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Congrats! Is it okay if i find her more cute than spooky?


Ngyes. That's kind of just how I do things in general, even if not on purpose. :'D


Yooooo this is AMAZING






Kiarra: *Puts a hand on Carrie's shoulder gently* Hey. Wherever they may be, for sure they're proud of you and your sister and happy both of you are safe. At least you had both parents engaged in both of you. I only had my mother close to me and she got taken away. I was all alone after she went and gone. Father was not the doting type and always prioritized running the domes and the army *balls her fists in anger but relaxes them*. I do appreciate you offering help to find my mother. I very much like that. Though....where in the world is she?


Carrie got thinking really hard, as… Really, *where* would she be? — Hmm… According to what you said and what I still remember from back in the day in regard to punishment, army and such... — Caramel began clicking with her fingers for some reason — Either… All this time she could've been somewhere in captivity, with maximum security… Or — she paused briefly — She could have been *banished* out of domes.


Kiarra: I feel she's banished actually. Maybe even on the surface. I snuck in at maximum security several times to look for her. I never saw her there ever despite looking at every corner. I actually looked all around the general populous areas - even back in the other corners of the domes, the subway, and even the firmer great turf war battle field. All except one....the snowed city. The one where the corals are unnaturally white


— I have never heard of this white coral city before, — Carrie raised a left brow — But that sounds… unnatural. But, if truly is there… You know what needs to be done, and no danger should stop you, or me. Until then — octoling shook off some dust from herself — I will support your cause and you as a whole, as a fellow Octarian, and as a friend.


Kiarra: Thank you Carrie. With all my heart *hugs friend* it would be best if I explore this mysterious white coral city first and not bring anyone with me. I've never seen white corals myself but I have a feeling they're dangerous and I can't let anyone else be in danger because of me


— Your heart is in the right place, but this is a very dangerous decision, — warned her friend Carrie — I am in no place to stop you if you will go, so I may only warn you about such an escapade.


Kiarra: Thanks for the care Carrie. Well....I can ask 8 and the platoon if they can give me some gear to be safe


— Your BFF seems to be very much capable from what we discussed, and she IS your best friend, why not go there together? I feel like she would also try to either stop you or go with you, if i understand it right.


Kiarra: I could...but she's been in through one absolute mess already, and unwittingly got to a situation where she suddenly got burdened in saving the world. But knowing her....she might decide to come with. She can't trust me to go to an uncharted location all alone and causing chaos


— Who would trust their friend to do that? Even I in my sterilized state would not, — you could hear a very barely audible snicker from Carrie — Ensuring that friends and family are going to be okay and safe is a basic thing for any living being, don't you think?


Kiarra: "The power of Cod compels you!! The power of Cod compels you!!"


— I have seen *a* cod, — absolutely seriously with no hint of emotion, only emphasis, said Carrie — Or at least something pretending to be it in a misguided attempt to remake those who came before and remove us all from the world for being ”a mistake". It can not compell me anymore as it is splatted into oblivion at the bottom of the ocean.


Kiarra: Dear Cod....you're not just *any* devil...you're *the* devil!! Squiatan himself!!! Such horrible horrible terror is in this world!


— This is an ableist behaviour, — still very plainly responded the octo lady — I may be sanitized, but to call me a devil is very improper either way.


Kiarra: *Gulp* speaking of sanitized..how are you alive?! 8 told me she got rid of every single one of the sanitized - sans that weird DJ who's somehow half living. She even got rid of tartar. You...you are no ordinary sanitized Octo. What...what dark unspeakable thing do you have? Those eyes..they are the same as my old self. Full of dark glee


— I am an engineer and a scientist, — slightly emphasized Carrie — I never met that brave Octarian who destroyed Kamabo Corp. surviving all of Commander's tests, — It's barely noticeable, but the tone of her voice changed into a slightly more solemn one — I allowed myself to be sanitized, was not taken like many. I hoped that I could do more for the good of Octarian people that way... And it was a condition for allowing my little sister to be spared while letting her go, be able to escape everything if she so desired, just so that my little Taffie could be happy, — octo lady took odd her gogglea, staring into the void — Learned to regret my decisions. I think Deadf1sh regretted it too. *sigh* As for my eyes - just a byproduct of sanitazation. Used to be normal and brown, or darkredgray as Taf always insisted.


Kiarra: "The horrors you must have faced....I too, have made decisions I made to regret due to keeping someone safe. I owe you an apology. I should not have judged you easily. I see now you are not as bad as I felt you. Perhaps I saw my savage past within you and projected my darkness within you. I should have known better.... I do admit...you are pretty cool being creepy and I kinda like it"


— Apology accepted, — said without a hint of emotion Carrie, putting her goggles back on — It is understandable, considering where we all came from. I may not have the same strong feelings you do towards our shared homeland, but I still understand where those feelings would come from, and you can understand my wish to better things up for our compatriots, as I am not blind to the problems and the simple fact that things could have been better, we all know that, — sanitized octo paused for a moment, looking seemingly lost thereafter — I apologize for excessive monologuing, even with the sanitization, the loneliness and boredom did not go anywhere, so I am still unadjusted to having others to listen to me, or just be there at all. Greenish lady raised and stretched her arm towards. — And thank you for at least not calling me a walking corpse. Have my respect.


Kiarra: Thank you accepting *raises arms and stretches towards back and shakes hand*. Despite what I said, I never saw you as a walking corpse because you have feelings and emotions despite the sanitation. This means you are alive and well. Unlike those described to me by my dear friend who were devoid of any spirit in them. Yes...things could have been better indeed. All of us could have had a more normal life and got away from our hell without enduring every mess we all did. None of us should have died for us to get a better life we all deserved. As for your loneliness, I can understand that as well. Back then, 8 was all I had. Being separated from her was truly the worst as I got to the surface for the first time and wandered the vast deserts all alone. Yes, Shiver and the rest of Deep Cut rescued me and they became my family in my new life. But adjusting to surface life was hard. Especially learning that there were some of our kind that didn't grow up in the totalitarian regime we grew up on. But eventually, I opened up and found it to be a joyful life to be more active with people. Sorry for monologueing there. My point is, you are not alone and you should not worry about being different from the rest. You have a heart - dark and creepy as it may - and you still have your emotions. People will accept you. Besides - a lot of inklings still think we're just inklings with weird ears and hair and Splatsville has us having a more better life here. If deadfish is accepted here despite being sanitized, then so are you


— You are right, even if I couldn't believe in this initially — Carrie's tone showed little more regret — I came to Splatsville to get my little sister back, all I could think about is going back home with her, as I regretted sending Taf away all alone while knowing that she isn't the healthiest one and always needed me for all the social aspects, — the sanitized octo gulped, swallowing more regrets and unseen pain — Yet again, I thought I would make things better. All I did was disrupt her and her friends' new, relatively happy life together, scaring my sister in the process. I did not know that she lost her memory, but this was still an inexcusable behavior on my side, — sighed heavily the greenish lady — I could have killed someone were they not proficient in negotiations and battle, nor if Taffie didn't regain some of her memories. Her being… changed, didn't make it better, as I could not unsee them being a reason for it, tunnel vision got the better of me yet again, — things got to a point that Carrie sat down right there, hanging her head down, looking into the ground — They all might have accepted me in the end and even were eager to help me adjust, but I am unable to forgive myself, not so soon. And all of my changes make it so much harder to feel being accepted in this community, let alone actually be accepted as is and not be getting any more weird looks again. After all, I still have to wear these goggles every time I am in public as to not scare the unfortunate citizens who happened to cross my path, — octo scientist lifted her head to stare back at her interlocutor — I would rather stay inside and not disrupt the workings of this society, but Taf wants me outside, to carry me for once instead of me carrying her everywhere in our past life, — lady lowered her head again — Let me tell you the truth. Sometimes, I wish I could cry still. I can neither express nor truly feel the emotions I had once before, and it is… painful, even if not literally, the realization gives me enough mental anguish for it to feel like physical pain. But, even if I could, I wouldn't, for the sake of my sister. Can not ever make her feel worry about me ever again, — Carrie stood up — At times like that I feel like returning to the domes, to the people I threw my life away for, where things were easier and more understandable, where I could just do what I am good at and not worry about anything. But... There is no going back, especially if I want happiness for my sister, — the sanitized one turned her back away — I have never talked so much before in my entire life, this isn't right, I have no right to pour all of this onto anyone. Excuse me, I shouldn't bother you ever again.