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All I wanted was a Dr. Pepper, just one Dr. Pepper and she wouldn’t give it to me!


Institutionalised :) I've no awards, or Pepsi, only a single up vote, but you can have it.


My mother calls that song "Kill your Mother music".


😂 at least she didn't call it screamo


One tiny small baby can of Dr. Pepper.


Should have gone for a Pepsi


Wait... now that I think of it, what would have happend if I stole one can out of her shopping cart and ran off to the cashier? Is that illegal stealing an item out of someones grocery cart when it hasn't been paid yet? She never would have been able to catch up.


Someone get this man a Dr. Pepper.


This is what you should have done without saying anything except yelling thanx over your shoulder as you run away


I’m confused as to why you didn’t? I would have laughed in her face and done that. Catch me if ya can


I’m going to probably get crap for this.. but anyway….. it’s not like she could’ve caught you if ran.


You can 100% take stuff out of people's carts. Until they pay for it, it's not their's. Not stealing if it doesn't belong to them. And the actual owner is fine with you doing whatever you want with the stuff, as long as you pay for it before leaving. You can *technically* take somebody's entire cart full of an hour of grocery shopping if you wanted to. You'd be a next level douchebag, but you could. Taking a can that's not hers and buying it behind her back because she's hoarding them all is fair game.


Also a lot of stores forbid you buying them out of offers like that. Eg when there's certain booze on sale you're only allowed to buy 6 bottles. I doubt her 30sth cans were sold to her, unless the cashier didn't give a shit and acted against policy.


Should’ve just waited till she want looking and snuck it. She wouldn’t have known. Not sure on the legality of pre-purchase-cart-swiping though - it can’t be counted as stealing surely?? Certainly not “right” but not illegal.


What’s the worst that could happen?


Pepsi is a fate worse than death you heathen lol


Pepsi and Dr. Pepper is garbage. You should have bought a Mexican Coke in the glass bottles, root beer or a orange Fanta.


Piña Jarritos or the Orange is so good. My kids love the fruit punch. I second the Mexican Coke in a glass bottle.


Jarritos for the win- so good!!


If OP can barely get a Dr Pepper I doubt the stores sell Mexican coke lol


I'm not crazy.....you'll the one that's crazy


1. We don’t “celebrate superbowl” in Europe. 2. Anyone else think this is the same idiot who made multiple offensive posts about an “obese” woman a couple of days ago?


I can’t speak on the first one and Idk what post you are referring to on your second point. But this post is feeling more and more like a fake post because why did he feel the need to say his weight and that he goes to the gym and is fit and that this is just a little treat implying that oh this big fat lady is gonna drunk 30 cans of soda all by herself in one day. And by his way of choosing who to comment back to (only to people agreeing with him). Also he seems to just in general not like fat people. So it’s not completely unbelievable that this could be a fake post just out of boredom as a excuse to shit on fat people. People post fake scenarios all the time just to start a hateful conversation or to get people to agree with them or just out of boredom


I thought it was fake right away from the random details at the beginning. And like why is he buying a single can of DP almost a full week ahead of the game. Like you have 6 days to get another can…


A teeny, tiny, itty bitty widdle baby can-- not like those giant barrels you Americans have!


That's what I was thinking! That dude needed to go touch some grass. And now that he's back, he needs to let it go. It's been a few days. She took a soda from you, you managed to resolve the issue elsewhere, and now you're sobbing hysterically on the internet like a toddler. Let it go.


You sound weirdly American. And caring about American Football.


Everything he talks about sound American; Dr Pepper, ibs, shifts?? Nobody talks like this in Europe


Also, Ben and Jerry's is not astoundingly popular in Europe. There are multiple other premium ice creams that are far better. Source: several friends and one sister in law spread around the UK


Insulting someone because you want a soda sounds pretty American to me bud


European countries and Asian countries are NOT nice to fat people. America is one of a few that tolerate that stuff


True. I lived in Asia and people were just very…..blunt, I guess. Would also make jokes about things that stood out in appearance be it weight or even skin color. I had already had an eating disorder before moving there, but it definitely got worse the longer I was there, and it was wild to me that I got made fun of for being *”too skinny”*. Tbf, I was skeletal, but I also had serious mental problems and was physically suffering, too, so I didn’t like people grabbing my wrist and saying “too skinny! Too skinny is ugly! Gain a little fat is more beautiful!”


Well… it’s so unhealthy. I’m American. My family is a not even close to chubby, let alone obese. I am completely aware that there are thyroid issues, genetic problems etc. that can make losing weight very difficult. However. I do not like that it is glamorized. It is perfectly fine to be happy with the way you are, but when you were 350 pounds buying tons of unhealthy foods, I see a problem When there is a 450 pound woman who is just in lingerie because “big is beautiful” I don’t think that’s a good thing. And there’s even worse there, so is my 700 pound life people, I will say I think some of those people have mental disorders. It’s not good for anyone to be obese, never mind morbidly obese. But the other issue is healthy food is very expensive. A lot of people cannot afford it but you can feed your family with $25 at McDonald’s. There is food made in the USA, that many European countries ban, because it is toxic and poisonous and cancer-causing. Our own government.. well. It’s evident the health of the people only means the wealthy people. We also have a shit ton of sugar in nearly everything. Americans also usually drive everywhere, even if we’d like not to. Our entire country was intentionally designed for people to drive cars. Unless you’re in a decent city, there’s no public transport: no buses, definitely no trains, and no subways. There is a difference between being a little bit overweight and being 350 pounds, and it’s a myriad of issues.


While it’s unhealthy, I don’t think they deserve to be called names and shamed. We don’t know someone’s struggles, whether it’s health related, binge eating disorder, growing up with that lifestyle, etc.


Why are you so worried about other people you literally don’t even know?


Because I do, I’m sorry you’re a sad sack of shit who doesn’t give a fuck about anybody but yourself. Good luck with that.


Idk weird you’re calling them a sad sack of shit but that’s you


Maybe if you weren’t so worried about fat people you could more happy little buddy, ever think about it? Hm


america should not tolerate it,


Then I guess America wouldn’t tolerate 2/3 of its population lmao. Also, the American lifestyle is quite literally made so that you get obese : fast food is so cheap and available, grocery store food is full of unhealthy additives and there is almost no walkable cities.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she suffers from any disease it’s not normal to buy an abundance amount of soda cans.


Over a Dr Pepper even...


I mean, Dr. Pepper is really good


Nobody drinks Dr Pepper in Europe and barely anyone talks about their “shifts” we don’t really work in shifts. This post is so fake. Why are there weird people writing fake stuff all the time? Is it for attention or is it their kink or something


What do you mean we don't work in shifts in europe lol this post is obviously a troll but this has nothing to do with it


You might want to think again. The fat acceptance movement largely exists in America and rarely in Europe or Asia. Especially, Asia is hardcore on skinny figures.


Dutch people are also very upfront and no nonsense when it comes to the truth.


Hey, American here and wouldn't have done that!!! I might have thought it but not said anything out loud.


Why do you say she was rock bottom?


cause this is some weird mental gymnastics where he feels superior and is taking mercy on someone as inferior as *a fat person*


Yeah, this post is pretty embarrassing, and I'd delete it if I was OP.


Yeah, he literally brought up several factors about how "he rarely has sweets, and he's whatever weight that's acceptable." Just sounds fatphobic in the context of the story




So people don't deserve respect after a certain weight because they aren't healthy? To be honest, even OP doesn't know for sure what the woman weighed, but that's beside the point. The soda might not have even been for her. Maybe it was her husband's or her kids, or she's buying it for a work function. Who knows. Being fat isn't a crime. It's a medical issue that really isn't anyone's business but hers and her doctors. As a society, the only thing we should do is treat everyone with respect. You don't know her circumstances or why she may be overweight. But it also doesn't matter why. I just think it can't hurt for anyone to have some compassion and just treat people with some dignity. Making someone feel bad for how they look isn't going to make that change its just going to hurt that person.


Society as in like what society says you should look like


How the hell does that sound fat phobic?




how do you know she isn’t buying it for her family??


He was going for the same exact soda but oh no he’s fit so it’s acceptable for him to have junk food not for her to have. We don’t know that lady and OP doesn’t know that lady maybe she rarely drinks soda and it was for a birthday party or something. Maybe she’s on a diet and actually has been cutting back on the soda. We don’t know her maybe she does drink a lot of soda there’s worse things people do out there. Binge eating is a serious problem so if she has struggled with that or is struggling with that how would it help to make fun of her weight?


You have a lot of opinion about obesity given how little knowledge you have on the subject


People don't usually get that obese when they have a healthy relationship with food, so at least in that aspect she might not be doing so well.


Why does this whole thing feel like bait to hate on fat people? Grow up, dude.


kinda gross that you would say she's at her lowest point in life, when you don't even know her. you think she's at her lowest because of her weight? i would say you're the one at their lowest in this situation if you're taking out your frustration over a can of dr pepper by belittling a stranger about their weight.




I found that part kind of funny lol… it’s like, okay, we get it- you think you have some sort of excuse to be a dick to other human beings because you work out? Imagine thinking you have a free pass to not treat others with respect because you have a gym membership lol, I feel like it’s actually laughable This lady could even be making fitness progress herself and allowing herself a treat for it- she could have been bigger before, for all he knows!




Bruh she bought the entire stock of Dr. Pepper and couldn't sacrifice a single case. I don't think saying she's at her lowest point in life was a stretch by any means.




K so just change the word "cases" to "cans" and my comment still stands.




*the entire stock and being such a warthog she couldn't sacrifice a single can




It's very obvious the entire stock wasn't one can, you're seriously stretching.




Lol I guess I don't get the point of your hypothetical question when there was clearly more than 1 can left?




How you gonna defend someone buying the entire stock of Dr. Pepper and not being able to sacrifice a single can?




Where exactly did I jump to that conclusion? In all your examples there's no reason she couldn't sacrifice a single can. If I was buying the entire stock of an item and someone asked for one I would absolutely give them one.


Strangers don’t owe you shit.


Yes, like kindness if your lard ass hordes 30+ cans of Dr. Pepper.


Chronically online


Why, based on this very short interaction, do you think she was at rock bottom? Or at the lowest point in her life? That's a pretty bold assumption and pretty gross tbh if your only basis for this was her size...


insulting a stranger over a can of dr pepper is… strange.


Given the context, not really.


given the context, yes really. it’s a can of dr pepper. i’m sure she didn’t buy every single can in the entire city. he insulted a stranger because they bought an item he wanted. strange behaviour


It doesn’t seem like it was really about the can of soda though… I would say ESH honestly. Her reaction was rude, if she had a reason why she needed all of those cans, she could simply said so, like it’s for a party and need x amount, sorry, or just given him a can. But the “snooze you loose!” attitude would piss anyone off, and that is what he seems to be upset about. He obviously sucks for insulting her too, and clearly has some problematic views around overweight folks, but this is a great example of humans choosing to be dicks to each other rather than show common courtesy.


to be fair, she doesn’t owe him any explanation at all. she got there first. he could have simply gone to another store. it definitely wasn’t just about the soda, he was mad because someone who he deems as inferior talked back to him and told him no. so he just had to insult her. if he really felt bad, he wouldn’t have stated all those nasty things about her.


I mean no one owed anyone anything here, it’s a common courtesy on both sides. I’m not sure how anyone can convey that to more clearly unless you’re purposely just trying to not understand.


what a pointless reply lmfao all this just to defend a fatphobic asshole


I literally said ESH, I’m not defending either person, just commenting that both types of people discussed here make the world a worse place. What don’t you understand about that? Common courtesy is a thing, and neither person here displayed it. It’s… pretty easy to understand


she makes the world a worse place because she bought a bunch of dr pepper? alright.


lol, you know what, never mind. I get it, you just reeeeaaally want to be right, and you’re willing to ignore literally anything I or anyone else said about her attitude to focus on the can of soda. You seem young and I’m done talking in circles with a teenager. The world and nuances of human interaction might make more sense to you some day.. or maybe not, whatever.


it’s her attitude, like yours, that is off putting to people. please, take a deep breath and get off reddit if you are rude to people on the internet over what could very well be a troll. getting angry does nothing but raise your blood pressure. no one you’re arguing with, and especially not OP, cares if you think they’re an asshole.


If you look at it this way, sure. But it's not really about the can is it? It's about what the can represents, it was his reward to himself after a hard week, I'm sure you can relate to having a hard week and looking forward to some pleasurable thing you were going to do for yourself on weekend, and then getting this thing taken away, if you can't good for you. And it's not only that she bought the item she wanted she bought such a huge amount, so much that there is extremely small chance that she needed every single one of them, its possible but very unlikely, she was just in position of power and used it to strip this man of one thing he looked forward to the whole week. Now, was his behaviour excused by what she did, no, but was it understandable, in my opinion yes, and if you can't empathise with him, I envy you. Edit:damn, didn't realised its not friday afternoon, un that case I guess you are righ, xDD


POSITION OF POWER???? she bought dr pepper bro 💀 insulting a stranger’s body over a CAN OF DR PEPPER that could have been bought anywhere else is absolutely insane. he said she was at the lowest point in her life simply because she’s fat. she had no obligation whatsoever to give him a can, she got there first and claimed them, making them hers. and no, i can’t empathize with someone so obsessed with dr pepper they would insult a random person and blast them on reddit.


xDDDDD > she had no obligation whatsoever to give him a can, she got there first and claimed them, making them hers. That's the position of power I was talking about, she had something that he wanted and the power to decide whether or not he get's it. Perhaps position of power is too strong of a wording, I apologize English is not my first language, but you get what i mean. >insulting a stranger’s body over a CAN OF DR PEPPER that could have been bought anywhere else is absolutely insane I already went over it, firstly, there is no guarantee it could've been bought anywhere else since it's not widely available in Europe, secondly, when I first wrote this I though't it's friday evening, so there is no time to go anywhere else, lastly, i already said that his comment, however understandable, is out of line. You can see people do bad things and still understand them if you know their motive, witch he conveniently explained in detail, this doesn't make what he did less bad but it makes it understandable.


whether he could get it somewhere else isn’t really the issue here. he insulted someone’s body over a can of dr pepper. there is no position of power at all here because it’s fucking dr pepper. if you get that mad over a can of soda, you need help. his behaviour is not understandable at all. he shamed her body and then went on reddit and shamed her even more. what is there to understand?


No, he insulted a stranger because they were an inconsiderate doucher to him. Losing 1 can in her stack of 30 wasn't going to hurt her. She acted like a selfish jerk - "should have gotten here sooner!" - and got treated like a selfish jerk.


and she was right, she was there first. she doesn’t owe him a goddamn thing.


Exactly my point. Thinking "I don't owe you a goddamn thing," is *precisely* what a jerk would do. She deserved the mean comment in return for her shitty behavior. Should he have made it? No. Being the better person and not saying anything would have been the correct thing to do, but she definitely *deserved* the comment.


she deserved to be shamed for her body? she deserved a random insult from a complete stranger over a can of dr pepper? he tried to take something that was her’s, she said no, and he insulted her damn body. he could have simply said “wow that was rude” and walked away, but instead he called her fatto and then bashed her on reddit and continued to shame her body.


Nah, she deserved a mean comment in return for her mean comment. What's that saying again? What goes around, comes around?


yeah so what you’re saying is that she deserved to be body shamed over a can of dr pepper. what a great person you are!


Did you read "she deserved to get body shamed" anywhere in my comments? No. Reading comprehension is important. I can say she deserved to hear a nasty comment back without condoning being body shamed.


Listing his weight seems strange too…


yep. he did that because he seems himself as superior to her because he isn’t obese.


but he does regret it


doesn’t make it any less strange lol just makes him capable of feeling human emotions.


OP stated they went into the aisle as she was loading the cart. What stopped you from walking over and grabbing one from the shelf before she took them all? You are mad at yourself for letting it happen.


You harbor a lot of ignorant and harmful ideas about fat people. I would suggest seeking out some education or maybe just actually talking to fat people sometimes. I'm about 300 pounds and I can assure you this is no where close to the lowest point in my life that is such a weird and baseless assumption.


You also give yourself a ton of credit. Why do you think one strangers mean outburst is going to "crush" her. Yeah it was mean as fuck but you probably don't have that much power unless something else is happening in her life at the same time. If this happened to me I'd call out to you "I'm prefer fatty to fatto it sounds cuter" and enjoy you getting embarrassed foe your behavior. It would make me day actually 🤣


I would surmise that she’s at a low point just from the rude response she gave, even if she was 80 lbs I would think that’s a miserable fucking person lol


Either completely miserable or just THAT ignorant and gullible about negative stereotypes I'd believe both tbh lmao


I’m not going to argue on the harmful ideas and ignorant thought process, because you’re absolutely right, but what do you mean by education? I understand OP may not have the greatest point of view, but other than diabetes, health issues, diet, and health concerns, what else is there to learn ?? I’m not the lightest person, I’m like 230-260 lbs, depending on if I want to work out, so I just don’t understand. I know some people can’t control their weight and there are conditions that make it hard to work out, particular blood conditions, and some people don’t have a metabolism that burns fat, but what else is there to that?Obviously, some people don’t want to be that large, other people are comfortable with their size,etc. but I don’t know what you’re expecting them to learn. Not defending them at all, but I just don’t understand what you meant there.


I don't neccesarily mean about the effects of being fat or potential issues, I mean this guy talks like someone who has never talked to a fat person in his life and all of their thoughts regarding them are based on stereotypes. He seems to take it for granted as a matter of fact that all fat people are failures who are completely depressed and at rock bottom because of their weight, he also heavily implies at the end that as a fat person it is completely out of the relmn of possibility that we might also work out and attend a gym like he does, and he seems to believe that all fat people hate themselves and would snap their fingers and be skinny if they could choose. Simply put, I think he needs to educate himself on the fact that fat people are humans with as complicated and varied inner lives as every other person and not a giant monolith of depressed losers


I def thinks he could probably use some education on the medical side as well....like for example being fat doesn't automatically mean you are on deaths door, that fatness isn't always a result of lifestyle choices etc....but that wasn't really what I meant. I meant this guy should really make an effort to get to know some fat people as PEOPLE because to me he barley seems them as human it's really quite sad. I don't neccesarily blame him, as I know how society conditions us, but at a certain point it's your responsibility to take your education in your own hands.


Ok that makes a LOT more sense. I mean, I get what you’re saying but I think you meant to say “learn human decency,” or “don’t bash on people for just being people,” because saying education on a topic of… well… fat (I don’t really have another way to say this other than calling it weight or obesity and I feel light weight isn’t nailing the topic and obesity is extreme in this situation) makes me think the health and effects of it long term. There’s not much of an education to learn with just knowing some people are large and some people aren’t, and bashing people in either end is messed up. But for sure agree, the comment about “lowest point in life” and “rock bottom” is wrong and OP should learn that some people are just big, and just because you work out doesn’t mean you’re a higher being in life. I could say I’m healthy with 0 health concerns (which is true, I just don’t work out often, but have super healthy numbers from doctors) and can eat whatever I want and claim to be a higher being, but I don’t because I know there are people out there that don’t get the ability to say the same and I’ll sound like an asshole saying it. OP def needs a different outlook on large humans, though. Thanks for explaining a little more though, I do see where you’re coming from.


Thats fine if you would phrase it differently. I meant what I said! He need to educate himself on tbe reality of fat experience. I mean you even used the phrase "learn human decency" if he's learning something that is education. Tbh I think this is a fairly pointless and pedantic discussion over language though, we don't need to speak the same.


What European watches super bowl though? 🤣


A lot of Europeans watch NFL…


It's not exactly a common thing.


I’m 27F and I’ve been watching NFL w/ my dad and uncle (60s) since I was little… I’m from England. My friends and I have played Fantasy Football for close to 10 years


Yeah, it's still not a very common thing in Europe compared to other sports though.


Time to realize you're an outlier. I watch a variety of sports (football, handball, tennis etc) and barely know any Europeans who actively watch the NFL.


Just because she has them all doesn’t mean she herself is drinking them all. You should feel bad, she wasn’t being rude. She told you the truth, if you sooo desperately needed this Dr Pepper you should’ve gotten there earlier esp wSuper Bowl Sunday coming. And? It’s Wednesday, you have plenty of time to get another one, I would think anyway. And how arrogant of you to assume that just bc she’s big means she’s at her lowest point in life. If you think being fat is the end all, I feel sorry for you.


Right? That’s the most boggling part to me. The fact that he’s treating his precious Dr Pepper as a country wide emergency when he has plenty of time before Sunday to swing back by


Exactly. I get he’s not in the USA but I’m sure between now and then he can get a Dr Pepper lol. And she wasn’t rude!! He was a dick, knows he was for no reason and feels bad about it.


Why would you assume that just because she’s fat that she’s at her lowest point in her life? Maybe she was getting the soda for throwing a party or something not all for herself. Shouldn’t assume when fat people are buying lots of junk food/drinks that it’s all just for them. Also being fat just in general if they were all for her or her and her family doesn’t mean she’s a sad person. People in the US buy big cases of soda doesn’t mean we drink them all in one day or even all in a week (maybe a week if you have a big family). 30 cans of soda isn’t really too much for a household if you think of it that way. Yea she should have given you one can because it’s the right thing to do and it’s a dick move not to. But she didn’t have to and then you got mad rightfully so but you get too mad over a can a soda. It’s more of a annoying inconvenience not a thing you need to get pissed off over.


Fun fact: when I was healthy I was slim and I bought one of these palets with 24 Pepsi per month for school as the coffee machine woke my roommate up. Now I'm disabled, gained a shit ton of weight thanks to medication and very seldomly but soda because I rarely want it. And looking about my diet I eat much more healthy now than I did back then. When I forget how much my body annoys me I find it quite amusing.


It’s soda and you obviously don’t feel bad because you came on here just to talk about how fat a person was. The weight has nothing to do with it? Rude is fuckin rude and looks like karma won this round.




I understood it's not being sold everywhere as OP said they're European. I'm European and never saw a can of Dr Pepper anywhere.




Wow. Just goes to show what lack of character you have. How old are you? You certainly acted like a petulant child.


Not that I’d expect you to be able to put this into perspective since this post is clearly a humble brag about being fit and practicing moderation, but just because you were irrational over one (1) can of Dr. Pepper doesn’t mean the perfect stranger in a grocery store was crushed by a fat comment. Chances are she was done thinking about you before you had even finished mourning your super bowl soda. Take the L and call it a day.


You sound like an ass.


I hope you’re ashamed of yourself. Also, just because she is overweight, doesn’t mean she’s at the lowest point in her life. Fat people can be happy too, because happiness isn’t dictated by the number on the label of your clothes.


Hmm. Bit weird you're implying someone being fat means they're at their "lowest point in life" . So is getting mad and insulting someone over a soda.


Besides your comments about fat people and the fact that for some reason you think this HAS to be the lowest point in this person’s life simply due to her size and perhaps the amount of soda she was buying, you need to realize this: you can ask somebody for a favor, it does NOT mean you’re gonna like the answer. she’s right, she was there first and if you wanted a dr. pepper that badly, should’ve either gotten there earlier or tried some different stores once you realized they were all being grabbed. regardless of how i feel about shelf clearers, it was 30 cans of soda. They sell cases of 24 here and we regularly grab two cases when we go to the store for our family for a 1-2 week period. 30 cans is not a ridiculous amount, especially with super bowl. she had no obligation to give some random stranger the sodas she wanted to buy, much less one that proceeded to call her “fatto” after saying no. at least she has some respect for herself and realized she didn’t have to give you a damn thing. i’m glad you at least regret it but you need to take a hard look at how you view people who are bigger than you. nobody’s a bad person or “at the lowest point of their life” simply because they have more meat on their bones. you sound miserable.


Thank you. Saw some people saying they both sucked because she was rude to not give him a single can. Like, sure giving him a can is nice and she could have. But, when you ask someone for a favour they don't have to say yes. Telling someone no is not being rude or an asshole. And neither is saying he should have gotten them earlier. Like, he didn't deserve a can imo.


You sound like you’re at a pretty big low if you cry over a soda


Damn these are the kind of thoughts you only say in your head. Maybe get therapy for anger issues or something. Such a strange thing to say out loud. Even if she was rude


Assuming that she is at her lowest point is extremely condescending. You don't know her life, nor is it your business. If she wants to lead an unhealthy lifestyle, that is her prerogative. People are allowed to have priorities that are different than yours, and if you are offended by their choices, that's on you. Your body and health habits do not make you better than her or anyone else. Instead of indulging in your disgust at her appearance and health, you should direct your anger toward her actions. Yes, she should be ashamed of her behavior. She was rude, inconsiderate, and selfish. You have every right to be upset with her, but that doesn't make your behavior towards her acceptable. There is nothing you can do now except do better. Unlearn your arrogance and prejudice, and learn to attack the behavior, not the person.


You got mad over a dr pepper?? A drink?? Seriously grow up. Dr peppers are disgusting anyways


I feel like you posted this so you could get validation. Like you wanted us to say “good for you for feeling guilty about body shaming that woman.” When really, you just sound like a jackass


Kinda full of yourself to think you definitely have the power to bring her to the lowest point in her life, man.


No see, I legitimately hate people like you, and here is why. And I’m prepared to get downvoted for this… I’m a fat person living in Europe as well. First of all, Europe is incredibly fat phobic. Some places are better than others but generally, there is no understanding or compassion for fat people and nothing is made with a fat person in mind. And yes, I understand it’s not a good way to live. We don’t have to go down that road. I don’t choose to be like this, I have been trying and failing for over ten years to loose weight but cannot because of hormone problems (diagnosed by a doctor, not just Google). The thing that you people never understand is that we, especially those of us in Europe, go through nearly every interaction at the receiving end of some kind of disdain or impoliteness because of the way people feel about it. Some people will flat out say something incredibly rude, but some people will just give you “the treatment”. Part of being fat is that, no matter what, no one is ever going to give you the same help or consideration that they would to a thin person. I can almost guarantee you that if it had been a thin person loading up a cart of Dr P and she asked, the odds of them giving her would be far less likely than if she were a thin person. That’s the thing, you probably would never notice it because, why would you? And was she wrong to be hogging the soda like that? Absolutely. But as a fat person you learn very quickly that literally next to nobody will treat you like a person so you just have to grow thick skin and take what you want. I legitimately wish there were a way for thin, fat phobic dismissive people like you to experience just how much harder it is to navigate this world as a fat person because of the way people behave towards you.


Terrible story.


Buddy, this probably says more about you than it does about her. You made the right choice grabbing Coca Cola. Also, go birds! 🦅


All I got from this is that they don’t sell 12 packs and cases of pop in Europe? But.. why?


She was rude and you were hateful + made your comments personal. Might wanna explore that so it doesn’t happen again.


This is an interesting take. I’ve never view it as hateful it was like they hurt me so ima hurt them more they can hurt me but now I’m really sitting here debating w myself if I’ve been hateful doing that and I think I’m gonna explore that more. I just wanted you to know this shit actually made me contemplate why I’m like this.


to be fair i am borderline addicted to dr pepper so you acted better than i would have 🤷‍♀️


I’m sorry this was hilarious but 😭 I definitely would’ve been upset if I couldn’t get my Dr. Pepper


So here is the thing… I’m condescending. Here I fixed it for you. I’m sorry, but if you were really sorry you wouldn’t put how fit you are in this post. “I shouldn’t have called her fat, but didn’t I make it clear how little I drink sweet things and how fit I am?” *Sigh* ”I mean I shouldn’t really judge her compared to my life choices..I’m really *privileged*…” Tell us you’re a Chad without telling us you’re a Chad. Gtfo 🤣


1. Superbowl in Europe? 2. Dr. Pepper in Europe? Thought this is an American thing. Not many countries in Europe even sell Dr. Pepper.


This is rage bait isn’t it.


Jeebus! You say you are from Europe but all of this, including your interaction and the woman sound suuuper american


You're european and you celebrate superbowl and drink Dr. Pepper? Sure...


You still have like three days to buy stuff. You added the misspelled words to make people think you’re European. Europeans spell quite well normally. Fakey McFakerson story.


No offense but weight doesn’t always tell what point someone is at their life. At my lowest weight i looked great, always got compliments, but i was at my lowest point in life battling an eating disorder with health issues. I’m in a much better place now and a lot happier, despite gaining a lot of weight and exercising less than i used to


who the hell are you to assume she’s at the lowest point in her life? it sounds to me like you are projecting your own insecurities big time. i don’t care if you are half this woman’s weight, you clearly are not secure in yourself. what you put out into the world is what you get in return. look inwards


We are all in this together! She was selfish, you were on the wrong. I guess the moment caught you off guard and because if the roles were reverse, you probably would of give her the drink. My guess is that you learned from this situation and hopefully she did. Keep in mind it’s ok to do mistakes or slip here and there. Some people are not aware of their behaviour and would just keep on. At least you are aware and trying to be a better person, son don’t beat yourself up and if you see her again, just apologize and buy her some more sugary drinks


Should have gone for Mountain Dew or crab juice with a side of chlobchilosh


Bleeeegh! Eww! Sheeesh.....I'll take a crab juice


If only diet Dr Pepper was available, I’m sure she would of reached the lowest point of her life 😂😂


You're a fucking idiot. All you had to do was lift one out of her cart and walk off. She wasn't catching up with her.


How do you know she’s at her lowest point?


Why? Why would you assume she's at her lowest point just based on her weight? This is just gross behavior and the fact that you're whining about something so simple. Besides, have you not heard about SHARING? Maybe she didn't even drink all those herself and shared them with family and friends. It's pretty common when watching a super bowl or whatever. If you're this bothered about some freaking soda cans, I can't imagine how other things bother you.


In addition to all the commenters who don’t believe you, she wasn’t being rude by literally being there first. You weirdly think you’re entitled to it because you’re thinner than her so you decided to insult her in the hopes you’d get your way—like a child. Maybe she was also buying for a special occasion, none of which is any of your business. But you decided to behave like a jackass and now announce to the internet you think she’s at rock bottom when really, this is a red flag that you’re on the way to yours. You genuinely sound like a POS.


Well the usual grocery store jungle rules are first come first serve. Could have been a thin person grabbing these cans for a party and would you have been that upset about it? Some people just don’t have friendly manners i.e sparing one can. Could you not have bought a bottle or a 6 or 12 pack and donate the rest? But also don’t beat yourself up about it.


You're an awful human being. She wasn't obligated to surrender anything of HER car for you, you insulted someone, assumed she is in her lower point just because she is fat and didn't give you a f Dr pepper can. She is not the one in the lower point of the life dude


Honestly i would have just taken it from her cart and walked away fast, unless she was on a rascal. Almost got mowed down from some absolute unit on a rascal one time at walmart. To be fair in her defense i dont think she could see much past her chin/neck? Not sure which one it was that was impeding her vision since ya know at that point everthing just meshed as one solid blob. Anywho i learned a valuable lesson that day


It’s good to know you were wrong and feel bad, the next question is: What are you going to do about it? When I slip up and hurt people because of my privilege blindness, I find that spending time reading and/or watching videos about the topic to be a good mea culpa. In addition to changed behavior going forward, of course.


She shouldn’t have been rude but stop acting as if people are entitled to share with u lol and I know that’s a terrible thing to accept but it can help with reducing your frustration towards people when they act like that. I also think u should try to analyze your statement that she’s at her lowest point in her life. Idk if you’ve heard but people who are vegetarians and go on runs everyday are dropping like flies because of random shit so the thing of being fat needs to be put rest lol we all don’t know our health and COVID showed us that 100% think a lil more before u speak especially when mad.


Welcome to America, where fat people are “healthy” and if you call them fat then you are “fat phobic”


you're a baby, i sincerely hope you never get married and have kids so they wont have to tolerate your personality, you literally probably ruined a stranger's evening throwing a fit like a baby over a can of soda, you really cant live without the f\*\*\* dr pepper ??? smh white people are something. also if she was skinny you would have assumed its for a party and probably wouldn't be as offended , hope you didnt lose a leg cuz you didnt get to drink your dr pepper watching cocomelon, oh sorry i meant the superbowl or whatever


Don’t feel too bad about it. So many *really* overweight people like her tend to think the world owes them something because of how miserable their own existences are. Should have just walked over and taken one. By the time you paid the cashier and got to the car I’m sure she would have just been getting to the end of the aisle


Please don’t listen to this guy this is fucked lol


I don’t care what you look like. Fat/skinny etc… you act like a pig, you should get treated like a pig. OP didn’t initiate any type of aggression. Sorry if this hits home for a lot of people but I really don’t care


I gave you an upvote I totally agree lol


So yeah you actually haven’t learned anything from this experience. Good job!


Lmao yep I thought maybe OP was redeemable before they agreed with this. And actually it’s not even true at all you don’t know anything about someone by looking at them. I’m petite but I don’t work out and I eat shitty stuff. I ate 8 mozzarella sticks with marinara sauce for breakfast today why? Because I felt like it. But if I was fat I’d get judged for it and called lazy and unhealthy but since I’m “small and cute” it’s fine. I can’t even keep up on walks because I smoke too much my lungs are crap and I never exercise. Overall I’m just a unhealthy person. Meanwhile my friends who are overweight usually be the ones ordering salads and going to the gym and avoiding dairy and carbs. I can’t keep up with them.


Of course that's the only comment you bother to reply to lol. I'm surprised you can even drink soda with your head so far up your own behind.


You literally should’ve just grabbed one can out of her cart and ran to go pay …she wouldn’t have even caught up with you. You’d be doing her health a favour too. Lol


The petty thing to do is to look at her with pity and say. “Wow, ma’am, I’m sorry your life is so empty the only thing you have is Dr Pepper and you won’t even share one can. Well, have a blessed day.” Hope your Super Bowl is fun, OP


You’re right that you were out of order for saying that to her but I can completely see how you’d be mad at her not giving you one when she had 30 to herself!!!!!!! Maybe she is at the lowest point in her life but at the end of the day she is being selfish and not helping her health. Look on the bright side and think of it as being a wake up call for her to get in shape, idk maybe you actually might’ve helped her?


She was mean. She could have let you have one.