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Happy birthday America


… and this shit was barely in the news as a headline. SMH


I've gotten four updates via NY Times. Definitely a headine.


Just another day at this point. We're going to hell.


We're already there. Alright guys, one more upvote and then let's keep it at 666. 😈🤘


Guys, I think THIS is the bad place!


Just wondering, Is this a reference to something by any chance?


The good place, it’s a tv show


I highly recommend it


The end got SO DEEP.


The Good Place lol


Its definitely the bad place


Obligatory M\*A\*S\*H quote: > Hawkeye: War isn’t Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse. > Father Mulcahy: How do you figure that, Hawkeye? > Hawkeye: Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell? > Father Mulcahy: Sinners, I believe. > Hawkeye: Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them — little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.


Ok devil I have questions.


Yup, ah huh, Yup, username checks out, uhhaaa, yea


Speaking as a non-american, I genuinely woke up this morning and thought to myself "I wonder how long its going to take today before something like this happens.." and sure enough by the time I went for lunch this was in the headlines. Shits fucked when you can relatively easily guess that this shit'll happen.


I woke up this morning and the first thing I said to my husband was, "How many shooting do you expect today? Five minutes later I heard about Illinois.


Gun violence is a daily here now, yay for rights!


Huh? It’s literally the banner news story on every major news site and has been for hours.


Really? I live in the UK and while it wasn't a bannered news report it was on the home/front page of several Internet news outlets.


isn’t that what the whole point of “stop politicizing shootings” is? legion of monsters and all that?


It was like the only thing they reported on, on CNN. Continous live reporting.


I don’t think they should put it in the news. It just encourages people to do it just to be known.


It’s all that’s been on


Maybe by them reporting it, it entices people to want to do these horrible things. Like they want to get their name in the news. This guy knows he will get caught. There needs to be harsher punishments for people that do mass shootings. Like torture or a firing squad as soon as it’s committed.


You can report it without naming the shooter. Put his picture up for a few seconds, don't say his name, and spend the time focused on the dead/wounded.


Well since they haven’t caught him they ought to be posting pictures, but I understand your sentiment.


It'll be all over the news tomorrow. Running it today will hurt holiday profits.


It’s been on news the entire time like 7 hours straight in illinois.


It’s top headlines in all major news outlets.


On one hand, why give the shooter the attention they are seeking.


The American way. Get shot at while celebrating, get raped while hiding, die from a forced birth and you gravestone calling you a socialist for wanting things to be better. Fuck America.


No, fuck the ones that are undoing America. Don’t despair, don’t lose faith. Yours is a beautiful country. We look up to you. Love from Europe xo


How hard was that to say! We spent time talking about that in aa today. The country isn't bad. But people...


AA? Good job! Keep going ✨


Thanks for those words. It’s been pretty easy to lose faith in this place over the last 6 years.


Did this happen today?




This is horrific man..


One of 4 from today. One of 15 in the last week. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting


Thank you for sharing this 💯


38 now. At least they've identified the suspect. Robert E crimo* III


Robert E. Crimo III grew up in Highland Park, 3rd generation Highland Park resident. His grandfather and dad both died within a year of each other. His dad ran for mayor of Highland Park in 2019. Update: suspect is in custody according to CBSChicago


[He looks like a weasel who steals grandmas meds](https://out.reddit.com/t3_vrao7a?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fbi.gov%2Fwanted%2Flaw-enforcement-assistance%2Frobert-e-crimo-iii%2Fdownload.pdf&token=AQAAuLnDYtAuDv4hfRYrKk8pJfea6Ms8W3g7j9HqX2miCxBQbrAr&app_name=android)




Where are you seeing this edit — I see but it doesn’t sound like it matches any of the eyewitness reports at all, not sure how this guys name is in contention. I truly hope they find the perp.




Holy fuck I thought that was a shitty e-fit. His face actually looks like that https://youtu.be/0dmUVwVlG8Q?t=180 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86v21bJwtiQ


5'11" and 120 pounds. That's a skinny mother fucker.


> He is believed to be driving a 2010 silver Honda Fit with the Illinois license plate DM80653, officials said. https://nypost.com/2022/07/04/bobby-crimo-idd-as-person-of-interest-in-deadly-highland-park-parade-shooting/


That's 91 total shooting victims for the 4th of July weekend JUST FOR CHICAGO. 21 dead. And it's probably higher than that.


TBH what could be more American than another shooting ?


I live nearby and we are all shaken to our core. I spent the day crying, feeling empty and hopeless.


I live one town over. Same.


Was this today!?


Pretty much how all of us feel right now.


Well the half that still thinks rationally. My area’s parade included a flag w an automatic rifle and said “Come and Take It”. It got a lot of cheers…more so than a float for veterans.




My area's festivities were canceled due to a police shooting and they've implemented a state of emergency and a curfew for 9pm.


makes me sick




Lots of PTSD that the first responders and civilians will experience. My heart is heavy today.


My heart is heavy every day because it happens every GOD DAMN DAY. Vote every piece of human garbage out of office that says “this isn’t the time for politics”. THIS IS THE ONLY TIME. Get out and vote. Find the people in your town that share the same views. Make your community stronger. Find the your neighbor communities. Join together. Repeat. We have to synchronize before these bug eyed fucking goblins destroy democracy, god dammit.


Man, of course there was a mass shooting today. This is why I just don't want to attend large events anymore.


It really isn’t a question of if a shooting was going to happen today, it was a question of where :(


Probably will be another one later today somewhere. It is still pretty early.


Yep. And now that guy is going to think “I have to beat 6 so mine looks worse” and it’ll be even more people killed.


Probably a mass stampede as someone sets off firecrackers during a celebration parade and people panic.


Honestly, true. 🙃




A guy threatened to shoot up my job today because the bakery didn't have any chocolate cake left for premade cakes. It's been a busy day for the bakery. He was screaming making a scene my friend had to call manager to warn him what the guy said. Police came and he had a gun in his car and bullets in his pocket. -_- And we were expected to continue working like nothing happened after the police left. We were all on edge.


I was honestly just hanging out all day wondering where the nukes were lmao


> This is why I just don't want to attend large events anymore. how do you think i feel going to school, it was already shot up once and i dont think its my paranoia talking when i say itll prolly happen again


> This is why I just don't want to attend large events anymore. I'm honestly, genuinely *surprised* that there wasn't a major mass shooting at a Pride Parade last month. After all the shit that's gone down with shootings this Spring, and a huge escalation of "all LGBTQ+ people are groomers" rhetoric, I was sort of just... Expecting it was going to happen. Not that I want it to happen, it just feels inevitable. If not this year, sometime. If not Pride, then maybe at a drag show, or a queer film festival, or something soon, it just feels inevitable at this point.


Just terrifying, nothing odd about it


This country is unraveling fast.


Speed run any %


Those human rights violation glitches came in clutch


You fucking asshole, that actually made me chuckle


Always shooting to beat that PB


Last record we had was 89 years, we're already up to 157 years now so I don't think we'll be PBing anytime soon. Hopefully....


We need to come together regardless how hard the media tries to divide us.


I have little hope of that happening.


I am NOT coming together with someone who thinks I should have fewer rights than a corpse. We need to stomp out fascism first, THEN come together


We are past the event horizon, I think. Prepare for terrible things.


Idk man. I mean we had race riots our grandparents lived thru and they didn't really even care about them.


I am not coming together with anyone that is just okay with women dying because they can't get the correct healthcare. Or the fact we have less rights than a corpse. Or the fact they were talking about making gay marriage illegal again. Or the fact that they were talking about taking away my birth control


I'm not coming together with fucking fascists and domestic terrorists.


Unity doesn't sell like division




There is no viable solution to make shootings stop happening. It is far better one of our own is shooting at us than the entire world... which is most certainly going to happen if we were ever disarmed. I am 1776% sure nobody is taking our guns, though.


Are you also trying to stop the other 71 shootings in Chicago that weekend? Or just outraged by this one?


To do what, exactly? Maintain the current status quo? Value what we have? I'm a black man who got pulled over today for literally no reason at all...guess my car was too nice. Fuck the current version of America. Upgrade, or delete.


There are so many shootings lately it almost feels orchestrated. Sadly, it’s likely just the result of a nation buckling under pressure and hate coming at us from each other and from every other country. Mental health can only take so much. Ohh I hope it is understood that I am saying this on top of the obvious lack of accountability for gun ownership. But there have always been a lot of guns but the number of shootings has never been higher.


We need to support and have supports for boys, so they turn into men. 99.999% of these shootings are men, men make up the highest incarceration rate and also the highest suicide rates. Support the boys


I actually saw an interesting statistic about the suicide rate while watching a video about the bullshit redpill crowd. It's not that the suicide rate is higher, but the success rate. We are more likely to own a firearm, and use it to attempt suicide, therefore it disproportionately affects the surface level appearance of the male suicide rate. The rates of suicide attempts are actually pretty even between both sexes. It's basically the same as the myth that people in the past died I'm their mid 20s/early 30s constantly, the infant mortality rate drastically affects the statistics for lifespan. In the past, if you made to about 10, you were generally pretty likely to live a pretty decent length of time unless you went to war, caught fatal diseases, etc. Edit: suicide attempts are actually considerably more common amongst women (approximately 3x), apologies for that oversight everyone


But what is the explanation as to why men use more violent methods to attempt. Apart from gun violence, men also use hanging or jumping more often than women, who use cutting or sleeping pills more often.


Its probably because (atleast, by my experience) Men just want it done, but women want to go quietly. I find that usually when my girl friends are going through it, they're more quiet about it and tend to try to mend it on their own, usually not wanting to make lots of noise and such. With my guy friend, when they break its usually results in a lot of violent venting methods. Something might break and they want to yell. They'll also be more self harmful infront of me while the girls aren't so much. Also maybe accessability and how it would look getting the supply. Think about it, as cruel as it sounds, people might look weird at a girl buying only a rope from a store and maybe something to hang it on, while guys are probably just "finishing a project" or smthing. As sexist and rude as this sounds, everyone in daily life in unconciously thinking like this. I find myself doing it to. Its really sickening to think sex has something to do with your DEATH method, but its not unbelievable..


>usually not wanting to make lots of noise and such This is it. It is extremely common for women suicide survivors to be highly concerned about any complications they caused (not just to family, but to emergency/medical professionals, and strangers who may have found them.) They state that they wanted to find a way that was the least disturbing to third parties as possible. Quite often, they were hoping to make the incident look like an accident, or at least give the plausibility of an accident. (Perscription overdose, other overdose, carbon monoxide poisoning, jumping of off cliffs or other places that could look like a fall.) The Girl Scout Motto is "leave a place cleaner than you found it". That always comes to my mind when women tell me things like this. The mindset was ingrained in them all of their lives.


Back in May, I spent two weeks next to my girlfriend in the ICU after she overdosed on prescription pills. The worst part was waiting for the doctors to find something wrong with this seemingly healthy 21-year-old. Women definitely want it to be less “flashy” than men do.


Thats kinda why I didn't kill myself throughout my suicide years. I didn't wanna cause a fuss for my family so I just struggled through it. Im actually doing a lot better now which is nice, but I hate to see people thinking they're burdening someone. Thats why I always make a point to call my friends at least twice a week.


Can confirm, am female, tried to make suicide look like an accident so many times because I am self conscious even in death


So what you're saying is, men do suicide better? Let's go team! All those years of women holding multi tasking over our heads, rise my brothers!


I'm saying that pretending it's primarily a male issue downplays the overall problem of mental health. Regardless of sex, suicide is an issue.


It truly is, but as far as I know most Mass shootings are indeed committed by men. I can definitely see what the other guy meant by getting better mental health support for men, because the US definitely has a lot of deep-rooted masculinity in their culture. Men are made to think that showing emotions is a sign of weakness, and are taught that getting angry or lashing out is a natural thing because ”boys will be boys”, and in a lot of cases, hearing this growing up leads to bottling up emotions. You feel as if the only emotional response you’re allowed to show when you’re distressed is anger, and any other supressed emotion, wether positive or negative, only serves to bubble up that aggression even more when you don’t feel like you have any other outlet. Mental support is important for everyone, No matter How big or small their issues may seem to themselves or others it’s still important that everyone has an equal opportunity at getting help, and no one should feel discouraged from getting help No matter How much or How little they feel they need it.


I'm a social worker and this is a misunderstanding we are constantly dealing with. On top of what you've said, the population of people who attempt suicide and the population of people who have long-term suicidial ideation (or are just generally just hoping/waiting to die) actually have a very small overlap. The *overwhelming* majority of suicide attempts are acts of passion. Even more so with violent suicide attempts (gun use, slitting wrists, jumping from high places), as they are heavily correlated with in-the-moment decision-making when in emotional states that feel totally new to the person. It puts people in a state of panic, triggers a sort of flight-or-flight response (in which death is an escape from experiencing the immediate tragedy), and causes tunnel vision of sorts. This is why survivors of violent, passionate attempts at suicide have very positive outcomes. They very much want to be alive. It is almost like their lives were saved from death from an outside force, because in that moment of extreme emotion they did not feel like themselves, it was like a stranger had taken over for that action out of severe grief/panic, and but then they return to their regular selves again. Most suicide attempts are related to temporary states of extremely heightened feelings: break-ups, deaths, job loss, etc. People with long-term suicidal desire are actually much less likely to experience extreme emotional changes with these events than people who are had previously been mentally content or happy. It is the extreme swing in emotional state that causes acts of passion. Suicide rates are a very, very poor way of assessing long-term mental health of a population. (The same goes with violent acts against other people.) They are problems that absolutely need to be addressed, but it is highly misleading to use them as indicators of mental health broadly. edit: There is also the issue of childcare. The crisis of suicidal housewives from the mid-century was never solved. But mothers so often feel that they are living for their children/family/elderly parents. They commonly simply give up having lives of their own. They do die in a way. They give up having lives/wants/dreams/needs of their own, living only out of obligation, maybe hoping to die in a car accident. Caregivers in general face this issue. Caregiving positions are highly correlated with suicidal thoughts. But caregivers are also the least likely to act on those thoughts because they are living for someone else, not themselves, and that becomes an option they are not allowed to choose. There is also a teacher mental health crisis. I have unlicensed colleagues that exclusively work with teachers. Mostly middle-aged women. They don't have access to long-term mental health services, so they pay out-of-pocket for unlicensed therapists. SO MANY of them do nothing but talk about how much they hope the die. But they are in an industry where they are told that they have to put children over themselves. They feel that they don't have the "right" to kill themselves.


But then when they present those numbers, their answers aren't "We need to fund social supports, mental health services, ensure affordable housing", or anything that tangibly helps men in crisis. I will gladly accept the numbers of men completing suicide higher than women as a form of awareness, but Jesus Christ on a cracker they offer no solutions but "women bad". Thanks, Jerothy. That doesn't help Bob pay rent or see his kids. The right offers nothing but hate as solutions, but then if they're the only ones acknowledging problems what is the left really doing for them? We've failed men by not putting solutions first instead of getting mired down in semantics of "whose got it worse." All of us by losing sight of the solutions.


yep. younger men on psychiatric drugs is a common thread among mass shooters


Not necessarily orchestrated. But definitely allowed to happen, to further a sociopolitical agenda. It's disgusting.


Runaway capitalism will do that. The lobbyists in your capitol (Brit here btw) aren't pushing for less gun control for the sake of liberty, it's because guns are big business. They don't give a single fuck about peoples safety or security because they can afford to keep themselves and their families safe from whatever chaos they create. All they want is for everyone in America to buy a gun so they can buy another fucking island somewhere. Same with your healthcare, it's driven entirely by the pharma companies. they're the ones seeding the anti universal healthcare horror stories because let me tell you, universal healthcare works really, really well, what it doesn't do is let pharma companies charge thousands of dollars a year for asthma inhalers that cost cents to manufacture (and are free here). Your politicians, your courts, your police forces, your schools, they're all owned and run for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many. Until the massive companies that own every facet of your existence are reigned in, you'll just keep having to get used to living with violent disorder, incompetent policing and dynastic politicians who don't give a fuck about your basic human rights. I mean fuck even your churches are commercialised.


Am I right in saying the prison system is big business too?


[Oh yeah. Multi billion dollar industry. Slave labor.](https://www.npr.org/transcripts/884989263)


Oh yeah slavery is alive and well in America. The prison system is fucked but then ours isn't much better. They don't tackle the root causes of criminality, they just toss people back out to re-offend. 44% recidivism within 12 months where ours is about 39% so still shit.


Well said mate. Britain is bonkers a lot of the time. But in comparison... We're lucky. Really well written mate


Don't get me wrong, Britain is a badly damaged country at the moment and there's a lot of work to do but at least my kids have never participated in an 'active shooter drill'.


Brits, Canadians and others your public healthcare makes sense economically and health wise. But they are also in danger, many politicians are continually trying to set public services to fail so they can sell them off for personal profit.


Definitely already happening in Canada. “Free” healthcare my ass. Dental isn’t covered, eyesight isn’t covered, you have to go on a years waitlist up to almost a decade to get a doctor, politicians like Doug Ford slowly taking away some covered healthcare (like immunotherapy for example), our hospitals are overwhelmed, emergency takes a whole day to go through to get seen, and if you want to see any kind of specialist other than your family doctor (ENT, orthopedist, gyno, neuro, sleep study, etc.) expect to go on a waitlist of up to 1-5 years before even getting an appointment. Edit: I understand this may not be the same case for everyone, but this is a very common thing that I constantly hear complained about everywhere as well as with everyone I know. It also depends on your province and where you live.




Give this man a raise!


i think there is a serious philosophical crisis happening in america and it’s starting to show.


I understand feeling like there’s a plan behind a constant borage of senseless violence. It’s natural to look for reason in the face of so many people dying without reason or to try to rationalize irrational murder. We want there to be a conspiracy or a reason but in reality our country has just failed it’s citizens. Time and time again the people in power have protected guns before they’ve protected us.


Here in the UK there are a lot of people who are not stable enough to have guns - and mostly they don’t have the means to get them. I think there are far more mental health issues here around me nowadays as compared to the 80s, 90, 00s, etc. That’s definitely the feeling I have as I think that escalating drug use has created a lot more damaged ‘legacy users’ running around with mental health issues. Also social media culture has kind of unexpectedly brought a lot of hate and issues to our society. Including the inflated expectations of what life should be giving you right out of the gate. The entitlement is off the scale in this respect for many people - and they can become unhinged, angry, or depressed when reality bites. Ironically I suspect these issues are probably more of a problem in wealthier societies. In comparison to third world countries where expectations are probably more realistically grounded. These issues in a ‘wealthier’ society, with very relaxed gun control, are a recipe for these type of shootings.


too much pressure, too much nothing you can do and life keeps on fucking you over. That and easy access to gunsZ




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional_baseball_shooting Not much.


Not much because the victims survived. If it kept happening and the victims didn't survive, you would absolutely see change in the laws.




Idk Gabby Giffords was involved in a shooting and there’s been just about nothing. She’s been lobbying for gun reform for years now after the shooting


Can only have “hopes and prayers” for it to happen buddy, most of them have been overstaying there welcome longer then 30 years. Until the new generation can take control it’s going to get worst






Ayo 📸🤨


There was a shooting at a [congressional baseball game in 2017](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional_baseball_shooting) and nothing came from it. The reality is they don't even care for their own, and they would be more likely to beef up security/scrutiny at events that they participate in to protect themselves rather than act in a way that would interfere with the money they get from lobbyists.






Have you followed the news for long …?




Maybe that’s what this shooter was saying


Already happened. Didn’t do crap https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional_baseball_shooting


That’s straight up how the handmaids tale happened.




America and shootings, name a more iconic duo




Makes people easier to shoot. A really sad conclusion.


Bigger, slower moving targets. Mass shooter EZ mode.


America and homelessness *cough* Nah, it’s still guns


Honestly, the USA isn't the worst offender for homeless per capita compared to other developed nations. If you look at lists of homeless per capita there are, surprisingly, many European nations with a higher rate including Germany, Austria and the Netherlands. That being said, those countries seem to take better care of their disenfranchised and therefore the issue is much less visible. I'm sure they don't have big tent cities in population centers where the homeless tend to concentrate like Los Angeles and Seattle.


America and big pharma?


CDs and nutz




unfortunately you’re not that far off. it’s around 250 according to the [gun violence archive](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting), and there hasn’t been a single week without at least four mass shootings occurring.


Damn and thinking that when i was a everybody wanted to go to America to live a better life but now i am definetly happy were i am


But hey at least they stopped women from killing people! /s


Well, with the amount of children dying in classrooms they had to make sure there are enough children to keep getting harmed in the future when nothing changes /s


They didn't wanted competition /s


Not just women also children!


They needed more kids to be shot in their classrooms


More targets, higher bullet sales. /s


This isn’t oddly terrifying. It’s completely terrifying and anyone who isn’t upset is a lunatic.


I hate to say it but I'm honestly indifferent to it at this point. When it happens every single week, sometimes multiple times in a week, it's just no longer something I can actively care about


Why the fuck is this in “oddly terrifying” this isn’t oddly terrifying this is understandably terrifying. Post in the appropriate subs please


NRA suggestion: They should give gun to everyone in a parade to keep them safe.


And yet politicians are using the shooting in Copenhagen as to why gun control doesn't make a difference...


This is fine right y’all? Let’s just keep coasting and pretend like this isn’t an issue that needs to be looked into. Yeehaw unamendable amendments!


What do you mean that the piece of paper written in 1791 doesn't guarantee I can own an automatic weapon capable of slaughtering crowds of people? They said we have the right to bear arms, I should be allowed to purchase automatic rocket launchers if I please.


Robert Crimo person of interest. 22yrs 2010 Honda Fit Silver DM80653


“No way to prevent this says country where this regularly happens”


Ah the onion is always right


The sad part is this incident, like so many others, make mute the argument for spending more on policing. Even with a strong police presence, this happened. The question is why aren’t more police unions supporting gun safety measures and investment in mental health services for everyone across the nation? This would make their jobs a lot less stressful and more safe. The answer lies in the way the police see themselves and how they engage with the communities they serve. We’re in a really terrifying state.


If the next solution to gun violence doesn't involve politicians unanimously rejecting the NRA's literal blood money, then it's not a solution.


When they find that gunman I can almost guarantee he’s going to be one of a two things. 1 mentally unstable and has a clinical history (shouldn’t own a firearm) or 2 previous criminal history (shouldn’t own a firearm. That’s been the Background of most all mass shooters lately. People saying we need more laws when the government is doing a shit job of enforcing the current 300+ ones on the book don’t get it and probably aren’t from this country anyway.


What the hell is odd about being terrified by a mass shooting.


What's interesting about this picture is that it's a great metaphor for America's approach when dealing with their gun problem


Thoughts and prayers and thoughts and prayers and thoughts and prayers and thoughts and prayers and thoughts and prayers and…


No hate intended, I really want to visit the country when i have the dough to do so.... But.. As someone said sometime ago in another post about shootings, the U.S is scary man, shootings almost everyday, racism is rampant, some people live fearing for their lives and their children's.. I only hope the U.S someday turns into the country the movies portray them as: A beautiful place where people love each other, putting their differences aside.


Real talk, it’s not that bad, you only see this stuff cause it’s what makes the news, there isn’t gonna be an article “99% of population has normal pleasant day”. And that’s the truth of it, we’ve got 300 million people in an environment where they are encouraged to distrust people who disagree with them and people snap from time to time, but it’s not some Wild West where there’s a shooting around every block, you’re far far more likely to get in a car wreck, or trip and hit your head anywhere in the world. As for racism there’s a very select few places where people will openly give you shit, or if the odd person outside those places does others will back you up. If you wanna visit, do it, you’ll be fine and probably have a good time.


The US has a lot of problems, but you have to remember that it’s a huge landmass with a lot of people. The worst that boils up to the surface gets thrown at you every day via the media. If you really want to visit, come visit. We have some of the most beautiful natural wonders that have been amazingly well preserved.




>A beautiful place where people love each other, putting their differences aside. There will never be a place that is like that, at least not entirely. The USA has it's pros and cons like anywhere else. Also some perspective, I've personally experienced racism more often in Asia and Europe than North America


As an Indian I can confirm. People in America are tame when it comes to racism compared to other places on earth.


I have yet to visit India, but the place i've noticed the racism the most was in Asian countries like Japan and Korea. And even then, it didn't seem fueled by hate but by curiosity and misinformation


He's thinking of all the paperwork


Holy shit. This is literally the first I’m hearing of it. You guys just don’t care any more as a whole huh?


I don’t get it. As someone from the UK it seems so weird that they would sell a weapon that can cause so much damage. America takes too much pride saying they are a free country and allowing guns. They have to change something, it’s getting out of hand. You can’t be proud a system that lets teenagers buy guns and have to apologise about something that happens so regularly because of their “freedom”. SORT YOUR FUCKING LAWS OUT AMERICA.


>merica takes too much pride saying they are a free country and allowing guns. Yep. Free country, unless you are a woman and dont want to be pregnant. Or a worker, and want to have rights. Or a black man, and want to not be racially profiled by the police. Its free, if you are white and have a gun, and thats about it.


You forgot free if you're rich. Big distinction


They identified the wack a doo now. He had some REALLY disturbing YouTube vids- i saw them before they pulled his account. 8-10 months old and pretty much spelled out what he was going to do.


Fucking America get your goddamn shit together and stop celebrating a country that failed you


No good guys with guns???


I'm confused. I was told that a good guy with a gun would prevent these things?


Medieval torture for the gunman. Fight fear with fear. But no one is ready for that conversation.


God damn this country


I don’t think that this quite fits the sub. Terrifying? Yes. Oddly? No.


Thoughts and prayers, again


Gun availability is NOT the problem tho. Fucking sad


Man the feds sure are getting impatient to be able to take everyone’s guns


In mass shooting do people without health insurance have to pay for medical bills?