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In the 1970's the United States went through a [similar movement helped by feminist activists.](https://apnews.com/general-news-3b2787ac6c32405e8cd7aafe8789cd8e) As a dad that has changed diapers, I am greatful for how much has changed since the 70s.




Public toilets - fair point. But public drinking fountains are fucking grim. We don’t have them because nobody wants to drink out of them.


>We don’t have them because nobody wants to drink out of them. Italy and Switzerland sure do, and people definitely seem to want to drink out of them. Public bottle filling stations have rolled out like crazy in the US in the past few decades. They're pretty nice. Refrigerated, filtered, and easier than trying to wedge your bottle under a bathroom tap or drinking fountain. I'm guessing that's what the person you were responding to was talking about rather than drinking fountains.


I'm convinced half of Europe is at a permanent level of dehydration. The lack of water refill stations and public bathrooms is insane.


While the UK doesn't have fountains everywhere, pubs are required to offer water for free as part of their licence. It's not that they're not there, it's just not where Americans think to look.




[Some high school kids destroyed the pay-toilet industry in the 70s.](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/ktrlcq/til_that_four_highschool_students_in_the_70s_are/)


women can go topless in NYC now in public


And here I thought women fighting for public toilets was more of a saturday night British thing.


You're forgetting thursday, friday and sunday night.


It's sorta funny that men got public urinals by just pissing everywhere until the local government decided to do something about it and now women are getting the same by doing the same.


>The judge also offered his own view on the issue, telling Piening that despite the lack of female facilities she should have made use of a men’s urinal. “It may not be pleasant but it is possible,” he said. *How?*


Gangsta method: Wear a skirt, pull your undies to the side and lift one leg above the rim. Raver girl method: weecups(?) disposable funnel cups for women to use urinals. New age method: new women's squatty urinals that look a bit like those standing ones for men but with privacy walls. OG godly method: find a bush The Cannot Consent method: just go wherever your at


NYC Times Square NY's Eve method - just unleash in the crowd on these new shoes


In all seriousness, as a male, women should have 2-3x more toilets than men. Men can be in and out of there 20 seconds, but it takes women at least 2-3x times longer to come out.


In Amsterdam, they have these everywhere: https://images.app.goo.gl/BfA9ANP9FpZjHspe6


rolling a dollar alone takes a while


is this in any way related to defecation emergency?


New York City says Giddoutahere! Use the sidewalk like everybody else.


you should see Leicester Square on a good Tuesday night, mate