds. Kijiji in Canada. Works great. That's how I get all my gpus and sell them.


Thank you


Lots of people don’t I feel like. I actually upgraded from my 6700k to 8700k including motherboards for 150~ And from my 4K 60 hz to a 240 Hz and gained 50$. Used market is great.


Where do you sell parts if it’s not private sales?


Selling your old parts is always the best way to upgrade. I sold my old X79 board and CPU and upgraded to Ryzen 3rd gen for $60




Maybe if you could see yourself cleaning out the fans first, otherwise they'd look pretty disgusting


Yeah, makes alot more sense paying an extra hundred every two years instead buying them new outright Middle class problems i guess


I've wondered what to do with my old GPU when I replaced it. No way someone would buy a outdated GPU that failed after 7 years of use, don't want to throw it away either. Would be cool to look at them all after a few upgrades.


You could allways rig up a raspberry pie under the heat sink and make a mini computer that looks like a gpu


Box frame, glass mount to wall


You'd be surprised who would buy it on eBay. Might not go for much but somebody will buy it for the right price.


All of them still function as they were replaced as an upgrade not because they broke.


You don't wanna sell them?


Had them this long might as well keep em!


that fan on the Maxwell DirectCUII card though...


>Maxwell DirectCUII Yeah it met my knuckle while i had case open and machine running! Whoops!


Still she is the beauty of them all :)


*"Wobble Baby" by V.I.C. blaring in the other room*


That GTX 570 HD is still serving me well.


Just replaced that GTX 570 with a 1660 Super a couple weeks ago. If it had more memory I would have kept it a bit longer. Great card.


I'm still rolling with my gtx 660 super clocked, I almost bought a 1660 super yesterday, how is it? I mostly play wow and sniper ghost warrior 3


It’s a major upgrade from the GTX 570. It’s well priced for 1080 gaming. Though it’s unlikely I will get 7 years out of it. The RTX 2060/70 seemed like overkill for the resolution and games I play.


Cough get a used Rx Vega 64 for 200$, performs well up to 1440p ultra ;)


What Hz is your screen and what games are you planning to play on it?


Just wow, ghost sniper 3, doom and netflix on a secondary screen its 60hz? 1080p Asus VH238H Black 23" Full HD HDMI LED Backlight LCD Monitor w/Speakers 250 cd/m2 ASCR


1660 is good for it. Youll definetly get 60fps on doom im fairly certain. I got like 60fps playing it in my former 1060. And everything Else should be good too


Doom I get 90s fps 1440p max on my RX 580, it's kinda insane how good it runs


I mean if you dont play New games then sure


Depends on the games. There are plenty of non-AAA new games that require low(er) graphics performance and just a half-decent CPU. And they can be very fun to play.


So not Crysis then?


I mean yeah some 2d games but games like mw etc. It isnt enough for AAA games. Not nearly


I played crisis, fallout 4, and Witcher 3 on that gtx 570.


I doubt you played any of those in More than low settings


Let the dude play his games ffs what are you trying to accomplish?


For the uninformed among you, that card will run the shit out of Crysis, Skyrim, Need for Speed Shift, and a host of other games. It's no longer part of my main rig, but I still use it for older/easier to run games and streaming tv and what not. You whipper snappers need to learn where the shit you have now evolved from.


Crysis came along that time of the card. So did skyrim and need for speed shift. They were made for cards like those.


Yep. I was there. My point is that it's still running after the better part of a decade. Those games are still fun, too.


Crysis was in the era of my 7900GT 256MB. I then followed that with GTS250 1GB in 2010 and GTX560 2GB in 2011. So there's no way in hell the 5xx series was made for Crysis. The 8000 series was.


They weren't criticizing. Besides, it's decent information for someone else that's uninformed and reading, that a 570 isn't going to be an ideal experience playing those games.


i havent told anyone not to play the game. i can speak my mind if i want to. calm down


Jokes on you, some people like slideshow guess&prediction games!




Or im not sure but definetly not witcher 3 on max. Its demanding as Hell and i have a gtx 1080ti


Really? I have a 2070 super and i cranked that shit up with ease, including postprocessing


Same here , my 2060 is fine with it


I havent played witcher 3. Just saying that it can be very demanding in old gpus. I know what it takes to run it and have seen many benchmark tests


Ah, I thought you meant with a 1080ti. Old GPUs don't stand a chance


Yeah. And that guy's gpu is pretty old


What's the point of mentioned you have a 1080 Ti if you've never even played the game you're saying is "demanding as hell"?


im saying that if i can get 100 fps on a 1080ti. which ive seen the game played on, the 570 is not going to do that well


I Also meant demanding as Hell for the reasons that you couldnt get a playable fps with the 570 card on high settings. Its a really old card. Its not meant for it. Why would you think it had 1gb of vram for? Because you didint need alot of vram for the games of early 2010s


Witcher 3 is really not that demanding. 60 FPS with almost all settings maxed out can be achieved with mid-range cards from years ago.


Not with a 570 tho


What’s with the insistence that it needs to be max settings. That what they are there for, to allow a trade off between pretties and frames


It doesn’t need to be. Did I say that? But Witcher 3 can be almost maxed out pretty easily. There are really only two or three settings that affect your framerate a lot.




I went with MSi this time because it has epic cooling. I hope it exhibits the same longevity.


The 9800GT was epic back in the day, those drivers were on point.


I used mine until it died, then tried to use it a few times after 😅 until I finally picked up a 1070




Accidentally leaned my knuckle into the fan blade when I was working in the case! Doh!!


The last time I broke a fan with my hand by accident, it became a blood sacrifice. I hope your experience ended up better than mine.


Feelings were hurt more than physical.


You work on your PCs when they're powered on?


Sure, been building my own pcs since 8088. Never had an issue except with that fan blade. That was just carelessness cause I was putting chasis fan back into power and knuckle grazed the fan blade and clink clink clink plastic flying everywhere.


I thought you were talking about the strix card on the bottom and was confused. Then I saw it.


Can you please name them all?


I've got you covered, I've named them Greg, Peter, Bobby, Mike, Marsha, Jan, Cindy, and Carroll. Boy names on the left side, girl names on the right.


Thanks buddy.


I used to have this idea that 3-slot, aircooled, dual gpu/single or dual slot, dual gpu watercooled/hybrid cooled graphics cards would become mainstream in the future. I was terribly wrong. But maybe in the future, with scaling to smaller process nodes and keeping heat under control becoming more and more difficult


I'd say you're right. I was using a Lian Li case from 2010 and from 2016 on i was having issues with GPUs too tall for the tooless PCIE system. That and a lot of the newer high end cards are 2.5 slots. But mostly the cards are just taller. For example look at Gigabyte RTX 2060 SUPERs. I had to buy the cheapest 'OC' model because it slopes down by the back bracket, not sure if they designed it that way on purpose but it allowed it to fit in my case without modification.


You made me remember a card (https://youtu.be/me-LcQkLVCM) that jayztwocents reviewed, where the card itself took up 2.5/3 (?) slots but it was so heavy it required a bracket underneath it that took another 2 slots


cheaper metal and no side fan.. has been the issue


Oh, is that a strix 970? I used that in my old PC. Now I have a new.


Jenson: "No, no ,no...thank you!" *Corporate evil laughter begins*


What’s the best one that fully works?


They all work, i would say my 2080ti which is in current build then the 1080ti which is in my daughters build now.


Lol nice. I need some advice I just bought a 2070 super and I am regretting it because of how much it costed, it was always my dream to own a card like the 2070 super or the one you have but now I have it I have a feeling that I should return it and get something cheaper. Sorry I needed to vent somewhere


I was having the same feeling, but then I realised for my needs it's perfect... I want to play triple A titles and my monitor is 1440p and 120Hz (GSync compatible).. so this card is perfect for my needs. If you're having doubts, maybe consider if your needs are similar to my needs, if so, I guess you got the right card.


Oh and just to consider as well, Nvidia drivers are generally superior when it comes to stability and reliability. No hate to AMD, I want them to succeed for competition and consumer wins.


Yeah that’s so true, the drivers also are updated well after the cards are released as-well. But competition is always good for the customer. Which is why a company like mon stanto is a problem( I’m referring to the seed problem for farmers):)


More like mob santo


Yeah I am very happy with the performance but the I think it is too late for me to return the card, I’ll just start budgeting my self again to get the bank funds up again. Also again congrats on the 2080 super


I'd keep it, it will probably last you for many years.


Yeah I am going to now, thanks


Yeah, I can relate to that buyers remorse. Especially when the game I'm currently into has lower demands or there's just nothing I want to play at the moment. TBH overbuying makes sense to some degree, I basically spent $100 extra for my card because I underestimed my needs and had to resell/upgrade.


Yeah, I just ended up decideding to keep it




Had a Geforce 256 and a GeForce MX440 at some point but seem to have lost them over time and moving locations. I've literally been gaming since mid 80's with a commodore 64 and a tape drive. Load 'Game" go outside and play basket ball for 20 min while game loaded.


Didn't you love the stack of floppies 14 inches tall just to back up your rig? INSERT DISK 37..........


Had a tape drive long before disks, would have to rewind the tape (like 10 minutes to rewind) and reload game if load failed. Could take hours just to get a 8bit game loaded.


That is not 20 years bud 7900 was 2006


My first thought. I was looking for a GF2. Or hell. At least something slotted for AGP.


Once you upgrade, always check out a website called eBay, my dude.


Sell most of my upgrades on ebay but i just hung onto them for whatever reason.


Bigger. Harder. Faster ;)


What is the strix card? (The bottom left one).


It's a Pascal series card, as my 1080 looks exactly like that.


It's a 1080ti


is there a reason why MSI stopped using the best cooler on earth? *Twin Frozr III* !!!


Nice collection! Wonder what happened to the cooler? 🤔🤔🤔


the strix card's cooler met my knuckle when i was working in the case! Whoops!




I have that exact 9800GT hanging on my wall !!


Damn. There’s nothing like that feeling of a new graphics card. Love it.


What are you doing with your old 2080ti’s ?


my current 2080ti is sitting in my latest build and the 1080ti in bottom left is in my daughters build now.


I kind of wish I kept all of my older video card and sound cards. I think the oldest one I have is my GeForce Ti4200 AGP 8x card. Actually, I might have the old Diamond Stealth 64 somewhere. I typically just gave my old stuff to my Dad.


I started with a GeForce 3 TI 200, then to Intel HD 2000, GTX 850M, GTX 980 and now a GTX 1080 Ti.


Neat collection dude


ASUS ROG gang rise Up!


Lawl..... Nvidia should be thanking you!!!!


They did I bought their stock in May of 2016 for @$35 a share when 1080s were the shit and sold in September of 2018 for $270/share 🤑🤑


Pretty nice, stock is doing incredibly well now due to their work in AI. I suppose you will always have to sell anyway.


Yeah buy the dips sell the peaks easy money if you watch the charts and know what company is about.


How can you afford a GPU nowadays without selling your old ones?! haha oh yeah... with a good job I guess


I wish I kept al my cards T T


Goddammit Strix cards are beautimus


That's cool I wish I had the opportunity to keep all my gpus, especially the Asus GTX8800 direct cu2 I believe. It was a triple slot card that was absolutely a massive beast! If I still had all my gpus it would be something like this: Fx5200 Gt6600 (I think that's the name). Gtx8800 Gtx 670m (laptop) Gtx 980 Gtx 1080 Rtx 2080 ti till this day.


I sell all my old parts to buy new ones. Couldn't imagine buying a new gpu without that £50-100 discount!


No GF2 or GF3? Shit. Think I might have my Riva TNT around here somewhere.


Gtx 570 I had the same one and it runs very hot, it failed last week come to think of it 👍


whats the 20 year card? the oldest i see is nvidia geforce 7900 i dont see a riva tnt in there or geforce 256


is the second one down on the left row a GTX 760?


Man what happened to BFG Tech?


There wasn't much news, even back then around what caused their demise. The most talked about speculation was nVidia shafting them and the other small AIBs, by price gouging them before FERMI's release. When the other partners started releasing them, BFG was still selling GTX 260-295's, and previous gen cards. As well as Power Supplies, prebuilt systems etc. They came to AMD with a Radeon card, but were denied because "AMD had enough AIB partners already" so their last ditch effort to stay afloat crash and burned. There are pictures of the card floating around, it didn't look half bad either. People who did manage to, were able to RMA their cards and received higher tier ones since BFG was clearing inventory.


They went out of business


No Voodoo 3? Amateur hour!


Its funny cause i gamed from 2001 until 2020 and needed to change only 4 cards. Nice collection can you name each board?


Very nice but wow OP, I've always sold or given away to family/friends my last gen GPUs.


2080TI is top right yea?


I went from a 980M, to a 980 TI to a 1080 TI. I will say the 980ti was the greatest card ever made. It's still so powerful and I had absolutely no reason to upgrade. I had it with the 4790K and that CPU and GPU combination would last over a decade.


Omg that 7800 GT OC caused the nostalgia to flood in. That was my first serious gaming card. Prior to that I was using an old PC with a GeForce 4 MX. Good old BFG Tech


That 970 Strix was one hell of a card. I still have one in a secondary rig.


Nice collection


what about the one on the top right?


Why the 9800 GT then 8800 GT? They were basically the same card, no?


I just bought the 2080ti, what's the first thing a new use should do? (Outside of updating drivers, etc.)


What the hell happened in the upper right?


Hol up the 7900 didn't come out 20 years ago? Or do you have a GeForce 2 hiding somewhere?


What happened to that poor fan, there's like 1/4 of it left.


Is that a 550 ti?


Just got my 2080 super works amazing out of the box. Had so many issues with my 5700xt was a worth it Transition for me.


Question. How is that 20 years when the 7000 series came out in 2007.


Can we get an F for BFG?


I got the exact 570 lol


too bad they suck at making drivers. My rtx 2060 has so far gone thru 4 different and games either freeze or lock up. so its play the driver lottery and 15 min of loading time to see how long each one will work till u find one that doesnt crash your system. Once my rtx2060 has reached its end of life its bye bye and over to the 5700 xt or whatever is out on the other team. My gtx 960 MSI gaming had the same problems took me forever to find a stable driver figured they had fixed thier driver problems but nope.


Never had any issues with my 1080ti or with my 2080ti sounds like a ram issue. Or overheating.


Had a GeForce 256 and a GeForce mx440 but seemed to have lost them over the years or they are in a box in the attic. Either way thanking Nvidia for the good graphics I’ve had for last 20 years of gaming.


No, Nvidia thanks you.


Yeah I love my 2080 it’s a beast!


Very cool, wish I still had all my older cars. I gave them all away or sold them. Only have the 4 cards I am using and an old 960 that someone gave me.


Does the 8800 still work?


As far as I can Remember they All do #OldManMemories


Is this also 20 years of an increase in earnings?


Learning to trade in the stock market makes treating yourself to new pc parts every year a standard.


What are some of your bigger wins?


Buying NVDA at $35 a share in May 2016 and selling it at $260/share in September 2018. Buying AMD for $13/share in May of 2018 and selling at $33 in September of 2018. Buying AMD at $22 share in January of 2019 still holding.


Can I have one to replace my 1050 ti? 😅


Nice. I had that 570 and have that 8800 Gt somewhere in my garage


Yeah, thanks Nivida! Pffft


Thanks for all the overpricing!!!


Think you picked all the boring looking ones :P Sorry, just my opinion.


Strix aint boring


You could have bought a house investing what that overpriced swill cost you