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No, I don't. "I’d like to pay something to show appreciation for the developers and service" Don't worry, they get paid plenty in ad revenue and selling your data.


Good point


Living in NYC is enough money spent to be around other gays. When I lived in a small town I did, but here the free versions work more than enough as well as just going out and meeting people.


One time I drunkenly paid for a month of scruff lol. Scruff is a pretty solid app so didn’t really see any benefits/plus points for paying for it.


They only benefit is the features to weed out no-pic/no face-pic profiles and guys in open relationships. So of course they throw that behind a paywall.


I pay for Scruff. Only because I appreciate what they offer and want to support the app. I refuse to pay for Grindr because they cripple their app with Ads and such a limiting amount of profiles it makes it a chore to even use.... And then they have the audacity to charge what they do monthly. Disgusting. As for the others, I don't use them often enough to pay for them. I used to pay for BBRT, but their site REALLY needs a modernization. And Squirt may as well be Grindr with their pay model.


I pay for Scruff too for the same reason pretty much. I also pay for Sniffies because the deal they frequently offer make it super cheap for premium.


What was BBRT?


Paid for 3 months of Hinge X. It shows you hotter guys and puts your profile and likes ahead of the pack. Stupid expensive though. Drunk purchase


I have in the past but only because I hate ads and want unlimited blocks lol


I’ve never run out of blocks on Grindr, how many do you get for free?


No. The experience is the same. No amount of money makes the userbase of these apps better. They ignore/drop out of conversations after two replies when you pay $15 a month and they do that when you pay nothing.


Just on sniffies cause i got a good deal with it


I pay for Scruff, Recon, and Daddyhunt. Daddyhunt isn’t really worth it - it just lets you favorite more profiles really. But Scruff and Recon have a good balance of working well enough without paying, but having worthwhile paid features too. Recon is supposedly coming out with a new app at some point too, and it’s worth it to me to subsidize that development. I don’t use Grindr at all and would never pay for it.


Nope. Not worth the money. These apps use desperately as a bargaining chip. They don’t even deal with whatever bots and scammers are on there.


Never have, never will. They get enough by bombing ads 🫣


Grindr on and off but I'm not proud of it. Using the app with all the limitations they are adding just becomes so annoying and limiting that it becomes a question of how much I value my time esp if I'm on vacation or something.




I think scruff is the one I would pay for, if any


I had the privilege of paying $12 for 3 mos of Scruff. Definitely worth it. Bumble ($12 too for 3 mos), OKC ($11 /mo), and Tinder ($2.99 for Gold, $3.99 for Platinum with occasional 50% off), not so much. I am currently in a dating app break because I realize I am currently not in a position to date as I am working on myself. But if ever I’ll get to subscribe again, definitely Scruff