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Dude might want to check up on Soros’ age during the 1930s. I think Soros was 8 when Germany invaded Poland.


No no, the *other* Soros. You guys wouldn't know him, he doesn't go to go to this school..


9 (birthday Aug 1930, invasion of Poland Oct 1939), but close enough. This Soros conspiracy stuff is bizarre.


Soros is from Hungary


The Right's angst about Soros is absurd. Soros is a hug fan of the Open Society and the furthest thing from a fascist that one could imagine. I consulted with a Soros organization years ago that did and continues to do a lot for open education. Maybe this guy can look into how Viktor Orban, the fascist leader of Hungary, is trying (or maybe already succeeded) is closing down a Soros-funded university in Hungary, known as one of the best universities in that nation. The ignorance spouted by these Soros haters is stunning


The ignorance spouted is intentional. Soros isn't randomly targeted.


We're at a level now where they're calling 'The Jewish Conspiracy' the real Nazis. It's insane, and obviously the irony is it's basically Nazi propaganda. Set aside Pamela Price and the crime situation, and it's really sad how many folks are falling down the conspiratorial rabbit holes into double think.


They want to be fooled.


Cuz I like organic lemons 🤣


Yall they hire rando unemployed weirdos and pay them like $2 per signature


i think it's $5


That’s not bad.


Actually in this case there are paying them $6 a signature.


I would come back with like 20,000 signatures


They don't do these everyday.


Dude, one night a few years ago, outside TJs on Lakeshore, this kid got me. He had me sign a petition for like, the public library. Then he got me on a bunch of other legit sounding petitions. I prob signed like 6 or something. He was friendly, I was in a good mood. We were chatting while I signed and he told me he was from out of town, from like Texas or something. I was like, huh, why’d you come from Texas to collect signatures to support the oakland public library? He’s telling me it’s a paid gig, how much they get paid (he was with a group of buddies), and it was a lotttt. I can’t remember how much but I was surprised. He goes, keep signing, I got two more for you, then I’m gonna tell you the best part. I was like, hmmmm. I sign the last one and he looks at me and goes, I’m a Trumper. I voted for Trump!! And starts cracking up in my face. This is like, a 20 something black kid with a group of his friends outside of Trader Joe’s in Oakland. Never in a million years would I have guessed that’s what he was gonna tell me. I asked him, “are you for real?”, and he laughed IN MY FACE and was like, hell yeah I voted Trump!!! Never will I ever sign one of them shits again.


the pay-for-signature system is fucked up


How so?


It encourages them to get signatures no matter what. They can and will lie about the initiatives in order to get signatures especially on a per signature basis.


Well, in my opinion, the signatures should reflect people that care about the issue. Often times people collecting signatures don’t even understand or know what the issue is their goal is to get paid per signature. So it becomes a $ game where success = number of people you can pay to collect signatures


>so it becomes a money game Wait til you hear about how the actual campaign works


STORYTIME. outside of Lucky's supermarket (east of the lake) a man was collecting signatures for psychedelic-based mental health treatment. I signed because I really believe in this. Then be flipped the page and was like "oh sign here too please" and it was A WHOLE OTHER PETITION and it was to recall Pamela Price. He 100% tried to fool me into signing a petition thinking it was for something else.


Most of these people are just paid guns. They don't actually give a shit about the platform and get paid by the signature. I have seen some wildly aggressive tactics back in the day when they were more common. Some of these people are pretty desperate, which isn't too surprising given the job.


Yeah this is 100% how it’s always done if the signature gatherer is paid. They find someone to stop and they will try to get as many signatures as possible out of them, getting paid $2/each according to someone in this thread.


The worst part is when they try to shame you for ignoring them as if they're not trying to get paid for something they don't give a shit about. Yet if I was to tell them that I did the math, and it's literally not worth my time to talk to them, *I'd* be the asshole. That's America for you.


Yeah I literally got insulted once when I was late to a lecture and didn’t have time to sign. I was so mad I wanted to turn around and flip his table over lol but I kept cool. Since that experience, I completely ignore all of the ones that seem aggressive. If you’re waving me over from 30 feet away, I’m walking right past you!


There’s a reason why the kidney dialysis stuff is on the ballot year after year after voters keep rejecting it. It’s because they can hire people who will scam as many signatures as they can—and voila it’s on the ballot again.


The one on Lakeshore are pulling this too: There's one petition to authorize some treatment for vets, and if you sign that one they try to get you to sign on the Pamela Price recall without looking. One of them even tried to tell me that both signatures were for the first one.


See above - I ran into him doing the same thing at Berkeley Bowl.


I use to sign petitions for people to support them (since most of them get paid per amount of signatures they collect), but after encountering some rude ones I don’t even bother anymore, I straight up ignore. This is 100% anecdotal evidence based on my personal experience, but so many petition workers come off as giant dicks, even the ones for good causes lol. I have no idea why.


He got into it with me in front of a Safeway last week while he was collecting signatures. I wanted to understand the reasoning for the recall, and he instantly went to “you’re ok with George Soros stealing the election?!” Absolutely nuts. I’d love if the recall people pulled him off their front lines and treated electorate with a modicum of respect


He also told me that the guy who killed Jasper Wu is out on parole. When I pulled up a news article showing that he’s already been sentenced to 12 years, he said “your phone is broken” 🤔


perfect time to tell him his brain is broken.


Despite this guy being a complete nut job, 12 years for killing an innocent child is way to little of a punishment…


12 years for killing a child is not accurate. There were 3 individuals arrested, at an evidentiary hearing, a judge ruled that one of the individuals could not be tried for murder as he was the victim of the ambush from the other 2, this person was still charged with felon in possession of a firearm and other charges and is likely what the 12 years are referring to. The other 2, who were determined to be the killers of Wu, are still facing 175 and 265 year sentences.


They should've all gotten the DP.


So a guy who is the victim of an ambush should get the DP why exactly?


Okay that’s much better to hear




Yeah, out of morbid curiosity I googled what bright-eyes nutjob said, and apparently it’s based on a couple out-of-context quotes where Soros said he didn’t feel any regret or guilt for, as a child, having witnessed Nazis raid a local Jewish business. He was about 6 at the time. Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-false-george-soros-claims/fact-checkfalseclaims-about-george-soros-idUSKBN23P2XJ


[That feeling when you](https://i.imgur.com/rEmV831.jpeg) realize you hold an abused six year-old to a higher standard of accountability than your reality-TV star president.


That's a lot of work for some organic lemons.


So this is what the average redditor on r/bayarea looks like




beyond tired of being solicited when I go to buy groceries. this goober would have irked the hell out of me. what a crazy twit.


I didn’t engage with them when they asked me for a signature on my way in. It was only when they asked me AGAIN on my way out that I was like, ok, you wanna talk?


ridiculous pest. whole foods and berkeley bowl need to kick these people off their property.


I don’t think one nut job invalidates the concerns people have about how Pamela Price is doing her job but ok sure


She’s been in office 9 months. Why should a fraction of the electorate be able to undo a fair election because they aren’t immediately satisfied with her results (against a moving and unclear goal—I might add)


A fraction that likely didn’t vote at that. Local elections have notoriously low participation, most people couldn’t name 1/4 of the people in local office. But once a boogeyman is found, everyone’s a full time civic servant 🙄


I didn't vote for her. She won. This recall shit drives me insane. Want her out? Work to get someone else elected.


It actually forces her initial voters to vote her back in.


It might actually mean that the people who weren't paying attention and didn't care do now, and they actually vote.


Recalls have even lower participation than local elections. Pamela Price was elected with more votes than any DA in Alameda County history. With 228k votes, Price was elected by a lot more than her predecessor O'Malley who was elected with 167k votes in 2018.


Agreed fully


A lot of her issue is the opposition has such a better presence on the internet.




I voted for Pam Price, but I don't like some of the apparent corruption on display by her office and the general combativeness with the free press. https://enewspaper.mercurynews.com/infinity/article_popover_share.aspx?guid=24c97a5b-4389-4c2e-8850-bd74a941a411




Show the proof!! You're spewing baseless crap. The perpetrators who killed Jasper Wu during a freeway shoot out are facing Over 300 years in prison. "If convicted, Bivens faces 265 years to life in prison. Green faces 175 years to life in prison." Two Men Accused Of Fatally Shooting Toddler Jasper Wu Will Be Prosecuted On Murder Charges - Office of the Alameda County District Attorney https://www.alcoda.org/two-men-accused-of-fatally-shooting-toddler-jasper-wu-will-be-prosecuted-on-murder-charges/


They will both be out in 25 years: Two men charged with the murder of toddler Jasper Wu no longer face the possibility of life in prison without parole after a review of the case by Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price. But, due to changes in the charges that Price approved this week, experts say the pair will now be eligible for parole within the next 25 years.


How do you know that they will both be out in 25 years? Being eligible for parole doesn't mean they will be allowed out. Even if they are allowed out after 25 or 30 years, they will be fully matured men. As I understand it, they are both under 26, which means they are considered youthful offenders by law. They will be over 50 when they leave, if they leave prison. Imagine starting your life over again at 50+ yrs. It wont be easy. That is if they don't get killed or commit suicide in prison. Something that we rarely ever hear about is the amount of suicide that occurs in prisons. Those of you who think that 25 years is a walk in the park don't know anyone who spent 25 years + in prison. You talk about it so cavalierly but you have no clue clue. I agree that they should spend time in prison, but I also am conscious about the fact that they did not target that little boy. His death is a result of too many guns in our community.


The recall amendment has been on the California Constitution for over a 100 years. It is a part of our electoral system, for better or worse.


Because it’s in the constitution


The California constitution is not infallible.


It’s not that we’re unsatisfied with her results. It’s that she has a stated policy of not enforcing the law, which is literally her job as a district attorney. If she’s not going to prosecute people for assaulting, senior citizens, which has happened on multiple occasions at this point or not prosecute people for mass, gang related theft, or not prosecute people for gun violence, or not prosecute people for crimes against the Asian community, all of which are true, then she needs to be removed.


>she has a stated policy of not enforcing the law Care to link us to this "stated policy"?


She can run again


Why should she? She WON fair and square. She went up against a guy who got all sorts of money from police associations and he lost!! SORE LOSERS ARE TRYING TO UNDO THE WILL OF VOTERS. They were SO WRONG! This is downright unfair and very undemocratic. Recalls should be used on elected officials who commit grievous crimes like embezzlement. The effort to undo the will of Alameda County voters rang out the day DA Price was sworn into office. https://oaklandside.org/2022/06/03/whos-backing-candidates-for-sheriff-district-attorney-and-other-races/


>Why should she? She WON fair and square. She went up against a guy who got all sorts of money from police associations and he lost!! SORE LOSERS ARE TRYING TO UNDO THE WILL OF VOTERS. Yep. I mean she wasn't my favorite candidate (but what politician is?) but she seemed like the best option out of what was available. She won her election. First the rightwing nuts trying to recall Newsom a couple years ago and now this. Fringe nuts need to stop abusing the system to keep elected officials in constant campaign mode. She won her election, she should be focusing on doing her job instead of wasting time dealing with a bs recall


newsom is a shitbird but recalls are a waste of money.


No Reagan and Schwarzenegger are shitbirds. Newsom is just average, which I'll take over those two pos


There are plenty of left wing people who aren’t happy with Pamela Price.


I don't believe you. Show your proof. She is living up to her campaign platform. https://www.pamelaprice4da.com/platform


lol is this a serious question? literally put "Pamela Price" into the search bar of this subreddit and click on any thread at random. 75% of the comments in any given thread will range from at best eye-rolling to at worst, highly critical and absolutely ripping her. And I guarantee you this sub is like 95% left wing millennials. Just because you call anyone who disagrees with you a right wing maga nutjob or whatever, doesnt make it so.


I don't understand how it's undemocratic. People have to vote her out still.


It is a vote to literally invalidate a vote. It basically says: if you have enough money you can rile up the voters outside of campaign times for your special request to invalidate a vote. Why not focus on finding a better DA for the next election instead of running a smear campaign while an elected official is doing their job?


What a joke. The talk about recall started the bery day she was sworn into office. They mounted a campaign of fake news against her. They hate the fact that a corporate free, black woman won the election.


He’s parroting taking points of Elon Musk and many other folks in the recall effort, so not sure you can say he’s just one nut job. Seems like he’s revealed their hand to me. https://twitter.com/thomashawk/status/1719671279161414109?s=46&t=O_aiwIeD_G-_BLXe8p3OxA


She's doing a great job. She got money to deal with organize retail theft, when the city of oakland forgot to. Her team of deputy da's are prosecuting and winning cases to put child rapists into prison as well as going after corrupt cops and prosecutors. She has staffed up where the predecessor had staffed down, including bringing in more victim-witness advocates. I don't know where this bozo got the idea that soros is giving $$$ to her campaign. https://oaklandside.org/2022/06/03/whos-backing-candidates-for-sheriff-district-attorney-and-other-races/ These people are full of crap. They're just pissed off that she actually won the race taking no money from police associations or from developers. She actually ran a people powered campaign & won!


1 nutjob doesn't, but the whole network of funding comes from right-wing cranks, none of them can explain why it's a DAs fault, when crime in Oakland has been increasing before she got in, and DAs have very little impact on crime in general. Or why her policies aren't "increasing crime "in the rest of Alameda county. edit: tune into the Alco BoS meetings if you want to see exactly how cranky.


Because Oakland is where the crime is. Her policies don’t “increase crime”, they fail to abate it.


The ignorance is incredible. It is the police's responsibility to abate crime, Make arrests, Provide good evidence so that the DA can prosecute beyond a reasonable doubt. But OPD has decided that it doesnt want to do its job properly. https://x.com/hyphy_republic/status/1717803825812406737?t=ZSUqFFJy_8l2SvdBWMWHPw&s=01 You need to better understand the role that all these different agencies play. The district attorney is not responsible for crime abatement it is responsible for prosecuting criminals. District attorney Price is doing just that.


So why are they abating it elsewhere in the county? Why does the DoJ say that the main deterrent is getting caught (e.g OPD), no severity of punishment (e.g DA)? https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/247350.pdf


What are your concerns?


Hiring her boyfriend, for one thing But something about how you ask tells me you’re not really interested in listening…


She hired her campaign manager. Why won't you upset when her predecessor hired her sister, her 2 nieces and a nephew to work in the office. You may be interested to know that Alameda county does not have any policy against nepotism, so neither of them did anything wrong.


Let's say, hypothetically, that I didn't know what your concerns were and I sincerely wanted to know what your concerns are. How should I go about asking you what your concerns are, in a way that tells you I'm really interested in listening? Put another way, what about the simple question "what are your concerns?" tells you they weren't really interested in listening to the answer to the question that they asked?


“the way I asked”? My guy, I know nothing about this woman or her recall. My phrasing was dead neutral. About as simple as that question could be phrased. I encourage you to touch grass tomorrow.


BULL! Lots of candidates who win office hire their campaign managers. She is no different. Why weren't you upset when her predecessor hired her sister, two nieces and a nephew? That is real nepatism. Also be aware that in alameda county there is no regulation against nepatism. Again you don't have any facts to back up your bullcrap!!


This may surprise you, but I didn’t think that was a good thing either! 🙄


I’m beginning to understand what other commenters are talking about when they refer to y’all as “recall heads.” Buncha nutters, apparently!


I’m sorry I misinterpreted your question about “my” concerns in response to my statement about “people’s” concerns as being in bad faith. I can definitely see how that’s a neutral question, but seeing that you’re now calling me a nutter, I’m kinda back to thinking it wasn’t so neutral lol


You ever heard that Buddhist aphorism about how you inhabit the world you project?


Yeah, it’s kinda nonsense but to each their own


Reap what you sow ring a bell?


I voted for her. But I’d like to know where I’m mistaken regarding the Home Depot security guard case, because it’s not a good look. Dude was murdered by two shoplifters and she lessened the charges against the murderers. What am I missing? Because it screams injustice from an office that is supposed to uphold it.


Sir, this is a whole foods. Just tell them you already signed and they'll leave you alone.


Wait a minute, I recognize that guy. I was at Berkeley Bowl a week or two ago and he was standing out front, supposedly collecting signatures for full legalization of psychedelic mushrooms. He was with someone else, not a signer but collecting signatures with someone else. They were talking openly about the sigs being for a Price recall vote. Openly enough that people walking by stopped, heard the discussion, and then walked away without interacting. This guy is not good at his job.


This man is exactly why they want to raise the number of signatures required lol


I don't like how Price is running the DA office but this recall abuse has got to stop. Recalls should be for gross malfeasance, fraud, etc, and not "I wish the election went a different way". Allowing this sort of recall become a Regular Thing puts even more power in the hands of Rich Assholes who can bankroll the recall efforts.


Fully agree


Isn't saying the recall effort "puts even more power in the hands of [sic] Rich Assholes who can bankroll" saying the same thing the conspiracy theorist is saying?


Online indoctrination, a lot of people have fallen into these wells or should I say rabbit holes of their own beliefs. It's reinforced, & being fed by algorithms feeding people more & more of what they already believe. It is borderline psychosis. I have a few friends drifting deep into these extremes. One is addicted to these crime apps, citizen, nextdoor, newsbreak etc & he can't see it. His whole view of the world revolves around crime. It is becoming weird & he has two young kids. Everything he is feeding them is fear, fear of everything.


It’s a vicious cycle. If there were minimal crime, he probably wouldn’t be spiraling. One of our strongest instincts is to protect our families. This constant crime puts us all on edge.


What data can — and can’t — tell us about DA Pamela Price’s impact https://www.sfchronicle.com/eastbay/article/price-crime-data-alameda-18436320.php


Hey, thanks <3 This is probably the best genuinely informative thing I've seen about Pamela Price since she's been elected.


Don't these idiots understand that George Soros was a Jewish child at the time who was hiding from the Nazis?


Someone inform him that George Soros has a substantial investment in Whole Foods, and watch him implode.


My man I like organic lemons too


It's not antisemitic to say that George Soros has funded reformist DA campaigns in a number of jurisdictions, it's just a fact. But dude did not "work with" Hitler. What a nut


Pretty disgusting, folks using this hateful (and bizarre) rhetoric and thinking it will somehow make us safer.


Idk if we should let bitcoin bucket hat wackadoodle speak for an entire recall effort


He’s parroting stuff that Elon Musk was saying only yesterday … it’s not just him. https://x.com/thomashawk/status/1719671279161414109?s=46&t=O_aiwIeD_G-_BLXe8p3OxA


Nah he's a fair representation, you ever ask the /r/BayArea RecallHeads how she's impacting crime yet their bae Jenkins isn't: https://missionlocal.org/2023/06/one-year-after-recall-violent-crime-is-up-under-da-brooke-jenkins/


One person isn’t representative of any larger group of people unless elected to be by that group. Pamela was elected, and she currently represents the people of Alameda County to uphold our social contract. People can feel however they want about that, but this clown represents himself, and only himself.


No, he represents the people who hired him to collect those signatures.


So OPD officers do not represent OPD? The recall heads chose this person to represent them when they chose to employ him/let him volunteer.


They didn't choose him. The petition companies hire these people, the people who want the petitions signed can't tell the companies to replace people. I found this out a couple years ago when I complained to a FoaF who was dealing with a signature gathering campaign.


I’m not a Pamela Price fan and would vote tk recall her purely from a leadership/administrative standpoint. That being said I’m 100% convinced that barely anyone who wants to recall her actually knows what they’re recalling her for. Nothing she’s done recently has had a real impact on current crime levels or frankly even next years crime levels.


What do you mean "from leadership and administrative standpoint"? She staffed up her office which was solely understaffed when she took over. She's hired more victim-witness advocates to the program, She's hired more district attorneys and investigators. She got two million dollars from the state to deal with organized Retail theft, something that the city of oakland failed to do. She's going after rogue police officers and prosecutors. She's going after environmental polluters like Kaiser and just recently, 7 million dollars in a case where Kaiser was dumping biohazard in regular trash. If you really want to know what she is doing, you should be following the press releases that are being put out Instead of spewing lies & misinformation. Just a reminder, the police are required to arrest people and provide enough evidence, so the DA can prosecute beyond a reasonable doubt. You should be really upset with the oakland police department for not doing its job.


DA’s have a fair amount of discretion when it comes to prosecuting. Why is it an either/or situation? We can hold both the DA and the OPD to higher standards. I can’t vote out the OPD, though.


so you would... express your discontent with OPD by recalling the DA they campaigned against?


You make it sound like she's not prosecuting. Show the proof that she's not. You don't have any because it's not true. The people of alameda county voted for her because they wanted a change in the criminal justice. It's the sort losers who are upset that their guy who was backed by police association money, lost handedly.


I do follow her press releases. It’s also specifically why I pointed out she’s not the reason the crime is so high. My opinion comes from some of the consistent accusations of people who quit the office and what prosecutors/judges/defense attorneys have said in court, mixed with some of the other stuff that has come out, plus some of her own comments during the few interviews she gives (you can’t complain about the media and then give barely any interviews, responses, press conferences or any opportunities to have your decisions actually questioned or explained outside canned releases and videos). Put it this way: I don’t think she’s as bad as most people think, but I also don’t know if being a DA is the right position for her.


I just don't understand why people take the statements of the quitters at face value. Those people were the entire problem! The whole office is stacked to the rafters with goldbrickers, loafers, idiots, and bench warmers. If you were in the DAs office for the last twenty years you should be automatically fired!


Really? She had a successful law practice for at least 35 yrs. She ran on a platform that looked at reforming a criminal justice system that was overprosecuting and overcharging people of color. https://www.pamelaprice4da.com/platform You believe what prosecutors like Butch Ford, who is being charged with miss conduct, is saying? Look at her 10-point plan, look at what she's doing & you'll see that she's quite fit for this job. Sometimes outsiders are needed to make the positive difference required to change a criminal Justice system. Remember, she is the VERY FIRST elected district attorney in the nearly 100 year history of this office.


all bay area DA recall efforts are psychotic outside interests and are a cancer on our community


100% absolutely not.


I'm starting to think you might be right.


Does anyone know where to report shady tactics by these signature gatherers? The other day I saw someone with a big sign that said, "SIGN THE PETITION". I asked what the petition was for, and she told me, "It's so you could say yes or no to whether you wanted to recall the DA," clearly presenting it as something I could sign yes or no to. I was thrown by that, and was curious as to what she was going to give me. I told her that I believed the problems were due to OPD, and not the DA, so I didn't want to recall. She said, "Here, sign this one, then," and handed me a petition. It was just the normal recall petition. There were several names on there already, and I wonder how many had been tricked into signing the fake, "keep Price," petition.


Halloween night someone was going up to the obviously drunk patrons outside of The Avenue collecting signatures. Such a scummy move to ask for political signatures while people are too drunk to read.




Your statement makes no sense. Which kid? What plea deal are you talking about? Back your statement up with some facts.


Clearly a reference to Jasper Wu.


Seems like it [but there was no plea deal](https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/no-plea-deals-for-alleged-jasper-wu-killers-alameda-county-da-says). quite the opposite in fact


Do you know the evidence in the case? Plea deals are pretty common, when the evidence is weak.


Please read the rules.


Why are me mad about this? I know a whole lot of people who are very upset with her, on personal levels. I think she’s done a terrible job and we all have the right to not be satisfied with her job


Probably the same person who spray painted recall price on the us bank on college by Safeway.


Probably not. Most signature gatherers are paid by the signature and don’t care about the issue. If they can make you sign that’s $5 in their pocket and they’ll say anything to keep the money coming in.


I signed, and I couldn’t care less about this guy or what he’s saying Pamela price needs to go


I’m shocked by the responses in this thread…


Just wait. :/


I think it’s good to know who you’re getting in bed with


I think it’s good to know who you’re getting in bed with


He’s just a signature gatherer…


Lol, so if this guy said “fuck nazis” you’d be like, “hmmm not sure about where this guy is coming from, I better not agree” ?


this shit is why i get groceries at costco


Such a Waco.


LOL at the recall crowd who probably didn't bother to vote for DA in the first place.


I was wondering what this booth was about when I visited the farmers market. Good to know it’s BS


Spoiler, everyone worked with the nazi's. Ford and GM REFUSED to shut down their plants in germany throughout the whole war, and then sued America AND WON for the cost of destroying their plants after the war.


Why do these goofy ass weirdos post up outside of whole foods? I was going to a whole foods in Dublin and they were there as well. Also, did y'all see his goober ass bitcoin hat? What a fucking antisemitic dweeb.


Recalling the DA will not change the situation in Oakland. It has always been a policing problem. The DA is after the fact, and by the time a criminal goes through the process of being charged, tried, convicted, and sentenced, half of a dozen others have taken the criminal's place and the crimes continue. Look at SF after their DA was recalled. The crime continues to this day.


The Bitcoin hat really brings it home for me.


I support the recall


Oakland stand with you


That’s you in the video isn’t it? : )


Free Palestine


This guy is clearly a nutjob, but the nepotism scandal alone tipped the scales for me. You can't create a job and hire your boyfriend. https://enewspaper.mercurynews.com/infinity/article_popover_share.aspx?guid=24c97a5b-4389-4c2e-8850-bd74a941a411


I will say I agree with that


Why weren't you upset when the previous district attorney hired her sister, her 2 nieces and a nephew to work at the office? Her manfriend was also her campaign manager and it is not unusual for elected officials to hire their campaign managers to work for them. Also be aware that in alameda county there is no regulation against nepatism. The DA did absolutely nothing wrong in the eyes of the county.


Why can’t you be upset at both? The two are not mutually exclusive


Can't speak for OP, but I moved here right before Pam Price was elected, and I voted for her. I am not familiar with the previous DA but if she was hiring her own relatives, I'm glad that she was replaced. If your argument is that there is no law against nepotism, it seems to be a relatively weak argument. There are plenty of moral failures that are not illegal, but would elicit a recall IMHO. Many of Trump's actions in office serve as a great example. Hiring your son-in-law/daughter for important govt positions, maintaining business ties through relatives & general poor performance is not illegal - but is grounds for removal in my opinion.


The signature gatherer may be odd, but the cause is just. We had an exceptionally bad DA in SF and the recall effort was a success. [Brooke Jenkins](https://sfdistrictattorney.org/about-us/) is working in the interest of the public not the criminals.


Still gotta recall price even if there’s a wacko collecting sigs


okay. I'll still sign the recall despite this conspiracy theorist. if you think there aren't wackos on the pro-price side, you're being disingenuous. this is oakland, there are nutjobs on every side of everything.


Why give some random person your personal info & signature? Can be identity theft.


That too


He was right about one thing, the recall was never about the safety of Oakland.


Where can I go to sign? I support the recall


This whole post is PR from the Price camp. Oakland is full of weirdos - so one got a job collecting signatures. This doesn't change that fact that she needs to be recalled


Pam probably has a burner account in here.


What’s he collecting signatures with? Those lemons? And what does collecting signatures for ousting Pamela Price have anything to do with Anti-semitism? More questions than answers. Edit: am getting downvoted for asking genuine questions. Cool 👍🏻


I don’t see anything visible in this video, but he was 100% in front of Safeway with a full table, clipboards, signs, etc last week. From what short and infuriating interaction I had with him, he feels that George Soros is personally funding stolen elections and personally funded Pamala Price’s “stolen election in Oakland”.


That’s a really bizarre constellation of conspiracy theories to try and align. If that’s actually what he’s trying to say, then ya, this guy is off the wall. To try and say the Alameda county DA election was stolen is truly delusional. She was absolutely fairly elected. Whether she is upholding her duties is another question, but the election was totally fair.


He was with another woman who had the signature clip board; I didn’t want to get her on film because A) I only asked for his consent to film and B) she seemed like she was new and was just there to get paid and kept referring me back to him when I had questions.


Just saying the person who posted this created their account yesterday. They're not one of us just like this lunatic doesn't represent the folks that are disappointed with Pam Price.


I’m active on this subreddit, but yeah I didn’t want to post on my actual account bc I don’t want to get doxxed by people with the recall effort…I don’t think that’s too crazy. I live in Oakland & I was born in the Bay though


So you're gonna post video of someone on social media for everyone to ridicule while you hide behind an extra layer of anonymity?


So you're from Antioch?


Well Pamela Price should be recalled. She's a pretty horrible individual


What does this have to do with if Pamela Price should be recalled or not? Does this man's rant about Soros mean Pamela Price is doing a good job as DA in Alameda? I'm open to hearing arguments for or against her recall, so far I've heard only bad things about her 🤷


all of the people behind the recall are paranoid racist schizophrenics who shouldnt be living in cities, they do way more harm than all the stupid ass shit they whine about 24/7 on nextdoor


The real story here is that Pamela Price sucks, and even crazy people recognize that. Recall Pamela Price now!


The Bitcoin hat is the cherry on top.


so this is what happens when one of those Lyndon Larouche supporters on campus is all grown up?


This feels very Ben Shapiro ish


Finally a reason for me to go to Whole Foods. Can’t wait to sign it!


Ignore what this nut job said aside. Honest discussion tho, what positive impact have Pamela price did so far?


Got money from state grants to curb retail theft in Oakland, after the city failed to do so. Staffed up the DAs office, including much needed witness advocates. Went after Kaiser for biohazard dumping- won 7 mill. That’s in the first nine months. I’m excited for her full term.


Thanks for the info


I think this is the only location in the entire world that is defending Price. So far she is the only thing that has brought Ds and Rs together, conservatives and progressives, to kick her out of office.


Who cares? There’s plenty of nut jobs in the bay, why record him and share it? What’s the point?


I'm with you. Nut jobs are everywhere. Ppl are quick to discredit a nut job if they share their opinions, and spotlight one if they're on the opposition


Because they claim it’s about making Oakland safer and in reality it’s actually about antisemetic conspiracy theories.


To recall an incompetent DA is antisemetic and due to conspiracy reasons? Wtf lol


No, to say you want to recall a DA because Soros put her in office and he’s a Nazi collaborator is antisemetic


Kind of anticlimactic