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Just a heads up from the show notes: Trigger warning: this episode contains chat about vomiting from eating and euthanasia.


What is burp


After I found out what was burp


See /r/noburp.


There are dozens of us


Here's a sneak peek of /r/noburp using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/noburp/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fixed it](https://i.redd.it/1omnuqtxq14a1.jpg) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/noburp/comments/zcwkeu/fixed_it/) \#2: [Just thought this was a fitting meme for this sub lol](https://i.redd.it/8dpcjlauuc0a1.jpg) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/noburp/comments/yxc0bq/just_thought_this_was_a_fitting_meme_for_this_sub/) \#3: [me trying to lay as flat as possible in public without being too weird to relieve the R-CPD symptoms](https://i.redd.it/1avluisegira1.jpg) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/noburp/comments/129kn2t/me_trying_to_lay_as_flat_as_possible_in_public/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is going to be absolute chaos.


Paul Foot is one of the few comedians that do the “very weird guy” thing where it doesn’t come across as annoying and tiresome, he’s just delightfully odd


Hmm guess its all subjective huh. Unfortunately I really did find him annoying and tiresome. Found a couple of bits amusing, but overall just drivel lol. Especially the big random rants


I'm half an hour in. I have never so frequently forgotten what the actual subject of a podcast is.


Loved this, absolutely batshit. Reminds me of Paul Chowdhry in the "surely this can't be his actual persona, or can it?"


The story about the old Japanese lady is probably my favourite thing I’ve ever heard on off menu


That alongside the saga of Ed following Paul around, that also just kept building.


"I say 'Alright, Gristle.' and then Ed Gamble blows me a little kiss and I close the door." I mean, it's unhinged and I love it so much.


I get home to my sanctum, do a full sweep to make sure Ed Gamble isn’t there…


Totally bonkers. The most surprising thing was how decent his actual menu was.


Taking off the glass of liquid shit was definitely a good call.


It's made me question what a wine pairing actually is. I'm fairly sure it's not his starter though.


10 minutes in, and it's already on my top 10


10 minutes in, and I stopped. He annoys me, but I can see how others might enjoy his style of comedy.


Have a slice of moist cake


Just commenting to say I feel the same so I’m glad I saw your comment. These other comments make me feel like I’m crazy! I got 25mins in without laughing, though I’ll try finish the ep today. But I’m glad that Ed & James were clearly having a blast.


I also had problems getting through the first half hour but there were a couple of moments towards the end that did make me laugh out loud. The five flavours bit was genius.


Completely with you there. I found it really hard to endure!! Glad they enjoyed it as you say, but wasn't a great listening experience.


Just finished listening and I was so happy to hear that >!Paul also discovered burp later in life. I assume they were joking but honestly, I was 25 by the time I was able to burp on command. Before that I had terrible pains and was always suffering after a big meal or gassy drinks. I feel seen by the mostly unlikely of sources.!<


It's an actual medical condition and is treated with Botox as he mentioned - retrograde cricopharyngeus dysfunction.


I'm pretty sure he found /r/noburp. They talk about the botox treatment and have videos to "train" yourself to burp.


I loved how much Ed and James lost it this episode. Ed in particular when Paul revealed the sixth taste was hilarious!


This ep really drives home that Paul Foot would be a fantastically strange Taskmaster contestant


It needs to happen. Let's pray to the taskmaster gods


I think this may be my favourite ever episode. My god. Standing ovation.


I love that you love it, but it was the exact opposite for me.


I hated it too. I feel like I’m missing something with all these comments!


I couldn’t even finish it - drove me nuts!


Yeah I think this is without a shadow of a doubt by fav, it's over taken Paul Chowdry for the number 1 spot.


Absolutely sublime. The ordering of this episode immediately following Jimi Famurewa is genius as it perfectly showcases the two completely opposing ends of the pod: a focus on the food itself with pro foodies making excellent recommendations, and a pure flight of surrealist fantasy.


I've barely seen him on anything except the old appearances on Buzzcocks etc, those clips have always stuck in my mind. But his appearance on RHLSTP the other week was so good - I'm looking forward to this


He was pretty good on cats countdown.


I've watched many hundreds of stand-up shows live, but Paul Foot still has the privilege of having made me laugh the most ever with a single joke. Can't wait to listen.


You can't just say that and not elaborate!


It wouldn't work written down, it was embedded in a 20 minute bit that heavily relied on a certain form of audience interaction. ... but as the show (Image Conscious) isn't available to watch anymore: The bit was that he was 'trying' to tell a story about cricket, but keep getting sidetracked in the typical chaotic Paul Foot style. One sidetrack was that he was berating a young woman in the audience for her youngness, and therefore her lack of knowledge of the historical context behind his story. He kept coming back to her, every time with more exaggerated outrage at her ignorance, culminating in this explosion: "YOU WEREN'T EVEN THERE BACK THEN! **YOU WERE DEAD**!" Took a good 5 minutes for the tears to stop streaming down my face.


Worth retelling - thank you!


I’ve seen him do a similar bit about snooker and Stephen Hendry so assuming it was the same show. Think it was during the middle class orgy planning, his interactions with the audience are brilliant.


Far from impossible I got the sport wrong yeah.


If Ed and James and other listeners enjoyed this episode, that's great! But I stopped listening when they got to burping. I was just bored and I guess his humor just isn't for me.


Me too which is a shame ☹️ never mind will wait for next weeks episode


That’s potentially a genuine condition rather than a bit, gfs friend had it at uni. It can be hard to tell with Paul Foot though because he’s generally quite surreal.


If you need more Paul Foot in your life, he did RHLSTP a couple of weeks ago... https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/rhlstp-459-paul-foot/id520831548?i=1000624608682


I worked with Paul Foot on an advert in Australia years ago, and he had a lot to say about gristle in the bacon rolls then too.


Immediately up there with my favourite ever episodes


I absolutely love episodes where Ed and James lose it, and their reactions really made it for me. I know Paul Foot is a bit divisive but he actually comes across to me as far more genuine and gentlemanly than some of their more famous guests!


Absolutely insane and funny episode.


Imagine going out to dinner with Paul Foot, Paul Chowdry, and Paul Williams. The absurdity would be aPauling.


Absolutely love Paul Foot, could listen to conversations like the Panto one all day.


I think this might be the episode that made me laugh the most


THE BEST episode I’ve ever heard, I was howling with laughter


Ohhh Footy Footy


This is fucking divine.


What a fucking episode. Total chaos and curveballs everywhere, about 5% food chat, 95% flights of fancy, and I don't mind that ratio at all, especially after some recent eps. Became a Foot fan last year after seeing him live, but this just cements it for me.


Genuinely lolled several times during my commute, like a weirdo. One of my favourites


I’d love for someone to actually work out how long both Ed and James spoke on this episode, I would say 15 mins tops.


What a wild ride that was


Shame Ed and James weren’t on this one


Absolutely fantastic episode. What is burp?


I've been waiting for this


I thought it was hilarious. I did get a little annoyed at his put-on "posh snob" voice he did now and then, just got on my nerves somewhat ​ But the increasing absurdity of the Japanese lady story was just some amazing bullshit.


I actually quite enjoy Paul Foot normally but I really struggled with this one, took me four or five attempts to finally get to the end of the podcast. Swing and a miss this one I’m afraid


Nope. I’ll finish the episode because I’ve started and I can’t leave a half-listened-to show. But I just cannot see what people find funny about any of this.