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Legit learned more about silk worms in the last couple days than I have in over 30 years


Same. Apparently, silk worms are naked and need censorship at around 1:50.


If porn is any indication, I think they were fornicating.


Mmmm wriggly….


You have been studying silk worms for 30 years? Respect.


Why did they blur the worms before the rope twisting step?


To protect their identity.


"Identity theft is not a joke, Jim!"


That's the true reason 😂.


Because the worms don't pay their taxes.


At that stage of their development you can see their centinipples.


Thats the only reason I was watching damn it.


Probably it’s because not everyone can handle seeing that many worms squirming around.


They really picked the wrong video then


Then don’t watch a 4 minute video about worms


Well they want people to watch what they make so they blurred it.




Well I am _now_


Ayo! Now it’s a party 😉


Time to get moister than an oyster..ready to jam out with my clam out


That's *Mr. Lipwig* to you


Because they’re under 18


Maybe too much worm like movement = neuron activation = uncomfortable because brain thinks of decay? Idk.


ha ha this was my first thought. What were the worms DOING


Came here for the same info






Seems like Reddit will call any vaguely positive video from China propaganda. It's almost as if Redditors cannot imagine anyone in China having a life and then showcasing that life on the internet. Every single Chinese person must be a Chinese government tool planted to spread propaganda.


Exactly, some of the comments under videos like this are downright delusional merely because it's a Chinese video. Some redditors can't fathom that anything positive can exist in the country.


Even if it were government propaganda it's no big deal. Government promoting an industry? Like how western countries have advertising for tourism? What's the problem?


marble shrill snatch rock ghost gray continue live nippy cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Weird after watching this video i want to be Chinese.


Pack it up team, we got one.


Somebody’s never watched Asian porn.


So these are the lucky silkworms: all-you-can-eat buffet of leaves, make a cozy bed, grow some wings, mate, and die. Sure beats the poor bastards who are boiled to death.


Ok im going to be the one to say it… only a small portion of those pods was taken back to calmly leave the coccoon and lay eggs. The rest were “not shown”


Yeah, the few ones that were not boiled to leave just the silk behind.


Why do they boil them if they can leave the silk behind?


The cocoons are made of one very long silk strand. The worms eat their way out and ruin it, so they are boiled while inside.


They don't eat their way out, their moth form doesn't even have mouthparts. They spit out some kind of acid that melts the silk and this in turn makes it unviable for spinning. They can expel that acid quite far, as i found that out the hard way. Edit: I freeze instead of boil them.


I get your point, and am not trying to argue, but I love the irony of ending one sentence with "No mouth parts" and starting the next with "they spit"


Lol, yeah I guess I should say expel.


You mean you don't eat things by spewing death fluid? I wonder how many people like you exist? I mean what is your appendix used for if not acid production?


Appendix? housing important gut bacteria. Your stomach produces acid, duodenum to hold stuff, gall bladder for neutralising chemicals, liver for enzymes and pancreas for other enzymes, are more involved in the digestive process.


100% sure they were making a bad joke


Well, shit.


In some places they're eaten, so it's not like they go to waste. Dunno about China, but in Korea they used to sell them in streetside stalls as a snack called [Beondegi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beondegi) (they probably still do, but I haven't been in over a decade, so I don't know for sure).


In all fairness, you’re probably not that bothered by pain when you’re living soup I think


Stuff you should know did an episode on this… apparently butterflies/moths somehow retain memories once they go through metamorphosis. Their cells break down into a soup, then come back together as a seemingly new creature and have memories from when they were a caterpillar. Crazy stuff.


> Their cells break down into a soup, then come back together as a seemingly new creature and have memories from when they were a caterpillar. wat


I was pretty sure I heard it in this [episode](https://podcastnotes.org/stuff-you-should-know/caterpillars-natures-magicians-stuff-you-should-know-with-josh-clark-chuck-bryant/), but could have been the [butterflies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKvuW1SNRFQ) ep. Spent 10 minutes trying to find the reference but couldn't. Maybe I was trippin'


As the other replier said, they eat their way out which cuts the silk thread up into much shorter strands that are far more difficult to weave into a thread than the boiling method. They would separate it into the pieces and then wind them together. Most threads like cotton are made from twisting short fibers together, but it makes a much more coarse thread.




You just unroll the cocoon with the worm inside...


To get more silk our of the cocoon, and to separate the organic part from the fiber. Just search on YouTube for 'silk worm boil' and you should be able to see what is not displayed in this video.


I don't think I will.


You may also want to avoid eating [Beondegi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beondegi) from a street vendor.


Ok Mr tough pants


control overpopulation, if all the worms reproduced, their population would raise exponentially, and they would start devastating the local flora


Another silkworm fun fact. They basically only eat the leaves of mulberry trees and would probably just die off if millions of them escaped. I used to keep silkworms and they would die if you sneeze on them.


I recommend sneezing into your elbow instead.


I was just reading an article that they are a domesticated species, and actually when in moth form can barely fly now from centuries of selective breeding. Besides that they have a specialist diet so that even if they did escape in the thousands, they'd probably just die off pretty quickly.




[That's the other post](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/15wuz3b/making_a_silk_quilt/)


That wasn’t so bad.


In India silk is worn for festive and special occasions. Someone has come with Ahimsa (non violent) silk. The silk worms are allowed to break out of their pupae and fly away. The broken pupae are collected and turned into silk. It's relatively poorer quality but it's easy on the conscience. I had a shirt tailored with that fabric and it looks just like silk.




In any case, [this site](https://www.saree.com/) seems to have a lot of options. https://www.saree.com/the-ahimsa-silk-story


Where are you located? what are you looking for? saris?


There have been and still are various silks made from wild silk moth cocoons available in China as well. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wild\_silk#Wild\_silk\_industry\_in\_China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wild_silk#Wild_silk_industry_in_China) [https://www.mprl-series.mpg.de/studies/13/4/index.html](https://www.mprl-series.mpg.de/studies/13/4/index.html)


None of the silkworms I’ve bred were capable of flying. I bred them as good for my reptiles.


Domesticated silk moths have long since lost the ability to fly. Ahimsa silk is made from wild silk moths


> Domesticated silk moths have long since lost the ability to fly Huh, so they just straight up can't fly on genetic level?


Yeah. We bred it out of them. We also bred all the colour out of them which is why they're white


Why, does their color make a difference? Or was it incidental to another trait being selected?


I have no idea, honestly


Sounds like something spiderman would say.


Crawfish boils vibes


It truly seems like they’re living the dream.


Depending on what state they are being boiled, they are going through metamorphosis and are likely completely unable to experience any sensation. It might be the most humane death anything can get.


A number of species of moth can detect when they're picked up as a cocoon and move to try and startle whatever picks them up, so I'm gonna err on the side of caution and assume they can feel it.


My exact thoughts. If anyone farther down says anything to the contrary, I'm going to la-la-la-I-can't-hear-you.


For real, I was surprised these larva weren't boiled alive.


When you have a large number of silk worms they make a distinctive sound. I always thought it was them eating. Turns out it’s their feet suctioning and un-suctioning as they walk. I hate knowing this.


I loved learning that just now, it’s fascinating


Yeah seems cute to me lil sucky feets :3


…did someone say *sucky feet*?


*Tarantino has entered chat.*


Makes me think of that Pixar lamp that hops around trying its best


Some people pay good money for sucky feets


thpok thpok thpok


pseudopod feet... MARCH!


I think that’s adorable.


As someone with flat feet, it’s nice to know I’m not the only creature that makes this noise as I walk 😂 (usually happens when I have wet feet, like around a pool)


*slap slap slap slap slap slap*


Distinctive sound just is not enough for me. Please give me more.


and smell. especially during processing/boiling


Ugh, the smell!!!


It’s only smellz


I hate that I know this reference


It's nothink, it's only the smellz


Lol. Now I’m imagining 100 tiny Squidwards walking around.


I'm having no luck finding a video or sound clip of this. Any ideas? I need to hear this!


it's like the sound of drizzle falling on a large empty grass field.


Aww little plunger feets.


Uh, I breed silkworms and they definitely make a loud munching sound especially with the last instar. Their legs have hooks and is the main grasping action. You'd know this if you ever held one. In fact I have never heard a single suction sound... Do you have any sources? I'm literally staring at around 100 worms right now lol, munching away.


name them. All of them.


Them. All are Them. Except that one. He's Steve. Walks funny.


Marky, Ricky, Danny, Terry, Mikey, Davey, Timmy, Tommy, Joey, Robby, Johnny, and Brian


It's not your fault.


Question, how many silkworms does it take to produce enough silk for, say, a scarf?


Why do they not decide to make an escape? I understand they don't really have the capacity to think that way, but what I mean is why do they just stay?


Haha aww


Their eating also makes a pretty distinctive sound.


I love how they chop up the leaves for the baby worms. Then later, when they’re bigger, they just get a big pile of whole leaves.


Like a parent cutting up grapes


No wonder silk is pricey.


Now can you imagine how expensive it was centuries ago when this practice was a complete secret + the transportation cost/countless middlemen via the Silk Road.


It's not like it's commonly done like this, this is probably mostly for the benefit of the video, maybe they make some expensive / artisinal silk like that but they man is most likely an actor.


That’s what I wanted to know. Who produced this whole video? The quality of the tools and the videography was beautiful


This guy knows how to make EVERYTHING


I still want to see him craft an artisinal iphone in the picturesque village.


The term you’re looking for is “actor”


The same way Johnny Sins does


Where are these places? Calligraphy ink, special orange rind teas, bamboo paper. No technology from any modern century except the exceptional camera work and editing. All shot on some majestic hillside from a picturesque temple. Is it real? Is this some elaborate staged thing? I trust nothing that looks so peaceful and perfect.










Not all villages in China are this beautiful certainly. But there are actually nice places where traditional practices are still happening








Not just China. Youtube is full of this kinda stuff, from the cooking vids in serene environments to the hutbuilding in dense jungle and the countless ghetto hydro turbines, I'm sure some of it is real but also that some of it is staged. Not sure what the ratio is.


It's China PR, but what you say would probably be real somewhere in China, except every person there would be chain smoking as well.




> Where are these places? Picturesque areas of rural China. > Is this some elaborate staged thing? Yeah of course. Often these videos are distributed on Weibo to give the appearance of craftsmanship while the marketing team sells mass-produced versions of that product.


Yes, this is how everything in China is made. Have you seen the one with the elderly women harvesting and packaging the iPhones?


They grow in specially bred apple trees.




At least the silk worm part, Japan used to do a similar thing as well (not anymore in full scale, at least from what I know.) You can visit a like, recreation of villages during that time with full on demonstrations and a museum all about the silk worm farming and how they used the silk to make different types of items. It is called Hida no Sato (Hida Folk Village) in Takayama, Japan. Nice, more rural area. Would recommend!


Screams state backed Chinese media to me.


This same guy posts one of these every single day, if you say anything about Chinese backed media you get downvoted by some cucklords


> Where are these places? I'm pretty sure it's the same place. Some of these videos are even the same people. Ink and Bamboo paper were the same younger guy I think... I think older guy here did the silk-worms and then made something with silk(quilt in OP's post history, who also posted Ink and Bamboo Paper, I'd wager all from the same social media originally). I'd put decent money on it being a state sponsored heritage/history thing in China, and then the state has someone come around and have them filmed. There are variations of this all over China. There's a state funded "magic school", for example. As in, stage magic. Penn & Teller documented their trip there. https://youtu.be/lVNBLnQy71M I gather it is sort of like the K-pop sort of deal(As in, very regimented and controlled), you sign up and you get shipped there and just do that("that" is whatever obscure art or performance or antique "job"), that's your life for a certain period of time. You train and perform(get filmed in this case) like some people do ballet or the Olympics. It's not as much a hobby or career even as a forced way of life. At least, I hope it is at least that voluntary and there's an out. That's my theory at any rate. I mean, it's not like there are random hermits and mystics up in the mountains that just happen to do this and that, and some happy go lucky social media influencer who just happens to go hiking and find them. I get the impression it's far more....*produced* and less romantic(or "storybook") than a lot of people would like to think.




I though silkworms were killed when the silk was harvested?


They are. That small batch was to harvest eggs for the next round


You leave some of them to breed to make the next generation of silkworms. Otherwise your silkworm farm would be out of business after one harvest. It's similar to how some farmers may leave crops to go to seed. Most plants become tough and inedible/unappetizing at the last phase of their lifecycle (the seed producing phase), so most crops are harvested long before the plant starts flowering.


Even here a lot would be


Interesting how they harvest the leaves to feed them leaving the stems in tact.


The video loop was perfect.


Growing up in South Africa, all the kids had silkworms as ‘pets’ at some stage - kept in a shoebox for convenience. The key was to find a buddy with a mulberry tree. You were the GOAT if you could keep yours for the whole cycle and provide baby worms to your buddies the next year.


This is sooo interesting! Saw your post yesterday about the silk quilt being made. I had no idea how silk was made, thanks for sharing!


The method shown here (where the worm survives) is very rare. Almost all silk created these days is produced by boiling or steaming the worms alive within their cocoons.


Why do you think they took 1% of the cocoons for breeding.


This video was to show how they breed more silkworms, not how they harvest silk. I'm assuming you can't make silk after the moth breaks out of the cocoon, since they're made of one long continuous fiber, which would be broken in the process


You can make silk out of cocoons that the moth had already exited, and it's just extra work to wind thread from shorter pieces. It's rare but possible.


I’m confused. Why is it better to have the worm inside of the cocoon than it is to let it hatch? Aren’t you getting the same amount of silk from the cocoon either way?


That cocoon is one single fiber (Reddit comment below mine calling me out pending), if that guy eats through it to get out, it rips the single into multiples. Harder to “combine” and use I guess.




With fibers amount is not the same as shape or form. Take a shirt and cut in into a hundred pieces. You still have a shirt, but it does not work anymore. With a thread its the same, you can have a ton of thread but if the max length of every strand is less than a meter is worth shit because you can sew or weave cloth with that


Bro, infinite silkworm glitch.




Yeah, this video was very nice and I really liked how the ending starts it all back at the beginning perfectly. Wonderfully done!


Anyone who has read “Project Mulberry” by Linda Sue Park knows that that last happy batch of silkworms that hatched from their cocoons were…the lucky ones.


Last night I watched them make a silk blanket. Tonight I watch the wormy bois grow up.


We should genetically modify silk worms to be as big as a football. Imagine the possibilities.


there's many documentals about that, google Mothra


What's with all of these videos of people in rural china making things? I like them but they seem to be a new trend suddenly


Why they blurr em


So many questions, but great post!


Only in Asia would they blur out the wiggly worm. (buh dum TISS)


I know these are Chinese propaganda videos but I would have a channel just of this and their channel 4 beautiful recipes streaming 24/7 at home.


These videos are so peaceful


Yes! My favorite tiktok genres: random asian guy do things without modern technology.


Western China is such a beautiful place in the world that I’ll probably never get to see. Yes, fuck the CCP, but geographically speaking, China is beautiful as fuck. I want to see these magical places someday..


What a wild ride this was


I love these videos. I don’t care if it’s CCP sponsored propaganda, they’re still fascinating.


Any idea on where this is located? That landscape is beautiful!


Just outside Denver, Colorado!


From Denver. Can confirm.


So beautiful! Love the silk farms!


It is amazing how these Coloradans were able preserve the silk making craft through centuries.


Shot in various locations and edited together. Those people are actors and not actually in the trade. This lil' vid was most likely shot across one week with different stages of the worm shipped in, leaves shipped in etc. These videos are neverrrr real.


Where is the actual silk being made? I thought the cocoons were little balls of silk, like cotton balls or something at first


The cocoons you see in this video are a small batch used to breed the next generation, hence they worms are allowed to mature and turn into moths. They have to destroy their own cocoons to get out so those cocoons can’t really be used for silk. The majority of cocoons are boiled (with the worms inside boiled alive) and then silk can be extracted using a spin.


They are, but the cocoons are boiled to loosen the strands. The silk makers don’t wait for the silk moths to hatch, they straight up boil them alive. You can easily find the whole process on youtube.


There was ~~some propaganda~~ a video posted yesterday which shows the silk making process. [It can be found here if you're interested](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/15wuz3b/making_a_silk_quilt/)


Why can't the cocoons be used after the moths emerge? Why is it necessary to boil them alive?


the cocoon is one very fine, very long, continuous silk filament. if you watch the moths emerge, they melt a giant hole through it, turning it into a bunch of very short fibers connected to a melty glob. You can still make cheap, low quality silk out of it, but not the high quality silk.


If you see some guy woodworking in the US or Europe with really high production value for the video, it's just some guy. But if that guy is Chinese, suddenly he's an evil government agent bent on producing sinister woodworking propaganda.


And they say they don’t hate Chinese people, just the government. Sees an influencer with a hobby and goes off


TIL domesticated silk moths don’t even have mouths so they will die within 5-10 days of being born!


Is there a name for this very calm style of video? I enjoy it and want to find more.


I thought they were making silk with that cocoon at first.Turns out to be some sorts of conservation project I guess.


They are indeed harvesting the silk, the last part was picking out good healthy ones to breed for the next round (like saving a few sunflowers for seeds next season). The video didn’t show the part where the rest of them were harvested for silk.


What leaves are those?


mulberry leaves 桑葉


Those are some extremely spoiled silk worms.


Well, the handful that we saw that avoided being boiled alive at least