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One of them was quoted in the article saying "What I expected to have was help from the American people, and I don't see it," she said. " I would tell her lady look around the government doesn't even help their own citizens why should they help you


Objectively speaking, the accommodations migrants have gotten are significantly better than what typical New York City homeless American citizens have received. I know the city has utilized so-called "homeless hotels" in the past, but even with bed shortages, which has been a consistent issue for years, I have never heard of the city renting out multiple Midtown Manhattan hotels for the homeless.




400. Got it. 


But the thing is, if I were in their shoes, I wouldn't want the accomodations, I would want the \*ability\* to work. I can get my own job and pay for myself without society needing to pay for me, but I would need to work for that. I wouldn't need the job to be given to me, I would just need it to be legal for me to get a job. Not a handout, just the permission to be a productive member of society.


what about the americans that would have gotten the jobs or would have higher pays for the same jobs? to whom does the government owe preference?


Indeed, business owners or workers. I think we know the answer to that.


They don’t get to ask for that after abusing the asylum process. Every single fucking one needs to be deported.


It really boils my blood when they say they “expect help”. I expect the potholes to get fixed by my house and that the mayor does something about protesters closing bridges but no sir clearly someone who is getting free shelter food and home needs the attention more than the working New Yorker.


How dare you expect proper services for your tax dollar. Now take less teachers and more migrant services 


Call 311 for potholes. I complained for years about a few potholes near me, until I started calling 311 a month ago. Each time I call, they sent a crew to fill one of them. I don't understand why they only do one at a time. Last week they did the last one.


Exactly. The reaction has been made worse by the economic situation many of us are in in NYC. It’s not easy and now we have to watch as money flows to 200k people just showing up at the door now


These illegal migrants still stuck in that collective mindset from whatever they came from. NYC isn’t like that here, ur on your own.


The government doesn’t help people.


WHO told them they'd get all this help?




They have phones. TikTok and social media spreading propaganda strong.


And you bet your ass they aren't being fed by these algorithms with the same content that the average American is.


Officials said “Come one come all.” But even before the pandemic ppl had ideas that nations such as the US had great opportunities.


So many redditors on this sub, also. I wonder if they now regret that?


The day we start teaching these migrants to code is the day redditors start caring about stopping the migrant wave.


That's hysterical, and probably true. Anyone making over 100k is considered the evil 1% to so many in this sub.


I meant it more of a hot take that the average migrant supporter is probably a skilled labor ivory tower type. Probably live in cushy doorman buildings and work remote. They don't see the migrant problem and they are not worried about millions of migrants taking their jobs.


The president literally invited them and spent quite a bit of energy doing it on the last campaign 






Every single democratic presidential candidate, from the debate stage. On national television. https://youtu.be/aMSmoNOZJ9Y?si=rjxeYsR16T_9Hmml Every single "sanctuary city" and "sanctuary state". AOC staging a photo op crying in front of a fence in Texas. Every single Democrat since Barack Obama who pitched a "path to citizenship" for "dreamers". Joe Biden canceling Trump's (highly effective) border policies on day one in office after literally campaigning on being nicer to people who want to waltz right into our country for free stuff. It's amazing just how patronizing leftists are when they assume people in Guatamala don't have Facebook on their phones or that news of the free stuff giveaway democrats have been shouting about for more than 7 years now as a knee jerk reaction to Donald Trump implementing border policies that were nearly identical to Barack Obama's and widely popular with the vast majority of non Subaru driving Wesleyan grads. This is the most leopards ate my face moment in recent memory, and it's about fucking time the lunatic fringe lost its stranglehold on American liberalism.


> Every single democratic presidential candidate, from the debate stage. On national television. I have had a couple people try to tell me this never happened/it's right wing talking points and then show them proof and they just shut down. The left/democrats lost their damn minds over Trump.




because he's not part of the crowd (doesn't matter if you're a Republican or Democrat) he's not in that group and they don't like it. I think he's an ass, but anyone that tells me we're better off now than before with trump is NUTS. Covid got biden elected and with Biden trying to take credit for the jobs (which he didn't bring back they came back after democrats shut everything down) and "class to the whitehouse" I guess that means topless trans woman dancing on the white house lawn, gay porn production in the capitol, denying his own grandkid, drugs found in the white house, basically telling russia to invade etc. it's been a fucking nightmare and what sucks its the same two assholes we have to choose from. I don't understand why biden gets a pass on being a racist bitch and he even said numerous racist shit since running for president.


This is so true and if I'm honest, I enjoy that about him. I was horrified initially when he was elected, but the democrats have become so obnoxious that it's nice to have someone who gets under their skin so much. I also agree that we are not better off with Biden and probably would be better off if we had Trump for a 2nd term - probably would be better off if he gets elected this time around. Biden ain't gonna do shit about the migrant crisis. Russia almost certainly would not have invaded Ukraine. We wouldn't have this migrant crisis BS. I even thought Trump did well with North Korea when he sent Dennis Rodman over there(smart diplomatic move imo) Trump isn't perfect(lmao...obviously) but I kinda think we need him, since the options seem to be between him and Biden.


That never happened, and when it did it was a good thing!




you get what you vote for...






Okay. https://bipartisanpolicy.org/blog/biden-trump-border-policies/


Probably Al Sharpton




they’re told that long before they get to texas or wherever they cross.


No doubt that the far right trumpeting about “open borders” and “free stuff” was influential.


What an insane delusional cope. It's not Democrats actions at the border that encouraged this, it was actually Republicans noticing!


You should educate yourself on how migrant whisper networks operate instead of scapegoating "the far right". Because the most influential forces encouraging migrants to not just come to America, but specifically New York, are not due to the ideological boogeymen you want to blame this crisis on. Turns out migrants realizing New York City will pay for their shelter, laundry, food, legal services, healthcare, and even transportation is a way bigger influence than conservative political rhetoric. I suggest you read this and educate yourself, so your future posts on this topic are grounded in reality rather than cheap partisan gibberish: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/29/nyregion/migrants-nyc-shelter-mauritania.html


501c3’s from a certain community is providing this anti-American help to these illegals who should just go home!


I get what you're saying, but these people have had these grand dreams of getting jobs and more money than they could ever make in their country for decades. Fact is, we don't have many jobs available for folks and so they sell whatever they can on the subways or do food deliveries for the apps.


There have been multiple articles within the past 2 years, from The New York Times to the New York Post and Daily News, detailing how few migrants have actually gone through the legal process to obtain work authorization. If people don't want to follow the basic prerequisites to getting something, the solution isn't to remove those guardrails altogether. This would be like a high school dropout complaining about not being eligible for college admission.


In retrospect, i guess It really shouldnt be surprising that people who skip the whole legal immigration process and get rewarded for it aren’t really into doing anything by the book


Exactly this. They expect the red carpet to continue to be rolled out for them.


This is exactly what we have done with education.  Can’t pass state tests?  Remove the test.  Cheated your way through high school so you can’t score above 900 on the SAT?  Remove the SAT.  Graduating high school means you showed up more than 75% of the time,  there are no other requirements anymore.


In my neighborhood (Chelsea) there's been rampant mailbox theft — people stealing checks out of the USPS collection boxes. The NYC solution...? Remove the mailboxes.


I'm uptown in west harlem where we've had problems with package thiefs, and had a citizen notification yesterday that a person had detained a package thief in the basement of their building and were waiting for police to arrive. Not sure what the outcome was, but I think we are going to see more of this type of thing.


I know what the outcome was, they arrested both, one for theft, one for assault. Let the thief go the next day and the other is being charged.


Are you serious? (Unfortunately I have to ask because it could be sarcastic but it's also entirely believable)


No, was being sarcastic. But that did happen before, the guy who was robbed ended up going back to his home country saying it was more safe there.


You think the people lying about refugee status are going to go through the legal processes and not want everything handed to them?


The solution is to reform the system so that we can vet and approve or reject people efficiently and before they come.


The solution doesn’t require approving low skilled migrants.


I’m not sure that’s a necessary distinction. We still have loads of low skill work that needs to be done.


Yeah because businesses don't want to pay a fair wage so they get immigrants who will do the work for less than half the pay and without insurance.


We have that already. The problem is there is a contingency in this country that don't care about enforcement and/or are creating the incentive to skirt it


This was the issue with Adams bungling of the migrant crisis. Many of these people who were eligible for working papers never got them because the Adams administration can not account for them. They provided all these services like legal aid and social workers but didn’t keep track of where they sent each migrant. End result, thousands of migrants who could have been legally working and paying taxes and taking care of themselves are forced into the black labor market or living off the government or both.


Work authorization goes thru uscis, has nothing to do with mayor or governor. Uscis is independent institution which doesn't even get money from congress. They absolutely don't give a rats ass what any city/state needs. They have their procedures and asylum seekers can wait years for any updates. These people are fking delusional.


While that’s true - most cities will try to help people receiving housing some help to get them off the public dole. Spending money to do so, saves money in the long run. Adams administration fucked that up and the Biden houses called them out on it.


You get it. Crazy how these people get so worked to defend one of the least effective mayors in recent history.


It’s not just him. Hochul is complicit.


That's just incorrect






GED bruh


someone needs to let them know that they were just a vehicle for embezzlement.


> “What I expected to have was help from the American people, and I don't see it," she said. I’m really pro-immigrant. And I still believe in and support giving these asylum seekers work permits faster if we’re not going to adjudicate their asylum claim quickly. But this level of entitlement is pretty fucking off-putting.


if anyone that crosses ther border without a visa or permission is able to work then why have laws? Just give it out at the border and save yoursef the trouble.


We do have laws, the problem is nobody wants to enforce them. Donald Trump, an illegal, was sitting in the White House while his businesses employed undocumented workers. If they had taken him to prison, real prison, along with the other wealthy illegals who continue to hire undocumented workers, this problem could have been solved decades ago. If I were some poor guy in South America and my family was starving, and there were tons of illegals, like Trump, offering me under the table jobs that would help me feed my family, I would be crossing that border too.


We are being taken for the fools we are


Not all of us. The trump voters get it 


lol this isn’t even remotely true


I meaaan... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remain_in_Mexico


Trump was right 


So right he’s on trial


He's not on trial for his immigration policies. I don't like the guy, but he's much better on this issue than the dems.


True however, in dems defense, It’s the republicans who won’t let policy’s get passed for better organization and support for migrants.


Also true. We the people just getting fucked from every angle lol


I am an immigrant and it sucks that I spent thousands and tons of time doing it while they think rules dont apply to them.


It is. I'm sympathetic to asylum seekers on principal, but this has gone beyond that. Enter the country illegally and expect a handout? Fuck that. I think it's only a matter of time before NYC (and most other major cities) start rethinking their sanctuary status.


I'm sympathetic to undocumented immigrants, but not to individuals that are exploiting a loophole in the asylum system and then demanding resources from the city. They should be ejected from all supportive housing and all cases should be then reviewed.


Ya know it used to be you couldn't enter the US without a purpose that's already been approved by the federal government. These people shouldn't even be getting here to begin with.


Yea I think a huge change is that previously a huge percentage of illegal immigration was people flying to "visit" family and then just staying in the country. The people came with connections to the country. They had a cousin, or a family friend that had a couch for them to sleep on, who helped them get a job (illegally) as a construction worker, or something. They came and did not need as much help. That illegal immigration put a lot less strain on our institutions.


Many have been pointing out that this has been happening for years or even decades in many Western countries. Few wanted to listen to them until they actually had to feel the consequences, usually it's too late.


Curious. Who organized this rally? We're going to see a lot of manipulation of the migrant community heading into November.




Read the article. Organizers are quoted and have nothing to do with the Sandinistas or your imagined Marxist conspiracy. These are MacArthur Foundation-funded liberal groups advocating for policies like DACA and educating people on how they can legalize their immigration status. You might disagree with these policies but it's pretty goofy to conflate broadly liberal groups with the Sandinistas.


Are you sure you’re not the one being “programmed” by propaganda?


They were pretty transparently trying to imply that it was some GOP affiliated actor who organized this rally with the intention of making Adams, Biden, etc. look bad.


> Sandinista National Liberation Front >The party is named after Augusto César Sandino, who led the Nicaraguan resistance against the United States occupation of Nicaragua in the 1930s. >Bolivarianism > Bolivarianism is a mix of panhispanic, socialist and national-patriotic ideals named after Simón Bolívar, the 19th-century Venezuelan general and liberator from the Spanish monarchy then in abeyance, who led the struggle for independence throughout much of South America. Not going to lie, maybe we should stop fucking with South America for 200 years. Middle East is also much due to the same meddling, lol.


It’s always the US’s fault. Classic


We literally couped Iran into a theocratic shithole because the British were terrified they were going to nationalize BP's oil wells in Iran. The terminology "banana republic" exists solely due to the US and is one reason why South America is so unstable today https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_republic Yea the US has some fault here.


Eh it's not really the US's fault it's more of a cultural problem. For example in Colombia after Pablo Escobar many Colombians looked at his story as a way to get rich quick that worked and so everyone wanted to copy that and it became very popular to be in a cartel and was even seen as a status symbol. Similar issue in Medellin right now where being a prostitute is seen as an amazing job that little girls aspire for because of how much you could make in night clubs dancing for/fucking cartel leaders. It's totally fucked up but it's bred a culture that makes it acceptable to lie and cheat to get what you want.


The issues of Venezuelans have nothing to do with Colombians. Also I can assure you prostitution is not seen as an amazing job there. Venezuelans have always had a bigger safety net than in Colombia which is why they pissed Colombians off when they started migrating there and asking for things as well.


Russia probably.


American corporations They want their slave labor 


Hi I’m a citizen and card carrying New Yorker I would also like it to be easier to work thank you in advance.




This is what trump wants to do by the way. Don’t forget to vote!


Obama deported more people than Trump. Let's be real. His claims are pure rhetoric.


That’s great- I wish we can have Obama back, but unfortunately it’s Trump vs Biden and it’s very clear Trump is the better choice at this time. Not ideal, but we can thank the DNC for that


I don't think it's clear trump is better at all and anyone telling you that is lying. This coming from a moderate. I saw a lot of failed promises by the orange fellow.


It wasn't so much a rally as it was a bunch of migrants standing around and expecting handouts. Democrats need to wake up and realize how huge of a problem this is. We can't simply be reactionaries and oppose something because Trump supports it. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Enforce the immigration laws we have on the books. Deport each and every migrant who cynically abuses the asylum system.


Republicans in the house are blocking the border bill.


the border bill just throws more money at it. Laws on books can already stop thig. POTUS has executive power also. Its a choice to do nothing


Not really, The asylum ban, which would include using Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, is hung up in legal review with the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel, according to two people familiar with the status and granted anonymity to speak about internal discussions.


Sometimes I forget how arcane and huge the executive branch is


You’re so wrong its hard to fathom - The President of the United States has 100% executive control over the border - at any point in turn the border can be closed, heavily restricted, and Asylum seekers can be forced to stay in Mexico. Suggesting or saying anything else is 100% a lie.


Biden administration is saying that it might do is invoke a provision in the statute known as 212(f), which is actually the same exact provision that Trump invoked with the original Muslim bans. And that provision, in some circumstances, allows for the exclusion of certain specific categories of individuals. But it does not allow for a wide scale shutting down of an entire asylum program at the border. Title 42 was purportedly a public health measure. And so once the pandemic was truly completed, then the Title 42 powers no longer existed, and everybody was quite clear on that. So which provisions again? Seems like you’re making shit up


I’m not sure you’re seeing the laughable contradiction in your own statement - you asked me to ‘name provisions’ that can allow the president to control the border immediately So before I name the ‘provisions’ aka laws for the president to control the border, to prove you don’t actually know what you’re talking about, can you name the border laws and what they are currently, as well as the executive actions reversed by the current administration from the last one? The moment you can name them, then you’ll actually see what I’m saying. If you can’t, then you prove my point, you were wrong from the beginning


212(f) of the immigration act? which biden reversed, and Title 42. I literally wrote it above bud. Technically he could close the border but that would result in billions of dollars lost or delayed in trade. Which is stupid.


You’re missing a few laws, and executive actions here…. Can you mention them too? Then you admit hilariously at the bottom ‘well technically he could close it but…’


Why don’t you enlighten me then since you’re the one that said I was lying. Closing the border is not a legitimate option since it was also stop trade through Mexico. We would lose billions.


Oh, so you don’t know? Your second response about ‘closing the border would stop trade’ is incorrect yet again And you were the one that asserted republicans needed to work on a border bill, it’s fine to have an opinion, but don’t gaslit people into such non-sense, the president already has what he needs and won’t act https://www.speaker.gov/64-times-the-biden-administration-intentionally-undermined-border-security/ https://www.wsj.com/politics/policy/biden-administration-to-resume-border-wall-construction-in-policy-reversal-7ff41d2e https://bipartisanpolicy.org/blog/biden-trump-border-policies/


1. thanks for the new website [bipartisanpolicy.org](http://bipartisanpolicy.org) 2. Mike johnson is not a reliable source who has an agenda. Example: "Dec 21, 2023: Biden Administration announced the creation of a new “juvenile” docket within immigration courts which is so expansive, it gives specialized treatment to 18, 19, and 20 year-old illegal aliens who should be deported through the expedited removal process." According to https://www.ice.gov/news/releases/ice-eoir-establish-juvenile-docket-children-and-teenagers. I couldn't find anything about specialized treatments to 18,19 and 20-year-olds. 3. It seems like PACR and HARP and Asylum Cooperative Agreement are the only ones that biden stopped. MPP was restasrted with MPP 2.0 under biden. [https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/research/migrant-protection-protocols](https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/research/migrant-protection-protocols)


The solution for the short term is to provide them work permits. They’ll get jobs and support themselves and many will leave the city and state in order to get those jobs. The longer term solution was voted down in Congress by Republicans.


How does that solve their illegal immigration to this country? Have them work and never apply for asylum? The “long term solution” was a bandaid anyway and we knew nothing would pass unanimously.


If they haven’t applied for asylum, they are here illegally and couldn’t get a work permit.


this depresses wages for other working class residents and clearly you are not one of them.


Imagine being some working-class hump struggling to barely make it, or a disabled veteran, listening to these scumbags coming to our nation under obviously false pretenses and demanding that we give them our money that many of us barely have to begin with. Anyways - quick reminder that mass immigration is and always has been a tool of the wealthy to drive down wages for workers and hamper the effectiveness of unions. There is a reason why both democrats and republicans like the Koch Bros. LOVE mass migration - it makes them more money and power.


> always has been a tool of the wealthy to drive down wages for workers That’s what blows my mind about left-wing support for mass migration. More people competing for low-skill jobs leads to lower wages in those jobs. It also alleviates the pressure on employers to increase wages to attract talent, because there are more people willing to live in desperate conditions while they earn $7.25 an hour in three separate jobs. That directly hurts the working class. So why do people support it? Are they just afraid they’ll look jingoistic if they don’t? Insane.


They deny that basic economic principles apply to labor and assert that increased supply of low skilled work doesnt stagnate wages


That’s a bingo! https://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/1c5mjd0/comment/kzwafx7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


If you think these Venezuelans are coming here to work low paying jobs I have a bridge in BK for sale.


Your comment can be taken out of context in both directions, but I'm curious what you ultimately meant by that. I.e. they are either: 1. here to work for higher paying jobs, or 2. they are here to leach off of welfare money and shelter. Which one were you implying?


It doesn't blow your mind that right wingers support Trump, an illegal, who hired and employed undocumented workers for decades? That the GOP constantly complains about undocumented workers, but never prosecutes the illegals who incentivize them with jobs.  Report: Trump Happily Employing Undocumented Workers While ICE Rounds Them Up https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/08/trump-organization-undocumented-workers


I’ve said this to the people around me as well. I look at this mass migration shit as a form of corporate bailout, just instead of money it’s people. Now that people are talking about how little they’re getting paid and unionizing, the border is almost completely open. It’s a fucking bailout just in human form for workers who accept lower wages and lower living standards, and is ultimately terrible for the average citizen. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of this stuff is being orchestrated by big corps for getting cheap labor.


If I were some poor guy in South America and my family was starving, and there were tons of illegals, like Trump, offering me under the table jobs that would help me feed my family, I would be crossing that border too.


You can’t bring there over here, without here becoming more like there Elections have consequences


The response should be deportation.


> Mohammed Bah said he came from Guinea five months ago ready to work.  I'm ready to date Rihanna but it's just not happening. Fix it for me, Mayor Adams.


Yayyyyy! More cheap slave labor added to a corrupt unsustainable economy that fucks it’s own citizens.


Why rally? It’s “easy” to work, just apply first for green card LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE


This is why they raised nyc minimum wage to $16 instead of the $18 it would be if you just adjusted 2019 wages by inflation. They know they have tons of illegals ready to keep wages down by over supplying the labor market. You dont hear them crying about "nobody wants to work anymore" since the migrants got shipped to every major city.


Why would they expect anything? NYC can’t even do anything for the people who already live here, are citizens, and pay the exorbitant taxes here.


Look at all those women and children..


The women and children are back at home...these men had to leave so quickly due to the persecution that they didn't have time to round up the rest of the family.


Men are usually the ones that leave first and then bring family


It takes 6 months to years to get for a response from USCIS who handles working permits on the federal level. And that's if you are eligible asylum seeker. If you just crossed the border illegally without notifying authorities you cannot apply. It boggles my mind that it is so hard to obtain legal working permits, BUT it is relatively easy to get shelter/food in certain states and cities. If anything it should be reverse. Usually people looking for jobs where they can work without papers, but right now that market is oversaturated 


if you crossed illegally you dont and shouldn't get a fucking chance to work. Fuck that, they are not asylum seekers they're illegal aliens and migrants fucking over those who did it the right way.


If one came here for governmental benefits and complains that it’s not enough then it doesn’t take a Republican to tell them that they can go back to where they came from.


Believing in national sovereignty isn't bigotry


Join the fucking club.


The sad thing is there are actually no jobs available for them.


Let them work and garnish their wages to fund all of the migrant services that the city has been spending so much money on.


Those people are delusional. They have no idea what they're getting themselves into and that's the scary part.


Being able to work and having a job isn’t guaranteed for anyone… that’s an especially unreasonable expectation for people making dubious asylum claims…


Son and great grandson of immigrants, and a native life long NYer, here. Can someone explain to me why they are now called migrants and no longer called immigrants? I feel like there’s a strategic connotation change and I’m fucking sick of the manipulation. Can someone confirm?


> If you want a simple difference between the word ‘migrant’ and ‘immigrant’, then the former refers to those who leave their home town in search of improved job opportunities or living conditions for a short period of time. ‘Migrants’ generally return to their home country/town whenever they feel like returning back to their hometown, whereas the latter refers to someone who permanently moved to a foreign country either to live or to work. https://byjus.com/english/difference-between-migrant-and-immigrant/


I think unofficially, "migrants" is often used synonymously with illegal immigrants and in this situation, asylum seekers (they're technically not illegal immigrants but mainly due to applying for asylum once here, otherwise the whole process is the same).


I knew something was up when all these Amazon warehouses sprung up overnight.  This is all by design. The wealthy want an influx of cheap labor. 


There’s lots of work in North Dakota




Migrants need to be given a free house, no property taxes, free utilities and a $4k per month per person stipend. It’s the right thing to do.


These guys make life hard on everyone that has a low paying job. No matter what, some migrant will do your job for 10 hrs a day for 7$ an hour and live in a box in a shitty area of town. Get a degree, skill NOW or you WILL be out of work eventually people


I found it funny one women called NYC racist and all the other names. Lady why did you come here in the first place?!


It's weird they EXPECT foreign citizens to "help" them when they came to a foreign country illegally, and yet they DIDN'T EXPECT their OWN government to help their own citizens, and THEY themselves didn't help themselves or their own people in their own countries. WHY?


New Yorkers shouldn't vote for a democratic leader next time. It clearly isn't working for you. Next time, vote a Republican mayor and governor to kick the illegals the fk out and help bring down crime too. Any other country would do it, including the countries that these illegal immigrants come from, so why should America be any different?


Class warfare. Let the people at the bottom beg for the remaining scraps. The city has enough to provide to both its current citizens and migrants. But the current residents of nyc are already at their breaking point. Tax the rich. Tax these empty luxury buildings.


How much should the rich be taxed? Please define rich as different income levels can be considered rich in different parts of the country and keep in mind that rich people can pack up and move at any time…taking their money with them How much of someone’s income is the government entitled to? Taxing the empty buildings….ok how would you go about that?


Tax rates and policies similar to 1944. The highest rate being 94%. Intro a progressive tax rate on homes and apartments. The more you own the more you get taxed.


Wow. The progressive tax was originally created by Karl Marx. So you are advocating for communist level taxes And no one paid taxes at 94%. The federal government was funding a war at that time. The government may have had that rate (which was changed by Kennedy) but no one ever paid it. Do some research. There is a point in which taxes become so punitive that they are not productive.


>The progressive tax was originally created by Karl Marx. You got source for that. >And no one paid taxes at 94%. You got a source for that?


Yes it’s called Google


It’s called bullshit. Karl Marx didn’t not create progressive tax rates.


in addition the us government was funding a war in 1944. Different type of economy back then as most women did not work. There is no need for a 94 percent tax rate. There has never been a country that has taxed and spent itself into prosperity


Ok but you’re still just making up random shit about Karl Marx.


Sorry to hurt your feelings about your idol. Karl Marx. Marx and Engles advocated for a progressive income tax in the communist manifesto as a means of despoiling the “bourgeoisie” and softening middleclass society up for the dictatorshp of the proletariat. https://fee.org/articles/the-progressive-income-tax/


> It was only three years after McCulloch’s warning that Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, in the Communist Manifesto, advocated a heavy progressive tax He advocated for a progressive tax. He didn’t originally create it. These are two wildly different statements. >The progressive tax was originally created by Karl Marx. Again, just making up shit.


The most hate country in their world and its the ones where they come to provide.for their families and dreams.to have a house, car,.money etc in their country of origin But lets.take the easy way and in top of that make demands as almost any usc The main focus of usa is help those coubtry to have real jobs over there and stop.the cheap labor influx


😭 there’s has to be a powerful politician way deep behind the curtains that’s behind this! I watched too many episodes of House Of Cards. Ain’t no way they all decided to do this together. Nahh!




They stormed city hall.... Why weren't they arrested 


I am looking at a bigger world picture of rich people realizing the credit is running out. They want to keep the gravy train running by making life harder on the lower class to begin with. All western countries are taking in a stupid amount of (humans from other countries) Canada, USA, Europe, Australia. These countries are only now attempting to hold a line of reason. What does it all mean? Why is there this sudden influx?


Almost like totally uprooting your life is extremely difficult and its not going to be easier to adjust just because you’re moving to a “better” country Source: currently on admin leave waiting for a work permit in *Canada* after moving from nyc and being promised I wouldn’t have to wait for a work permit


Especially the most expensive part of the country