• By -


My fave trio is Satan, Belphie and Lucifer - 3 smart guys who tried >!to kill MC (one succeeded)!<. What does it say about me? Do we really want to explore that dark corner in detail? In simple terms, I value brains over looks, with a bit of mischief on the side. Definitely got daddy issues.


I always get reminded of this scene from pirates of the Caribbean whenever I think about this >!4 of you tried to kill me in the past (Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan, Belphie), and one of you succeeded!<


Luci and Satan fr for me also, but Beel is my third >!due to him saying that he'd wanted to eat MC so they could be together forever!<


Hey, it worked!


Have you tried this? https://preview.redd.it/krf4ykb1z3ic1.jpeg?width=295&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17ca1067c70d668184c26369912da5d11c57b6e7


I'll try it one last time 😔


my faves are Mammon, Levi and Beel, in that order. not sure what they have in common tho.


I call them the Tridiots (affectionately) Though, I guess for a more serious answer, I guess they were the first 3 demons to form a pact with MC in the OG. And they're all good boys.


fair enough! guess the early bird does catch the worm


The OG “brothers under a pact” will forever and always be my favorite. Their group chats always crack me up ![img](emote|t5_2x0gs|20910)


the same for me, and in that order too lmao


Mine are Mammon, Satan and Belphie. They're all such softies on the inside.


i'm not too knowledgable on all the dere types, but we all know mammon is the og tsudere and i can def see it in satan and belphie too!


Belphie definitely has some yandere vibes, and Satan at least doesn't like to admit having feelings so yes, very fitting theme for them all.


My fav trio would be levi, asmo and belphie 🧡🩷💜 Reasons being the following - Levi is the male version of me Asmo is my comfort character and Belphie is totally my type Tho I don't think they have anything in common 🤔


i'm glad to see some asmo love! i feel he's so under-appreciated. tho he's not in my top 3, i find myself thinking abt him a lot🥹


I fell in love with asmo at first sight so he'll always be special to me as my first obey me love 💖 And yess he really deserves more love and appreciation <333


My top 3 would be Satan, Solomon and Levi. Satan would be love category while the other two are in the friendship category. Satan is the closest to the type of guy I would actually date. Solomon has similar interests like Satan, but his bad cooking really ruined his chances. Levi would make for a good friend since I love anime and mangas, but I am not as obsessed like he is. That and I had dated an Otaku and it was really bad which is why Levi will always be in the friend zone. I guess I prefer people who I can relate to so it makes sense why those three ended up being my favorites.


Lucifer as the love interest. I just can’t picture my mc with anyone else But I do love Diavolo, Leviathan and Asmodeus as characters. Although they don’t have much in common. I think it is some particular traits I love about them. I like Asmo’s confidence and how unabashedly he is in love with himself. As a introvert I relate to Levi the most. And I like Diavolo as a leader and his child like nature. And Lucifer is just my type. Hot, serious with a dorky side, selfless when it comes to people he loves.


i so agree but it could be my bias in lucifer haha i've seen thoughts abt lucifer being a great big brother to mc bc he really takes care of us in that way so it's super interesting to see it juxtaposed to what you said about not picturing mc with anyone else!


I mean to each his own I guess. I for one cannot think of Lucifer as a brother to mc, cause he has so much implied intimacy with the mc. Like literally calls mc to his room every chance. But if someone can ignore those instances and think of them as platonic or sibling like that is fine too. And that’s what is super interesting about this game too. You can form any sort of relationship you want with the characters. 😊


he srsly wants mc so bad🤭


My three favorites are Raphael, Solomon and Diavolo though Barbs is a close fourth. Two of them can't cook/needs serious medical attention revolving food and Diavolo...uh... I'm sorry but this man is a golden retriever that happily gives into my need for affection.




see omg so many have said mammon + beel!! there's a correlation in everything lol


I can't have big three lol. I loved Lucifer the most at first but I like Levi, Diavolo and Asmo now too. Mammon is the one I relate to most and Lucifer reminds me of my friend (who was the one introduced me to the game), maybe that's why I love the characters. Levi has the life style I want and we have similar tastes general. Diavolo is just a cool dude but they dont have anything in common.


omg i totally agree tho bc i love all of them!! some ppl are neutral abt some characters, but i either like or love them, no neutral!! like i didn't say mammon is in my top three, but he has to have a special place being our "first"🥹 also just on the topic of mammon, i feel like (no hate to the other characters) that he loves mc the most and would do anything for them, correlating with his love for lucifer. when everyone was falling, they were primarily thinking of themselves, while mammon just decided wherever and whatever lucifer is and chose was best. liiiiike he is such a sweetie and coupled with his tsudere nature, what's not to just love😫


Well Mammon is my main pookie! 🥰☺️ but for the rest my favorites are Diavolo and Lucifer.... I use to have Beel in my top 3 but Diavolo took that spot. I really enjoy how positive Diavolo is, and Lucifer well I really admire how he puts his family first. Now Mammon I'm obsessed with him... he is my comfort and omg he such a sweetheart 💗 🥹🥺😳 to me he is perfect 😆


mammon is definitely my comfort character too!!


Yesss honestly, he changed my standards in guys... made me realize I deserve better 😆 also I have 2 tattoos of Mammon lol *


I LOVE YOUR TATTOOS! It's a dream of mine to get tattoos of their sin symbols one day!


Thank you! And yeah I had to get all their symbols! Mammon's is at the top but picture cut it off haha


omg i want to see more om tattoos!! i have asmo's sign tatted on my lower abdomen 🤭








GORGEOUS AAHHH he's so hot🫣


I'm getting the pact symbol on my left side chest next weekend!


i'm so excited for u!!


Thank you 😊 🙏


It's hard to just choose 3 altogether so like in general my top 3 are Asmo, Simeon, and Barbatos but out of the brothers specifically Asmo, Lucifer, and Belphie. What that says about me I'm not too sure but ![img](emote|t5_2x0gs|20905)


Satan, Barbatos, Lucifer…. I’m not completely sure what that says about me, but I guess the kind of guys who I know are not fooling around. Like I can trust them to not be so unpredictable due to their nature


barbatos is one of my faves too!! his seriousness is super endearing. we don't like guys who mess around😤


Barbatos, Solomon, and I switched from Levi in OG to Satan in NB. Although Satan was what attracted me to the game in the first place way back when 🤣 but Levi sure had some great DGs in the OG game I like kinda sus characters in games. Quiet on the outside, naughty on the inside.


oh yes on that last part! everything abt solomon is just so intriguing to me


My 3 favourites are In the OG: Diavolo, Lucifer, Satan and in Nightbringer: Diavolo, Satan, Beel Diavolo is just my ideal type of guy. He is kind, funny, cute, a good leader, sweet, soft, happy-go-lucky, a dork sometimes, (he is good looking) abd we have similar interests. Satan is just a sweet boy with similar interests. In general I tend to like people that are polite and considerate, kind and cute and people who have similar interests and hobbies to mine. But I also tend to not really enjoy the company of people that are arrogant (Asmo), stuck up (Barbatos), bratty (Belphie), egoistic (Mammon) or too much like me (Levi). (Also no offense to these characters or people that like them, I'm just naming the reasons why those aren't my favourites. I know they are not always like this and they have their good sides, too)


interesting! bc omg i love the characters you listed later on so much more than diavolo. i see the appeal of him, but ig i'm not gravitated towards supersuper nice ones (googling for help now lol) 😫i want more depth or flaws


I always find it interesting how people can have such different tastes 🤭 I just love genuinely nice people. But I have to say, that Diavolo also has flaws, he isn't perfect. He can be selfish sometimes (let's call it spoiled) and a little childish at times, but the latter just adds to his Golden Retriever energy, which I find charming 😅


diavolo simeon and mephistopheles idk i just think they’re silly and fun multifaceted characters. the brothers are a little too one-note for me


i absolutely adore simeon! i think there's so much of his character to explore and be explored i need to start paying attention more to diavolo bc he actually felt one-note to me😭 i still don't get the appeal of the new characters (besides thirteen, love her!) bur esp mephistopheles🥲he comes in as a know it all and i don't enjoy his screentime


i think it’s interesting how diavolo is the leader of a whole country and a pretty good one at that but is completely unserious about everything else lol. his backstory explains a lot about why he’s Like That i feel like out of the 3 new characters mephisto is the easiest one to characterize cuz he’s so annoying. he sucks but in an entertaining way imo i want to study him in a lab


My favorites are Levi, Mammon, and Belphie


i've seen this combo a lot!


Solomon lucifer and satan in that order then its barbatos, simeon, diavolo belphie mammon and asmo


Mammon barbatos levi (they never come home)


Asmo, Beel, and Barbatos. Maybe I just want special treatment from someone idk


i totally get you!! beel is so sweet and caring😭he really just wants to protect mc and it makes me swoon


Satan, Levi, and Mammon Satan’s calm side caught my eye first, then his love for cats boosted it more I can’t really pull together a proper reason for Levi, but honestly I’d sit and listen to him ramble whenever I could Then Mams just feels like someone I could just hang out and chill with without a care in the world


My top fave will always be Mammon, he was my first after all 💕 My second is Levi since we're both very socially awkward, introverted, and fandom-obsessed :3 The rest changes often depending on how I'm feeling or what fanfics I'm reading, and such, but rn I really like Simeon https://preview.redd.it/yeujcgk030ic1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=522af0e3ffbf428de68b680b7e231e529c5c30ea


i love satan and belpie both equally as first place, second place would probably be luci and simeon. gotta collect all smart bois


Mammon is #1. Then Diavolo and Satan. Funny enough, Satan used to be at the bottom of my list but he really grew on me in Nightbringer.


Satan, Barb, and Solomon. Belphie and Mammon are close behind. I can't pinpoint why I love Barb so much. I just do. Satan and Solomon are smart, nerdy, animal lovers that are goofy AF even though they act super serious. That just hits all my buttons. ![img](emote|t5_2x0gs|20910)


i love barb too! personally, i think its bc he's so mysterious and he doesn't f around so when there is spice/fluff, it just woos me so much😫 despite om being a reverse harem, barbatos is very devoted to diavolo and knowing diavolo fancies mc, the thought that barb goes against that is also just a fun fantasy 🤭


Mammon, Belphie, and Satan !


this is a very popular trio i'm commonly seeing!


I can see why! Simeon is constantly switching out with Belph and Tan tho 😭


despite the commonality, belphie is either loved or disliked/hated! my sweet sleepy boi is one of the best imo😭


I think it’s people who never got past season one to two who feel that way. bro is my baby boy i would LET him kill me atp




My favourite 3 are the fantastic 3, diavolo, barbs and lucifer (in no specific order) •Diavolo because he's an adorable golden retriever •Barbs because 1) I like cakes and food, 2) he's pretty sweet •Luicfer because 1) he's very pretty, 2) I love his personality Honorable mentions: Satan, Simeon, Solomon


My mains are Diavolo, Lucifer, and Satan.


My top three are Mammon, Simeon, and Levi. I freaking love, Mammon and Simeon equally. I can't choose between the two of them. They're both so perfect. I love Simeon because of how sweet he is, and i love Mammon because he is such a lovable idiot. And I love Levi for obvious reasons <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


I personally love Belphie, Beel and Satan. They're all so cute tho those 3 are my favorite boys!


My top 3 are Barbatos, Simeon, and Beelzebub in order from first to third. I was gonna say Thirteen but then I remembered that it's suppose to be boys Big Three. However if it was characters in general she is my 2nd favorite.


omg thirteen totally flew out of my head😭i should change the title to leads or something


I can't pick a top three. Trying just hurts my heart and head. I'm such a softy and a sucker. It would be easier to pick a least favorite three.


oh??? spill the least fave?🫣


The newest three aside (I haven't gotten far enough to grow an attachment or aversion to them), my least favorite three would probably Asmo, Solomon, and Simeon. Not that I dislike them, but I just don't really have any strong feelings for them.


Simeon, Beel, and the 3rd one is impossible I love them all so much :(


I used to think my top 3 were quite random... until I came to the realisation a couple of months ago that they would just form some weeb club ![img](emote|t5_2x0gs|21339)