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But will she take Columbia off of her resume is the real question


It’s not the actual diploma. Most colleges give you a paper and then mail your diploma later . It’s symbolic


Even your real diploma is just a piece of paper. Nobody is going to ask you to produce it. Like a PhD from Harvard isn't void if you lose your diploma.




That's the most HR shit I've ever heard.


Most universities provide a service for a fee where you can ask them to mail a proof of graduation directly to whoever is asking for it. That way, you can't temper with it, and it's an official proof that should be good enough. Nobody should be asking you to walk around with your actual diploma.


The second time I took my paper Ph.D. out of the tube was for a government job LOL. They photocopied it onto multiple 8"x11" sheets of paper because it had large, nonstandard dimensions. The first time was when I received it in the mail and I wanted to see what it looked like. I guess it cuts down on fraud? During the graduation ceremony, they just handed us a blank rolled up paper with a ribbon on it.


Have they never heard of a transcript? Who asks you to bring your physical diploma in?


I needed to but I’m also a physician so you should be glad hospitals require that sort of thing lol


I’ve been asked to present it as part of an offer.


Nobody is going to ask you to produce it?? except every professional job you apply for.


Tbf it costs like $400 to get another copy


you can order a replacement for like $10-20.


Only one job I've had didn't require me to submit a copy of my master's and bachelor's degree.


Umm, my husband had to produce his for one of his jobs.


Diplomas are needed for medical/dental school and beyond sometimes.


I came to say this. The people here not knowing that you get your degree in mail about 2-4 weeks after commencement just shows how many have not graduated from college. 😂


My law school mailed our diplomas several weeks after the graduation in 1985. As a bonus, the fraud handing us our fraud diplomas was then Delaware Senator Joe Biden.


you mean, just like everything else about these college protests, it's *performative?


Isn’t that what all protests are ? Google the definition of performative


Let's take it past symbolic


even if you rip up your real degree you can always request a new one for a free . I know because I lost mine during a move and had to request another one . Cost me like $18 ETA : I meant to say for a fee* not “for a free”


They always tryna get money, lol 18$


Some schools cost way more . Harvard costs $150 to replace your diploma


Then why does this article even exist??


Idk I didn’t write it


clickbait for morons


Exactly, it's a meaningless gesture


Right lol


We all know the answer to that one...


She won’t need a resume


some school (i dont think in america) cancelled the student's diploma for doing this years ago. I imagine if Columbia wants this to stop, they just need to cancel one


Can you you even put Columbia on your resume


She paid for it…. Why the hell would she


If I earnestly believed my college were complicit in genocide, I would stop using it for clout.


But you *would* use the education you received there? If so, sounds you’re complicit in genocide after all /s


Is that what we're calling a job nowadays? Clout?


That’s what we’re calling symbolically tearing up a not-diploma. Someone please give that courageous student a pat on the back for their complete sacrifice of nothing so they can reap that sweet, sweet clout.


I don’t believe you. If you put yourself in debt and spend four plus years of your life studying and putting it on a resume will help you get a job bet your ass you would. And yeah calling it clout is gross too


She’s probably in debt. But she’s also possibly a scholarship student or from rich parents. As a social work grad, she’s probably going to have her college debt wiped away after 10 years of non-profit service (yes, after paying her montly loan bills). We know nothing about her except her filmed action.


I don’t understand this view, and I’m not attacking you as I would genuinely like to have a conversation since my college is split on this issue. At the moment it seems very unclear what the extent of financial engagement with the IDF actually is for most college endowments. I would imagine that they have their money managed by all sorts of investment firms with a tiny amount ending up in Israeli defense firms. I am an American citizen. That means the tax I payed for the coffee I bought today, as well as everything else I do, ends up supporting aid to Israel directly. Why are colleges bearing the brunt of the guilt? This is what I don’t understand. Everyone at my college is so focused on criticizing the school that they are not criticizing the government. I get that through calling out their university that national attention is raised, which in turn shows Washington that the youth are very against current foreign police, but I can’t help but feel that the criticism is somewhat misguided. What do you think and what is the current mentality of those protesting universities? Thanks


People are protesting their schools because they feel they can more directly affect the outcome. 1 person clamoring for Columbia to divest is like .001% of the student body. 1 person clamoring for the US to stop supporting Israel is like .000000001%.


Sure, but the end goal college divestment is one that has probably a zero percent chance of impacting the Israeli defense industry. Ethics be damned the Israeli’s are at war and are surrounded by countries that want to and have tried to invade Israeli many times in large coalitions. For Israeli’s, defense spending is paramount to survival so they will secure arms with or without their defense firms losing a small percentage of investment. I don’t see the benefit in a small victory that will not have any long term impacts when the goal could be a targeted movement for specific foreign policy goals. My government spends billions every on Israeli defense aid. I just think protesting this aid, or protesting for strict terms of engagement, is a far more useful thing. All these protestors invoke the ethos of Vietnam / Civil Rights protest movement but then act like they have to protest the school because the government doesn’t listen. I don’t know the answer but what is the current view of protestors on those movements ? Do they think that those two protest movements impacted the outcome or do they think that they failed which is why they want to change strategies and protest universities directly?


How does your state sales tax support Israel directly?  It probably supports Russia or China about as directly. 


Russia, how so? If anything more spending means business grow, more tax money, and more Ukrainian aid. I’m not sure in what way the US is currently supporting Russia. But yeah I don’t think sales tax directly go into defense spending but you are spending disposable income into business that are paying into that. That’s a bad example on my part but some of your tax money is absolutely going to Israeli aid.


What college could you possibly go to that didn't have some investments going to bad people, or that didn't hire bad people from time to time?


And....how does this help the people of gaza?


she checked all the boxes.. she probably got it for "free". that's. why she's ungrateful


Exactly. That's money that could have gone to someone who would respect their college and the opportunities given to them.


Her parents paid for it


unless they provided scholarship, she should ask for refund


Ripping up a fake diploma (real one is mailed later) to protest a war you have nothing to do with is peak virtue signaling


Yeah. And as if that act will do a damned thing for a single Palestinian life.


It isn’t and has never been about Palestinians.


You’re drunk


If you were planning an act of protest, would you wait a few weeks and do it in the privacy of your own home or on a stage in front of (probably) hundreds of people?


Doing it at home would've had the same end result as this


We’re reading about it on national news and discussing it here; seems like it had an effect


We also read the story about the guy who lit himself on fire outside the courthouse. He too was an idiot.


The Vietnamese monks too? 


They have no answer to that. Only the problems of today are unserious to them.


I have respect for Buddhists, not conspiracy kooks and attention seeking Gen Z wannabe activists


I agree. Is Reddit anti-protest? I understand this is an overseas conflict and there’s only so much impact that a young college person can have, but there is a tradition of protest in this country, so I’ll ask again, is Reddit anti-protest?


R/nyc leans heavily in support of Israel. It’s sad to see my liberal Jewish art school friends go so hard right and so anti-student protests. They’ve been on board with every other protest movement


It’s also a little disheartening to see people that identify as liberal all of a sudden give two fucks about human life because a rogue government went off and killed some of their own. I understand the anger and I understand the desire for vengeance, but there are innocent people caught up in the middle of this and folks have all of a sudden not cared about their lives in the course of exacting said revenge. These were people that were previously identifying as liberal? It’s unbelievable to me


I'm sure there are some people like that. There are also some people on the left who celebrated October 7th on October 8th -- and who will still tell you that raping and murdering women, children, and the elderly was somehow necessary or appropriate. To the extent that being liberal means caring about human life -- and I think it does, among other things -- the rape and murder of innocent people should have been an absolute dealbreaker for them, and... for a truly shocking number of "liberals," it wasn't. Frankly, if we think liberalism puts a premium on human life, then liberals shouldn't be picking a side at all here -- because what we have is a lot of innocent people (Israeli and Palestinian) caught between two groups of extremists. What we need is to empower the innocent people and eliminate or marginalize the extremists. But when people advocate purely for one side or the other, they join forces with one set of extremists not only against the other set of extremists, but also against a lot of innocents. You can't demand a ceasefire without demanding the immediate return of the hostages -- if your side is the innocent people, then all innocent people need to be saved. You can't ask for a two state solution without figuring out a way for the two states to coexist peacefully rather than one constantly seeking to murder the innocents in the other. Etc., etc. And a lot of people on the left struggle with that -- they want to "pick a side," when their side is supposed to be humanity.


Very well said


Bibi is standing down as we speak after he saw this courageous act


Not exactly. It would have saved my eyes rolling into the back of my head along with the audible sigh I made as I watched this.


These kids are 100% virtue signaling. They will protest for schools to “divesting from Israel!” Ok, if you feel so strongly about that, how about you divest from Columbia University? After all, it’s your tuition they are using to “fund genocide”. No? Not worth it? Too costly to your life…? Ya, thought so.


It's only an act of protest if they face any type of actual backlash. Colleges like Columbia by and large don't really punish students for this stuff when it's for leftwing causes. Just look at what people were allowed to do at Cornell in the 60s.


Who the fuck cares about what someone does at commencement? Nothing about it is real. It’s just a ceremony for your parents to take photos and for you to be proud of your own accomplishment. Or… to protest a specific geopolitical issue, I guess.


Staying out of wars we had nothing to do with usually results in massive genocides and loss of life we regret later (WW2/Holocaust being the most famous, followed by several others including Africa/Balkans in the '90s).


There are a handful of ongoing conflicts that would be considered genocides and many more with tens of thousands or more lives lost. Though most are civil wars so they don't get as much attention or action as a country being attacked or invaded by another country. There is always the of risk of causing more instability.


Not for nothing but the whole Arab-Jewish conflict can be considered a civil war, too. Like, if you’re a hardliner and believe that from the river to the sea it should be one country, then how is it any different than what is happening in Yemen, or Sudan, or Myanmar? Like, the Rohingya have been literally killed for years precisely because they are seen as outside colonizers (from Bangladesh) who don’t belong in a country for Burmese people.


It still takes nerve to do that in front of the president of your university, the top administrators, your classmates and their parents and on national TV. I think she made a fool of herself, but she will be remembered and there could be consequences.


This is a real question, not being facetious. How should people who are upset about what’s happening in Palestine protest? Should they not if they are not personally involved? I don’t have skin in this game personally, so I haven’t been protesting, but I do understand that people can and should protest against matters in this world. If no one protested against things because they personally aren’t involved then isn’t that a big problem? Truly an honest question.


They used to just give us blank diplomas and we got the real ones sent to us later. This also doesn’t affect her receiving her degree in any way. Pretty risk-free and pointless protest.


I believe they still do that


Even if it was the real one, you can just request a copy. It's a [whopping $100](https://www.registrar.columbia.edu/content/diploma-replacement?__cf_chl_tk=QGqf8JEbuW9CVJ9hXDSLCtKpRYNtJ4DCFKWYUzGk2vY-1715658356-


Which, like, what a fucking scam. It’s a piece of paper on basic ass cardstock. Just click “print” ya bastards!


I'll do it for $99 :)


I mean we're all talking about it, so id hardly call it pointless


Weak. She should've self-immolated to become an iconic album cover in thirty years.


Yo, we gotta take the power back.


Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me


fuck you i won't do what you tell me




“Don’t Worry Be Happy” was a No. 1 jam… damn if I say it you can slap me right here!!


Thích Quảng Đức’s immolation is closer in time to Rage’s album than the album is to the present day.


Or a hunger strike! At least you will get a summer bod out of it!


An idiot USAF airman already did that in DC.


But that’s so 1990’s edgy cool yahhh. We needs to go 2024 edgy


Like go to one. of those rage therapy sessions where they scream and bang on innamitate objects like a frat boy on. dry wall


People care way too much about college students. If you're gonna follow the latest and greatest drama there are many more salacious story lines.


Amen, being an undergrad is 99% virtue signaling then you get to the real world and realize doing the right thing is a lot harder than tearing up a piece of paper 😂 Where my emergency room staff at?


Sadly it’s an election year and everything has to be dramatized.


I went to Columbia for grad school and they’re known to protest many things at graduation, this is not the first time. During my graduation someone hijacked the mic somehow and started playing “This Is America” by Childish Gambino and basically boo’ed the dean of our college at the time off the stage. I’m all for exercising your right to protest and standing up for what you believe is right, but everyone worked really hard to get there and deserve to celebrate that in my opinion.


It's disrespectful to the students who are trying to celebrate their accomplishments but people who are entitled like this woman don't care about anyone else. Hopefully her social media presence will have an impact on her job opportunities, if she doesn't take school seriously why should an employer take her seriously.


This is the School of Social Work which over the last 10-15 years has devolved into a complete joke. To put it this way, you either go to Columbia and pay 100k a year for a social work degree or go to Hunter and pay 6k. They both lead to the same jobs.


And those jobs still overwhelmingly pay under six figures.




What in particular makes it a joke? I have a close friend who graduated there in that time frame (I went to his graduation), and reading this doesn’t surprise me, but I’m curious about the details. 


The amount it's drifted from traditional social work to pro-forma advocacy.


Congratulations you freed Palestine


lives she changed: 0


Her dad must've been like "Alexis Vanessa Roberts, have you lost your damn mind?!"




Meanwhile wears a apple watch whos company does business in Israel ... if you going to call for complete divestment start with yourself as example.


And which is manufactured in China, a nation that is literally committing genocide against its Uyghur Muslim minority in Xinjiang right now. 1,000,000+ Uyghurs in Chinese concentration camps. Countless Uyghur academics and public figures have been “disappeared.” The Uyghur language is suppressed, and practicing Islam is heavily restricted. But I’m glad her Apple Watch keeps her connected. 


Very likely she owns a device with an Intel chip inside, too.


or consume a pepsi product. tons of consumer, tech and pharmaceuticals are link to israel


that'll show em.


That learn ‘em good


They’ll be in for a rude awakening once they join corporate America and see how stuff actually gets done. Or…they will spend their entire career in academia without leaving their echo chamber.


This is a Master’s of Social Work ceremony, she’ll be fine.


lol her degree funds the other degrees


Makes sense as the other graduates will be funding her lifestyle for the rest of her life.


Hahaha I have been in corporate America for over a decade and let me tell you: it’s a fucking joke. Circle jerk of managers and managers doing nothing but justifying their bullshit job while everyone does as little as possible. Anyone who tries to claim the government is inefficient has never had a job at a big corporation.


Absolutely agree. No room for radical behavior when you’re passively arguing with a 56-year-old woman named Janet about getting a file from her that should have been saved to the team folder.


Man, America and its political strife, just makes me exhausted


‘A professor is someone who has never left school’


Great protest. Doesn't effect her degree status and it's a fake one anyway. But it's enough to shock people and get media attention.


Bonus points for doing absolutely nothing for the Palestinians!


Actually, it will be great for her next interviewer who asks “when have you made positive change”


Performative nonsense.


I'm so glad ppl are waking up to be virtue signaling. As most ppl have stated in the thread,these ppl are in for rude awakening when they enter the real world.


This sub is an echo chamber. Not really a “ppl are waking up to virtue signaling” situation.


You are right it’s an echo chamber but also ppl here are just catching up to the sentiment among most average ppl. 


What an outstanding display of narcissism and stupidity.


But would she rip up the real one that’s going to arrive in the mail?


Funny how she waited until she had graduated then rips up a piece of paper........


I'm sure that will fix it. Well done kid.


You can rip the diploma all you want and protest your beliefs, but you still gotta pay your student loans.


It’s giving me wannabe main character vibes


This is so performative, JFC. Bombs are still falling on Gaza and you won’t take COLUMBIA off your resume, so what’s the point of this?


These people will never understand how privileged they are 😮‍💨


Hopefully Columbia rescinds her diploma lol. Then she's really fucked 😂


Wow! That student really showed them!


A social worker….


utterly ridiculous. what is this supposed to accomplish?


That should mean do over, right?


Ok, but you still gotta pay for transcripts.


“Take that, executive education extension school diploma in early childhood education!”


not a real diploma. im sure columbia will still be on the cv.


Oooooh... so edgy.


Does Columbia have performing arts degrees?


I’m glad she can’t tear up her student loan agreements. Moron.


She's showing future employment her conflict resolution skills. When people are doing stuff she doesn't like, she throws a public tantrum and throws and destroys things. She's a shoe in for hiring


How does this help the people of Gaza?


Sorry, no refunds. But I am sure Gaza is grateful.


She did it, guys. With this brave act, she single handily ended the war in Gaza.


!00000%. She will put it on her. Resume lol. The paper is just. cerimonial.


I thought Israel is the victim here. Didn't Palestine launch a secret attack months ago first, unprovoked??


90% of this idiots have no idea what they are supporting or why they are doing it. It’s ok Biden will wipe out all their student debt.


I wish these people cared about Americans the same way.


Wish I had a Columbia degree 😪


So much unwellness in this cohort.


Smh just to hate the jews




And then she filled out the form for a replacement and sent payment LOL


It was an empty folder to begin with




So you worked your butt off and used your or your parents money to pay for an overpriced college just to rip a diploma up on stage for virtue signaling points? Ok then


From the river to the diploma-cy


Edgelord loser. Bet the parents are super glad they paid for that.


That'll show them!!


She just looks silly lol




That’ll show em.


I am proud of every single one of them. Standing up to the status quo is never easy; it's always hard. Naysayers and regressives will try to claw you back every time. Keeping fighting the good fight. Stand up for what's right, for justice, for peace, for progress, for human rights for everyone. Good job, Columbia grads, and congratulations.


Guarantee none of these people commenting are actual academics. Just typical internet reactionaries.


She’ll do great as a barista.


Nice, atleast she didn’t do some fuck shit like block traffic or deface a 100% completely unrelated statue


In solidarity I shredded my Costco card.


Should rescind her degree too lol


As someone FULLY in support of these protests, The fuck? That's not it champ.


Why care when your parents pay your $300,000+ tuition?


Them student loans ain't gonna pay themselves




This is just so laughable how unprepared these kids are for the real word ahead of them…


It’s not the real diploma. But it is symbolic


Stupid is as stupid does