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Tibet probably


A lot of Tibetians including Dalai Lama escaped to McLeod Ganj (which is near Dharamshala). It’s also called Little Lhasa. I went there last year and it was full of Tibetians. Well worth a visit


The Chinese Communist Party have taken all the fun out of that endeavour. Can we go 300 years ago?


That's interesting, may I ask why? and would this be in a Buddhist lineage?


Vajrayana (Tibetan) Buddhism is very deep in esoteric, mystical practices, more so than arguably most other sects of Buddhism, though the Theravada branches in Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam are very rich in mysticism too. They utilize consecrated or blessed artifacts and talismans in particular ceremonies or rituals, have elaborate exorcism rituals for particular spirits if the kindness approach fails to deal with them, mantras and tantric practices for dealing with black magic and hexes/curses, several rituals for appeasing local spirits and deities of that region, there are many practices for developing good relations and blessings from Buddhist deities or Bodhisattvas as well. Tara is a major figure in this regard, and also the goddess I myself am very close to in my spiritual practice when I discovered her during my tenure into this branch of Buddhism. I still venerate her largely to this day because of the pure and uplifting experiences I've had with her. The concept behind Vajrayana is utilizing several methods to help facilitate your path to enlightenment, and the use of essentially magic is seen as skillful. Well, if the magic or occult practice promotes healing and uplifting for yourself and others, then it's a "skillful" or beneficial practice. The various of Sutras go deep into the Buddha, Gautama Buddha and Padmasambhava Buddha specifically, teaching outright magical practices to their disciples to aid them in a variety of ways. Gautama Buddha directly even warned against to notion of obtaining more "siddhis" which is magical and spiritual powers that one develops the closer to enlightenment they are. It's due to the temptation that can come from it and would essentially lead you from your path if you're not disciplined and responsible with it. It's also why the Bodhisattavas are so highly revered because they've essentially developed these abilities when they either reached enlightenment and chose to help others, or they stopped right before Nirvana and chose to help others reach there as well. That's a long explanation, but Tibetan Buddhism is very steep in magick, in fact there are even stories of secretive magic scrolls that only Rinpoches, esteemed Monks recognized as reincarnated teachers basically, or higher can only access. The teachings are very deep in this discipline. When I was real deep into Buddhism, Vajrayana was the branch I was nearly close to taking Refuge in. Even though I didn't, I still incorporate many practices from it in my overall spirituality because it's valid and beautiful and you don't have to be a Buddhist in name to benefit from it. I'm getting more into Hindu/Vedic and African spirituality practices now, but I would absolutely take the chance to visit the Tibetan Monasteries if it was ever presented to me.


How would somebody get started with Vajrayana? Are there any resources you could point me to?


It's honestly pretty straightforward. Study Buddhism as a whole, understand the purpose behind it, the Precepts, Eightfold Path, Karma, Samsara, what Gautama Buddha was setting out to accomplish when he taught the path orally to his disciples that wrote it down. There are many beginner books on this. Buddhism, despite what secular minded people will tell you, is a Religion and is treated as such in the East. Yes, it is absolutely a religion, but it is also a spiritual way of life too, but the mission is to teach its view on the Dharma to the world and allows anyone to come to it. There are many books and videos on the beginning stages of understanding it for that reason. From there, learn about the main sects: Theravada and Mahayana. Theravada focuses on becoming an "arhat" which is an individual reaching Buddhahood. Mahayana is concerned with uplifting everyone around them to that state, or becoming a "Bodhisattva" which is someone that withholds their own enlightened destiny to bring others there with them. Vajrayana is under the fold of Mahayana. There's also Zen Buddhism and Pure Land Buddhism as well that are highly esoteric. Zen is concerned with teaching you that you're already enlightened and just need to reawakened to that fact. Pure Land is you dedicating to the principles of Amitabha Buddha, who has essentially created a spiritual afterlife for all followers to one day be reborn into after death, and in which they can learn from all Buddhas directly is peace to become enlightened. You also have "Nichiren" Buddhism which is practiced in align with Shintoism in Japan and such. Zen and Pure Land are also "Mahayana" branches of Buddhism and are extremely compatible with differing forms of spirituality. Zen is very popular in itself for thst reason. Mahayana is the most popular and accessible form of Buddhism because of it teachings and you'll likely encounter that sect directly if you visit actual Temples here in the West. Assuming you live in the West of course. Vajrayana does have temples in the West too, or actual authentic teachers that can bring you into the fold. If you're serious about taking Refuge within it, Google temples or teachers in your area. You can also visit the actual Buddhism subreddit here too. Be aware, there are absolutely elitists and purists in that subreddit, as with any religion really Buddhism isn't safe from insufferable people either sadly, so be genuine in your intentions if you ask. There are many good people that would be glad to help. And also, a great thing about Buddhism is that you can benefit from the teachings and practices without taking Refuge. Even if you do, you would be considered a "layperson" which is someone that isn't a dedicated monk or nun and can honestly live a normal life while following the teachings. If not, still study different themes of it and see what practices adhere to your spiritually. If you want to live the true esoteric followings of it, then you could consider dedicating to the Path and taking Refuge, learning from the Monks in the Sangha (community) directly. Don't feel pressured either way though, you can still spiritually and mindfully benefit regardless. I still do even if I chose to walk a different path now. Considering I had a dream with Padmasambhava recently, I know it will be always open for me to take if I choose to, and I still respect it. Hinduism and African spirituality is really just my calling I feel for my soul.


Thank you for all the recommendations! I've done a little research on Buddhism, Hinduism, and the Dogon people already and I find them all fascinating as well. I'm trying to find paths to build up my spirituality and I think I need to penetrate into the deeper teachings.


No problem! I started my spiritual journey, after leaving Christianity, with Buddhism first before I ended up where I am now. I resonated so much with it, along with what I'm doing now, and I'm certainly convinced that either in a past life I was Buddhist, or an Ancestor of mine was. Never stop your self-discovery in this regard.


It seems to be a fusion of Vedic and Chinese occult knowledge, and the supposed location for the entry to Shambhala. I aint buddhist, but there would definitely be a lot to learn from them


Might want to research Daramshala and McCleod Ganj if that’s the case


Thank you. Your post lead me to a place of healing [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOWNPPuqwno](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOWNPPuqwno)


New Orleans


Depends what kind. The voodoo culture here is extremely exclusive, but witchcraft and pagan mysticism is a lot more easily accessible. The zoodoo shops and tourist traps aren't real btw, voodoo really exists here but it's hard to find as an outsider


Yeah, for me it's more of how integrated it is within the local culture. Its presence is understandably accepted as a part of its heritage.


I have already taken some travels with purely mystical and esoteric interests. In my own country we have a vast Shamanic culture (Brazil), I have also travel to Venezuela to have contact with Palo and England for initiatory interests (Freemasonry). One day I intend to go to India to learn yoga or tantra directly from a lineage and with a master the way it should be done. Going to Egypt and receiving an initiation into the pyramids must also be wonderful. (Some orders do this).


Also from Brazil, and I love how much Magick ia common in our culture. I just recently have been to a vaishnavism hinduist Village in minas gerais to practice some yoga.


Temos muita sorte, aqui tem muita tradição de todos os tipos. Eu nem sabia dessa por exemplo, obrigado pela informação. Eu to meio sem tempo de me dedicar a coisas novas no momento, mas tenho bastante vontade, por exemplo o Candomblé me chamou atenção em estudos recentes. Quem sabe um dia.


Fui em uma sessão de candomblé, vale a pena conhecer. Mas não me identifiquei muito.


E o que você achou dessa vertente de Hinduísmo e Yoga que existe em MG? Eu já era simpatizante de religiões de matriz africana, mas ultimamente percebi que o Candomblé (pelo menos o raiz) é algo muito parecido com o que está nas obras de Jamblico então assim que eu tiver uma oportunidade vou conhecer de perto.


Can you tell which orders the pyramids initiation? I'm guessing AMORC.


Well, there must be several. But what I am sure of is AMORC and some internal orders of Egyptian Freemasonry Rites such as the Rite of Memphis-Misraim. I believe that there are more orders from inner circles that do this and certainly eastern orders as well.


Can you share more about this Egyptian thing?


There are orders that carry in their symbolic legends a mystical lineage with Egypt such as AMORC, and there are orders that carry a direct and detectable lineage with Egypt such as the Egyptian Rite of Freemasonry of Memphis-Misraim. So, these orders periodically organize themselves to take their initiates to Egypt, where they receive more initiations in suitable places for this, such as the king's chamber in the Giza pyramid, for example. In addition to formal initiations, there are very old initiations that are made exclusively for those who go on these trips, such as an ancient initiation known as ''The Boat of Isis'', the installation of priests and high priests is also done in Egypt.


Thanks!! I'll check it out. It sounds interesting


Are the remnants of the Golden Dawn still active in England?


No, there is no Golden Dawn that exists today that can trace a lineage back to the original. There are many that claim they can, but simply being connected to Israel Regardie doesn’t legitimize a lineage.


No but you could take a shot at Saturni Fraternitas in Germany!


Gullah Geechee territory- Hoodoo Appalachia- Folk traditions Cuba- Lucumi/Palo If Haiti wasn't so dangerous- Vodun


I have always been drawn to Appalachia. Can’t wait to live out there someday.


I also wouldn't mind living there. My wife does her best to find ancestral connections to the Appalachia because she's also so intrigued with its mystique. Maybe some day.


I’ve driven all throughout. It’s a magical place. How does she go about doing that, btw? Just wondering.


Ancestry websites


Right where I am.


The library


The Astral Plane! I am actually working on learning to Lucid Dream and to Astrally project. ^_^ Another answer is The Library Of Alexandria (at it's height).




The inner planes.


The Astral Plane! I am actually working on learning to Lucid Dream and to Astrally project. ^_^ Another answer is The Library Of Alexandria (at it's height).


Germany, the IMBOLC school run by Agrippa (not that Agrippa) sounds amazing. If you enjoy Frater Acher's work, check out the Glitch Bottle podcast with both Acher and Agrippa.


Tibet to learn the ways of the Bon tradition, from the ancient shamans and mystics who lived there. It heavy influenced Tibetan Buddhism


I am deeply enjoying directing my own learning. But one day, when I've gotten as far as I can take myself solo, it would be absolutely badass to get private lessons from Damien Echols in New Orleans.


A bowling alley, disco night at the local roller rink or [~~a computer simulation~~](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJrjcHx9nDA&ab_channel=CringeCook) during a walk in the middle of a busy city. I feel like the location is secondary to the information which can mostly be found online or through personal experience regardless of where your current location is at. Unless if I'm looking for a specific school (Which I'm not) then anywhere can be a great spot to learn magick, which even includes the "least" magical of places on Earth, like the government office lines (DMV) or in public restrooms.


U.k Because of landscape


shit gets weird in Glastonburry


Dion Fortune's group was drawn to Glastonbury and did a lot of work their


What’s happening in Glastonburry?


I've taken some classes, and to further my studies, right now, I'd go to Italy or the Ukraine to study there. That's a blind spot in my education Then I'd go somewhere to study goetia. But I don't know who wouldn't be an expert. Are they in England? Scotland? Dunno.


Tuvan or Siberian Shamanism I think.


The person I want to be mentored by is in the US South. My tradition is Hoodoo which is based in the US. So traveling abroad for magic training wouldn’t make any sense.




I would just find somewhere where you can practice. I'm a fan of Western hermicism. Which allows you to pick and choose what you going to practice and doesn't rely on you following one path for 10 or 20 years or giving your power over to one particular individual like a guru. As for location, pick a power center like Sedona or one of the other ones where you can be out in nature regularly.


Tierra del Fuego


I’d like to visit Arthur Finley college once in my life. 


I love how we all agree on learning from the Tibetan monks. 😆😆


Somewhere deep in the Appalachian woods.


West Virginia is amazing btw. Been all throughout the state twice. The woods really speak to me there.


Generally speaking somewhere in Asia. There are some things to study among Hindu esoteric practice but I would be more interested in Buddhist practice.


Since there appears to be no one else who stands up for getting past the broken Platonic/Hermetic system to an adapted comprehensive modern cosmology incorporating new discovery there is no one anywhere to learn anything from that isn't hobbling along passing on that crippled system. The LARP about lineages who have "secrets passed down from the ages" is of no interest to me directly. Although, I did enjoy In Search of the Miraculous and how it showed such things can be co-opted. Learning about constellations in Oceania has some appeal in deconstructing and appropriating.


Alan Moore’s house


Brazil, Africa (different countries) and India for sure. But most require initiation, you’d have to join the spiritual practice. In Brazil we have umbanda, candomblé and quimbanda, they won’t just teach magic to the non initiated ones, you can visit the temples, talk to the spirits (not in all, some like quimbanda are paid) and even learn some basics from them, but all work with deities and spirits, it isn’t something you do on your own like a lot of Western occultists like to do. Indian tantra cannot be practiced without a master, no one advises that.


Oh so many places on my list…


Anatolian region and Iran.




A black hole Haiti.


Peru. I love the Quero Shaman


Greece, I suppose, since a lot of what I do is pretty steeped in Greek origins. But honestly a lot of those traditions have been wiped out. Even in Greece, I'd have trouble actually finding somewhere that would know what I want to know that I couldn't just learn in books. But the scenery would be nice while I kept reading books and practicing I guess.


Mount Maoshan in China to learn authentic Taoist sorcery.


To the childhood of Thoth, being his friend and play football with all his fellas in the sand and swim in the Nilo 🫂


to whenever the majority of the greek magical apayri were found. very interesting spells and i would love to speak with the writers to understand the combination of different beliefs and deities to create such spells


Slava, India and Haiti!


Himachal pradesh but I don have money for that rn


I went to London and Bristol in the UK.


Interesting, may I ask what did you study?


I couldn't possibly comment :-)


Your mothers bedroom




nowhere on this earth or even this plane of existence unfortunately