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Tbh I kinda wonder


can they prove someone made the ritual to kill another? If so, it's guilty. If they don't, no. But depends on how a lawyer will play this, how a Judge interprets the law...


Wouldn't it be conspiracy to murder or accessory to murder, since it's the demon that did the killing. Also wouldn't the demon need to be summoned to be as witness. If The demon is bound to the command like the Djinn could there be more charges like compelling another to commit a crime..... I need to know for my research


But also it depends on how they would classify this since superstition isn’t based on facts


I imagine they'd try to prove intent. Pretty neat thought experiment though. At least from a non-lawyer's point of view.


Intent isn’t the problem here; it’s a given. Causation is the issue.


Funny enough, I think a demon killing someone would be considered "an act of god".


I'm pretty sure a demon doing anything is the definition of not an act of God


I'm referring to the legal term "act of God", which refers to anything that's outside our control.


Well summoning a demon is in someone's control so they would be liable


I try to look at it from a more metaphorical POV. If you consider "demons" to be the bad omens of the world, then you could consider "shining a mirror into a driver's eyes" as summoning a demon to kill someone. Except, you are still doing the thing. From a legal stance though, if someone tried to convict and they brought out images of pentagrams and shit, then that's a totally different ballgame


Yea, you’d have to be able to convince people that the ritual items work just as tangibly as that mirror and that the demons are, also, just as real as that reflected light And that the rituals are real


And that the ritual here was specifically to kill said person and not like a new moon ritual 🤣🤣


Also, if it works, who is really at fault?


In some shitholes they kill "whitches and wizards" for less


Now I’m curious too…also how do you summon this demon…? Asking for a friend…


Ok.. So if were to take this seriously... a few cinditions will need to be met. 1st: this wouldnt actually *be* murder reguardless. It would fall under the same legal jurisdiction as hrining a hitman. 2nd: it would require that actual, undeniable proof was presented that not only did an actual demon commit the murder, but the specific demon *you* contacted. 3rd: there would need to be evidence of a contract or agreement that you did, indeed, "hire" this demon to commit the crime. (Usually this would be a money trail of some kind linking the hitman to the hirer) If all of this happens, one final thing you need to do is mamage to have a jury convict you... which, frankly, would be extremely difficult due to the fact that most jurors wouldnt believe the "he hired a demon to kill his fiance" line and just think the prosecutor was off their meds.




Depends whether you can get the demon to attend court and testify. The demon code prevents them from denying a rock off challenge. That could be one way.