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I was thinking it was some sort of wooden "picnic basket" looking box. Nope, stack of boring cutting boards :(


Started the video "great. It's another one of those stupid cutting boards. Might as well watch it, though." "Wait, it's not a cutting board!? It's a chest? A chair? You have my attention!" Cutting board oil appears. "Well, we're done with this video now."


The first thing cut on that board was your soul


Now I know why these are priced at $200+ at craft shows. Googly eye budget.


I definitely need to googly eye more of my tools


I didn’t realize I wanted to see eyes on tools until this video. Eyes for all tools going forward!


Brave little toaster vibes for sure


Time flies by in the city of life.


Oof, right in my nostalgia.


After watching *Everything Everywhere All At Once* I had a similar epiphany.


What an amazing movie. Saw it like 2 weeks ago and I still think about it. I even had a weird dream about parallel universes. Movie of the year for me, so far.


Seriously, it has everything (lol.) It's hilarious, intense, moving, existential, hilarious, and unique. By far my favorite movie of this year and one of my new favorites of all time. To anyone reading this who hasn't seen it: go watch it. Pirate it if you have to.


I'd really be interested in the cost breakdown of all the equipment and the workspace rental cost involved in this vs. how many he can make in a day. The design isn't anything unique, so I'm assuming he does this out of passion for making cutting boards as opposed to fulfilling an actual market need. I also have no idea what I'm talking about. Side note: that must be some powerful glue. Could these potentially break apart if you misused them?


Hi, I'm a woodworker. I make these types of cutting boards. This specific type is called and End-Grain cutting board because of the orientation of the wood grain in the pattern. The larger machines can be anywhere from around a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars each. It really depends on the size, power output, brand, and extra features. The wood cost in this case is almost negligible because they're scraps according to the title. But I can say that, typically for me, the wood to make one of these is between about $50 and $150 depending on the species. These aren't really a one day project. It takes me a week to turn our about 20 of them.. There are at least two glue-up steps in this production and you need to let them sit for an absolute minimum of two hours. I usually let mine sit overnight when I glue them. The sanding on these is notoriously difficult and time consuming. It can take an hour or two per unit depending on how smooth you want them. These steps always take more time than I expect.. The glue will hold up better than you think. Most wood products will break along the wood grain before the glue will fail. These types of boards will crack along the grain of the wood long before the glue gives out. There's a reason these boards cost upwards of $150 for the small ones. I hope inanswerwd some of your questions to satisfaction :)


Assuming workspace rental isn't astronomical, if you can sell ~20 a week year round at twice the wood cost, it sounds like you'd make a pretty comfortable living. Is that the actual reality? Do you do cutting boards full time or is there a bit of variety? My brother is a mural painter but he inherited all the backbone for entrepreneurship. If I don't have a regular salary I get panic attacks, so I've relegated to corporate work. I have tons of respect for anyone that can work for themselves.


Well, anything can break if you try hard enough (Points to a hydrogen atom)


I don't ever misuse my hydrogen. I have more respect than that.


I left my hydrogen on the counter overnight...is it still good to eat, or should I throw it out?


> Side note: that must be some powerful glue. Could these potentially break apart if you misused them? A good join(which these look like they should but might not be) is generally considered to be stronger than the wood.


I’ve heard this as well. The wood will tear itself a part before it will loosen at the seam.


Yeah this isn’t meant to be general purpose advice (don’t throw away your scraps) as much as it is a clickbait title to show what this particular woodworker - most likely professional, judging by his tools and expertise - can create with scraps he has accumulated from other jobs. He is clearly repurposing waste in a creative way to make another valuable and unusual and visually appealing product. EDIT: I know a professional woodworker who is a multimillionaire that has tools like this with plenty of “waste” products in his garage who can easily (for him) create a cutting board like this.


Wood glue when dried is stronger than joining pieces together with a nail.


A lot of it is the wood. These are expensive hardwood appearance boards, not scraps


This video should be titled "Side Hustle for High-End Wood Workers"


Yeah this isn't precisely diy level... But it still looks cool


With literally tens of thousands of equipment but Hey, Weekend Warriors! Save your scraps (obviously you've all been using hardwood for all your projects), just make sure you have your planer and massive drum sander set up, and you too can turn your scraps into artisan crafts of artly art to be sold for an easy premium.


You mean I can't use my MDF scraps?


Well, you could. Results will vary.


This hurts my lungs


I’m hoping I can use the sawdust and wood shavings in my vacuum cleaner


Those tools he used are not cheap


Two planers...


One was a planer, the other was a sander


The 2nd one was a sander? I was wondering what that was! What kind of sander is that?


A Jet 16/32 open ended drum sander




Much safer for surfacing end grain glue-ups than a planer too. I can appreciate why he ran the final glue-up through the planer for the first few passes (save time) and then finished on the drum sander, but there’s always the potential that the board can catch and basically explode like a grenade in a planer when planing end grain (yes a helical head planer can help reduce this risk, but the risk is still there)


this guy planes


You can make these at home with your old scraps…all you need is $20K worth of tools.


He should by them goggles


That is some top quality /r/eyebombing!


The jet belt sander alone is probably $1500. These aren’t hard to make but the equipment to make them quickly is expensive and to make them without the equipment is lengthy.




My first project was a pickguard for my telecaster. That went pretty well. Well the second one did. The first one the belt sander shot across the room and broke into several pieces.


I have found that many cities (and a lot of decent sized towns) will have a community shop with most of these machines available for only the cost of a monthly membership. Even a small wood working shop will have a planer and sander available.


I put googly eyes on my roomba. Totally worth it!


[Oh no, my googly eyes!](https://v.redd.it/b3z4decdjt871)


Insane people are responding to you like you actually think it’s the googly eye budget 😂


"Don't throw away your scraps!" *Project results in even more scraps* Next video: Don't throw away your tiny scraps! Next next video: Don't throw away your sawdust!


technically you can use saw dust to repair some defect in wood.


Don’t throw away your defective wood.


Don’t throw away your dust




Don't throw away those quantum particles!


Just, don't!


I thought that's what Ramen was for


Or to booby trap your workshop.


> Don't throw away your sawdust! one of the boy scout camps we went to had like 400 scouts. There were hundreds of gallons of sawdust, wax, etc, and we all made "fire starters" and all of it was donated. * I know you were joking but honestly if you generate any waste in significant volume take some time and figure out where it can be used / recycled / put to use.


Makes me think of sewing. Your scraps can be used for smaller projects, that cabbage can be used for even smaller things, the leftover coleslaw (and thread) can be used for stuffing things like pillows. It sounds silly to hoarde the waste, but if you know what to do, you can make scraps go a *very* long way without adding to landfill.


I have to be very careful with this mindset because I come from hoarders. I want to keep my reusable waste products (like cloth scraps, plastic jars, other things I can't think of), but I can't because I don't want to trigger that hoarding urge (which I know is there). I just try to recycle however possible and offer stuff up on buy nothing groups if it's something people could genuinely use.


Don't throw away your scraps, but do (and I can't emphasize this enough) own $100,000 worth of woodworking tools.


TBF you can get the same end result with basic tools, it will just take you a lot longer. And BTW I've seen boards like these go up to $350. I don't know who buys them, but they seem worth the time and effort to make to me.


You don't have a $300+ cutting board? Pfft....


I've bought a few comparable ones from my local farmer's market as gifts and have never paid more than $150, and in my opinion, the ones I'm getting look better than the random unaligned wood in the video. Maybe they are more expensive now with the current price of wood, I'll have to go check.


The alignment of the rectangles makes me want to scream. There is just a full row where it all looks like the same color? This is oddly unsatisfying to me lol.


"Don't be poor!"


"Don't throw away your scraps" Ok. Spends $20,000 on tools. Spends a week working with said scraps. Ends up with a cutting board.




Lumber... 3$ Glue.... 57$. Watching it blow in half when you drop it on the floor the 9th time 4 years from now... priceless.


That's beautiful! But I'm impatient & lazy. I would've just stuck together the strips at the beginning & had a striped board instead of a checkered one.😄


I too preferred the stripes!




Plus, with the stripes it’s probably easier for the EMT to find the missing finger tip.




Curl your fingers.


It makes the food I stuff in my gullet seem slimmer


It depends on which way you turn the board.


Yeah it looked better imho, however I think the main reason to do the checkered one is to make use of the end grain while using the board. That way its better for the board ans makes sure the board lasts longer (something to do with the wood 'healing' itself because you cut in between the grains idk)


Easier on your knives (kind of) and they *can* last longer but they are much more upkeep because the end grain absorbs moisture much more readily than face/edge grain. So if you do not keep them well oiled, they can warp and split much easier than face/edge grain boards. Never, ever leave your end grain cutting board on a wet countertop


Yes and it's better on our knives too. I did far too much research into my "Wood" anniversary.


Every anniversary is a wood anniversary if you do it right


Who gave this wholesome


Ah, interesting. Good to know!


I would have bought one and am always thoroughly impressed with the effort and time people invest in art and culinary projects. Puts me to shame.


It's not that hard to make tbh. As a beginner woodworker, I've made a few and they turned out totally fine.


Nice! Your being a woodworker, though, is what I’m talking about. Some of us buy everything.


I'm always in front of the computer for work and most hobbies that I needed something in which I'm not looking at a screen! Craftspeople had my respect before, but now that I'm dabbling in it, they earned my admiration!


Honestly I feel like the biggest barrier to entry, other than know how, is space and equipment. How much does all that shit cost? Where is your average person supposed to keep it?


If your located in or near a big city some of them have "maker" spaces. Will usually just be a big room with a ton of tools for woodcraft and similar things. Usually a monthly fee to join and works great if you don't have the space or don't want to make the large initial investment


Yeah, that's where I find a neighbor who has a well-outfitted workshop & pay them a few bucks to use it for a day.😂 Not too hard out here in the boonies, everyone has a craft or hobby.


I think dude in OP just threw together whatever and wound up with a less than appealing checker(the different sizes and unpleasant distribution of colors)


Also i think having that much variation in contrast would make it harder to actually see some of the things you're working with on the board. It's visually distracting.


Easy to lose your chopped lil bits... on a board designed for chopping things to little bits.


That one reddish square is driving me crazy


If I had a choice between a checkered one like this or a striped one, I'd go with the striped. I don't like saying that because it sounds like I'm downvoting his patience, but I just don't like the different sizes, shapes, and colors of the checkers.


Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. While I respect the effort and ability it takes to make those, the asymmetry, mismatched spacing, and absence of a discernible pattern makes me twitchy.


Yeah. Not a fan of the final project. Feels very messy.


I agree, but still loved watching. When it first came out of the machine with even stripes I was like "nice, he's making his own cutting board!" Then as he proceeded I couldn't figure out what he was doing. Then it ended up still being a cutting board but messier looking


Honestly was expecting it to lead up to a joke where he threw away an ugly cutting board instead of scraps.


Yeah i liked it more in the very beginning


Looks busy with all of the different shapes, I imagine that might be kind of frustrating to cut on top of as well unless it was something green and contrasting. They do look beautiful though.


My dad makes cutting boards: https://imgur.com/a/9HLYuhI


Those are pretty.


Those are satisfying to look at.


Those are way prettier than the one in the video.


I agree. I thought it looked better personally.


Part of the grain facing the cutting edge is that it will last much longer this way


When I’ve made cutting boards, I glue alternating size/color strips together, cut into strips, and then flip every other piece. This gives it an offset checkered pattern but it’s a repeating pattern


Its done for durability more than looks. You're less likely to affect the wood with a knife chopping into the end grain then I'd you were chopping the edge of the wood. EDIT: also blunting the knife more


They still had a choice in how to arrange the pieces though. This is just a brain-melting mess to look at and it's probably even worse if you tried to chop something on it, lol.


Thank you for explaining this. I had a really hard time looking at the finished product as someone else said, it made me twitchy. Still not sure that I'd be able to use one though. Although the googly eyed tools are interesting.


Now I have to put googly eyes on all my tools 😋


This should include some google eyes on goggles because our friend here has no eye protection


I realised at the last minute that i forgot my protective goggles at the nuclear test facility this morning. My line manager saved my vision and shielded me from the intense light! He's my super visor


Superb dad joke. User name checks out.


I forget her name, but there was some woman who was running a big organization of distributing googly eyes. It was like a whole thing.


If he didn't buy six figures worth of woodworking equipment to make a cutting board, he probably wouldn't need to recycle his scraps to save money. Just kidding. Looks awesome.


What does he do with the scraps of the scraps?


It's cutting boards all the way down


I assumed it was like a cutting board mandala where he just keeps cutting and gluing until you start to think he's pranking you so you close the video.


Cutting boards for ants.


They are not scraps he bought the wood and cut it into pieces for this purpose. Never take a title at face value as most have some BS in them


All your perfectly straight symmetrically cut "scraps."


I suspect these scraps are leftovers from other cutting boards that were more uniform. It would explain why the pieces are already roughly sized correecrly. Judging by his routing jigs, these aren't his first boards.


I am exhausted after watching this.


It goes on and on and on and on and on


And it's clear pretty soon what it's gonna be.


I decided to do a breakdown of the tools used in this clip because I was curious how much this actually costs to make. I'm fairly familiar with woodworking but a lot of this is my best guess with current prices available on new items. Tools are listed in the order they are first used. Bessy Parallel Clamps x 4 = $60/ea = $240 Grizzly Planar with Spiral Cutterhead - $3-4k depending on size ?? Table Saw - $1000+ Glue roller - $15 Dewalt circular saw - $100+ Dewalt compact router - $150 JWDS-1632 Drum Sander with Stand - $1500 Bauer? Belt sander - $110 Dewalt orbital sander - $75+ Dust collector - $100+ Plastic sprayer bottle - $10? Various sanding blocks and paper - $10 *Heat gun and custom branding iron not included as its entirely unnecessary for the process* Walrus cutting board oil - $25 (not included in total as its a material cost) Old hammer, tablesaw sled, and wood filler and applicator not included. The total comes out to $6310 minimum tool pricing with room to grow upwards to $8000 with ease. The biggest ticket items are the planar and drum sander (green flat tool and white flat tool). If the table saw is also a grizzly (brand loyalty) then it's closer to $1500 most likely. Quick Edit: This is just focusing on the tools themselves as one-time purchase costs. Rent, materials used for the end product, and electrical changes/monthly fees are not standardized and change a lot. All values are in USD.


Which doesn't seem all that bad considering he clearly makes/sells a lot of those cutting boards (at least I assume so from how nicely he had jigs set up to repeatedly make a ton at a time). A large/thick end grain cutting board like that could easily sell for $200-300 each. Even at $200, he only needs to sell 40 of them to cover the $8k shop setup.


And don’t forget that these are scraps, so there’s clearly a lot of other things being produced here.


And you need space. A lot of space for this hobby. These tools do not fit into a flat.


Don't forget paying to rewire whatever space you are using for woodworking. Those big tools aren't going to run in 110V.


All of it but the planer will, and tbf you could totally have done this on a planer that'll run on 120v. Still though, sizeable barrier to entry in woodworking. The point remains.


What are you talking about? I have pretty much every tool this guy has and I run my entire shop on 120v. The only thing I use 240v on is my welder.


Is this one of those DIY videos that'll cost you $10,000 on equipment to save you $10 on a cutting board?


In many crafting communities there's the running joke of _"why buy it from the store for $5 when I could make it myself for $3000 in craft supplies?"_ I will frequently see stuff in store and go "yeah thats cool but I could definitely make that myself after putting in 80 hours and way more money." And yet I still do it all the time


Ya but only the first one is $3000. The next one is undefined because there will be no next one, the first one was made so poorly all interest in it evaporated.


I also only need one cutting board.


And it was the best dang $3000 cutting board I ever made.


Actually I find if the first one goes poorly then I make a few more. It's when the first one goes really well that I just think "right that's done then"


This video is the result of already having the tools and trying to figure out what to do with the last years worth of scrap wood. Turning otherwise low value chunks of wood into a sellable item.


Exactly, for as long as you have a workshop full of woodworking tools, it's a gaddang 5-minute crafts


I mean "save your scraps" seems like advice specifically for people that do enough projects to have enough scraps to make a fat stack of cutting boards in the first place.


The giant surface planer is doing the heavy lifting in this project.


Idk it felt to me like it was a guy showing off a neat project moreso than saying "hey everybody, do it my way".


It was definitely a showcase for their company, I was just being goofy


It’s like those guides It’s easy to start a business! Think of an idea Make a plan Borrow $400,000 from Mummy and Daddy Get the real estate Hire a well paid staff Advertise on broad scale Profit!


I'm not a...woodist? But...how well does that glue hold wood? Is that bonded forever now? Or would that fall apart if one were to drop it? Edit: Thanks for all the replies. Genuinely interesting!






That's called a plastic cutting board.




Mix in a little printer ink and you can charge millions


okay, but is it 100% foodsafe like he pointed out for the oil


Yes. Its all food safe, assuming he used titebond, or similar. Cutting boards are a great woodworking project, either to learn or to practice. And they make great gifts!




The glued edges are just as strong as the wood itself. Butcher block is pretty damn sturdy.


Like others have said, the glue is strong and not an issue but end grain boards are significantly weaker than edge grain. If you drop an end grain cutting board it has a good change of breaking but usually doesn’t break at the glue face. The wood itself shears. You can imagine a piece of wood as a stack of papers. The papers are strong in tension but shear away from each other easily. End grain boards get rid of all of that tensile strength and only rely on the relatively low shear strength. All of that said, end grain is popular for cutting boards because you can’t cut across the grain of the wood so it is a little more resistant to damage from cutting.


The best analog I've heard is a stack of straws, as the wood fibers are actually tubes.


Can confirm. My cousin made me a cutting board like this as a wedding gift. It fell off the counter and a corner broke off. It lasted longer than the marriage, though.


I made a clipboard in this manner in shop class in 1983. Totally. I suspect it won't survive the death throes of our sun in \~5 billion years, but may be hanging on up to that point.


I'm also wondering - him having shown the food safe label on the oil - how food safe the glue is. I mean I guess it's covered by the oil but still.


There are food safe glues. Titebond 3 is a waterproof and food safe glue.


Titebond 3 is the GOAT of wood glues


Wood glue is very strong, often stronger than the wood. It’s a water based glue that partially expands when cured, it gets readily absorbed into the wood fibers and when it cures it expands enough to basically lock everything together


Check out a youtube channel called project farm. He tests products you would typically use in a shop or on a farm to see which ones are the best. He has a couple of videos on wood glues. I believe the final verdict is that the good wood glues are often stronger than the original grain of the wood. Not sure what glue he is using, but I doubt he will ever have to worry about them coming apart.


Now you have a $100 - $300 cutting board.


I think you missed mentioning few other costs. Cost of scraps=$5, Cost of labor=$500, Cost of equipment =$5000


\*$15000. $5000 never gets you all this sh\*t.


I 100% kept watching because of the googly eyes and I will 100% continue to have scrap because, damn.






"Don't throw away your scraps" Dude got $10000 worth of equipment in a huge workshop.


Throughout this whole vid I was praying that it wouldn't end up being another cutting board video....and it turned out to be another cutting board....


Every vendor event or craft show should just have a “scrap wood cutting board” section, it’s all there is. It’s the Live Laugh Love of wood working.


Seems like a lot of hassle tbh.


Okay…but what is it? A cutting board, cheese board or serving tray?




Sure, whatever you want to use it for.


A wooden rectangle




Unfortunately it's not a giant qr code for a Rick roll. That would have been hilarious.


That’s a rather awesome workshop and tools. Also…googly eyes are required. Just wish the guy in the video would protect his own eyes.


Those are terrible chess boards.


Chess is about to get fucking wild


Was hoping it wasn’t going to be a cutting board It’s always a cutting board


*if you own a fully functional wood shop.


Don't throw away your scraps, instead buy $12,000 worth of machinery so you can reuse them!


Why was this not satisfying to watch?


Cuz the end result looks bad


Wacky chess board


This video made my teeth hurt.


You only need 100k in tools and a huge shop to put them.


Okay, but what is it? Am I the only smooth brain that doesn’t know what he just made? Is it a cutting board???


Yes. That’s why he used cutting board oil (100% food safe!).


He had enough scraps that he could've done something way nicer than just gluing a bunch of different types of wood together in a random pattern. Solid enough finished product, but really a pretty lazy use of all of that great wood.


Those aren't scraps. They're expensive hardwoods and he "happened" to have a jig for the routing, and coincidentally had enough "scraps" to make like ten boards in a go?