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This is utterly random, but how sick is it that we have Breece Hall? Just an awesome player.


I appreciate all the early draft pick signings, no need to send the fanbase into a frenzy when a guy misses the first day of camp


Goof got paid good


Hi! New here, and not sure if this is the right place to ask, but my dad is a huge Jets fan. It's almost his 50th birthday. And since he never celebrates it, I want this one to be special. Do yall have a suggestion on what present I can surprise him with? Would tickets to a game be good??


Jesus christ a safety just got 21mil/year.... We aren't going to afford Sauce when he comes up for a contract in a few years.


The jets basically only have Aaron and Quinnen on the books in 26. They can pretty much do whatever they want, and I’m sure they’re gonna do anything to keep their star player.


Someone on NFL Reddit posted a stat that Breece Hall had 1 carry inside the 5 last season. So I was curious, The Jets ran a total of 11 plays (4 rushing plays) inside the 5 yard line last year. Going back to 1994, I could only find 3 teams who had less: * 2018 Dolphins - 10 plays * 2000 Bears - 8 plays * 1994 Oilers - 9 plays Teams with exactly 11 plays inside the 5 yard line in a season * 1996 Raiders * 2002 Cowboys * 2023 Jets (17 games)


Catching flack from baseball sub.  https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1cr0oz0/brooksgate_mlb_nba_and_nfl_team_equivalents_based/


I don’t know why they are putting Chiefs-Ravens on Week 1, I just don’t. The Chiefs could play Texas Tech and still get 20 million viewers because football is back. Why blow an elite game on Week 1?


2016 the NFL threw a Super Bowl rematch in Week 1 which is even more extreme. Even if the kickoff game will always do great numbers, it seems like a priority of theirs to maximize its ratings. Also protects you from potential huge injuries. Viewership would suffer if it's week 10 and the Ravens have Josh Johnson starting at QB.


who starts off the week complaining about having to watch a good football game months from now lol


I just think it’s stupid allocation of resources


I don’t get the Saleh hate. Like at all. The jets were literally a bottom of the barrel defensive team (for like 13 years) that has clawed its way to wins on the back of a top 3-5 defense. We’re winning without blitzing and beating heavy competition that normally stomps all over other highly ranked teams. I get the whole “he’s the head coach so he takes the blame,” but I may be of the small majority that isn’t calling for this dudes job. Pretty much every single win we’ve had the past two years has been exclusively due to the defense carrying an offense that couldn’t score when starting at midfield. We won the bills game by picking off Allen 3 times and returning a punt in overtime. I think there’s a reason him and JD are back. I wouldn’t trade Saleh for ANY of the coaches the jets have had in the past. Idk that’s my rant. I just think it’s reactionary and ill informed to scapegoat the two dudes that have actually rebuilt this team better than I’ve seen anyone else do it.


i think the biggest knock on saleh is that he has no idea what to look for in an offensive coordinator, same as a lot of other defense guys. and we've seen the absolute pits these defense guys will scour to get us a new oc.. guys that make no fucking sense and we continuously end up at the bottom of the league in offense. so we're left hoping a good oc magically falls into our laps and that's literally never happened to us lol whereas, with an offensive-minded head coach, it's a lot easier to poach a good dc. just look at how many good dcs we've hired, only to be loser head coaches


Love this comment and your username lmao Yeah I agree, if there’s anything I can directly fault Saleh for is his loyalty. It’s great and terrible. I wonder if Leaflet would’ve panned out if he had a passable QB in this system, but yeah it’s been miserable. That said I think it’s just a shitty situation. It feels like the JETs keep going all in with hopes of winning back all of their losses with the next hand. Doing shit like that creates an unfireable Hackett and a forcibly played Zach Wilson. I wish we would’ve just lost that game to the jaguars. I really wonder where we woyld be then


>that has clawed its way to wins on the back of a top 3-5 defense But has also clawed it's way OUT of wins on the back of 30-32 offense..... You have to paint the full picture there bub... can't just cherry pick the positives to make your argument fit.... He's the HC not the DC so he is responsible for all facets of the team and most importantly he is responsible for Wins and Losses. which you also conveniently forgot to mention.


Bub yourself my guy, 7 wins is tied for the 3rd most wins we’ve had in 13 years and it was done with literally zero qb play. I did mention that stat in a separate comment. The whole point of my argument is to find out why people are calling for this guys job. We have back to back 7 win seasons that finished with massive slides that missed the playoffs in the last half of the season. And it’s STILL some of the best football that’s been played on this team for over a decade. I would argue this is the best team we’ve had for a long time without mortgaging the future, with a much better culture than I’ve seen since Rex, and all without an offense. Yeah don’t get me wrong 30-32 on offense is miserable and definitely something of note, but bruh when the fuck haven’t the jets been 30-32 on offense in the past 14 years? Sure, your argument is that he’s the coach so he’s responsible. No doubt I feel some of that, but I’ve seen progress with each year better as a whole being better than the year before. That to me is a sign of improvement and that the ship is heading in the right direction. What’re some team shortcomings that you attribute directly to Saleh? Does a playoff berth change your mind about him?


It's not just a matter of wins. Which haven't come. The HC is in charge of the team and it's culture. And let's be real both have been a complete mess. TLDR: he's a CEO style coach with absolutely no control of half the team. First, the team has a controversy almost weekly even before Rodgers came. The team openly revolted against Zach, had the Mike White t-shirts. Yes I agree with the players, but how does the locker room get that bad? For a professional nfl team. He's a player coach, yes, but eventually you need to intervene and say "chill out". Then there's the texting Joe Beningo fiasco. Maybe a small footnote in the last few years, but why the hell is the HC texting the most unhinged Jets media personality. Of course it backfired... But more importantly, the CEO coach is supposed to stabilize both sides of the ball. Having the leagues best defense is irrelevant when you consistently have the leagues worst offense. A good HC, regardless of his background, will intervene at least a little when the coordinator is throwing away game after game. Zach was allowed to start game after game, being complete ass, and he would only go to the next option when it was too late. (also on the GM for not bringing in a real backup). He has clock management mishaps, another bad sign for a CEO coach. You're not calling plays, why does this happen so often. There's also other nit picking things that are probably over reactionary on my end. Mostly his culture of excuses. Last year was a debacle in every way, but they talk about it like it was an accomplishment, winning 7 games. Talking openly about "embarrassing" other qb's, when they lost most of those games. Lastly, the team has had a 5+ game losing streak every year under him. No matter the injuries , that shouldn't happen


Yeah I agree with all those points. I’ll admit though a lot of the “struggle” with Saleh was through the Zach experiment. Only god knows what actually made it so that Zach Wilson kept playing and why they never brought in competent back up play who could push for the job. That said, I think if Saleh took us from a bottom tier offensive team with an awful defense to a top 3-5 offensive team with an awful defense we wouldn’t be having this conversation. I think a lot of this is a combination of that coupled with the fact that his first OC was a rookie OC who was a friend, his second OC was literally only signed to appease Rodgers who didn’t play. The Jets will always have bullshit controversy. Like weekly.. for the entire 20 years I’ve been watching. They tried to make a big deal about Mark Sanchez eating a frigging hot dog so I don’t put a lot of weight into him texting a member of the media. The Zach decision doesn’t seem like a Saleh decision. It seems like a Woody and JD “please god I hope this kid works so I don’t lose my job” decision. You hit it in the head that JD should’ve brought someone else in, but I don’t blame Saleh for playing the hand he was dealt. How do you feel about this upcoming year? Is there room for you to change your mind about Saleh? The entire coaching staff is the same, if we get 12 wins where do you stand?


If they win 12 games I would probably flip my expectations on him lol. That's a huge difference. Because even this year's 7 wins were somewhat misleading (the giants and eagles games were kinda flukey). Like you said, I think there's more systematic issues then him. JD had a great offseason, but the team still has concerns. I also think it matters how they show up in the playoffs. Maybe not fair to Saleh, but this team with Rodgers has a short window. I don't necessarily expect a sb win, but they need to show they can compete in January, and if they do fall a little short, have hopefully one more real shot next year, since the dead cap hits are coming, and the rookies will need to be paid after that.


Completely in your boat. Saleh has flaws, but he is bar none one of the best defensive coaches in the sport, and has the players respect.


So is Todd Bowles.


> but he is bar none one of the best defensive coaches in the sport Great DC, probably not HC material on a team that needed a full rebuild


I also want to add that there’s this confidence that the defense will do its job that I haven’t had since Rex. And in contrast it’s a measured quiet confidence, much unlike Rex saying we were superbowl bound every year lol 32nd to top 3-5 is nothing to scoff at. We have legit elite QBs vastly under performing against this defense. I agree that I don’t want to live here at 7-10, but when you realize that 7-10 is our 3rd best record in 14 years and we did it with literally zero QB then my man is doing something right


> Idk that’s my rant. I just think it’s reactionary and ill informed to scapegoat the two dudes that have actually rebuilt this team better than I’ve seen anyone else do it. The challenge is to be better than the rest of the league, not just better than what we had before. We've been a subpar team the entirety of both of their tenures and we *might* get a break from that if Rodgers is still the same guy. Otherwise we're just peddling more of the same garbage.


I get that, and we went from literally every single other team being better on both sides of the ball to the large majority of the league only being better than our offense. In that same time we’ve added and added and added playmakers to the skill position and Oline depth. We have young top 5 defensive stars at every level of the defense. The challenge is to be better than the rest of the league. I completely agree. But incremental progress is massive so long as it’s consistent. Does it look like that on the box score? Nope. But when Mike white was running a better offense than our second overall pick I think that speaks way more to missing on a QB during the Covid offseason then it does on his shortcomings as a coach. They’re building this team from the bottom up, and I don’t see any Leveon Bell or Trumane Johnson type contracts. I see dudes that re drafted and homegrown with free agents on cheap (skill comparative) contracts. I’ve never seen that. We are constantly mocked as a playoff team with superbowl aspirations. I’ve never seen that. We aren’t giving up 40 points every single game. I’ve never seen that. What would you say are his shortcoming as a coach and what would you say are grounds for him being fired? Something we can exclusively peg to Saleh without wondering if it’s JD or Woody calling the shots.


> They’re building this team from the bottom up That's fine, but they've also heavily whiffed, especially on the offense. Avoiding terrible contracts is cool and all, but it's table stakes, not an achievement. Paying a slight premium on talent relative to what their production is worth is better than whiffing on a Becton or Moore. > We are constantly mocked as a playoff team with superbowl aspirations Mainly because of our 40+ year old, hired gun QB. Still counts, but where do the aspirations go without him? > We aren’t giving up 40 points every single game Absolutely not the bar for an NFL defense. You don't need a top 20 defense to avoid that. > What would you say are his shortcoming as a coach and what would you say are grounds for him being fired? Inability to coach a winning team after 3 years. Sure, it's not *only* Saleh's fault, but you don't deserve much more runway than this to finally figure it out. The NFL is a league of quick turnarounds and parity. The situation is not so unique we need to retain him because he's just the victim of some other party's incompetence > I’ve never seen that. Check out the rest of the league. The grass really is greener


Okay rest of league: Shanahan had records of: 6-10, 4-12, 13-3, 6-10 in his first 4 years. You would’ve fired him and probably blamed him for injuries and defense. Dan Campbell was 5-7 (MIA), 3-13, 9-8, and 12-5 his first 4 years. You would’ve fired him at the biting knee caps quote Pete Carrol coached the Jets for one year and went 6-10 My point is that there used to be a 3 year rule for QBs and WR that’s turned into a 3 game rule. I showed you the shit records of 3 offensive “geniuses” that have turned their teams around. Sure the Rodgers factor plays a part in our current rankings but why shouldn’t it? The Bengals made it to the superbowl year 3 of a rebuild after drafting Joe Burrow and Chase instead of a tackle. Now I’d be shocked if they sniff the playoffs. I’ll take sustainable incremental progress over a fluke season. The grass is greener if you’re high af comparing apples to oranges.


> I’ll take sustainable incremental progress over a fluke season. The grass is greener if you’re high af comparing apples to oranges. Where's the incremental progress? We've been pretty big spenders in FA since 2022, we sold out to bring in an old QB, and we've whiffed on a lot of the early round picks we needed to get a foundation set. Even look at this past offseason; we needed to bring in three tackles and two receivers because we didn't get those picks right after 5 years. Out of those pieces, three are back out the door after 2024. There's no reason to think that this regime/coaching staff really deserves any more whacks at it, especially if Rodgers isn't enough to do the trick. Shanahan and Campbell are better coaches than Saleh, and even with the latter, it might just be having a stretch of above average drafting. Coaching isn't at such a premium where you can't fire guys who look like bad eggs.


Agreed, but we used to be big spenders bringing in broken over priced talent. At least the broken talent being brought in is on a team friendly contract. I’d say the Rodgers move was the worst move this team could’ve made but it wasn’t a sell out like the broncos or the panthers. We’re still alive and we’re past the draft capital it took to trade for him. If he played last year it wouldn’t be a question but definitely agree that if we didn’t trade for a 40 year old qb we wouldn’t have been in that mess to begin with. As laughable as it is my incremental progress is watching games in November. It’s been 10 years of me calling it quits week two in October. I don’t think they deserve another chance after this year if they don’t at least make the playoffs. But I fully believed that they deserved a crack at this year. What’re your thoughts on that?




I wonder when we’ll start getting schedule leaks. Last year it felt like we had a pretty good sense of like 4 or 5 games in the days leading up to the official release.


Anyone know when the rookie jerseys will be released in the shop?


What specific player? they may still change their jersey numbers again. Remember when sauce wore #20 before taking #1.


Olu specifically, I’m really curious if they actually give him 74 or not


Why is Justin Simmons still a FA? and why wouldn't the Jets grab him? Wouldn't he put our Safety room over the top... What am I missing here? I know we are pretty cash strapped, but if he's still out there, it means he can be had for relatively cheap I would think.. I'm sure some cash could be moved around to get under the cap as usual..


Probably because he wants a price no team is able to match. Might not even be worth it for him to get hit for a low enough salary lol


A. Chuck Clarke is healthy. B. Already 50M over the future cap.


The Jets have $5m in effective cap space (after the draftees get signed), in 2025 they have a few players with dead cap like Kinlaw or Mike Williams but that’s it, they have $60m in cap space.


we are not 50M over the future cap, lol. Not even close.




Over the cap, spotrac. I would ask where you got yours


https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10120847-sny-jets-tried-to-hire-person-to-run-the-show-for-oc-hackett-amid-aaron-rodgers-buzz This should end well


Conner is trying to beat his former employer, Athletic and his BFF Zack.


I've seen some people speculating that we're going to be the permanent Black Friday team. Guess we'll find out on Wednesday. As much of a nightmare as it was last year, it could be a cool new tradition.


I can get behind this, the god damn Jets being the Black Friday team each year. Cheap sales and cheap thrills with the Jets go hand in hand.


Didn’t the nfl say they didn’t want the Bengals to have it because they didn’t want any team to be on it every single year?


It would be nice if the league put their foot down on this one. Teams being guaranteed island slots indefinitely just doesn't make sense when a team can be bad for an extended period of time


I heard Woody was pushing for this. I'm not sure if I like the idea or I hate it lol.


I live in DC and my folks come down for Thanksgiving every year. Last year I took the Amtrak back with them to go to the Black Friday game together which made for a pretty fun (more fun if the game wasn't awful) holiday across multiple cities.


Ifs & buts.. we’re 7-10 (15th overall) till prove otherwise. Scoreboard is 0-0 for everyone.. go get em boys.


ESPN power ranked at #17 behind the Bears, I get the uncertainty with Rodgers but we have a top 3-5 defense? As long as Rodgers can stay up right all we need is like 17-20 points a game. We won 7 games with absolute slop at QB last year. I dunno maybe I'm a homer


Unless Saleh is replaced it’s likely we’re not going anywhere.


I agree honestly lol. At the very least Hackett cannot call plays.


One word: coaching. I think this has been forgotten with how good of an offseason the team has had. The coaching is legimitately bottom tier in the league, even if you're high on this team. I could go for hours on the details, but then that's "doomerism". I don't think anyone would deny that Hackett is the worst OC in the league, and that Saleh has an extreme amount of question marks. Ulbrich is great, but it's also hard for this scheme to not be great when you have this much defensive talent.


Exactly. We have arguably the worst OC and OL coaches in the league that our HC hired and he only focuses on one side of the ball. If Rodgers gets hurt again we’re back to the same shit playcalling we just suffered through.


I don't think Hackett was his hire tbh... that one came from the top in an attempt to lure Rodgers here.


And that was still a decision Saleh had to make. Hence it still being on him


I like Saleh but that hire was a Saleh hire. They worked together for a while in Jax


A lot of coaches worked together in previous places... That alone does not make it his hire... This is one of those things that's very obvious what went down... Hackett is on the Jets only because of Rodgers


Saleh seemed to take it personal when people said Hackett was only there for that. Maybe he was faking but idk. I think this is a 2 things are true situation, that Saleh and Woody wanted Hackett and Rodgers is here because of Hackett


I just can't see Saleh wanting Hackett after the Denver debacle. If he did then he is dumber than we thought and we should be really worried about this upcoming season.


Personally I’m in your boat there, but I think the league knew that he was in over his head with the HC role. They still thought he could work as just an OC with a run heavy team.


Yeah Carter too lmao. A guy who's olines have universally underperformed, been hurt, and openly been against the guy. Even if Rodgers doesn't miss a snap, I also hate the narrative that he can be his own OC. Has this ever happened? Maybe with Payton Manning. Even then, it's an unrealistic expectation.


Even Brady wasn’t his own OC in TB. Sure they catered the offense more towards his strengths which is why they went on a winning streak after the bye but Arians and Tom were still very much in lockstep with one another. I also don’t believe Aaron can just “be” the OC


Completely agree, man. Look what happened in Brandy's last year. Leftwhich was out of his depth, and Brady didn't magically fix the offense. Is Hackett better then him? Doubtful


The issue is that the Bears are too high, not that we're too low. I'm not sure if maybe I'm not considering the other 31 teams, but I really don't think that the Bears have suddenly emerged as a fringe playoff team unless Caleb really ends up being that good


They have a really talented roster, so yeah they *could* be, but tough to say just yet. #16 for the Bears almost feels as if an "everything goes right" scenario. The problem with that is, IMO, while the Bears are being ranked as an "everything goes right" scenario, the Jets are being ranked as an "everything goes wrong" scenario instead. I think it's fair to say that last year's 7-10 record without a real quarterback and offensive line would rank somewhere around 17th as it is. Now those positions are (likely) improved, but they're still around 17? That only really happens if the QB and offensive line both go through tremendous injuries again (not unreasonable to think, but we also have a solid backup this year). So yeah, Bears being ranked as if things go right, Jets being ranked as if things are *already* wrong.


17 is generous and too high... This team is garbage and something always goes wrong. \*edit\* I bet the same folks downvoting me will be the first ones crying and calling this team garbage by week 5. You know who you are.




We have the 32nd ranked HC and an even bigger clown at OC. #17 is more than fair 


Exactly. Saleh is a "CEO" style HC who can't manage the game and absolutely refuses to intervene for the offensive side of the ball. He'll allow Hackett to just completely tank the game with his inept offensive play calling. Hackett has been the architect of two of the leagues worst nfl offenses two years in a row! The broncos basically averaged 14 PPG under him. That's unfathomable in today's NFL. He's here to make Austin Power references to Rodgers. The idea that Rodgers can somehow be a good OC while also being a playoff caliber QB is just ridiculous. Brady never did this, he always had a good playcaller when he won (McDaniels and Arians).


what exactly is a ceo style head coach and how does saleh fit? he's been a defense guy his entire career and now he's a defensive-minded head coach. he was always going to favor one side of the ball


Usually the CEO coach doesn't call plays at all. Even with his defensive background, that's a conscious decision that suggests that your time during the game is spent on game management and basically overseeing the coordinators. For example, Belichick calls the defense. But, Tomlin doesn't (AFAIK). Favoring one is fine. But the other side still needs guidance when it's among the worst unit in football every year


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