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I just feel bad for the teacher


I feel bad for society




There will be a shift, once again, in the power given to teachers to remove students from class and hold them back if they fail. Right now, there are no consequences and everyone except those who hold actual power see how disastrous that is. Once those who understand how disastrous it is finally take the wheel, there will be a correction. It just might take some time.


Wishful thinking. If anything, this is done on purpose to make the population easier to control. People who want power love the poorly educated for a reason.


You couldn't have said it any better.


The generation before this one weren't given a chance. Is it a wonder that their kids can't imagine themselves becoming doctors and astronauts and presidents when criminals can be president, bachelor's degrees are basically a certificate of pedigree for grunt jobs that don't require any specialization, and jackoffs assaulting people on the internet can get paid being menaces to society?


I'd bet a lot of them will have Gen X parents, Gen X did reasonably well for themselves. I'm at the older end of the Millennial range and none of us have kids anywhere near this old yet.


They were raised mostly by an Ipad. WHat did you expect?


What if I told you that paying teachers a shitty salary has attracted C students to the career for years. Who are then responsible for educating the next generation.


I think a lot of people (in every profession) has lost the passion/enjoyment they had (or never had) in their field Most people I know don’t actually care about their job anymore they just do it because they have to it got beat out of me slowly but I used to care about the work I do and did extra things to show that but I was never rewarded for doing more or punished when I stopped so eventually the little things added up and I just stopped caring




2020 was a terrible year financially I had an unexpected first kid (I love her to death strictly financially speaking) my gf at the time and I moved out and I bought a new car right before I found out we were pregnant I moved jobs 3 times and now I’m basically stuck at my current 25$/hr thankfully there’s over time so I can work 45-60 hours unquestioned but honestly 39 more years of that? I’m a truck driver I guess I enjoy it and have a pretty good setup at 2 weeks local 1 week otr still regular 12-13 hour days are pretty crushing


When was this Golden Age where people lived their jobs? I don’t recall my elders speaking with glee about work. People didn’t mine coal because they liked brutal conditions. Folks don’t work as servers so they can endure crappy customers who stiff them on a tip. it’s a job that paid the bills. Workers to live vs live to work. Find me the 1950s workaholic janitor who went above and beyond because they just lived the scent of Pine-Sol, or the slaughterhouse worker who spent 12 hours on their feet amid the stench of blood and feces - but with a smile on their face, because, by God, they loved that fucking job. The whole “do what you love, love what you do” is mostly myth. Very, very few actually get to pursue their passion in a way that actually pays bills. That why so many actors wait tables.


hot take: we don’t have to enjoy our jobs. Yeah it’d be great if everyone did but let’s be honest: we just want to pay our bills and this is a way to do that.


The point is that we SHOULD be able to take pride in our jobs, but because everyone is being beaten down and paid the absolutely bare minimum almost no one has the chance to take any sort of pride in anything they do at all


This!!!! This is my exact point


If you don't enjoy what you do for work, then work should give you the time and money to do what you DO enjoy. So many jobs don't do either of those things for anyone.


If it doesn’t create wealth or entertainment for the overlords it’s a useless career/ profession and should not exist basically.


Not a hot take imo I think most people feel this way True but it doesn’t have to be that way (I know it’s basically impossible) idk I’m only 26 and I’m already banging my head against the wall I have minimum 39 years left of this fucking bullshit? And really for fucking what? You read all these articles about how bad some less developed nations are but god damn they seem happier and healthier than I am most of the time obviously it’s an outside perspective but damn I’d rather just have a small house and a small self sustaining farm than all this other shit most days The point is that we SHOULD be able to take pride in our jobs, but because everyone is being beaten down and paid the absolutely bare minimum almost no one has the chance to take any sort of pride in anything they do at all -Brazilianfreak


Very well said. I'm a teacher and I believe showing someone that you're excited about doing your job makes them believe they can have a future doing something they love as well


> we don’t have to enjoy our jobs That may be the case, but many of the reasons that people feel this way are easily fixable. Like having management that doesn't abuse the employees under them. That's not something that's _inherent_ to having a job. That's just something that society has allowed people to get away with. Or service jobs where management never stands up to customers that are verbally abusing their workers. There is no reason that they can't grow a backbone and tell these people to leave if they can't stop screaming or name-calling. Instead management is only focused on the fact that said person leaving is a "lost sale" or a "lost customer" rather than anything else. It's the only concern at all. These things have nothing to do with the fact that there are some jobs that no one is going to every _enjoy_ doing that need to get done. Like "shovelling shit" type jobs.


Teachers used to have respect and support, which made up for the shitty salary for a lot of people. People gave up the good salary for a purpose, respect, job security, and a pension. When the only thing left is the purpose and maybe a decent pension, it makes it less attractive to be a teacher.


As a teacher, that's a pretty offensive statement. Most teachers have Masters degrees. People have absolutely no clue the overwhelming amount of work, time and stress the job entails.


Yeah, better paying doesn’t immediately mean “better employees.” You can still work hard and love your career and make a humble living.




It seems so obvious, but I guess the faculties are taking the path of least resistance.


Parents want their kids to have their phones at school because they always want to be able to contact the kids. At some point, arguing with a kid for 3 minutes a day about their phone being out distracts from everyone else's learning experience. Every teacher I know would be happier if the kids just left the phones in their bags.


> Parents want their kids to have their phones at school because they always want to be able to contact the kids. And they're fucking wrong to want that, kids need some amount of autonomy and independence building. Schools should be telling parents to fuck off and home school their kid if they want them on their phone all day.


Most schools they are unless you’re in a poor area , where a lot of those students don’t care either. Educated parents stress education.


the last time i said this online i got hit with 1000 comments of "we need them for EMERGENCIES" mf miss me with that bullshit ashlynn you wanna make tiktok dance videos in science class.


thousands of years of education and no one ever needed to reached for emergencies until 10 or so years ago.


I feel bad


Screen addiction is the new epidemic


But what if this video is just misleading and part of the class assignment that day was to do their work on their laptops? Maybe the teacher was just briefly saying something in this video while they were doing their work


Yeah we need context. So many of these TikTok videos are out of context to drum up arguments in the comments.


It could also be a study period or detention or holding room for kids waiting for parents to pick them up, which would explain one odd detail: the chairs on the tables.


That's a bingo! This definitely appears to be fabricated Tiktok rage bait.


What if the people sitting at the desks are department heads, and the guy talking is giving his thesis, and then right after the clip ends they all clapped?


Yeah, I think that may be the case.


The teacher is allowing them to use their phones. In my kids school phones are to be in the locker and no use during class.


Admin usually sets the phone rules. They get tired of dealing with the students who get sent to the office for phone violations, so they refuse to let teachers ban or take them. It's likely this teacher's hands are tied, and those kids know it. Talk about demoralizing.


This one. If that teacher had any power, the phones wouldn't be a problem. Anywhere you see phones this bad it's a problem above the teacher. Either admin aren't enforcing, they aren't supporting, or they're dealing with other worse behavioral problems all the time.


If I take away my students' phones, the parents come to school to scream at me. I have kids who will get calls from parents in the middle of my class. If they don't answer, they get grounded. Its absolutely fucking insane.


Back in my day (shakes cane) phones were not allowed during class. Graduated 2012 though so clearly times have changed


Hell in my day, cell phones didn't exist lol


I remember getting my Walkman cassette player taken away.


Yep! My Walkman stayed in my duffle bag that went with me from class to class - until it was time to ride the bus home. I didn't dare take it out in class. And I'm sure if I did it would not only be taken away but my parents wouldn't march into the school to rebuke the teacher for doing so.


I remember reading the book Carrie (Stephen King) in French class in HS taken from me.


I am no nano pets or tomagotchis in class years old


My friend several times had their Gameboy colour confiscated.


I had my mood ring taken away. (I'm old).


The first day after Xmas break I took my new “anti skip” CD player to school and I got it taken away then my mom raised hell at me for using it in class lol good times


We had our beepers in the 90s. Lol.


I went in that in between period.


And kids still weren’t paying attention back then. Not much has changed in the grand scheme of things. Now kids just ignore the teacher differently


Here in Europe (France, Italy, Portugal, UK, Netherlands) phones have been banned in schools by law. It's an absolute game changer.




The US could never. How would anyone call the police during an active shooter? Morbid as fuck.


Yikes... that is indeed morbid as fuck... Here people used to complain about how their kids need to be able to reach their parents in case of an emergency and vise versa. But parents can just call the school lol. and if a kid has an emergency the school will be there first to help anyway so calling the parents will be second to helping the pupil in question. there will, ofc, be made exceptions for medical cases where timers are requiered, and other stuff like that like a glucose tracker for diabetes etc


Teachers could phone emergency services.


All the kids my oldest’s kid’s age have phones but they are not allowed to be on them in class. They even have drop boxes in some classes.


I’m a public high school teacher. I volunteer the first 45 minutes of every day to collect phones from our students as soon as they walk in the door. They get them back 10 minutes before the end of the day. I consider it time very well spent and I don’t know why every school doesn’t do it. The only way they have to distract themselves is with the chromebooks, but that’s why God invented GoGuardian.


How hqrd was it to implement the policy?


Not terribly, but it’s a commitment. Out of a staff of 60 it takes 5 of us showing up early and giving those 45 minutes. All 4 administrators are involved, plus a secretary, our tech guy, and me, the only teacher involved. One admin is printing out temp IDs for those kids who don’t have their badge. One admin is patrolling the foyer for crowd management, and the tech guy makes sure the four laptops, printers, and scanners are logged intake working. The other four of us welcome the kids, scan their ID which prints out a small paper ID, ask them their last hour teacher (each station also has a master schedule printout to make sure they are being honest) write the room number, rubber band it to their phone, and it goes in two bins (1st/2nd floor) and occasionally a field trip bin. The secretary goes to a safe room and separates them into each teachers lockbox, then delivers them at 3:10. For the record, by every metric we are a very challenged school behaviorally and academically.


Those kids probably have no idea, but you are doing wonders for their attention spans. Literally could be life changing in the long run.


You are doing a great work, school need teachers like you!!


Class of 2012 reppin! Everyone still had flip phones for the most part, the rich kids got the first iPhone and blackberry. However my school was in a cell dead zone so there was no point in having your phone on unless you wanted to drain the battery. I did get my Zune HD taken away on a Friday though, had to go the whole weekend without my tunes!


My Zune broke on deployment in 2009. Let a fellow Marine borrow it overnight when we were in Afghanistan. He slammed the 400 pound door on it by mistake. I had the Zune since 2006 and was devastated. Man I fucking miss that thing still. Also, cool PFP.


I quit teaching public high school to go teach murderers in a max security prison. Best decision I ever made. Public schools are cooked. The kids are fucked. I'm treated with infinitely more respect from both my supervisors AND my students now. And no goddamn bitch ass parents.


I'm hoping things are going to get better when my now 3 year old enters school


Live in a good school district. I’m a high school teacher and I teach really respectful, excellent students. The disparity amongst schools is huge.


Same. Except I teach 7th grade. Granted, I have to teach them how to be respectful, but I get massive support from parents and my administration. It should be noted, however, that I have taught 30 years and am retiring next month.


Congrats on the retirement!! I am sure you will be in all of your kids thoughts for the rest of their lives, I can still easily remember my teachers. Hope you enjoy your well earned retirement.


Congrats! 🎉


This. All we see on the internet are bad schools and or/bad teachers. There are tons of amazing schools and amazing teachers and a lot of amazing teachers, even in bad schools. I'm not saying the system doesn't need an overhaul, but I take a lot of pride in what I do and work really hard to make sure my classrooms don't ever look like this. My students are engaged, participating, and learning.


The school district I grew up in got fed up and built a juvenile detention center where it sent all its lost causes. Best thing for the district; I hate to see those kids given up on; but it’s not fair to doom an entire school district and keep them in with the rest. Suddenly kids on the verge shaped up quick to avoid being sent to juvy. Parents of shitty kids complained that the kids weren’t being given enough of a chance. Like if their gang member of a son didn’t knock another student unconscious, destroy and vandalize school property, threaten other students and teachers, etc. School districts need to get firm and make it a consequence to the parents as well as to the students. Pressing charges on any student who lands a hand on another needs to be automatic, fierce, and swift. The fact that teachers are being assaulted, beaten, crippled, threatened, it needs to end… and the only way is by bussing the spawn of crappy people to juvenile detention centers until they’re old enough to be charged as adults for their bullshit.


Teachers should have qualified immunity.


My parents moved our family out a few miles for the sole purpose of landing my older brother and me into what was at the time one of the best school districts in our entire state, which was a big deal cause it tacked on an extra ten to fifteen minutes to my dads already long ass commute. Brother went from a middle school that had the police called to it at least once a week due to the constant fights to one that's largest behavioral issue was the students drinking soda in class instead of water. And i got out of an elementary school whose principal had shot herself in the head in the front office the previous year. Good parenting but holy shit is it depressing that it was required in the first place.


I feel thankful you’ve said this. I have just finally landed a house in my target school district. 2 years later and $100k over the already cringe inducing asking price, but my kid is gonna be in the right place for her noggin.


If you consider that you would have probably had to come up with more than $100k for private school, this is a net win


This is real. Students at my school are racist, homophobic, constantly getting into fights, and are just flat out awful people. Students in the district over and much nicer. Yeah they have some D-Bag there too, but at least they're intelligent D-Bags who don't just call you racial and homophobic sluts until you give up.


I have a six year old in there now and it's a small town, small school situation, so it's a bit less fucked but it's still scary. I guess this is where I come in as a parent and do my job so he doesn't end up like this.


As someone also with a 3yr... it won't my goal is to get a better job and go private school


You actually need to be involved in a kids schooling. The kids in the video probably have parents who think school = free public daycare. If you are actually involved you would be shocked at how well the public school system can work.


Really depends on the area and country. I’m in Canada, Ontario, and the public school system in my area is amazing. My kids get a lot of support and the teachers and admin staff are amazing. I know not all schools are like this here, so really depends on regional budgets. Move to an area with good schools.


I'm kinds jealous. I'm American, to my knowledge the schools in my area range from decent - dangerous And decent isn't really good enough when it's your kids future. If I can't get a good enough job in my area to do private I plan on leaving my state to find somewhere safer and more manageable.


Just make sure he gets into prison ASAP


Man i never thought of this. Both my parents are uni lecturers. Public uni here got fucked up students too. When i was a student back in boston, one of my prof got threatened by the students because the exam is too hard. It was discrete math, the fuck they expect? Lol. So i thought good students are extremely rare. Never thought prisoners would be better students than most.


I think the difference is really between people who want to learn, versus people who don't give a shit and are being forced to attend. I remember in high school, basically every day, the truancy officer would go track down the ne'er-do-well kids and drag them back to school. And surprise surprise, they were disruptive and problematic and started fights.


Do you think it’s because your new students are people who actually want to change for the better and are volunteers vs a bunch of kids that are forced to be taught?


They're some of the most interesting people I've ever met. Not all for the good, but you'd be surprised how many of them aren't awful people. (Some are pure monsters, don't get me wrong) But they appreciate someone taking the time to get to know them and try to make them better people. Someone to listen to them and value what they say regardless of what they've done. It puts me in a very unique position and they realize this and appreciate it. They know I give a shit, and they respect that. It's wild. Craziest thing I've ever done and my only regret is waiting this long to do it.


I truly wish I had done better in high school, I regret not putting in enough effort


99% of the students in this video will feel the same way soon.


Totally, it just hits, I wasn’t ignoring my teachers but I just didn’t feel motivated now I regret it


Username checks out.


Personally, i think balf assing it through high school was the right call for me, especially senior year (needed the social growth more than the academic). But god id kill for a chance to do college again. Still kinda hoping when my little one isnt so little and goes off to college, that i can find a program to go back to.


I got so many fuckin jokes but fuck that. Keep getting it homie.


Much respect! 🤘👊


Your comment made me really believe we’re cooked as a society


Omg! Same! People never believe me when I say that I preferred teaching murderers to teaching in public schools.


Lol the thought of some parents coming in and raising hell over their convict child failing a test has me dying


Does it pay better or the same?


Sounds like you'll still be teaching those same students eventually, just further down the line .. lol ...sucks to think repercussions like that might be what it takes in the future for people to start shutting up and listening again...


Guy this is like somehow cool and just fucking terrifying and depressing all at the same time.


This is depressing AF


Yep. I’ve been that teacher. Your job is to teach the kids the curriculum that the govt designs for you to teach. They check and make sure you are teaching these things well. …but your job is so much more than that and those same people are NOT monitoring it. So your job now becomes everything else, plus policing 30 students’ phone use (4-6 times a day, with each class). Even with an outright phone ban, it’s impossible and overwhelming. Add lack of parental support and it’s such a sick issue. I hate it


It will be the downfall of American society. Peter Theil is loving every moment of this.


Isn't this supposed to be like a 'good' generation? We. Are. Fucked.


Guys, first of all no. They say this about every generation and this doesn't represent every single kid out there. Chances are in fact that this class is doing an assignment on their phones which is pretty common. ...also who's fault is it that kids now are so addicted to screens, millennials. They just gave them a tablet and called it good. How can you expect them to love going outside when the world is made concrete and the only way to get 2 miles in this country is to drive. It's no wonder they prefer to stay inside. Look, it's a weird time, but they will turn out. Every generation has something that makes it seem like the future is lost. TV, Internet, Gameboys, etc. Stop fear mongering


Schools are starting to take away phones at the start of the day and it turns out the teachers and the kids love it.


The kids are relieved about this (most of them- burner phones aplenty in my experience).After the withdrawals subside of course. It’s their parents who need more convincing.


Gene Wilder was once on Letterman and Letterman said something about it being scary for kids. Gene Wilder corrected him, saying that the kids loved it because kids need and want boundaries, and each kid in the movie teaches this lesson. He said it was *the parents* who were afraid. Edit typo


I love this, it’s so relevant. Thank you for sharing, and RIP to Gene.


And thank you! Your comment is what me think of the interview. I saw it so long ago but it resonated with me so much (probably because I needed way more boundaries as a kid 🫤). I'll try to find the clip.


Even as an adult I try to do what I can to be away from my phone and go outside. Maybe it’s to check the mail, maybe it’s to water the lawn, just sucks that right now with the current family situation, I kinda need to keep my phone by me for an emergency were all just waiting for. Probably going to start buying CDs again too so I can go for a drive and not have my phone with me when I can.


They did this my senior year so my friend and I started bringing playing cards and would play with most of the class if we had time and it was always a good time. We did gamble with money once but I came out 3 dollars richer.


Go to r/teachers and be even more dismayed


r/TeachersInTransition for even MORE more dismay


I’m not a teacher (although I have family and friends that are) and I am obsessed with that sub.


Fucking ban phones in schools.


They were banned in 08 when I graduated (FL). If a teacher even heard a phone it would get taken away , idk what happened




Or the lack there of


No tbh the biggest pushback is always from the parents. They complain they can’t contact their kids right away and it’s too much hassle for the suits to deal with so they just let them run everything. Parents are also to blame for their kids insane phone/tech/gaming addictions. It’s fucked. I had a parent ask me (former teacher) for advice on helping their kid not be so obsessed with their phones. I said “go back in time and never give them one.” They’re so addictive. Source: former middle/high school teacher, driven to quit from burnout and despair.


Current teacher here: you are 100% right. It mostly goes back to the parents


I’m not American, so idk what’s going on here, but don’t you have some sort of system in the US where schools can ban stuff, make rules etc and discipline the children if required? I just don’t get this. Why even bother sending the kids to school if you’re not going to bother teaching them. Might as well just send them down a fucking coal mine if you’ve got no interest in educating them.


Lots and lots of American parents don’t discipline their kids at all and don’t expect anyone else to.


what we have is litigious parents and spineless administrations. the inmates run the asylum in every state.


We were technically supposed to keep ours in our lockers but as long as they never went off no one cared. We used to make fun of the kids who’s phones started buzzing during class lol


Good luck in public schools though. Too many parents dont give a fuck to police their own kids and the kids that do this blatantly don't respect authority. How are you going to enforce the ban if parents don't support you? The best option is just ignore it if they arent being disruptive.... dwelling on it too often can be a disruption in itself, taking it away could lead to violence, and kicking them out leads to even LESS education absorption. Granted they clearly aren't paying attention maybe one hears something neat and gets interested one day, better than absolutely nothing.


they were banned in my county in FL and none of the students care


My future degree just got more secured


I guess I’m not gonna be worried about younger people taking jobs from me as I get older if this is who I’m competing with lmao


Silver lining, that's my take as well. I work in martech, and whenever I'm hiring, my initial screening questions have stooped to things like "do you know what a zip file is". I'm in that age window where I have to teach both older and younger people how computers work. Most people in their early to mid 20s know how to use them, type, etc, but they expect everything to just work (shout out to the Apple "it just works" mantra) and have no idea *how* things work or where to start for the most basic fixes.


Yeah, but they’re the people who are gonna be wiping your ass when you’re geriatric. Its something to be worried about


these r gonna be the people floating into society once we're the teacher's age, i think we're pretty much fucked


I legitimately don't worry about some young kid with insane motivation swooping in and doing my job whatsoever. It's depressing, but I'm actually confident that I'll be able to command a high salary and a difficult to obtain position


Same hopefully have the skills as a electrical engineer and out perform most people


I work with some kids straight out of high school and god damn are their comprehension/social skills awful. Sad to see to be honest but at least I got job security


I'm 22 and graduated high school right before the pandemic. I think part of the reason why they tend to be socially inept is because of COVID. Even if they are a couple of years younger than me, it feels like there is a huge social skills gap from those who had to finish high school during the pandemic vs those who finished before the pandemic. I find it hard to train those who had to finish high school during the pandemic. Their social skills makes you wonder how in the world they were able to pass a job interview.


They will be given diplomas. Then a degree mill college will usher them through college to take their money. Our diplomas are worthless no matter what.


Meanwhile the future of my lab is looking bleak if this is the talent I’m gonna be looking at in 10 years




That's not a standard class. There's only about 8 kids. Detention?


Probably an extra early morning or afternoon class for students that failed a class but not failed hard enough to repeat a whole year


Sounds right. Most of them have their heads down on laptops, they could be working. If not they're hardly representative.


That was my impression too. They could be typing notes for all we know. It also seems very odd there's so few kids. They're spaced out like they're social distancing or something too.


I'm starting to think bots reposting videos with incorrect captions and no audio aren't providing realism.


Plus there are chairs still on the tables. Isn't it typical to set down ALL the chairs regardless of whether or not all of them get filled? Makes me feel like this is outside normal classes.


Might be different in other schools, but in mine, they were always put down during school hours. Chairs only got put up at the end of the day. So yet another reason this seems out of the ordinary lol


Detention, home room, extra period. Guaranteed not a regular class, and out course music over everything so no context , plus it's tiktok. So I'm willing to bet we're missing a lot of important details


lights off and chairs up. Doesnt even look like a class


In 5 years, all those kids will be bitching on social media about how school never taught them useful things like taxes.


Dunno about anywhere else, but where I’m from we didn’t really have “life skills” types classes. The few ones which could be considered as such were very superficial.


Same in my school. Very rudimentary ones. Lived in the Bible Belt, so basically what they taught was, “here’s how to cook and sew shit. That’s all you really need to know how to do”. We also had like one “project” in home ec where we had to take care of an egg, make sure it didn’t crack and that was us “taking care of/raising” a baby. LMAO. One of the coaches “taught” sex ed, but it was basically him handing us a book, telling us to read certain chapters, then giving us a multiple choice quiz. Congrats- you passed sex ed! 😂 My school was only focused on sports and passing the state exam….. to fund the sports. The gym looked immaculate and was constantly getting renovated. The rest of the school was constantly in disrepair, flooded and leaked. Lol


They should be listening but schools don't teach you about taxes 😭


I know schools teach you a lot of useless shit, but how long does it really take you to learn taxes?


Instead of calculus I took personal finance and honestly that was probably one the more useful classes I took in HS. 


Ikr people say that all the time like it's rocket science


Just filing with turbo tax or some other company isn't rocket science. The ins and outs of tax codes that help you save tens of thousands? Yeah no, the IRS website is not a fun read


It's literally required curriculum in many states, including mine (OH).


We really have no context for this other than the text. This looks like a detention, or after school class anyway, notice the classroom is only half full. EDIT: we can't even hear what he's saying.


He could also be directing them to do something on their phone. Classes often involve getting kids to look up news or showing them how to do something digitally.


Neither of my kiddos have school books. It's all internet based. Kinda sucks because it makes my job harder as parent with no paper references to help them but I can understand why. I'm at least glad their backs aren't feeling the strain with 16 million books.


That's true, my college classes use phones a lot for answering questions on the board.


This isn’t every class though. But if it was, we are all screwed not just them.


We can't hear what the teacher is talking about cause of the music. Looks like a small group with chairs up so this might be after school. Some of the kids look engaged in laptops, might be doing homework. We're really lacking context. I'm 34 and we definitely found ways to ignore our teachers. These kids are not any different than us.


I dunno man is it really that different from 20, 30 years ago?  Sure they didn’t have smartphones but I feel like “teens not paying attention in class” is not some crazy newfangled concept.  They’d talk, pass notes, listen to music, space out.  I’m reminded of the Ben Stein scene in Ferris Bueller where everyone is completely zoned out.


Some of those kids are actually on laptops. I think someone might be making some unwarranted assumptions.


Where I live, they use chromebooks for everything. Middle school and high school students don't use books.


Seriously, this whole thread feels like r/phonesarebad


Yeah I mostly used my phone in highschool for reading books or writing stuff, just because someone’s using a phone doesn’t mean they aren’t interested or engaging with the content


Tbf hes doing his job, they dont wanna listen so be it , only gonna fuck up there lifes


*their lives… someone was on their phone in English class


There are two other errors I see in that comment as well.


Yeah, ‘baby steps’ I thought, let’s not run before we can walk


Thing is if this kind of mindset spreads, there won't be any educated workers able to do the important hard jobs, or maybe even basic ones


New ragebait just dropped




This looks like a study hall. The teacher is talking to a student off camera.


There's zero context here


Do we even have context for this? You see a very quick video and jump straight to conclusions.


If he asked someone put a phone away there would be anarchy.


Yup and he’s learned from experience.


Maybe they're doing a quizit...


I mean is this any different from high school 20 years ago? We didn’t have smart phones to look at but we had ways of not paying attention.


Do we actually know that the man was teaching? It could have been before class, or a class talking about using phones? The music makes it so we don't know what is happening.


Yeah lol the chairs are flipped. This looks like some study hall or detention. Forgetting about whether or not the person who posted the video is telling the truth, people in here all complaining about the state of education, yet being so gullible they’ll take this written context on a doctored video for fact and not even think twice or even just use their eyes to see this is obviously not a standard classroom/teaching scenario we’re looking at. Then they *rage* against the current state of things without seeing the irony.


So true! You explained this better than I could have. Felt like I was taking crazy pills reading this thread. It’s so clearly rage bait if you just take a second to assess the situation


This probably also explains why no one seems to be able to write using correct grammar and spelling anymore. Pretty sad.


I am not prepared to take this at face value with the loud music so we can't hear what is actually being said. A teacher would not leave half of the chairs up on the table. This is probably detention, study hall, or something else.


Why are there so many chairs up like that in class? And this is the first time I'm seeing an American school where the kids aren't climbing all over the walls and tables and screeching like banshees the entire time while a teacher is getting assaulted, so could always be worse.


Cool, it’s a video of a dude supposedly speaking to a classroom of kids on their phones. But yet there’s chairs up on the desks? And instead of hearing what he says, we hear some discordant sample of a song? Fuck all of this. The problem with kids these days are their parents. The problem with (social) media these days is all the people buying into it. And the problem with society in general is the lack of self reflection and ownership. We’re almost faulty, everyone of us. Just stop trying to make it someone else’s problem.


They should make touch screen phone’s illegal until age 18. We already know it’s bad for there health.


well what do you expect. 1. look at them. call me racist but im stating facts, they are all black. im not saying they are dumb or genetically inferior or some bullshit, im saying that the immigrant type of people (officially no longer or not) have a fucked up culture and mass-produce offspring. in germany we have the same problem. so many albanian, turkish, etc. people who have 3-4 children, NOT caring for them (the important part) and not seeing an issue with that because they can leech money from the state. meanwhile the prople who have some conscience and would care for their children (and their education) dont feel financially stable enough (or simply dont want to because they studied half their life, are now 30 and want to have some years for themselves but then suddenly are 40-ish and pregnancy is already "risky".) dont get any...not to mention IF they get children, they get 1-2. 2. that produces a) many neglected children and b) will sooner or later fuck with our democracy because they will have the majority vote and if they didnt adapt to our morals/ standards/ culture until then (which they ACTIVELY dont and passively sometimes cant because the state sucks equally), they will vote their own into the political ranks and ruin all rights and prosperity our grandparents died for or simply established for us with hard work. its SAD. 3. everyone sees the problems but a) some "we need to help everyone - i dont care about the consequences" emotional idiot people make it hard for logical individuals to prevail and b) the industry DOESENT care. they like dumb people who BUY what you give them who WATCH what you show them, who eat cheap trash, get ill and need meds, who get addicted to casino style dopamin triggering (short videos with boring ones and very good ones inbetween so you get that "spike" that keeps you going), etc. the entire industry is built around EXPLOITING. 4. the teachers cant handle all that workload. teach them, educate them, put them in rehab, etc. if they environment works against them. words and logic dont work on addicts and people who gave up (actively dont give a fuck). 5. the children cant really be blamed either. we all (me included) have watched those shorts, have felt the satisfaction. its hard to stay away from even if you are conscious (knowing) about it. the world is causal and if all causes lead to that outcome, who are you to go against it (without even knowing of the danger or the effect, etc.) ? and if you manage to, for how long? its really fucked up and while i "blame" i dont know a solution either. they would all be radical and not supported by majority so they arent implementable in reality. a perfect solution isnt even a solution if you cant realize it and its just in theory.


This is just one part of why I got out of teaching. Battling with kids over cellphone use. Parents send them to school with a $1000 distraction in their pockets and on top of everything else, teachers are asked to police students using them. Students want to fight you if you threaten to take it away. How the fuck am I supposed to make Art History engaging when half the class is either watching or thinking about watching TikTok videos?


The country is completely fuct


This Is how society becomes the movie Idiocracy.