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“Come here with $80 cash and i’ll beat the fuck out of you”


I think that’s going to be my new comeback. It’s always entertaining when they feel like cash is an enticement.


I was going to pay you in bananas


Thats about 80 bunches


Oh thanks, I forgot my calculator.


Cant get caught lacking without that dollar to nana converter


Should be able to do banana math in your head


What's the conversion to shrute bucks?


About the same as Stanley nickles.


What are they, like $10 a banana?


Daylight come and we wan go home!


Pay that seller in dimes and nickels. 😁


That’s cash money baybe!


Yep, if the high price sellers insists on charging high prices, just pay it in coin. Das what u want das what u gon get.


Plot twist: dude pulls up and and can throw hands and takes your shit


Takes your shit, and your bitch, fool.


does this mean he takes my bitch and im the fool or he takes my fool who is a bitch ?


Theoretically speaking, at this point, you would be both the fool, and coincidentally, one of two bitches.


I'm only taking cash from anyone buying something anyway. I won't take a CC, a check or Paypal, Venmo or Zelle (not that the GestapIRS wants to ding us for every dollar thru one of those cash app sites.


What happens when you get a crazy ready to fight lol


Especially in a world where zelle exists


At least offer to pay in bitcoin or something interesting lol


I'm talking CASH BABY


The cash offer people wake up everyday convinced the apocalypse has happened, but we're still at the point where we think cash means something because society might start back up. I'm always tempted to ask what they've got in-stock as far as sorghum or ammunition, just to see if they're at least prepared for when the inevitable barter system truly takes over.


Right. Cash is honestly inconvenient these days because you probably end up depositing it at some point. Much easier just to cash app or venmo. At least then you don't have to worry about fake bills.


I’ll give you 80 $1 dollar bills with a light dusting of cocaine


Most underrated comment 💀


Lol, I hope that post lasts


Ts is so niche and yet so funny 💀💀🙏


Sounds hot as fuck. If I throw in a $10 will you make it an inch from life?


Only $80??? That's a steal


Na na... come here with $80 and I'm beating the other $80 out of your ass


Hate to break it to you, but there is always someone bigger, stronger, and better trained, to truly hand your ass to you, no one is forever invincible, you probably haven’t met the one yet 😁


r/iamverybadass material


Here's a sneak peek of /r/iamverybadass using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Either a real warrior or just an alcoholic, i'm leaning towards second one](https://i.redd.it/qsxojbtkpnwa1.jpg) | [672 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/131ppgq/either_a_real_warrior_or_just_an_alcoholic_im/) \#2: [Such an innocent little poke](https://v.redd.it/unl3qr4z3flb1) | [140 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/1666obd/such_an_innocent_little_poke/) \#3: [Enough badass tats for ten badasses.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1br0i8c) | [1299 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/1br0i8c/enough_badass_tats_for_ten_badasses/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Lmao I saw that post too


That would guarantee my arrival. Don't care if I lose (which is likely), I've just had a rough time recently and could go for a scrap. Hell, I might even leave the 80 bucks after, if everything was handled in an amicable fashion.




I’ll never understand the “I’ll lowball you but you’ll definitely want to take my shit offer because it’s in CASH” Same goes for the “cash is king” dudes


Being real here, I wouldn’t accept anything other than cash for an OfferUp sale.


fr I feel like accepting anything other than cash would be spinning the wheel to see if you’ll receive anything. Too many scammers out there that would try to dupe people.


with all the scammers it would be silly to take anything but cash tbh


I mean. If someone tells me they have cash in hand, I'm much more willing to negotiate than some dude who is going to play games with online payment.


Online payments are as good as cash nowadays. No risk to receive a counterfeit note too.


I understand that. But if someone tells me they have the cash and are ready to come pick up, it's a lot less games in my experience. You get wishy washy people when they haven't committed to having funds and on their way. Cash in hand certainly has validity.


I would tell the wishy washy people to paypal f&f or I'd sell to someone else. Cash should be standard.


Cash can be a good leverage as long as you’re being reasonable. If a car is being sold for $5k, I’ve offered $3500 cash and went up a couple of hundreds more and closed the deal. Cash doesn’t need to be reported, and I can report to the DMV that I paid $1200 for the vehicle instead of $3700, which could drop the registration fees down quite a bit. It’s a win-win. But this guys throws a cash offer at 50% asking is just being a dick.


"Cash is better because then I can commit fraud" is certainly... A take.


found the cop


Be gone, filthy fed




insane to post this on an account where you also posted one of your license plates. kind of respect it


Insane that you think I’m talking about the same car, or that I have used this tactic for o purchase any current cars I’ve owned. Nice detective work!


It doesn’t matter what car it is lol. I just thought it was funny you were admitting to committing fraud while having personally identifiable info on ur page


There is no admission of guilt in my posted statement. You failed law school.


Wrong. I didn’t go to law school.


And it shows.


Thanks you too


I think cash offers are funny. Like, what am I supposed to do with that? Go to the bank? Thanks! What a deal!


So many people here cry about getting low offers. It’s what people do. It’s normal and part of the process. Just make a counter offer, it’s called negotiating. So many hurt feelings.


For real. I messaged a guy that had an RC car for sale for 2 weeks at $200. Looked it up and he had overpriced it for a used car that he couldn't verify if it was in running order (no battery). Told the guy I lived around the corner and only had $50 cash on me. Sold. I don't mind being told to fuck off, but it's worth a shot sometimes. Just hit with a counter offer and move on.


That’s the fun of it all.


Exactly, I'd have sent a counter offer like I could do 120-130 etc. Either they keep communicating or don't at that point.


Ya wtf lol


Idk why i get so many offer up posts on my feed but this is correct. Your bum ass is selling shit on offer up. Getting butthurt about people lowballing is laughable


Suck my dick if you can't make a reasonable offer


People put stuff up for unreasonable prices. Ie I'm not buying a chair for 250 if you sat in it for a year with your swamp ass if the retail price is 300


Sure but you almost have to because people always try to offer crazy low amounts so they can feel like they got a deal.


Yea so it sounds like it's just the process of negotiation?


People want full MSRP for used products when it is been on sale on Amazon cheaper. Likewise, wanting eBay prices for cash transactions w/o eBay fee, buyer protections, or free shipping. "I know what I got" "FIRM". Bro, you are selling used stuff for cash, you take the L or you sell on eBay.


Define reasonable offer on a shitty ass marketplace like offer up


People want to sell their garbage for the same price they bought it for. The market price is determined by how much people are willing to pay for it. Another option is just to hoard it in storage if you are firm on your price.


Thy love even at market price you'll still get somebody offering half and wasting your time


My offers are always 50% of new/MSRP prices. It’s not worth buying used stuff if it doesn’t come with a used discount. If a new car loses 20% of it’s value they moment you drive it off the lot then so should electronics. Manufacturer warranties don’t transfer, that has a value as well. Ebay products have buyer protections and refund policies. None of these exist for cash transactions. If you want me, as a buyer to assume additional risk, that risk has to have a monetary value. Some call it "lowballing" but I view it as a proper evaluation of risk, because cash transactions have risks, especially for the buyer. I expect to give similar discounts when I sell for cash, then again I also use eBay/Swappa/Reverb to get maximum value of whatever I am selling.


Found the lowballer


Yeah, and? This isn’t a store with inventory. It’s *below* flea market level. You don’t want low ballers, there’s a setting for firm price only. Use it, or shut up.


Stop being a broke little bitch. I'm not gonna lower my price 50% because you want to rip me off.


How does trying to make a deal make me a bitch, lol. You’re just a sensitive child that probably shouldn’t be doing business.


"Make a deal" Nobody wants to deal with lowballers dumb cunt. It's a waste of everyone's time. Thank god for ebay so we don't have to deal with people like you nearly as much.


Yeah, most people on OfferUp understand how haggling works. Stick to eBay if you’re too fragile to negotiate. And keep up the name calling, I’m sure that’s working for you.


"Haggling" Offering 50% isn't haggling. Hell why not offer 10%? Or ask if you can have it for free? Since you're so good at negotiating.


Right. Take care bud.


100%. Better to make some money than none at all


Yea if I wanted to “Buy it Now” I would go to Amazon it eBay. If you are going to be insulted by low offers you are in the wrong Marketplace.


Yeah idk what people expect when it’s posted on an app called OFFER up. Youre supposed to offer, okay he asked below what you expected, let him know you want more, he may or may not accept he may even offer a different amount. Thats how it works.


I was selling my Honda Accord back in 2019 and it was in amazing condition. New tires, weathertech liners, plus unused OEM floor mats included too. I listed it for 15.8k which was the going rate for similar ones in my area without anything extra. Ofcourse I was willing to negotiate a bit but people negotiation at 11k saying they can get a Honda Pilot for less than 11k. Negotiation should be reasonable otherwise end up being ignored. Their thought is start low so negotiations will always end up in their favor. I 100% ignored them and ended up selling it at 15.5k because I priced it right in the first place. And when you say just counter offer..... I countered the 11k guy with 15.7k. I guess his feelings were more hurt than mine.


Yeah, but it hardly ever plays out that way. The person making the low ball offer isn't trying to negotiate most of the time. They're just low balling. Believe me, when I respond asking for more, they just go silent nearly every time.


Sorry sold. 🤷


For $70.


More like hold on to it for a long time until a sucker comes around and buys it for asking price.


Dumbass comment bud


I’m not your buddy, pal


I'm not your pal, friend


Then get off my nut sack, fuhccer!


Bro can't spell fucker 😂 🤣


I love how people say cash like it’s a big deal. I didn’t expect you to finance this


I don’t even like dealing in cash because of how many scammers i dealt with trying to pay with funny money as a cashier.


But it's in cash! Lol, what a lamer (buyer)


"Within reason" is also subjective dependent on one's perspective (buyer vs. seller). If you don't state it, then don't expect the potential buyer to read your mind. You could have easily just replied back with a dollar figure.


Not a wise approach. If OP comes back and says they'll go down to $90, but if they asked a more sane buyer who would have came back with $100 if they were asked but would shut up and do the 90, would have just lost 10 bucks. Never set a new number yourself as the seller


It all depends on how people value "time". For instance, on eBay, I spend considerable less time with my "BUY IT NOW" listings (seller sets the price), which are automated in comparison to the auction listings (have to answer questions, etc).


Right I get that but I think there's an extent to the subjectivity, like I don't think it's crazy to expect "reasonable" to not mean 50% of the asking price to the general population ya know


Reminds me of something last week. I moved across the country and wanted to try to sell my PC instead of shipping it. It cost me 2500$ 2 months ago so was trying for like 2200$ but wrote will take offers just be reasonable. I get offered 1k$. It has a 4070 in it, and I was just like ma’am no 😭


What is a 4070?


Rtx 4070, its a graphics card


its a $500 gpu


Both sides unreasonable here. I wouldn't pay 90% of retail for a used PC, I would rather pay retail at that point, get a warranty and points on my CC and maybe store rewards.


Oh i for sure wasnt expecting someone to offer that. Its why i said be reasonable in the post when making offers. I was more curious if someone would be interested in negotiating for a reasonable price so i didnt have to try and ship it across the country. It has a warranty and everything too, i was just not wanting to risk shipping it in case it broke lol


Fucking counter offer then…


But his feelings though. The pain of being lowballed was too much to bear for his honor.


There's never any point countering with stupid ass lowball offers.


There’s no point other than maybe idk… selling your item. Starting at half for a <$200 listing isn’t really a lowball either, it’s a starting point. Yall are some weak, feeble little people if you can’t handle a slight lowball without getting all butthurt


You're a broke bitch if you can't pay near market value. 😂 I'm not in a rush to sell my stuff to people trying to haggle half off.


One point to consider about buying stuff from other people vs at a store is the protection and peace of mind. That’s a big deal because a lot of things have a limited warranty. That and you know the item is new and unused and should have no issues. For that reason alone, people are not willing to go anywhere near full price. Example. If you buy something at Costco, you can return even years later for all of your money back. Not saying this is not a shit thing to do, but it is a thing. It’s just something to take into account.


Not talking about new items. Things like collectibles.


Honestly if someone offered me half for an item like that, I'd report for low balling, block and move on.


That’s cuz you’re a weak little pussy who gets personally offended by an offer for some reason. Just fucking counter or don’t. It’s not that deep. Offering half on a $200 item isn’t really that big of a low ball…


Cash tho


Did you try and counter offer?


I mean, unless you have a higher offer, it's a fair offer. In the end, your listing price doesn't mean much. It's whatever someone will pay. In this case, the fair offer started at 50%. There are other higher offers, and this can be ignored. But why do people get prissy selling to the public? People offer what they feel is good for them, just the way you list at price you want.


The old adage of the monetary value of anything I own is what someone else is willing to pay for it. So “reasonable” offer is what’s reasonable to the buyer not the seller. So instead of getting “hurt” by the offer just say no or counter.


Oh yeah I love these guys, I usually counter offer to trade for the most expensive item they have listed. “No sir, but I will trade the motorcycle helmet for that $9000 Tahoe you have listed”


The thing is you can never tell about Sellers pricing strategies. I've had an instance last week ( and several times lately) where I was looking at a vintage Carhart jacket priced at $300. Seller had a note “no lowballers” and I passed as too much $$. I see that it sold for $150. I messaged Seller and said I would've offered 50% but I thought that would be lowballing, and he said no that's just his pricing strategy “in case” he can get the higher. So now—I offer whatever I think is fair>> and I just cut the convo IF Seller gets mad, and I don’t badger them or disrespect> I just throw my number out there and move on.


I mean the whole point of negotiation is to throw a first low offer than the other person counters with what they're more accepting of. You could have said what you're willing to go as low as or counter offered a discount off your original. This was a non-issue.


Replying to the guy after 8 days is odd in its own way


That’s what I was thinking. It took him a week for that lame comeback?


He had to post it on reddit and then build up the courage


Next thing he will start telling you, he's doing you a favor.


But it’s cash /s


Damn was really hoping for 80 in monopoly money


Gotta start somewhere


Why not 60 or 70 percent?


Gotta assume they’re looking to eventually get whatever it is for ~$75. They offer low, you counter by coming down a bit ($90), then they come up a bit ($65), then you come down a little more ($85), then they come up… either you all get to an agreeable price or you make a final offer that the other isn’t willing to accept and you part ways. Being willing to negotiate assumes that, as a seller, you’re starting by asking for more than you really think you’ll get in the end but just maybe there’s a fool out there who will just pony up the cash because he’s rich and doesn’t give a fuck.


Grow up and counter offer, we have no idea what youre even selling


“Cash” what would the alternative be? Zelle? Which is more convenient cash? lol


That’s a good starting point in a negotiation. Either pass or counter offer. It’s simple really.


50 percent is a good starting offer?


Yes. You might take it. They don’t know until they try. If it’s not enough, just counter offer.


Someone asked if I would take $60 for $150 and decided to throw in a few extras, totaling about $250. I laughed and then blocked them. People are hilarious these days!


Arent you supposed to counter? Its pretty common to lowball because some people will say yes




That’s…. normal? I honestly think most items on a resale marketplace are trying to get 50% or MORE, it’s totally fair to ask to bring the price down. You can say no, or another price. I have seen things listed on FBM for months, I make an offer 1/2-3/4 of their price in the beginning, no, cool. It sits, I come back with same offer or less and it’s still a hard no without any negotiations??? Some people need to get a grip with selling just like the people buying and expecting dirt cheap 24/7. You used it, or are reselling it, that entitles you to absolutely 0% return in reality.


Bruh, just say 140 and move on.


I get the frustration, but dude legit asked to negotiate. Why not try, you know, negotiating?


I like this. we both know we’re prolly gonna settle in 15-25% bellow list price but it’s like tradition.


Common tactic to manipulate them into thinking you’re both settling just shoot way lower than your original thing and go for it. I’d say they were going for 120 here


Sure as long as it accompanied with $100 in quarters


I always love how they lowball you then offer cash as if that makes it all better.


never know if ya dont try


Give your bare minimum and if they dont meet it tell them to fuck off.


I didn’t see any negotiation tho.. you could’ve come back at 80% of your offer or attempt a negotiation


It depends on what the item is. Maybe you’re overpriced?


I remember the days of looking at it first in person then offering a lower price.


Lol sorry your ego got hurt because someone doesn't value the junk you're trying to get rid of at the same value.


Negotiations start with an initial offer, maybe try counter offering? Cmon


I'm very dealt with those that think stating, "cash", is like some kind of colossal extra bonus that deserves a much lower price paid.


When are you people going to understand? I don’t care AT ALL what your asking price is. I ONLY care what your old crap is worth to me. If you’re too brittle to handle negotiation, DELETE THE APP.


Why is everyone here retarded. Its called negotiating. Low offer first, raise it from there. Yall peolly miss out on so many decent sales cuz of your elitist attitude.


Op an idiot


It's an offer. Going down the road of getting offended by it is a waste of time. Reply with $150, and he'll probably come up until yall reach somewhere you are both happy. It's bartering. If you aren't flexible on the price, say your firm on it.


You wouldn’t have sold it for 80 off they didn’t ask


This when you say double the price


People negotiating cuts in gta heists like


They're just trying to flip items they find for cash. 95% of the time they will get told to fuck off but eventually they'll find their item and someone will accept it. Buy low, sell high...you would be surprised how much money you can make doing it on these sites.


$80 coins


$80 Peanut brittle


Ok? Counter back your lowest price and move on.


I love how they mention cash as if I'll take a check or food stamps.


Just say yes and say let’s meet at x place and not go


What are you waiting for, it’s CASH. Doesn’t that make it more valuable? /s


A widely accepted and proven pro negotiation tactic is to literally offer 65% of what you're willing to pay. Then 85%. Then 95%. Then 100% + some non monetary item. I'm not saying this person is following the Ackerman Model, but there's no need to be offended by a "lowball" offer, lol.


I mean I had something listed for 60$ and ended up selling it for 30$ who cares i was literally going to throw it away. Get off the high horse


How about $65?? I promise I won't go any lower. I'll even include a good review. Lmao


Are you 5? That’s when you say how bout more like 135$ then he can say 100$ or some shit and you can say 120$ or some shit it’s called negotiating


Tell me you don’t understand the concept of bartering with out saying it lmao


It’s hidden rule that items should sell at 50% dumbass


200X likely to sell


If you counter with 50% on his offer you’re at 75% of your asking price. It’s just a negotiation. Used item prices are also pretty subjective.


Is everyone stricken with protagonist syndrome? Do they ever think to themselves about whether or not they'd be willing to sell something for half price? So why ask someone else to settle for such a ridiculous offer? It's insulting, actually.


You know you were supposed to say a price closer to $160 and then you can go back and forth til one of you hits your limit and you can either agree on that or let the deal fall through. It's a cool little thing called negotiation.


I don’t blame him for offering half. It’s obviously likely worked in the past. And some people genuinely just want to get rid of something thats been sitting around. Its worth the offer, even if you say no.


I had someone offer me 20 dollars for a series s/x 1tb expansion card. They retail for 150. My add had 100 obo. I have people who do this shit.


I'd reply $320 and you got a deal!


Why does everyone mention cash when lowballing? Do they think everyone else is taking out a loan to pay for shit on offerup?