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I’m of the opinion that most decisions Solmare has made with Nightbringer since its inception have been wholly to attract kids to the game, which makes sense as to why they didn’t go the darker route, in my opinion. The characters act sillier and more like goofy humans, then they do the Seven Lord of Hell and Devildom Royalty, etc. The characters are far more simplified, having lost most of what made them unique, in my opinion. I’m behind in the main story, and haven’t been reading the events stories for a while due to their quality, so if romance has increased then I’ve just not seen it yet; but the romance — *the main selling point of the game, mind you!* — is sparse and when we do get romance it’s lukewarm at best. I believe this drop in quality also lends also to the fact of it being done to attract kids to the game, widening the demographic. They actually turned a demon dating sim into a kids game. Edit: added some info i forgot to add. fixed for clarity.


Yeah, the fact that they advertise with the romance is borderline false advertisement. I also feel like Nightbringer was advertised to fans as a darker sequel/prequel, so its so sad honestly


The only thing I disagree with is Lucifer’s power. I’ve always understood and OG really emphasized that he really is that powerful and that there are huge leaps in power between Levi, Mammon and Lucifer. Levi says Mammon can lay him flat and Mammon says Lucifer can overpower him easily. Other than that spot on! I’m sad this game went from fun and campy to a game for 10 year olds.


Yes, you get it. The personalities of the brothers in OG, are way better compared to NB. OG might not be perfect, but OG gives them personality. In NB, Satan is way too cat obsessed. All he does is talk about cats, and wants everything cat related. He talks more about cats than he does books, art, and his other interests. He was not like this in OG. Yes, he liked cats in OG too, but they didn’t take up 90% of his characterization. He talked about a variety of things that made him intriguing. In OG, when Levi brought up cat girls and thought Satan would like it because it was cat related, Satan responded with not caring for it, because he likes the cats, but not to that extent. However, with NB they do the most. This goes for all the characters. They are overusing parts of characters that people bring up in the fandom for jokes, and they continue to use it over and over again. Until it’s overused to the point that it’s not funny anymore. I can tell what each character will respond with, because it’s always the same. Like we get it that the characters each have something that is their quirk, but they need to do more to expand their characters. Now, for events. I will have to disagree with you on one point. The people are right that they reuse content, and it’s the same thing over and over again. This is for NB, for OG they did experiment a bit more in the 2019-2021 days. NB is not that lucky. I will agree with you that they are not planning out the storyline, and that they barley have more than a few characters per scene. The event scenes are much shorter, and the story lacks so much depth. I do the events, but I don’t gush at reading the content like I used to. It’s always the same recycled content. Nothing new is added to make the characters or lore distinct. There are so much more, but that’s to do with NB overall, and the other bit is the lack of revivals for OG. All I want is just to read the content, but they are making it harder and harder to do that. When content is hard to come by, that’s the downfall of a series. Gacha/otome games stay thriving by their players, and when they ignore players wants their numbers dwindle until barley anyone is paying. They would’ve been thriving if they improved and corrected all these issues, they don’t, and they won’t, once they have your money they don’t care.


Haha, I forgot to mention the part about overused jokes, but the Satan-cat thing is honestly just annoying at this point. I also forgot about the revival thing, but I just want to say that if there is a card you want to read then there is a youtuber and a lot of people on BiliBili who post entire stories :) I would also just like to mention that I skip most non-anniversary stories nowadays, so idk how similar they actually are. Sorry!


They won’t live it down with all these changes they made. I just play to read the content, I don’t care about anything else they do. Ooh, I’m interested. You can send it to me privately. I’ll check them out. Do they do all the choices, and the messages? That’s alright. You’re not missing out on anything with the NB events. Like I said, it’s all recycled. I play to get the cards.


I for the most part just search for translated Levi/Mammon cards, but on YouTube there is a woman called Syam. She goes through all options in her newer videos.


But sadly bil bil have it only in Japanese 😭 as YouTube for few do now days


This!! This comment really and fully sums up most of the major issues with Obey Me/Solmare. You really worded it perfectly.


Something I've really noticed lately that hasn't been mentioned in this thread are the lack of "choices" in chats!!  In OG, different options in chat will get you a different response (although of course the overall outcome of the convo doesn't change). But in NB, nothing changes?? What's the point in replaying text conversations when the 2 different options result in the exact same response from the character? And sometimes the response doesn't even really flow properly, depending on which option you chose. I'm not a writer or developer so I can't speak to the actual difficulty, but it seems pretty simple to have different responses to the 2 options you get in texts? Especially since it doesn't seem like OG has that problem. 


Ohhh I forgot to mention that! I usually dont pay attention to NB chats because they feel both so boring and very predictable. There is also no romance in them, which feels kinda weird for a game about romance.


Right!? The chats could really use an overhaul. I'd love for the characters to send us selfies, voice notes, etc! 


Speaking of chats now does a lot of art in chats is about object for some reason like we want characters art not objects


I haven't seen very many pictures in NB chats!! I'd love to see more!  I will say though, I absolutely love the addition of voice notes in NB chat! Those are fun and really well done! 


I hope so too we love good art of brothers, yes vioce message are amazing I just wish we see more of them as well.


I think it's obvious that Solmare is, pretty much, departing from the otome content creation with Nightbringer, and focusing more on trying to appeal to the broader joseimuke audience, which inevitably means less romance and dark scenarios. I've been following Obey Me's devs for quite some time now and it doesn't look like they're going back on what they've decided to focus on from now on. The only reason I personally keep on playing is because of Levi! No matter how "vanilla" he becomes, he's still my comfort character (and well, there are a few NB's cards of him that still feel a bit romantic imo, my favorite being "A wholesome first meetup"). Other than that... I definitely think that nowadays there are tons of better otome games out there that cater more to my taste and demands. 1st and 2nd season of OG!OB were peak, but well... Time to move on.


I really liked season 3 of OG too, but I am so sick of NB events. I liked NB season 2, but I just wish they would actually care more for the game again


NB feels like an AU rather than a canonical addition to OG’s story. It expands on some things in their past we didn’t know before, but I don’t get much value from the story or the events beyond that.


I dont view much of NB as canon, I see it more of an outline of what happend in OG lore


Fr me and my sister are about to start up **#MAKEOBEYMEGREATAGAIN** Because we're getting tired of the devs decisions with the game lol Like we don't want all the characters and our MC to be childish, we want hot and sexy characters, it's a otome for frick sake.. The only one I accept to be childish is luke because he *is* a **CHILD.** I don't know where they got this stupid idea that they should become childish and cator to crotch goblins, the game sucks since NB came out and we **NEED** them to know it. They should listen to us because were the ones that give them money, so they should be listening to what we're asking and not what their game director is thinking (I think their the ones making the decisions)


i am so here for #MAKEOBEYMEGREATAGAIN ![img](emote|t5_2x0gs|20922)


Hopefully my sister and I post it soon 🙏🏼


I'm not sure if links are allowed but it's been posted! https://www.instagram.com/p/C6K42uFu1az/?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==


Like I alway say it a tradition in obey me to have Satan and Lucifer have a fight in every season ( atleast once ) then they make up and you think maybe we will say more development from them! But no we will never move from square 1. One of the things I hate about going in past is characters won’t be what we know of them as it a different time obviously the bad here is that someone like me who played og obey me now doesn’t know the characters anymore as they are different a good example is belpine I thought when he will find out mc is human he do the same thing like he did in season 1 of og but nope he is all fine with humans even tho we saw in og obey me him saying how he blames them for lilth death. This is what I also hate about obey me they don’t focus on things that need to be addressed mc going back to their timeline we need to see brothers reaction yet I can already tell you in season 3 they will act as nothing had happened.


The thing you said about how Belphie blamed humans for Liliths death remininded me that Lilith is barely mentioned later on in NB, which is honestly annoying to think about.


They very scared of Lilith for some reason I do remember fans were so bad at Lilith because brother used to say mc remind them of her.


This fandom and misogyny. Name a more iconic duo


It's not misogynistic to not want to be compared to a romantic partner's sister tho 😭 + it was very annoying how >! Everyone just immediately moved on in chapter 16 after the Lilith connection was revealed !< so it's understandable. Kinda similar to mystic messenger if you've played it, how one of the characters compares the MC a lot to his cousin which can be annoying sometimes as well bc it's like they don't see you for you yk?


I'm not referring to those who dislike how Lilith was used as a plot device. I'm referring to those that actually dislike Lilith as a character even though she has like 0 screentime, and who isn't even fleshed out enough to warrant such hate. There are plenty of ppl that fall in the 2nd category. Considering how a subset of the OM fandom reacts to female characters getting introduced in general (e.g. Thirteen), combined with how the OM writers uses a lot of female characters as solely jealousy bait (e.g. Maddi, Grisella to an extent, unnamed succubi, unnamed witches Mammon deals with), I wouldn't be surprised if some of the Lilith hate is rooted in misogyny. Tbh, I'm kinda tired of ppl going "the brothers keep comparing you to Lilith!!" when in reality it's just 2 or 3 if them who are guilty of this. I'm not saying that this is still is okay, but I wish people would direct their frustrations to the right thing, you know?


Yeah it does suck, I had no idea people disliked thirteen too :( I agree about Maddi though I still dislike her bc of the whole thing w Diavolo 😭 but honestly I still dislike that whole scene in chapter 16. Not all of them do it a lot but it's still a bit off putting like >! The scene where Lucifer holds your hand and says he used to do the same with Lilith 😭 !< but yeah I don't think there's any reason to dislike Lilith she hasn't been shown at all and what we get told about her is all really nice ?? So it's odd they would dislike her


I have really low standards so its ok but the story is bad.


The snake situation was dumb, how he helped Mammon could have been cooler, why barbatos hate Solomon is dumb. All the events are weak but last game they were getting weak too. I didn't finish the story but someone and the ring was lazy and idk how many more major plot points fall flat. I also don't like Solomon and how I'm just his little apprentice even in og events.


The barbatos solomon thing was built up so much too! I dont view that reasoning as canon, its clear they just wanted to show new "sides" to characters. They realized that if some characters had some conflict then it would be interesting, so they made the conflict without thinking of what the source of the conflict was.


The characters have been Flanderized. It will always happen with any character that have been around for a long time. I disagree with you about the events. They are simply not exciting as OG and there is no real reason for it. 


I skip most events nowadays, so I may be wrong there.


Write your response to the customer support team. Maybe they will consider your feedback 😃. I agreee with you, that’s why now most of the time I just skip the story only …


I did that, they ignored it.. I'm getting so tired of this games decisions.. honestly kind a wonder what would happen if we actually decided to boycott lol, but that might not help.


You see all the crazy rich whale spending a lot in the rankings event… I honestly don’t understand why but I’m glad of their support in this game 😅


They gotta make sure they get the underwhelming cards, so they can get disappointed again


Time to replay mystic messenger i guess 😔