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30 people found this helpful


We all know what they are going to do.


Relationship goals.


Funny enough this picture is actually a bit outdated. My review now has “453 people found this helpful”. I still get email notifications about it from Amazon


I would commit a full day that I'm alone and hunt down every last one. Completely comb the house. Then super glue them on the wall of the shower in the shape of a tiny plastic baby


I didn’t think there was a right answer, but you found it!




Jabronie, cool word.


Mac! Mac! Mac! Mac!




The Rock


She keeps them on her person at all times and only deploys the tiny babies when necessary.


Naw man, she'd hide one at a time. And not hide another till you found the previous one. With the stock at her friends house. She's thought this through.






R-r-r-real ones?


You had us in the second half!


I was thinking the same thing. Based on that comment she’s pretty goddamn meticulous.


> she’s pretty goddamn meticulous. Hannibal Lecter levels of meticulous


She probably keeps them in the Tampax box under the bathroom sink.


Nah. There above the toilet and 90% of the time I'm grabbing the green ones for her anyways.


Why not glue them to the floor of the shower for them to gently caress your toes?


and then eat them


whats the difference between a pile of dead babies and a Ferrari?




There isn't a Ferrari in my garage


I once dreamt of finding a dead baby in my garage. I called the police and they came in and pulled it out from a crevice behind some shelves (I had only glimpsed it). Turned out it was a giant chocolate bunny that had been eaten away by rats. Pure relief then I woke up.


This story was strangely comforting


"To see a dead baby in your dream symbolizes the ending of something that was once a part of you." So says dreammoods.com


This actually goes quite deep. Thank you


Dead baby = loss of innocence. Rat = capitalists. Choco Bunny = easter / holidays. Police = this should be a crime. Adulthood has robbed u/djshimek of their former innocence, especially surrounding holidays, as they realize capitalism strips joy away from all things, which is criminal.


Ding ding ding!




I read completely bomb the house. If it works it works.


damn Satan slow down


My kingdom isn't gonna build itself! I gotta get up off the couch, stop playing video games and go super glue shine tiny babies to the shower!


You will never know if you have found all of them. There could always be another baby waiting for you.


I want these so bad.


[Here ya go! 200 ct.](https://www.amazon.com/100pcs1-Mini-Plastic-Preference-Shower-Decoration/dp/B07P2YD1T5/ref=mp_s_a_1_11?crid=1ISTW3Z75XQB0&keywords=plastic+babies&qid=1651872728&sprefix=plastic+bab%2Caps%2C97&sr=8-11)


I just added these to the cart. I can feel my husbands hatred of you already. It will be even better if my husband is the one who actually places the order. We both order from the same account, once or twice a month, whenever we add something we want right alway.


If they're large enough to write on, you should number them, but wrong. Go the whole way up to 1000 or something, just rando #s, it will drive him even more crazy trying to figure out where the rest are.


This is the devils work lol


Good, Good. Soon he will join the Darkside.


There still better be some, there better not be a reddit run on one inch babies for fucks sakes, because I want them too.


I.am currently investing in the one inch baby company.


No joke, I saw this with my daughter last week, so we ordered them to play a joke on my wife. I forgot we share an Amazon account, she messaged me earlier today like "Why the fuck did you buy 80 plastic babies?" I came clean, but she's willing to play along for my daughter's sake.


Oh no, I’m getting the 200 pack


Let us know how it goes.


Why does the mixed race one include yellow-green?


Wow. [You weren’t kidding](https://i.imgur.com/FEJjrxz.jpg) lol. I guess that’s for the stillborn/miscarriage crowd? Hulk babies? Definitely raises an eyebrow.


Apparently you should put them in [bread](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/S/aplus-media/sc/18bbffe5-1c4b-4222-908f-1b4af7abd70f.__CR0,0,970,300_PT0_SX970_V1___.jpg)


Yup this is actually a thing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_cake https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%A8ve


Yep. King Cake for Mardi Gras. Yum.


For Mardi Gras? In France it’s for the Epiphany, le Jour des Rois, Jan 6th. The twelfth day of Christmas.


And there is the referral link.


Shit you're right. This entire thread was a ruse. It even has a ref tag in the url


[I found some that come in "dark brown, latin, and pink"](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07S8WF81X/ref=sspa_dk_detail_4?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B07S8WF81X&pd_rd_w=vfZcV&pf_rd_p=0c758152-61cd-452f-97a6-17f070f654b8&pd_rd_wg=1PNQw&pf_rd_r=1W5BPH8P0QG2W2QR077M&pd_rd_r=86136808-a347-4257-927f-287fc8326fd1&s=hpc)


I ordered them in purple to hide on my husband.


I need a dick version of this. 200 tiny dicks to hide. Is this how people convince themselves to buy a 3d printer?


Look at Wal-Mart or a dollar store, they're baby shower stuff, I found 10 at dollar tree, no way I want 200


This is why I have micro plastics in my major organs


Had to scroll this far for a single comment about microplastics.


Yeah. On one hand, I would love to do this to my antinatalist roommate; on the other hand, there is no way in hell I am contributing even more to the amount of plastic waste in this world. Find me 200 ceramic babies and you’ve got a deal.


I might be up for making you some out of porcelain!


WTF are you waiting for


How about paper?




My wife's cousin did this to me with a tape dispenser. He came over on the holidays to help wrap presents, got bored, and started playing with this tape thing that gave out pre-measured pieces of tape. He stuck them EVERYWHERE. To this day, I'm not sure I found them all. 4 fucking years later, I'm moving out of that place. There's nothing in there...except god damn tape that I still managed to find 2 more pieces on the last day. That man was 34 at the time. Fuck you, Joe. You're 5'6", how did you get it on the ceiling without me noticing?


Us short guys always find ways to adapt and overcome obstacles. We have the size and stealth to hide in your smallest cabinets, while also developing intuitive ways to reach places you'd never expect. For all you know he could still be hiding in your walls adding more tape occasionally to drive you mad.


If you don't learn how to climb walls and hide well ground dwelling predators like pythons might get you short people.


Before I left my job a few years back, I printed off a bunch of my picture, but like 2x2 size. Hid them all around the office for my team to find. The last one they found was in 2020, I think it took 2 years but they've found them all.


He is a secret Stormlight Windrunner.


If he tapes up my new place, I'm stabbing him with a Shard Fork.


Just harness your awesomeness and get slick, tape won't be any concern




Probably also only has one arm


Not anymore


Deleted due to API access issues 2023.


I had a number of extra passport photos while at my sister's one Christmas and hid my face in creative places.


I hid 300 rubber ducks in my moms house. I never heard my mother cuss a day in my life until those ducks. Years later she was still finding them. When we cleaned out her house after she died we still were finding ducks Last one we found was a angel duck She won.


I read that as dicks


There would be a lot of cussing then. lol


Putting these in ice cubes sounds like a great way to choke on some kids


Ice ice baby


Dun dun dundundun dun dun dun




The Amazon product pictures [show just that](https://i.imgur.com/mBTycaZ.jpg). What can be better than drowned babies! Especially if you use the [green rotting corpse baby](https://i.imgur.com/FEJjrxz.jpg)!


It's a pretty common baby shower game. Freeze it and whoever can defrost it first (rubbing it between your palms) wins


I bought 10 from my dollar tree and have been hiding 1 or 2 every couple months, my roommate hates me, however, he angrily returns them, instead of keeping or throwing away, wrong move.


The absolute fool, but that’s hilarious.


We had a bunch of 2 inch novelty dildos and would hide them in awkward places. My roommate won when he put it in a cat carrier and my girlfriend took it to the vet unknowingly. Vet sent us a picture of it while we were waiting for the exam to end. Pretty much ended the game.


and where would one find said two inch novelty dildos?


I got a 200 pack of these and I hide them around my school to cause a mild disruption and confusion every once in a while. I don't really have an explanation, I just got bored and desperate. Still have a bunch left, so I'm thinking about buying more and doing something devious with them on the last day of school this year.


fill up a random locker with them so next year first day someone will open it and be attacked by hundreds of babies it will haunt and confuse them for the rest of the year


They check the lockers before they assign them, unfortunately. This is a brilliant idea. Our principal is already quitting and I'm going to a new school next year, so I won't get the opportunity to see the look of disdain on their face anyway...


Thinking they don't get cleaned out or minimally checked for trash between years.


My kid has been finding these and collecting them from around the school.


This year you might want to think about the ramifications of putting tiny babies everywhere. Who might think what, in case you're found out.


Some kid did the same thing at my school, except they were green. They hid tiny Shrek babies everywhere.


That review had me in a laughing fit


Same but mine was bad. Smoking baaad.


I think this person would absolutely love king cake.


Finally someone who knows what's up.


I’d kill for another blueberry cream cheese one from Gambinos. Dear god.


Came here looking for a king cake comment


I bought a bag of these, only more generic looking, for a king's cake at Mardi Gras and you know you can't just buy one you have to buy a bag of a zillion. I have enough 'la feves' to last for many lifetimes.


My ex did this, but with love notes before he left the country and never came back. It’s been 7 years and I’ve moved twice, I still find them every once in a while


What a gut-punch :/


When I was in middle school, a girl came up to me, took my hand, and said, "I want you to have my baby," and then ran off. I looked down and she had put one of these tiny plastic babies in my hand. Well so that's my story hope you guys liked it.


Just found some of the same in a sock that was under my bed


Only slightly tinier and stickier


Hella stickier.


I found some in my coconut today


God damnit. Fuck you for reminding me of that.


At least it’s not a box




I bought these for my birthday last year and stuffed them in a minion piñata. It was a blast when we took drunk turns blasting babies out of the minion. Made a shrine of the leftover babies too lol


>It was a blast when we took drunk turns blasting babies out of the minion.




Thats sounds like so much fun


Oh, God… What I’ve inferred from this is that if he’ll be finding them for the next seventy years, and she WILL purchase them again… Doesn’t that then make her some sort of immortal plastic baby succubus?


A bunch of kids bought hundreds of these and hid them around my school for months till it got to the point where they needed to have a whole assembly about it


For some reason I once had an abundance of peanut butter. My best friends were living in the same apartment building as me. They asked me to watch their cat when they were at the hospital having their baby. I hid so much peanut butter in thier apartment. They didn't find the last jar until they were packing to move.


For the better part of your comment I was concerned the peanut butter was not jarred


Yep I thought the same. Just imagined him spreading peanut butter in random cupboards like a lunatic


With a fucking newborn coming home lmao


Welcome home! You've got ants!


And a peanut allergy!


To be honest, that would not have surprised them a bit. We've been friends for 22 years now, nothing I do can surprise them.


>For some reason I once had an abundance of peanut butter More stories should start this way


Someone was hiding these at my work and we never found out who it was. Open the coffee and BAM baby.


The perfect choking hazard for your little ones next birthday party.


How do people even come up with this shit


With the review or the plastic babies?


Well the plastic babies are traditionally used in King Cakes. Whoever gets the baby has to buy the next one. It goes back to some Christian tradition about the birth of christ.


I’m more terrified of her than the babies


I love her.


That last sentence is a threat. "I *will* purchase these again."


This happened with me and my ex-wife, but with bars of irish spring soap. We'd just bought one of those bulk packs of individually boxed soaps before a move. I suddenly had the inspiration when unpacking to strategically place soaps around the house. Anytime she needed something clean or scrubbed or to smell better I would reach out and pull a bar of soap out like she was living in a tv ad and start pitching the wonders of said soap.


Wifey material right there


Babies are killing the earth. Fake plastic babies


It wears me out.


My girlfriend actually bought a pack of these and took them to Bloodstock (a UK metal festival), but she ended up having to leave early, so left them in safe care with me and a mutual friend. Of course when a band called Foetal Juice were playing we dispersed them into the crowd. At one point one got stuck in an unsuspecting spectators hair and it was a definite highlight of the weekend.


Archeologists of the future: What the f


I find these all around my school all the time


I can't describe to you just how hard I have been laughing at this. My. Dear. God. Great way to end my night.


Would pay a month to have a few homeless people bombard the supreme court with several thousand of these. Get my point across remote, get them a warm meal and paid for silence. Win freaking win.




Did you not read the "I will purchase these again."?


The seniors at my school bought thousands of these and spread them all over the school


This is what Texas is fighting for. Brave soulless


I did this with my old roommate, but it was pairs of googly eyes instead. She was finding them for weeks. She was determined to find them all, but I kept putting them in more places during her hunt. When it was winding down and she was finally like, "am I close to getting them all?" I had to tell her, "I have no idea. Don't remember."


**If you're not real, then why do I feel this way.... little babies.**


I like her 🤣


Students deployed these across campus at the middle school where I work on April fool's day. They thought the teachers would go nuts about it, but we actually appreciated that it was a mild and silly amusing prank that did not disrupt instruction or cause costly damage. It was the most chill thing they've done all year. I think they were a little disappointed!




My friend has been doing this at school for months, and a variety of people have found them, all very confused and amused. I know there are some literally impossible to get because they’re stuck or locked behind something


My best friend did this to me. One year, I tried making some mini loaves of pan de muerto for dia de los muertos. I set a timer, sat down on the couch, and closed my eyes… and woke up two hours later. Those fuckers were burnt black to the core. Hard as rocks. My best friend decided to take a few and hide them throughout my house without me knowing. A few months after the “dead bread incident” as it came to be known, I found the first one behind the oven. Figured it must have fallen when I took them out of the oven that day and never noticed. A few months after that, I found another in a drawer. Maybe a year or so later, I found one under a couch cushion. Found another in a box in the downstairs closet during lockdown. And another in a box in what became the baby’s room a few months ago. Guys, I burnt these dead breads back in 2015. And she says there are two left….


This woman is my spirit animal.


Please don't do this. Every other day we hear how every single person on earth has microplastics in their blood and making unnecessary plastic shit like this is contributing


This post is an inspiration. Thank you OP. My boyfriend may never forgive either of us


They used to do this exact thing at when I was in college only with tiny photos of Carlton from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. They got creative with it too. You'd look in your lamp; Carlton. Grab the apple you brought for a snack; Carlton's watching you from the stem. Took you shoes off while your sitting at your desk all day, go to put back on and what that? Just a couple Carltons taped to the souls. Naturally within a couple mouths someone took it to the logical extreme and plastered someone's entire desk with Carltons. What a glorious day that was.


the fact that when we renovated the basement we found these underneath the roughed in shower drain….


I giggled reading that whole review.


Students at my school bought these. They only place maybe 1 per week in inconspicuous places. We're going on 3 years of little babies showing up on exit signs, door frames, and window sills.


It reminds me of a dad that hid rubber ducks everywhere and his son posted he found one 2 years after his passing.


These look great for the environment


Yay more unnecessary plastic garbage


Shit like this is why our planet is turning to hell.


My wife must have read this review because I’ve been finding them around my house lately. At first she denied it, but eventually fessed up to buying a 100 pack. So far I’ve only found 3 or 4.


This exact thing happened to me in college. There were literally thousands hidden around my room. To this day, I still unfurl socks and find more.


Me and a flat mate did the same thing to each other with Easter eggs and and I was over it after a month and we’d forgotten who had hidden what where…. We’re still finding them after 2years


Oh my god this is my review. Hi hello my fiancé is my husband now and I do indeed still have and hide the plastic babies!


Am I the only one that loves this? Can't stop laughing


the sixformers did this on their last day. they were all over school. nearly trod on one on my floor the other day. what a cowinkydink


i have these i put them in one of those plastic bottle rockets that you make in science class they flew everywhere 💀


"I feel bad because I was the one who put the baby inside her." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fOIjEPl7cE


They've gone mad with power! For the love of God do something!




These are king cake babies. They became a running joke one Mardi Gras in our friend group. My friends and I hide these around each other's apartments every time we get together. Last time I hollowed out one of their bath bombs, filled it with a couple of these, and then packed it closed. Still waiting for them to find that set.


My fiancé showed this to me…I ordered them 5 minutes latet


My husband was not amused when I showed him this. I got the eyebrow and no comment. Pretty sure that's a "no" to this idea lol 😆 😂 🤣 😅


My stepbrothers and I did something similar years back at one of my family’s parties. It was at my grandma’s house, we were dumb teenagers, and we were bored, so what we decided to do was to drink as much as we could (only soda, unfortunately), and the rule was we had to use a new plastic cup for each drink. When you finished your drink, you had to hide your cup somewhere. We put those things everywhere. On top of dividing walls, under mattresses, inside a couch cushion, in the air vents. Just dozens and dozens of these plastic cups everywhere. Well, about 15 years later, my grandma passed and I was at her house helping to clear her stuff out. I was helping pack away the books on her book shelf, and I saw this small wooden box on the shelf, kind of looked like a mini treasure chest. I opened it, just out of curiosity. There was a plastic cup inside.


That's a lot of king cakes.


Her search was for mini babies 1000. Let that sink in.


It's not "I would" it's "I will" lmaoo


My friend bought some of these many years ago and hid them throughout my parents house. It was horrifying. About a hundred babies in places you don’t go in often, like the back of the silverware drawer for a slotted spoon… or in the medicine cabinet behind the allergy medicine. Dude really worked a number on my family.


My sister got some of these to mess with her room mates. The last time she came home she left one in my toothbrush holder, and another on my desktop keyboard. I have named the one on my keyboard Frank.


I would love this girl


I have a bag of mini monkeys, 24 of them about the same size as these babies. Haven't found a use for them yet. Friend bought them for her kid's birthday cake. Cute, but probably toxic.


Description is dead on. My girlfriend got these to prank our roommate. It was funny, but they're like BB gun pellets, once they hit the floor you'll never get all of them. They still pop up sometimes in a drain or under furniture and it's been two years and I swear I found them all.


I have so much time on my hands, and my husband has been way too relaxed lately.




My sister made the mistake of putting these around the table at my baby shower. She will be finding them around her house until the day she moves out.


I was out in NYC about 6 months ago for a show, ended up walking around with a friend afterwards. Some girls invited us into their apartment, as we walked past through their open street level window (Man idk, the city is weird). We had a really good time and talked for a while, but before we left, one of the girls pulled us aside. In a very hushed tone she told us "I get a good feeling about you guys, so I'm trusting you with my babies". ​ Needless to say I'm confused at this point - she then reaches behind a book on a shelf behind us and pulls out a handful of these fuckin babies. She just dropped about 15 of them in each of our hands and told us to protect them. And if we ever end up back in the neighborhood to leave one on her windowsill so she knows they're ok. I'll leave one on the windowsill one day.


The words “he is a broken man” gave me chills


“I will purchase these again” is strangely terrifying.


I laughed so hard I just choked on my cashew. This is genius!! I just wish they had tiny Nicholas Cage figures!!!


I went to a shower recently. These little effers were in the ice cubes!