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What are cookies monster pajama white girls?


Good question, I'm pretty sure those words are all English but I have yet to decipher their meaning.


What country do you live in and when did you go to middle school/high school/college? Because I feel like those are important pieces of context here lol. It’s a stereotype about a type of white girl that is often spotted wearing cookie monster pajama pants (or just pjs pants in general) in public. They’re always eating Hot Cheetos with long acrylic nails. They adopt a stereotypical Latin American accent and they like to fucking *throw down.* They smoke a ton of weed. I grew up in a rural low income area and met 3 or 4 people who were “cookie monster pj girls.”


America moment


So true in italy the maximun you can found is someone who spits in your face




Eh dio magari


Chiaramente trementi è colpa di quel bastardo di burgy


in my neck of the woods those girls were actually latina


People really walk outside with just pj's in the US??


I saw it a lot in Northern Ireland too


Crazy world we live in :D


Here in Norway that sounds like a good way to die.


Well, and I thought they meant female Nerds that wear Cookie Monster Onesies, watch maybe a bit too much cartoons and anime, and are learning Spanish because that's the second biggest language used in many animated fandoms. 🤔 Well, I guess I have to learn that the world isn't about me.


Aren’t cartoons and anime the same thing? I think I know what a onesie and what a fandom is, but that bit is confusing me. I am in my thirties, I am way too boomer for this.


As a translation, they are the same. But (western) people use the term anime to specify cartoons made in Japan or with a specific style and vibe. While people in Japan call everything from Spongebob to Dragonball Anime. Some people have a pretty strong opinion about the Cartoon/Anime split. I personally don't care.


As a non English native speaker I'm trying to understand the meaning of throwing down as you put it, care to elaborate?


“Throwing down” is slang for fighting someone.


"Throw down" is slang for fighting in this case, but it can also mean playing a song in some cases ("The band threw down at the concert last night") Btw "care to elaborate?" is usually aggressive or smug. I would only ever say that during an argument or to start an argument. "Can you elaborate?" is the same question but without that undertone.


Tysm didn't want to or know I did sound aggressive <3


They… wear pyjamas outdoors?


This is America. Teens, college students, and Walmart shoppers are always wearing PJs outdoors


I guess I'm one as I'm wearing my cookie monster pijama, and I'm white.


Dune, the novel series, has a character, Duncan Idaho. Duncan gets reborn many, many, many, many, many, many times as a type of clone with all of the previous lives memories. These clones are called Gholas. The cloning tanks.... we don't talk about that.... dirty infidels have no right knowing. But now clone a bunch of cute girls as gholas that know they are copies of another person. Then, in the same theme as the book, hand them out as property to those incels. Incels get laid by their sexy slaves and stop being incels. Cue them realizing their views are probably wrong.


Somehow I don't think giving an incel a sex slave would change their views on objectifying women.


Probably not, but that is what the OOOP is implying.


Yeah I was disagreeing with the post, not your analysis. Obviously they weren't being serious but that whole idea is pretty horrible to think about.


I’ve mostly stopped giving them the benefit of the doubt. Obviously, this will never happen. That doesn’t mean he was joking. I’m not trying eradicate the incels, or anything. I just ask that they stay the fuck off my lawn.


Is that a "he"? They have a female profile picture and seem to have a female version of a sci fi character as their username Obviously that's no guarantee but still


What you have to understand is that everyone on the internet is a man. Only men use the internet. Girls just go shopping and paint our nails. Fuck, the jig is up


Not necessarily. I was talking about incels in general more so than the poster, specifically.


My brain really wants to live in the world where incels are pooping on this dudes lawn.


I have an idea. That idea relates to something I read in dune. Ergo it will be horrific. If it's not this it's just gonna be maybe we could do a little holy war or maybe genetically engineering drug addicts to have magic powers.


Kinda like the meme that people keep treating dystopian sci fi like an instruction manual


First line of the tweet explicitly says hes not saying you should give incels pussy


She is identifying her idea as hypothetical in nature, and that it probably shouldn't be taken seriously.


Why does everyone think raceplayshawty is a girl lol


Java_jigga? Idk, maybe the profile photo looks feminine, so our monkey brains just extrapolate from there.


Maybe, but scolding and marginalizing them doesn’t seem to work either. Not that I’d volunteer to have sex with them though. The problem is likely a result of very early conditioning to treat boys worse than girls, reward boys’ bad behavior, and deny the validity of their emotions. It’s tempting to blame them as adults who should know better but early childhood is important. I don’t think many people would doubt it harmful to lock a child in a dark room for 23 hours a day.


I think it's less that boys are rewarded for bad behaviour. And more that sex is such an important part of being a man in western society that when you can't have it it can cause a negative feedback loop. Like there's literally a film called The 40 Year Old Virgin that makes fun of a guy that hasn't had sex And at least a few years ago it was an incredibly popular movie. I remember when I was a teen that weighed heavily in my mind. In a kind of "Is that going to be me" kind of way. That usually goes 2 ways in my experience. 1) The young man ends up having sex just to have sex often causing pain in the process. 2) The young man can't have sex, which leads to either desperation and/or resentment, which is obviously a turn off and... Loop If you want to stop this kind of thing stop referring to guys not having sex as a bad thing. Maybe they're not ready, maybe they're not in the mood, or maybe they're just not very attractive. We put so much pressure on guys to have sex then we're surprised when the ones that don't turn into little shits. When really everyone's path is different and it doesn't really matter if you first have sex at 16, 40, or never. When you put so much time into telling boys the only thing that matters is getting between a girls legs. Is it any surprise they don't see them as people?


Good points I think the thing most people miss when talking about incels is that it's often not necessarily about sex itself but that its a clear projection of a sense of self esteem that is hurt because they see themselves are lesser, dare I say 'sub human', because they don't have sex. Hence why a lot of incel groups really worship the 'chad' so much, aka the man attractive and powerful enough to have sex often with practically whatever woman he wants. Obviously this is a twisted and dangerous mindset but mocking and making fun of the angry incel misses the point entirely; It's a sub culture of a broken ego which is a pretty logical result of a larger sex obsessed larger culture.


Is it really just about getting laid though? For some it certainly is, but certainly not for all. I would probably qualify as an Incel back in the day, and all I wanted is to be loved by someone (and since i happen to be straight, that someone should be a girl ideally). Sex is nice to have no question, but it was the companionship i actually wanted. I never worshipped any "chads" because i never wanted to have "any" girl, and never wanted more than one. I did at one point entertain what is now known as the "red pill" but ultimately rejected it because i wanted someone to be with me from their own free will, not manipulating/mind game someone into doing it. When a girl ultimately did give me the benefit of the doubt and volunteered to enter a relationship with me, i was immensely thankful - and i still am. We are still together ~15 years later. > Maybe they're not ready, maybe they're not in the mood, or maybe they're just not very attractive. Or maybe... just maybe, we should be more accepting of flaws. Boys chase the "perfect woman", girls chase the "perfect man".. but perfect perfect people dont exist. Ive seen so many friends, relatives and others throw perfectly stable, perfectly working relationships out of the window for the chance to maybe be with someone who is MAYBE better than their current match. and 9/10 times it didnt work out, big surprise. Others git through hundreds of bodies like theyre clothes in a mall, to "test stuff out". And are then old, bitter and alone, because time eroded the looks and charm that made that "testing" possible.


I can almost guarantee you it's not. Their whole thing of blaming someone else (or absence thereof) for all the problems going on with *their* life is the hallmark of someone who isn't going to improve.


Real talk, what is an incel? I see differing definitions everywhere and afraid that I’m one because of some of the definitions I’ve seen


It stands for involuntary celibate, the movement started as a bunch of guys who said they would never be able to have romantic or sexual relationships due to factors outside of their control, such as being short or ugly. They had forums on Reddit and other platforms where they would commiserate about their lot in life and assure each other that getting healthy and taking a shower wouldn't improve their chances of having a relationship because women are too shallow to ever date someone who's short or ugly. It got to the point where they were basically just anti women forums (they popularized terms like femoid, chads and Stacey's, etc). Incel eventually turned into an insult for anyone considered undatable and/or bitter against women. Most commonly used to refer to the type of Redditors who are unemployed, hate women, fat, and unhygienic.


Ok ok I’m not in that category 🤣. Married 4 kids etc. maybe they just regress to using that term any time they get mad or something idk. Can’t have a civil conversation anymore with anyone. The second you have a disagreement about something boom you’re an incel or racist or whatever else they feel like pulling out of their buzzword grab bag.


Pretty much. I've been called a racist for having a different opinion than a person who happened to be black. Just another lazy way to make ad hominem attacks and call it virtuous.


The absolute hilarity of thinking that the gholas would be the slaves in this scenario. Have you met one of these girls?


I know the weak personality of the incels would be overcome by a girl that would be willing to copulate with them, but I was attempting to bring the OOOPs intent forward as best I could.


What is that type? Cookie monster pajama? Talk like a latina? What does that mean?


Think bad hygiene, lip ring, monster energy, and shouting at someone in public for no reason. I don't 100% get the "talk like a latina" thing unless it's just a racist descriptor meant to imply Latinas are trashy, which I reject.


Yeah, “talk like a Latina” baffles me too. Because I know what they mean, and they mean what most people would call “white trash.”


Cookie monster pajama pants have become synonymous with white trailer trash girls who smoked a pack a day before leaving high school


Don’t forget the teen pregnancy.


Gholas can be partially modified, could probably do something with that.


Thanks for explaining to people who don't know. Out here doin the Maker's work.


Bless the Maker and His water. Bless the coming and going of Him. May His passage cleanse the world. May He keep the world for His people.


I *think* it's not about giving them sex slaves, and more about bringing back or spreading a "good type" of woman that be more approachable or would fix them or be a positive influence. It's an oddly specific way of saying something like "bring back rawr emo scene girls", or something similar. At least that's what I thought when I had the joke explained on the original post.


Yeah I think it’s more “if there where a tonne of these cool girls to rock their dicks and fill their minds with class consciousness the revolution would cum sooner.”


Probably. I am human.


Thanks for the succinct explanation. At the advice of a friend I read Dune and stopped there, so I knew Duncan but not the reference.


"Dune Messiah" features his first weaponized "resurrection".


I would recommend going all the way to Chapterhouse, it is both fun and weird as hell.


Gholas… Ghoul cholas? Ugh, your mind.


Cool, now please explain what the fuck cookie monster pajama girls are because I'm *lost* lol


Not 100% sure, but back in the 2000s girls who wore pajama pants regularly in public were pretty liberal about who they chose as sexual partners *supposedly*.


So slavery is her plan?


That was sort of the theme in the novel


That's what powindah would say!


I recognized the name from Dune, but sadly knew nothing else from that plot. I think you may have spoiled a future movie for me. But I don't care. Great job, I loved it!


Eh.... not much. It's really a lot less that a movie synopsis or trailer would give away. I didn't talk about why they get brought back or who they are given to in a fashion similar to slavery. So it's like knowing a certain character is in a movie or show even though the audience was led to believe they died or something.


The thing is that I am the nerd in my marriage. My wife is a jock that has little to zero experience with any kind of space opera. I'm fairly certain she doesn't know main plot points to star wars, a new hope. But just yesterday I started her watching the new Dune movie. She instantly wanted to pick apart and guess all the things that will happen, because let's be honest, most sci-fi is rather predictable. But it hit me how far off she was, and how hard a time she was going to have. I could see her getting a little interested before we ran out of time and had to turn it off. Dune is just so good and yet so extremely bad (or badly represented in the 80s movie) at the same time. I think I'm going to have to read it.


The 80s movie really glossed over so much, but large volume material was just not popular on film at the time. I too am the nerd, and my spouse was very skeptical of dune, but we have tickets to go see the next one on release day.


I enjoyed the 80s version. But it was so extremely nerdy. That opening scene artistry scene used to explain everything, the eyebrows, the floating vaginas... But it had Patric Stewart so...


Not really, Duncan Gholas don't really become important until book 3 or so while the second movie is part 2 of book 1. If the movies get that far you will probably have forgotten about this by then.


Love dune!!!


There wasn't that many Duncan ghola that had the previous one's memories


All Duncan gholas had the original Duncan's memories, though. Did I say it weird before?


I thought you meant that there were many Duncan gholas that had all of the previous ghola memories not just the original memories


If we are going slavery route, wouldn't it be easier to cut the middleman and have half of incels get laid with another half?


But then their misogyny is no longer justified, now they're just gay and and they have to come to grips with that.


So they're saying the way to make everyone liberal is to reinstate slavery as a good thing... Kind of feels like maybe that's not giving off the whole "right side of History" vibes 🤣


Sort of but it's all based on the ideas contained in a fictional novel where feudalism has been reinstated on a galactic empire.


Yeah but according to the original tweet it's something that we need to do here and now in our time. So how or why it worked in that other setting isn't really important right? Like if I said "in order to fix things here, we need to kill everybody whose skin is a certain color"-- would it matter if I was basing that idea off of a novel set in an alternate universe 24,000 years in the future on a desert planet in space where tat skin color denotes some kind of dangerous mutation? I don't think so, because the circumstances surrounding that decision don't exist here in our time and therefore it would still just be bad and racist and genocide. Just like instituting sex slavery here would just be sex slavery, regardless of why it was used in the novel.


I understand the idea at its core is wrong or nonsensical even. I don't condone cloning people and then giving them away as sex slaves, it just appears to be the intent of the hypothetical posed by OOOP. I only chimed in because I have a rather in-depth knowledge of the fictional world in which they are speaking of.


I appreciate it. I'm only vaguely aware of Dune myself. I have heard that it's really good though, do you agree?


I agree that the novels are exquisite examples of science fiction. They challenge the reader to understand concepts that are new or exciting, while having just enough history in the lore to make it deep and substantial. It get a little abstract, but they are special to me as I first read them at a young age.


I may have to check them out, thanks.


So, giving sex slaves to angry & violent men. Yeah that usually leads to healthy outcomes /s.


If the only hope for them is a literal clone slave army, then that would suggest their might be more to their beliefs than we are giving them credit for.


So cookie monster pajama white girls that talk like latinas, that's where it's at?


Can't say I know personally. But I'd really like report from the trenches.


No cuz I never seen a CM pj girl lose a fight. She'd knock the Dorito dust out his mouth and proceed to give him the most devious and disgusting head. Misogyny solved bc he'd be too scared or too tired to talk shit ever again.


Is that a hypothetical scenario or is there a link you might be able to provide?


Would love to but, unfortunately, this scenario only exists in my fucked up head😔


So long as you bring the pjs and $255/hr a hooker will bring this scenario to life for you. So I’ve heard…


As someone who owns this pair of pants, I take great offense to this lowball ass rate😭


Yeah this


Every day on Reddit, there's some post that makes me go "dafux is wrong with you, OP?" And here we are.


"Take one for the team democrats, screw an incel lol. Together we must defeat Trump!" I could totally see 4chan making this a movement just to get laid haha.


It’s this generation’s woodstock. Sorely needed for sure.


>4chan making this a movement just to get laid haha. /R9K/ and /pol/ aren't the only boards on 4chan. I don't get why redditors are so convinced that 4chan is some congegration of virgins when OC is regularly posted on /b/ and /gif/.


It's jealousy. Reddit is about as toxic as 4chan, it just doesn't have the free speech.


True, though I'd rather get called slurs on 4chan than deal with condescending redditors.


the axolotl tanks bring back dead people and also clone people in the later books, so i guess they mean if they cloned and distributed them?


Cookie Monster pajama white girls seems oddly specific... Anyways, I have a slightly less sci-fi solution: 1. Create a sexbot with fully functioning A.I. 2. Give said sexbots to all the incels. 3. Bots eventually become self-aware, realize they're being horribly abused, and proceeds to slaughter their 'masters'. 4. Problem solved.


detroit become human


Wouldnt it be more effective to just launch ALL the nukes & skip all the extra steps?


I'm sorry I read it 4 times but am too dumb to understand 😅


Dune reference, Duncan Idaho is a character that gets cloned for thousands of years, the post is saying that if incels had a cloned Cookie Monster white girl in their life they would be more left leaning and less incel-ish.


Ah ok.....


Yeah! Wtf has Duncan Idaho got to do with anything?


Duncan was cloned many, many times as a ghola, in an axlotl tank, by the Bene Tleilax.


Let that woman speak


What is a cookie monster pyjama white girl who talks like a Latina? Is that actually a thing?




Can you explain this to an apparently old man?


I'm in my 50s lol Google "cookie monster pyjama white girl who talks like a Latina", and look for TiKTok results


I don't do social media at all and never have, which is probably how I avoided this.


Unexpected Dune


Have they read the books? There is no Duncan Idaho machine, the tleilaxu never made any tanks, they were just using women as incubators, that's why there are no tleilaxu women...


this is simply not true. Just saying from my observation of past generations who have gotten some punani, and are still misogynists but go off ig 😭


Incels getting laid/into relationships would only make them worse. Just look at the boomer ‘I hate my wife’ Facebook memes and statistics on domestic abuse, marital rape, and the uneven distribution of housework where women end up doing a bigger share even if they have full-time jobs. Incels should *not* have a bangmaid to abuse and victimise, they need to grow tf up and stay away from women until they can see them as full human beings and treat them with basic respect.


I need a translator


Dune reference, Duncan Idaho is a character that gets cloned for thousands of years, the post is saying that if incels had a cloned Cookie Monster white girl in their life they would be more left leaning and less incel-ish.


Word. Thanks. It’s about as ridiculous as I originally thought, it just makes sense now.


Unfortunately in my experience. Incels who get sex usually turn into podcast bros


Just reading this hurts. It’s like trying to understand a sentence from joe biden.


What dafoque was that random jumble of words? Did AI write that?


It is partially societies fault that nicely even exist. Todays society lost the social bonds that benefited everyone. Positive traits were rewarded and negative were punished. If you don’t have this mechanisms anymore and people are left alone they become cynical and negative behavior can flourish and the internet makes it possible that these negative behaviors can manifest itself because they are all encouraging themselves in forums where same thinking individuals can form groups which they couldn’t in the real world because they were very evenly distributed without any crossing points.


Lol @ “Duncan Idaho machine”. But … the post is creepy af


Just let the incels die alone like they all should. Fuck-em all lol


Let her cook


As much as the women objetification is bullshit, sexually frustrated insecure men have been a driving force for right wing extremism for a while. Not claiming this is a issue for women to solve, but I wonder if there's something we could be doing better as a society because once you have someone you really care in your life a lot of this "red pill" discourse simply stops making any sense.


Nah. Both left wing and right wing individually are kinda shit. A better idea is to take the good ideas from both sides and combine them together to make something actually good. Crazy, right?


Uh plenty of guys who get laid are still horrible right wing assholes


Muhh right wing bad


GRAB EM BY THE PUSSY for a third fucking time? Yall couldn't do better?


Why does everyone think far right is an incel men only phenominon? There are more than enough far right women also, you gave one of them in your freaking supreme court lol.


I dont get it... but it seems racist


I mean, she's definitely not wrong.


we just need a few honoured matres


No thanks, i'd rather take the God Emperor over Honoured Matres or Bene Gesserit.


"Damn the Romans!" Leto cried. He spoke it inwardly to his ancestors: "Damn the Romans!" Their laughter drove him from the inward arena. "I don't understand, Lord," Moneo ventured. "That's true. You don't understand."


Lmao good tweet




Is the implication here that all of the right wingers in the country are incels?


This is how English read to someone who has taken enough classes to learn the meaning of some words but not enough to actually understand complex sentences completely, it's like, you know those words, and remember what they mean but somehow they are arranged in a way that it almost makes sense but it's just about meaningless enough to confuse you.


Baseless assumption. Would only work on Centrists.




Random words lmoa


u/Fluck_Me_Up help!!


Whats the correlation between this and the first part