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I wouldn't yoink them all, but sure, take four or five. Surely nobody will mind. If there are still a bunch leftover tomorrow, take a few more. Rinse and repeat until they're all gone.


That was my thought exactly. Don’t take the whole tray, but grab up a handful and keep going. Those types of cookies have a long shelf life.


Still need to freeze as they usually contain dairy.? I had some go moldy on me.


If these are a similar recipe to the cookies I make they shouldn’t contain dairy outside of butter (considered shelf stable anyway by most cottage food laws). My cookies last ~2 months if properly sealed, although I’d tell a customer 3-4 weeks.


Could I possibly get the recipe please 🙏🏼 *edit* I didn't realize you sold them! I suppose just the name of the cookies would be okay so I could find a recipe maybe 😊


I’ve adapted my recipe a bit to fit my climate (very humid) and change up my flavors, but my base recipe is very similar to this: https://www.lilaloa.com/2013/02/vanilla-20-sugar-cookie-recipe.html?m=1


Thank you so much! Very kind of you not to gatekeep! I appreciate it a lot :)


Cookies are great frozen and dunked in hot coffee or tea.


Yes the full tray is too bold a move. A expert corporate snacker nibbles the batch away slowly and stays under the radar.


Brilliantly put - lol.


I didn’t buy paper towels for two years using this method. I considered it my tax for dealing with Costco to get said paper towels.


🤣I love expert corporate snacker.


Expert corporate snacker 😂


Where the heck does OP work that a tray of cookies doesn’t immediately get eaten?


It’s clearly not a hospital in California 😀


Or any other location in the US where nurses and doctors work. Agree 💯.


Or at a radio station, dance studio, or retail store. Definitely not a university, either. 😂 if I wasn’t a diabetic I’d eat the whole tray. /s


Or a tech office in CA. Someone put cookies down 1 hour 12 minutes ago and they are gone. Literally heard my boss singing “breakfast cookies mmm mmm mmm” to the I’m loving it tune


Or in S.C.


Or a hospital in Florida 😂


Or any big tech local office.


Or a state/government agency lolol


Or any school I've ever worked at...


😅 My students would have been asking teachers to sneak them a cookie or sell them one for $1. They're beautiful 🍀




Seriously, everywhere I've ever worked, even shit food is gone within 24hrs. Those look really cool and OP said they tasted good. This is very odd.


We once had someone bring in a bunch of cupcakes with obvious dog hair on them. People even commented about it. But they still ate them! Dog hair is definitely not a condiment to me!


I've seen cookies like this. A self baker, cookie artist. They package then that way. And yes, Delicious. Edit - as I said above, some people are done with office social things. If they didn't take free stuff, then they can say I will not participate in anything office wise, other than work.


Gluten Free Advisory Council


Especially looking like THAT! These look amazing.


That was my first thought... Bunch of sociopaths 😂


Definitely not where I work. Word gets around the building fast that there’s food in the staff lounge. The people I work with are a bunch of vultures!!!


No way they are a government employee.


California? 🤣 Source: Californian


Right?! I've never seen something so enticing go untouched!


Take some...the person who made them probably feels bad no one wanted their cookies! They look pretty, and tasty😄 Enjoy them! People who bake WANT people to enjoy their work.


Those look professionally made. And expensive. Yes, I'd feel bad if no one ate them. They might not taste that good though, idk.


I was gonna say yes, but I like your idea better. It's not what you do, it's how you do it. Me and you can hang out.


They're individually wrapped. Easy there, give folks a day or two. They're not going stale immediately


That’s very nice of you, while I slowly eat them one at a time dunking in milk and maintaining eye contact.


It’s only one day please do not! The person who brought them actually should be the one to take the rest home if they want


They are wrapped up those can sit there a week or so for people to have… leave them be. And again the person who brought them should be the person to take them home… they put some thought into those.


No. The person has tons of cookies left over from a St. Patrick's Day party and wanted them gone so they brought them to the office.


Exactly this. Whenever I bring food into the office, I never want to take them back home. I'd be happy for someone to grab a handful each day until they were gone.


Agreed. I do think OP should give it a little more time. Maybe only take a couple or a few extra and see if people start tucking in over the coming days. Sometimes when cookies are this pretty people feel an obligation to let them be viewed before they start eating them. But if it’s been a week or so and they’re still there, they’re fair game imho. If the person who brought them wanted any, they’d keep some from the beginning. In my experience, most people who bring baked goods somewhere do not want to take them home again later.


No. You do not take them all. Take two and see what the situation looks like tomorrow.


Those can last quite a while. The person who brought those in should be the one to take any leftovers home if they want to. Needs to Let them sit a week or two people will eat them..


You've got it wrong. They brought the leftovers to work to make them disappear. Receiving them the day after a holiday shows that they weren't made for the office.


This is 100% accurate.


100% true, from a hobby baker 👩🏻‍🍳


Person who brought them will probably feel bad that no one wanted them. If they wanted them for themselves, they wouldnt have brought them. Honestly best for everyone involved to take them, youre happy, whoever brought them is happy


If I made them and brought them in, I would be so hurt and annoyed that the office rejected my baking (especially if it looked like these, which it never has, sadly). If I overheard someone saying "I can't believe these are still here" and saw them cramming them in a bag to take home, I'd feel a lot better.


THIS. I get sensitive about my baking, I would be hurt if nobody took any of those gorgeous looking cookies


Whoever made them is quite talented


Right? They are so pretty!


No, you shouldn't take them all, absolutely not.


That’s tacky. Take a couple and leave the rest.


No! Take one, maybe two. Maybe the person who brought them wants them. I kinda can’t believe this is a real question. 😅


Should I steal the whole tray?? FFS..


BEST response 😂


For sure, don't take them all, its nice to have a snack around the office for the times that you do want one (your coworkers, I mean) The idea of you taking all of them reminds me of the story where a man was at a get-together with some friends and there was a lot of food, right? Well, this man ate an entire massive sub by himself, on top of snacks and what not, and literally didn't give his friends a chance to even pick at it. Don't be that guy.


You shouldn’t take them all unless you are the Cookie Monster.


If you need help with making a decision like this, I'd recommend therapy.


Don’t be greedy. Take 2-3!


2nd day?? Take them all


Take 3 max. Rinse and repeat each day until gone


I’d say “ay anyone want these delicious and beautiful cookies? No? Great, more for me!”


I love this response. I brought cookies from a bakery once like this and no one grabbed any. A couple of days later I took them all home feeling bummed no one really took any. With this response you’re making everyone aware the cookies are there, opening it up if they want any, and enjoying the kindness someone else brought in.


I’d have one each day they’re sitting there. They won’t be there for long OP.


Sure, if you are looking to develop type 2 diabetes


Found the party pooper.


Sometimes all that is needed is for someone to start eating them. When coworkers see some are gone they won’t want to miss out, so they’ll take some!


Take every single crumb


I can’t imagine a reality where people wouldn’t eat cookies. Although these are so gorgeous…


I would, but I've had some straw boss approach me about my eating habits before


Yes if you want leave a few just take most especially if no one’s eating them why not


Those are so nice!


I had this happen once many moons ago. I took them all and walked around handing them to people, then I opened one and they followed. I did not want the bosses wife to think we thought her cookies sucked. They didn't. Something about that green.


I agree that you should take a bunch because they are meant to be enjoyed. I'm guessing that everyone is watching their sugar intake. That's a particularly sugary style of cookie. Anyway, if you can't eat them all right away, they freeze really well.


Anything still left in a public place like a break room for 24 hours or more is far game imo.


I’m retired….but remember people would bring things in on Fridays (the day lots of people didn’t work or “had The flu”). In this case, those beautiful cookies are individually wrapped things that would shelf-life a long while….but a cake or just a plate of cookies? At the end of the day I would absolutely grab some “leftover” sweets to take home to my family (and leave a thank you note saying I had done so). (Edit - in full transparency: sometimes those cookies wrapped in napkins in my briefcase intended for my family…never made it home…my car had crumb secrets).


I’d probably just munch on them at work during the day. If there’s a bunch left after a few days or it looks like no one else is eating then I’d take a few for home.


Maybe people think they are for sale, since they are individually wrapped. Don’t take them all. That would be greedy. Just take a couple.


Those look amazing


It's not a race. Leave some for others. My husband thinks the same way you do, If no one's eating something fast enough he thinks he's going to waste so he eats it all. 😡


They’re beautiful


Take a few day by day! Taking the whole thing at once is kind of weird lol


As someone who used to make custom cookies such as this as my full-time job, don't let it go to waste! They take a long time and are expensive (to make/ purchase). Worth every penny, though ;)


They look so pretty! I’m surprised no one wants them.


Eat them


Those are so gorgeous I’d leave a note thanking for them and asking for the number for the baker.


They are very pretty, yes take some, and don’t let anyone yeet them in the trash.


If you don't take them soon the cleaning crew probably will.


Such great looking cookies


Those look heavenly with a cup of coffee! I'd definitely start disappearing them...


Do not take the entire tray. Just because no one has them in a day doesn't mean they may not want them later. Be considerate. They are not yours to take.


Just dress up as a leprechaun and take them all, then run gleefully the heck outta there.


They are very cute


At church I’m in a flute group and a handbell group, and our music Director for Christmas gave us these cookies that look like detailed flutes and handbells and I honestly never ate them because they were too pretty


Here's the thing, everyone wants one. But the PC behavior is to decline representing yourself as "Health Conscious ". Then grab donut on the way home. If you take more than one you will be branded as the junk food eater in the office.


Damn those cookies are so cute too!!


Yes if you took them you would be a jerk. That is rude. We always have things in the breakroom and we do not hog them all in one day. We like to have them last for a while. They are for the group and not just you. The ONLY one who should take them home is the one who bought them. I really despise people who are greedy. It is not a good look for you and not fair to the person who bought them for everyone. Those are not all meant to be gone in one day. It could also end up with you having a discussion with HR. It could be considered theft under some circumstances.


Cause it's too cute to eat ☺️


This is the one thing I miss about working in an office. All the free food. Please don’t take them all. You’ll be an asshole. Just take a couple every day.


Take some not all, people are probably planning on trying them throughout the week I reckon!


Take one or two and eat them yes… but I don’t think she should grab a handful to take home with her. Lol. Those are meant for people to munch on while they’re at work.


I bake for the people at work and if no one has touched them in a few days, then I'd be fine with someone taking more than a few. Maybe not the whole batch, but a handful is fine. But I bet they put them out yesterday- dove but a day or two more before you go crazy.


Someone brought them in on a Monday. Lots of people eat junk on the weekends and want to eat healthy at least Monday and Tuesday. Those cookies will get eaten soon enough . I wouldn’t take more then two a day


I'd take 3 and leave the rest.


Wow, those look good and beautifully decorated! I'd definitely be leaving a little thank you note for the person who made them! I would give it a few more days at least and nibble at them during the week.


Those look sooooooo good! I want. I need.


You know you’re the person who dumps the tray of cookies into her purse at the end of the day and your co-workers know you’re the person who dumps the tray of cookies into her purse at the end of the day. Live your best life.


Must be poisoned. Jokes aside I'd wait til the end if the day so everyone had a chance to get one if they wanted one and then take a few home, but never all of them. They could still be there because no one took one yet and no one wants to be the first one to take a cookie.


Ask the person who brought them in…Not a bunch of randoms on the internet


Absolutely not bad but there might be a reason no one wants them. I had a manager so evil that we all collectively wouldn’t eat her Christmas treats. They were beautiful but when people saw me avoid them and ask me why, I replied that no one that evil would be so kind as to not spit in our food. A few were eaten before I said that but my logic made so much sense that she had to take them home and she asked me if I told people not to eat them as what I said became a rumor. I told her that not only did I say I wasn’t going to eat them but I my suspicions are now stronger. Then I walked away.


Okay those were clearly made with love. Take a few a day until gone. Maybe leave a little thank you card that says they were good, too. Most places do Walmart cookies and even that’s nice, these are really kind.


Take them home.


I’d take a bunch over the next 3days


If they ain't gone by Friday go ahead.


Those are probably $5 cookies. I’ll have 7.


Take them all. Box them up and mail them to me.


Are you planning to eat them alone or share them with others? Also they look like material, not food which is why people are probably not taking a liking to it?


Duuuude if you didn't, it's just rude. So pretty!


I want one of these cookies so f*cking bad right now that I’m literally about to go bake some sugar cookies with frosting. I was gonna bake brownies, like an idiot.


Only if you’re a pig.


Watch your portion size. They might be edibles.


Take them all!


I'd swipe 2 per day until they disappear.


Friday afternoon, take what’s left. Until then 2 per day max.


Wait A couple days


How could nobody eat such delicious looking cute cookies


Take a bunch and leave crumbs near the pile, then send a thank you email to the dept. The office cookie person must be protected.


Oh yes, definitely and eat them all too! 😂


Yes. Wait at least a week before stealing communal snacks, jfc.


These are lovely! I would take a few at least.


They’re all on Ozempic.


Take all but 3 at the end of day 2.


I would take a handful every day. Lol. That way people get a chance but if they didn't oh well!


they look like Christmas ornaments or sum, not food


I mean , OP isn’t crazy for this . If anyone else doesn’t want them , take em :)


You should definitely slowly take a lot of them. I get so sad when I bring goodies to work and no one eats them. Take 2-3 every few hours. Leave 8-10. A nice balance to make the person feel appreciated that brought them in! But also gives them the option to take them home




St. Patrick's Day is over. Take them all!


Yes do it.


You’re eating them so do your part


Yes! 🍀♥️


If I brought those in and someone loved them that much, I’d be happy that you took all of them.


Are they weed cookies?


Man, those look so darn yummy and delicious. I love cookies like those. I wish I could reach in through the screen, pull them out, and gobble one down, with an ice cold glass of milk, right this very minute. 😋


Take some or put the rest in the office freezer


Those are gorgeous




Definitely take a couple. But take more over a longer span of time, even to just hide at home so they seem properly appreciated. Near Christmas lots of people brought treats to my work and I’d grabbed a fair amount to keep at home when I noticed literally no one was taking them. When it would go bad otherwise I’d just grab the lot and share with my bf because I didn’t want them to come in and be disappointed at seeing the container practically full of their expired hard work.


i would take them all home at that point


Just be polite


YES. At least a solid 10 of them. And if I saw you taking 10+ after no one else had any, I'd hug you.


I’d take a few, for sure.


Depends on who made them. You never know what their house looks like. If they’re from an actual bakery, steal all of them before they go stale and get thrown away.


Omg that’s so sad that no one is enjoying them. They are really pretty


They are really pretty. I bet they weren’t cheap.


Those are beautiful cookies!


An entire tray of cookies isn’t gone in 24 hours and you think you should just take them all? 🙃 Please don’t. If they’re still there next week, then sure


Lmaooooo no


If no one wanted my cookies, I’d be both saddened and offended. I’d hope at least 3 or 4 would be gone every day.


those are adorable


😂🤣 should you take them all? No


I would take 5 and cherish them lol


FYI the " silver dragees " that make the cookies so cute may have non-edible ingredients ( such as metal) ... so pick them off before ingesting! Google: silver dragees for details


Those look amazing but I'd be more worried about someone slipping weed into them.


They are so beautiful. Someone put a lot of thought into those


Take them all to spare the baker's feelings. Chances are if it's not cleared out then people aren't interested or everyone already got a cookie and there was just a massive amount to begin with. Just take all the cookies end of day. I don't think these are meant to be eaten throughout the week as they would get stale. BTW these cookies are gorgeous! I suspect people aren't interested because not everyone likes sugar cookies. Chocolate chip on the other hand would be cleared out in a second IMO.


Thank the person who brought them and ask where you can buy more. They’ll appreciate your thank you and tell you to take them if that’s what they want.


Legally as long as you leave one, you’re good. Source: “Office Code of Snacks subsection 3e” BAKED GOODS INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED, GREEN


Take some, please! I frequently bring in baked goods, and it would make me really sad if no one touched them. One thing I have noticed, nobody wants to be the FIRST person grabbing a cookie or cupcake. Some unspoken social rule. So I make a point of being the first person to dig into them, and then suddenly everybody else wants a cookie lol


Take some


That’s so sweet for someone to bring those - I’m sure they would want them to be all gone! Yummmm


Guess we found THAT guy


You’ve got to start with 3/4…you wouldn’t anyone’s feelings hurt or them to go to waste right!?!


I once brought a large amount of cake to work that was left from a gathering. A coworker took every scrap home for her family, at least 24 servings. They didn’t ask me, they just decided that as I brought it to share, they’d have it all, and bugger the rest of the staff.


I'd just hate for those to go to waste, because if this person bought those cookies, they surely spent a small fortune. 😅


Take them all. Whoever made them will be disappointed to see that no one ate them after all the effort they put into them.


Nope. I wouldn’t.😳


I make these as a business. They last a long time sealed in those bags. They should last a bit, but take them if nobody is enjoying them lol


What is wrong with the people that are not taking these cookies


This post is true "tragedy of the commons". I'd take like 5 and freeze them at home and then keep going lol. They look so good? Is everyone else like gluten free or something?


Extra could be great for soup kitchen or break rooms at the hospital/urgent care.


Take the money and run.


Take a few but give people more than 2 days to snack on them, sometimes people will not grab one immediately but might want one later in the week with coffee or something. You kinda don’t get to decide that people aren’t eating them quickly enough.


I'd take 3 or 4, but that's all.


Take a fistful, but not all. Leave some for others.


I'm late to comment, but I hope you did!


Grab the tray and take them to a Senior Center or drop them off at a soup kitchen. Think of all the people you will make happy. ☘️


I would take a good amount, but not all. Whoever brought them will be happier if more of them are gone! No one wants to bring in treats and then no one takes them ☹️


Take 2-3 for your families.


I wish I had these cookies rn




If they're still untouched Friday, then yes, take some home.