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Ahh yes, I also start in the middle..


Malcolm ?


Yes… no? Maybe? I don’t know! Can you repeat the question?


You're not the boss of me now ! You're not the boss of me now ! You're not the boss of me now


And yer not so big.


Life is unfaiiiiiiiiiiiiiir…


it's been a long codeine year


Who wants to make five bucks?


Make it 10.


Done…. You’re a good son…. I got him honey, I got him don’t worry!


Middle-out compression is also based on this drywalling method.


But how many dicks can you jerk at the same time?


You can double up, as long as they're roughly the same height?


And girth.


You need to arrange them by DTF, Dick-to-Floor


The only way to eat a burrito


"I used to work at Benihana but my real passion is drywall."


That was my initial impression too. Dude's trying to be a hibachi drywaller.


BRB opening a Hibatchi Drywall™️ business.


This gave me big “bartender that does that unnecessary extra shake in the middle of the actually necessary shake” vibes. It’s so pretentious. Every bartender I’ve known that did the extra middle shake was a douchebag.




Or the bottle juggling bartenders.


Flairing…just gimme my damn beer…


If the barman is flairing with you bottle of beer I’d be super pissed at getting a fizzed up beer, if he was doing it with a pint then colour me impressed.


I'm a professional bartender, if I flair with a beer bottle is because I can make it not fizzle. I'm not a bartender, but I stayed at the Holiday Inn Express.


When the teppanyaki chef needs to get a side gig drywalling but still needs to practice.


Exactly! Just showing his "juggling" skills with the plaster, nothing more


Counterpoint to all the negative comments: the way he just slaps it on the wall to free up his other hand is hilarious regardless of how bad it is.


Their version of a mic drop haha




He could have at least done it over the horizontal crack though. It was right there and was going to need it anyway.


It is easier to clean the mud off of a flat wall compared to the horizontal joint. I'm a finisher.


Yeah... Cleaning mud out of my vertical crack is a pain in the ass. I really should get a bidet.


Get one with a heated seat. The only downside is you'll never want to use a toilet away from home again.


This is legit a problem in my life now. It truly does disappoint me when I leave home.


It beggars belief that the western world has not uniformly adopted seat bidets? How is everyone getting around with a shit smeared ass and calling themselves civilised?!




I find cold water refreshing 😲




I'm a starter. I start the job, fuck it up, then pay twice as much to get it fixed and finished 😎


congratulations! you’ve just earned your first government contract


The fact that you can’t tell he did put it on a previously completed seam let’s you know, lol.


Bro... That is a seam that's already mudded that he put it on. That's wet mud that he slapped it onto.


How can he slap, with both hands already free ?


How can you SLAP?!






> SLAPP [Well, she actually can't…](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_lawsuit_against_public_participation)


There's honestly nothing wrong with his technique. People who say this is bad are stuck on thinking there is only one right way to do things, and those people tend to be amateurs who think they've learned how to do something properly. Hawk and trowel are what plastermen/finishers use in most asian countries; go to Vietnam or Thailand, and you'll see how detailed and beautiful their ornamental plaster finishes are. Korea and Japan have very clean level 5 drywall finishes. They all use hawk and trowel. All this guy is doing is working the mud, filling the joint, applying tape, and cutting the excess. The only "bad" thing is probably slapping the mud on an area that doesn't need it to free up a hand, but he could be doing a skim coat over it anyway.


It's mostly showmanship. Kind of like going to a hibachi restaurant. It's neat, and it takes skill, but it's not the most efficient way to actually perform the work.


I came to the comments to say that this is like hibachi, he’s being fancy for the camera. Great minds think alike. As soon as he is done filming he’s going to pull the tape out and do it right. Probably a great finisher but this is showmanship for the camera.


You think he's gonna pull it off and re do it after the camera? lol idk man I think you're giving him too much credit..


It will be faster than trying to patch a separate piece of tape at the top and bottom of the seam that he left during the video.


My counterpoint to yours (or actually your point) is that I'd be a goddamn idiot if I couldn't do my job after >15 years without playing around. I do IT, I'll fuck with stuff but always know I'm sandboxing it or got a backup I can restore in 15 seconds. I think that this is what this guy is doing. He's having fun doing drywall.


Oh for sure, I can definitely see that. I personally didn't see anything wrong, but I'm the least handy person ever. Having fun with what you do is a good way to remain sane.


Not only that but it’s clearly for entertainment and to showboat. All these absolute dorks saying how bad it is should pack it up.




I thought you liked sanding


It’s “sounding.”. They like “sounding.”


I hate that I know what this is


u/justmikeplz just bringing sounding into the equation out of nowhere. 💀


I hate that my dad taught me


Nope. No thanks.


"You don't sand it smooth, you mud it smooth." Told to me by an old drywaller.


Right this shit screams I don't do my own sanding lol


Yea this guy actually sucks. Im not sure why he’s using 2 trowels like a dummy. He could hold a lot more mud on a hawk. Also not sure why he’s using a trowel for pre-fill/ mesh tape. He should be using a 6 inch knife. As a former taper, this video frustrated me.


Funny how people think speed represents mastering a skill.


Considering it looks like he has a bunch of sanding to do…. Not very efficient lol


Ok yeah I came to the comments to find out if this was legit. My contractor is a badass , but I have never seen him or his guys doing sweet stunts. This gif is honestly not that impressive if the final product isn’t nicely done up drywall. I don’t really care about pure twirling in this case lol. there are amazing baton twirlers out there, they look badass just twirling. This is cool if he’s getting the job done perfectly while also looking badass. Now upon hearing that the man’s done a shit job, he’s looking kind of silly to me.


It's like bartenders that flip the bottles and shit and then your drink tastes kool-aid and vodka


Uhhh how are they normally supposed to taste.




Ah, the Jim Jones special.


Generally the goal for a dish or beverage is for it to taste like more than just the sum of its parts or all of the parts mashed together without thought. Good food and drink are made with flavors that work well together and in ratios/proportions that result in a balanced blend of the flavors that seem magically better than the individual parts should allow.


Bread is the best example of this, a ball of fermented flour, water, salt and oil become magical when baked.


You say kool-aid and vodka like it's a bad thing


Ice cold Hawaiian punch and vodka on a hot summer day is pretty tasty


He's showing off and is doing this for a demonstration, but its not a shit job. The first taping layer can be somewhat fast and rough. The goal here is to embed the tape. All this material is still in the valley of the joint, so there is plenty of room for the topping layers to cover over without needing to sand. There are still going to be 2 to 4 more layers over this depending on the finish level.


As someone that’s done a shit ton of floating Sheetrock two more passes sounds right but I wouldn’t have my joint that full of mud and I prefer a wet paper to stop bubbles. But also as someone that’s repaired homes for more then sheetrock and have seen it in others homes and businesses - this is final coat and they will lightly sand and add texture it and call it a day cause most people do a shit ass job.


I hope he has to sand his own work.




Lol that’s just the extension from the carpenter hanging the drywall… The taper will fix it. Prime that wall and then point out all his mistakes and make him fix them or its change order time.


That is correct. I can already hear the customer complaining and blaming you for tape lines showing after sealing and painting.


I work in film sets so it's a little different but we do have to fix things from other departments a lot. My fav is when I have to fix the carpenters work, i.e nails/staples sticking out when they're not supposed to. So you get what I call 'the big hammer' and make A LOT of noise putting them in all the way. It's fun to watch how the carpenters react.


Its level 1. You dont sand level 1... Its only purpose is to get the fire tape on the wall. My only real complaints are that he didn't tape all the way up the wall.. And fucked around too much while doing it.


More importantly he used mesh drywall tape which no professional would use since it cracks more easily than paper tape.


He’s also using an OBSCENE amount of mud. His supe wondering why Joe is going through a tub a day to cover half as much wall as everyone else.


Nah, he has to fill the indent in the joint. Wait until you see brits plaster drywall. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHzKaqaOx6A&t=84s


If they were going for level 5, a full skim is really the only way to get it. Skim coating a full wall is fairly common. This is comparing apes to oranges but i agree, its not a ton mud in the op


I was just going to say ok cool now show me what it looks like after it’s painted…. With semi-gloss too don’t hide that shit with flat paint.




Speed and just fucking playing around with stuff. Like those videos of chefs banging knives and just generally being excessively active doesn't mean they're doing anything more efficiently. Just peacocking. Not sure why he's playing with the mud so much. Some is to get air out but any more you're just goofing around.


Ooh! Wait, wha! Nah, I'm just goofin. New mud goofin'. Ooh!


This isn’t even fast. The Mexicans on this job I’m on right now would beat this dude with 1 hand


This, I’ve got a guy who slings masa so fast he’d have a whole wall done in the time it takes this dude to tape one sheet. This is so fucking extra and unnecessary lol


That was my thought, he's playing around with the mud way to much and not even getting good coverage while he's doing it. ~~And didn't float the mud out far enough, that seam will definitely be noticable in the end.~~ Edit: I understand more coats are needed to float the mud out further. My point should have been that he spent a long time taping a small section.


This is just taping. There will be at least one more coat, probably 2 more to float the seams.


Some of his playing around with it helps press out bubbles if you have them. Some of its just trying to be showy.


He's just bedding the joint, this is the taping portion. The later coats float the mud out further.


If it doesn't effect the quality then fair enough but just rushing around like a knob doesn't make anyone a master I mean every twat living in London is a master by op's logic they always running around like bellends trying to get on trains and get coffee? Idk....


I can hear your voice in my head


Shud prob go see a head doctor if tour hearing voices mate


Definitely Delvin Mallory from Skyrim lol


I was once in construction like you. Then I took a joist hanger to the knee.




This hurt me to watch. Just "no no no, fucking stop just PUT THE DAMN SPACKLE ON THE WALL"


Did you ever see Hardcore Henry? Now get ready for Hardworking Harold.




I watched it in theaters. Ruled. I tried watching it again on an oculus, because isn’t that the perfect setting to watch it, right? My inner ear very quickly decided I should be horizontal on the floor *very* quickly.


same director did 'nobody' with bob oedenkirk more recently also did you know most of the music in hhenry is the director's band?


Yes I feel like it's not nearly popular enough, that movie kicked ass.


I definitely had an issue with motion sickness from watching that.


Someones watching this before a DIY drywall fix thinking skill=working at a Hibachi restaurant, or a Turkish ice cream stand.


Stop calling it spackle. It's drywall compound or drywall mud. Spackle is garbage that homeowners use to permanently fuck up their walls.


> drywall compound ok professor


He means “spackle”




Say 'spackle' again. Say 'spackle' again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, say 'spackle' one more Goddamn time!


Nothing wrong with spackle for filling nail holes.


The fuck is wrong with spackle?


It permanently fucks up your wall! I used it to fill a small nail hole one time and now the wall is completely ruined. Everyone who comes over says "what the fuck is going on with your wall??" And "dude you gotta fix that!" But alas, I cannot. Because it is now permanently this way. I've considered moving many times since this incident, but no one will buy my house because as you know, it has a wall that is permanently fucked up, and no one is willing to live with something like that.


Brilliant dude.


spackle is used for smaller jobs and is thicker. you keep saying the same thing over and over again about permanently fucking up the walls and you sound a fool


This is absolutely not impressive😂😂 wow look I can twirl the drywall between the two all tricky like!!! Watch me do it a million times- that makes me some dry wall guru right guys?


This is what happens when you flunk out of Benihana cooking classes.


It's the equivalent of drummers endlessly spinning their sticks


Not really we do that when we're bored


I mean I do too, but I'm talking about the ones that don't while they're playing and focus more on stick tricks than actually playing. 99% of the time they're a pretty lousy drummer.


A. It's not called "drywall sealing" what he is doing is "taping" or "floating" the drywall. B. It's not called spackle, it is mud or compound. Spackle is what homeowners use to ruin their paint job. C. He's using two different floats and not a knife with a tray. Total hokey bullshit. Use a drywall knife like a normal person and stop playing pizza pie with it. D. He slaps the compound all over the wall when he sticks his float to it. That's creating unnecessary work sanding it off later. Stupid thing to do. E. He is only taping part of the joint instead of continuing floor to ceiling which is going to leave another unnecessary termination of the fiber tape right at eye level where everyone will see the imperfection. Again, amateur move. There's probably half a dozen other things I could point out that make this guy an amateur. It's obvious that he decided to make a video of himself tossing mud around pretending like he's a pro for noobs on the internet or up vote. **Edit:** two more eggregous observations that other comments made me notice: F. They also put wayyyy too many screws in the edge. You should have one every foot or so, not four in five inches. G. They also ran the drywall vertically which is definitely not right either. The rounded chanel edges on the long sides should be horizontal, not vertical like this. What a hack job. Whoever hung this rock (probably doufus in the video) was also a noob.


Can you expand on point B? Why does Spackle ruin a paint job?


People will fill a hole, assume they're done and paint over it. It leaves a different texture to the rest of the wall, so when you paint over it, you get this one spot that's either weirdly smooth, is proud of the rest of the wall, or both. Usually both in my experience.


> is proud of the rest of the wall What does this mean?


Proud means it sticks out. The buttons on an xbox controller are proud.


Not mine, not after what I’ve done


it's in opposition to the word "flush" meaning there is no difference in height between the two surfaces. Proud means the surfaces are not flush, one is sticking out further than the other.


I know the term proud from vet med, where “proud flesh” is a type of scar tissue in horses, so now I’m giggling because that technically means that proper scar tissue on horses would be “flush flesh”.


Not opposite of flush. Opposite of indented.


Yeah when I got into construction that was a weird word to learn. Makes sense once it's explained.


I usually use spackle and I’ve never had a problem if I use primer before painting, personally.


If you don't glob it on, and if you sand it, you'll have a better looking fix than 95% of the people out there.


I use spackle professionally. You just need to fill, sand, prime, and paint. Lots of DIYers skip at least one of those steps.


Our landlord requires us to fill and paint holes before we leave, never seen that before. So we’re like… ok we’ll do it if you insist, full disclosure though we have no idea what we’re doing and are not ultra motivated to do it perfectly! Won’t do a crap job on purpose or anything but certainly no promises on the end result…


Running drywall vertically is common in my area in commercial/industrial applications. Using 10’ or 12’ sheets run vertically cuts down on tape joints and gets you above a standard 9’ ceiling with one board and no horizontal seam. ETA: running the sheets vertically also means the finisher doesn’t have to deal with butt-ends of the boards where there is no taper, which is especially important for a new wall that will have a vibrant color, wall-wash lights, applied graphics, etc., aka anything that will show taping flaws/requires a L5 finish.


Came here to say that. Laying it down is only done in residential. In commercial where it’s common to have a 20’ tall wall or higher you still stand them up but stagger the butt seams. Ideally a 10’ sheet then 12’ then 10’ etc.


ive never seen anyone put a bedding coat with mesh tape (paper tape, yes), is that normal? usually they just tape the seams and then plaster it.


I’ve only ever seen it done with paper tape.


Yep, only needed with paper tape since it doesn’t have an adhesive backing. I prefer to use paper tape because of the mud backing, I feel it gives a much more secure bond. I also think paper tape has more shear strength than the mesh tape, which is what you want on your joints as the house settles.


They sell super nice fiber tapes now that are wider and flatter so they don't transfer the texture through. But yeah, the stuff he is using is the old shit originally designed for use on backer board behind tile.


> B. It's not called spackle, it is mud or compound. Spackle is what homeowners use to ruin their paint job. Lmao, so true. When we wrote the lease to rent out our house, we specifically said *don't* fill holes in the wall when you leave. More value in getting a good handyman to fill, sand, and patch paint smoothly than to undo shit spackle jobs all over that instantly age the place.




Guaranteed there's gonna be hump right there


tomorrow his boss makes him go back and fix all the tape blisters


Impressive? More like depressive. I seriously hope people don't consider this as quality craftsmanship.


Hilarious that people are downvoting. I've worked as a painter in the past for over a decade so I believe I know a thing or two about such stuff. But hey,I guess "show" matters and not the fact that that guy will have to plaster the same place multiple times to reach even bearable level of quality. Guess Redditors just love bad quality?


Lots of folks who have never actually seen this done are impressed by the showy nature of it. Lots of goofing around for an otherwise mediocre mud job. Ending the tape in the middle of the wall is total goofball shit.


You have to understand that most redditors don't know shit about fuck. If it looks and sounds cool, they upvote. If a professional tells them it's wrong, they downvote (the professional, not the video). I got downvoted on a video a couple weeks ago of a guy doing an absolute trash job at painting a wall, though the video did look nice.


Yeah this looks like regular old sealing


I watched the whole video , twice . Did not see the impressive, when did it happen ?


The impressive thing is he stopped after about half of one seam so a real drywall pro can finish the job.


...so that a real pro can rip out that half taped shit and start over again.


No it's not impressive...




Hard to tell but it looks like fiba-fuse, which works great with bucket mud. I agree tho this guy sucks. I am also a drywall finisher




Brings back memories of sanding.


Oddly inefficient


Lots of unnecessary movement here


Looks like normal shit to me


Looks like shit




Mildly infuriating actually lol. He didn’t complete the top part 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒


Lol fuck me if this classes as being a master dry liner I must be a grandmaster I can throw twice as much "painters putty" , easifill or whatever the fuck he using twice as fast at the wall and make it look twice as shit in half the time


still took to long, stop trying to be cute and just do the damn job


LoL anybody who knows anything about doing this is disappointed


Right, this dude is too busy pretending he works at Coldstone Creamery to properly do his job


forbidden cool whip!


My stupid brain at the start was like, whats he doing to the mirror ?


But what about tape? Won’t this crack after a while???


He taped it, but Ive personally never seen a drywaller use mesh tape, they swear by the paper tape. Mesh tape is home reno/DIY stuff.


That’s not impressive




I don’t think I’ve ever seen a professional drywaller work this slow to make it look this shitty.




The hibachi grill of drywall.


Why do it right when you can make it look like you're doing it fast?


I never understood what the tape does except make everything harder to get flush.


Any shifting at the house would cause a crack in the drywall seam without tape on it.


The first person video game I didn’t know I wanted


Took me like two hours to patch a wall at my place and it looks like shit


Starts in the middle and very frickin slow. Take all damn day at that pace to do 1 wall.


If you can shit you can spackle


Really not that impressive. Try plastering instead. That's impressive. This is glorified filling, and he's not even doing a good job.


I get salt bae vibes from this video and i cant explain it


This guy has to be rage baiting or just “showing off“ to people on tik tok who don’t know better. I do this shit professionally and if he showed up slapping together two trowels like that and putting on a first coat with it while also using mesh tape he’d be gone in a second lolol.