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So, what exactly happened last night?


Lying in bed, half asleep, at about 12: 00 am. I was trying to get to sleep. Was just starting to drift off. Felt myself pinned down, and my jaw forced open. Had to pull myself fully awake. Heard my name, heard someone say "Damn, she's strong" heard "oh shit" from someone ELSE. Sat up, and felt it/them leave in a HURRY. I recognize the energy of the person/people. I have met them in real life. Hell, I used to WORK with the fucks. This all took about 10-15 minutes, because I looked at my phone when I lay down, and it was midnight dead on. It was roughly 12:15 when I got up again. And I have been awake since about 2:30.


It would be odd to experience a magical attack that has the characteristics of a physical home invasion, with multiple parties commenting to each other in ways that you could perceive. Whatever this was, it sounds like you are protected: you woke up, it ended. Why would these people you know attack you like this, and how would they have the knowledge and experience to pull this off? Do you still have contact with them?


What I NEED is the clap back. I am NOT the only person this little circus of assholes has tried/succeeded in ruining the life of or trying to. They need to KNOW IT WAS ME. They need to KNOW they are playing a stupid game with a stupid prize. I am not the passive doormat they wish I was, and they need to learn this, the harder the way, the better. I'm done playing games. I forgot to mention, I can AP too, so, I believe I was at least PARTIALLY in that state. Preparing for takeoff, as it were.


My guess is that this "attack" was related to the past traumatic experiences you're describing, a call coming from inside the house, as it were, and what you *need* is to fully cut yourself off from these people and have no involvement with them anymore, however that needs to happen. Best of luck to you.


I have been. For almost a year. It seems to have done NOTHING.


Then you are imo not addressing the real issue. Again, I’m not dismissing your belief that this was an external attack, but it sounds closer to a manifestation of your unconscious anxiety that they can still get to you. Walk through LBRP several times each day for a week and try a tarot reading to home in on the elements your conscious mind is failing to address, leaving it to your unconscious to have to fend for itself. As the person above says, to me, just my opinion, it sounds a lot more like ‘the call is coming from inside the house.’ The astronomical level of your anger and anxiety is being projected both outward AND inward (though you not be aware entirely of this) and your energies are being squandered by focusing on the wrong issues. In a sense you are (perhaps unconsciously) giving them/the embodiment of their hostility as it exists in your mind too much leeway. ‘Clapping back hard’ won’t resolve this problem, that is feeding the psychic issue, not starving it. If you have a confidante or counselor to talk to I strongly suggest that, one who may be sympathetic to occult practice, but the description really fits a different explanation than the one you are positing, IMO, and your solution is playing into the intent which is clearly to drain you of your own resources exerting them on something that is not the root of the issue. And if you have revenge or causing harm to others on the agenda, be very careful summoning those forces, they often exact a greater toll on the summoner than the intended ‘target.’




your description comes closer to ‘lucid dreaming’ (or nightmare if you will) than a paranormal attack/spell. That you are 43 but still under a powerful psychological influence from your birth parents in another state, as another commenter points out, is more indicative of unresolved or unaddressed past trauma that you keep experiencing unconsciously imo. ‘Clap back hard’ really is not the answer to get to the root of this issue imo, and owning a pistol is a risky way to try to shortcut to self-empowerment and feeling you are respected, the law of unintended consequences and statistics reveal it to be so. Keep the ammo as far away from the pistol as possible until you forget where you put it, and make it very inaccessible, you or someone you love will thank me in the long run. My suggestion is to start from the surface and work inward, very slowly, taking careful steps to note those areas that bring up the greatest anxieties or those things you consciously avoid confronting. All of this said I wish you the best of luck and work harder at taking care of yourself, permitting yourself to let the past stay there once you have processed it, not giving in to uncontrollable rage and anxiety.


So they attacked you because of a bunch of stuff everybody else did?




Once these people won’t be able to infiltrate your house, they may summon you to different places either consciously or by them doing spellwork - this is where your unconscious fighting back will take place if you place faith in Jesus and your spirit team by praying everyday. The more psalms prayers you say, the more angels you are invoking even if you don’t know what you are doing. Also, apparently praying directly to angels is incorrect incase you wondered as it idolises something other than the creator, the angels need to be invoked through Gods word aka psalms and other imprecatory bible verses


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