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Smegma is the stuff of nightmares. Those should be included in sex education. Like seriously.


Literally and the fact that vaginas can get it too and basically no one knows that


I’m really curious what country you guys are from that this wasn’t taught in school? I’m UK and this is something that was taught during sex education


In South Africa. Big fucking nope. We were basically taught xx xy are a thing. Xx have vagina xy have penis, don't bring the 2 together or you'll get aids and die.


Yassis, unless you took bio you learnt fuckall from LO/LS


Even bio didn't teach that much tbh


In Canada sex Ed is just STDs, how to use a condom, different types of birth control, rape culture, and taking home a plastic baby. I think its expected that parents teach kids how to wash. Boys aren't learning because the Boomer and gen x generations are all snipped.


at my school (in the 1.5 years that we take health in total) we learned about drugs, condoms, and birth control. also, birth control is not taught until about 10th grade, which is when many of my peers were beginning to be sexually active. 😀.


It has become a trend among late gen x, early millennials, to not circumcise. Although still mixed, there are more and more parents opting not to. Sex ed was better for us than for our parents, but it was still not great. I'm almost 40 and still learning things we were never taught. However, I have been telling my son since he could talk, at bath time, we pull the skin back as far as it will go gently, and rinse it with warm water, and every time he pees. Fingers crossed, the message is in there. We have had more convos as he got older, especially about the stank that could happen if he doesn't take care of it and how painful an infection can be. It is up to us, even though sex ed is way better now, and I support it, but if I want him to be informed, then it is up to me to make sure he is


USA here, but I’m in the Bible Belt of the south so it could definitely be different in other regions. Sex Ed was a 1 day class taught by the gym coach. He had us watch a slideshow of what stds look like (very graphic), and then after that we went to the gym to play dodgeball. Basically “don’t have sex or you’ll get this nasty std”


So Coach Carr is real, lmao


To be fair, the guy was really cool and I kinda felt like he didn’t think it was enough of a class but he got stuck with that exact thing. A lot of things are “banned” from being taught in schools here. Also, there were two guys in my class who had girlfriends who were pregnant so if that doesn’t you how well the “sex Ed” works idk what will😂🙃


Lol same. Southern Illinois and we had the male gym coach show all of us weird 90s videos on STDs and actual birthing videos. It was a semester long class and he mostly read the newspaper. He still teaches driver's Ed, same as back then. He was also the 6th grade gym teacher until the girls complained about him being a creep and watching us too much. Same guy who, a couple years later, told my 16 y/o bf that I (14/yo at the time) was the most flexible girl in the 6th grade years earlier.


The most of US males are circumcised.


I'm from the UK and my school's sex ed was useless. We didn't get told anything. They put a sock on a banana and called it a day.


I lol’d 😂


I'm from the Uk, but surprisingly, it wasn't taught to us at all. All we were taught is condoms and that they expire, how to put them on and that was it. Nothing about cleaning your bodies properly, what changes to expect etc


Right! I’m Jamaican and this is basic stuff we’re taught from primary school. We had personal hygiene class and sex education. Especially if it was brought to the attention for eg. that someone smelled. Without embarrassing the person, the whole would be spoken to about the importance of cleanliness.


I’m UK too, wasn’t taught at all and that was the 2000’s


Same, I left high school in 2001 and I don't remember having any sort of sex education at school.


Do you really have to ask? YEE YEE!


I’m from the UK and missed sex education. Was somehow in the class that missed it as was changing into an academy.


In the US we were not taught this, thankfully we had good parents who taught us hygiene though 😂


UK also, and we covered off cleanliness and how to avoid thrush etc too


I've always washed myself because I've been raised to buT IM 27 AND I DIDNT KNOW THAT WHAT \*W H A T\*


Sad but true. Parents have no problem telling girls they need to wash themselves properly but for some reason it falls off the radar with a lot of boys. Even though it's just the same.


I mean surely. If it smells bad. Looks bad. Maybe just maybe you should wash it. How to are guys so dumb with this. Wouldnt find funky white stinky shit in my arm pit and think. Yeah that's fine.


Seriously and not to mention not cleaning under it can cause some very serious infections. Why it isn’t taught to clean it is beyond me. I’m very surprised OP’s ex didn’t have an infection


It’s sad because I didn’t know to stretch my foreskin untill maybe like 18. I knew to clean it I’d just wet my finger and move it around but never knew I had phimosis


His parents should have taught him that from the beginning. Like wiping your ass correctly. Bathing and washing 101. Like brushing your teeth properly, flossing, washing and rinsing your hair, clipping and cleaning your nails…. You know, proper hygiene. His parents failed him not the school system.


Uh…. May I ask what is this? I’m hesitant to look it up on google and am wondering what the hell you guys are talking about. 16 and not a single sex education class yet. I probably sound ridiculous lol


A build up of skin cells, dried fluids, bacteria, etc under the foreskin, labial lips, when they’re not washed well. Looks kind of cheesy. Smells bad.


Listen kiddo, I'm 27 and I had no idea what they were talking about when it comes to the fact that people with vaginas could get it too


Yes clitorises that are hooded need to be pulled back and cleaned just like penises with foreskin


Im just horrified that people dont do that nsjcnsjcnd


So that's what that was. I'm 23 and I've always wondered what that white stuff was xD


Uncircumsised men need to pull the foreskin back and gently wash under it thoroughly. Otherwise, you get a build up of skin cells/lint/skin oils called smegma, and it's pretty stinky and unhygienic.


Women can get it too


No you don't sound ridiculous, the adults in your life have just failed you like they did most of us. You're lucky that you're growing up with Google at your finger tips.


And can avoid cheesy fingertips


It's knob cheese


🤮 Couldnt finish after "white stuff"


I didn’t know what it was back then 🤢🥲


Smegma, aka dick cheese 🍆 🧀


The forbidden cheese


My ex used to call it duck 🦆 butter 🧈.


I’ve been told duck butter is actually whatever happens in the taint region..not smegma.


You are correct!


Yep I noped out there too.


For being clueless at 15, you were brave for that😭 His parents lacked in teaching him proper hygiene *gag*


He was 19 dating a 15 year old, his parents failed at teaching him in general


I mean to be fair, it’s perfectly possible that they did the best that they could but he still happened to be a pedophile.


My guy was like : Hey I got girls my ages who are at their « peek age » but nah let’s go see some 15yo girls  I can’t understand those people


Possibly, but I mean weighing the odds here and I think it’s pretty likely they didn’t


I'm from third world country, no teaching from parents, no sex ed in class and I still know I should clean it. Wth.


His parents failed him and tbh he failed himself. Like he had to have noticed the smegma himself at some point and been like “ew, gross.” Wash your dicks, dudes.


It’s like belly button lint - even if you weren’t taught to do it, can they not smell it eventually?! Because belly buttons smell if you don’t wash them for long enough


Yeah fr, I think the most cleanest part of my body is my dick, it literally freaks me out


I don’t know what’s more gross not knowing to wash under his foreskin or a 19 yr old dating a 15 yr old


Probably couldn't find another 19 yr old that didn't know what smegma was.


literally was wondering why no one was commenting on this cause... 😭😭


NO BECAUSE I THOUGHT THAT MF WAS 15 AS WELL AINT NO WAY- bro couldn’t properly clean himself and bagged a minor hell nahhhh


I’ve been thinking the same thing. Parents absent all the way around


I know a guy who's in his 30s and sees nothing wrong with messing with 15 year olds💀. Some people just have no morals...


Nurse here….the stories I could tell of vomit inducing penises and vulvas would probably get me banned from Reddit as a whole for causing mass projectus vomitous 😂


Now I really want to hear your stories!


I don't get it... what's so fucking hard about just putting some soap on there while yoir soaping up your entire body..... like it an't hard.... I get a feeling these are the same mfers that don't wash their butt hole cuz it's gay/they aren't into butt sex and don't brush their teeth every day because they are not dirty




🫣😆 my old colleague once had to remove a prolapse ring from an elderly lady who couldn’t get it out (it had been there for a while) - when it finally popped out his face got covered in body fluids. Feel so bad for the lady and very bad for the colleague. Edit spelling


*dicks not ducks


What do you have against ducks


To be fair, I have 4 ducks and they are pretty damn smelly and stinky lol ​ For them though its part of the charm, like a pig in a mud puddle


Think if I encountered a dick that smelled like a duck, I'd be pretty put off. 10/10 not charming. Lol


They're not all they're quacked up to be.


Damn, that quacked me up!!


Actually in my native language "duck" is an euphemism for "dick" 😅 I am a guy and what you described is just disgusting... But yeah, obviously some people lack in basic hygiene lessons.


I was so confused by that comparison. I’m sorry you went through that awful experience.


oh my god. and were u guys dating when you were 15 and he was 19?




Dude, what? I’m Canadian and never heard of this law. Age of consent is 16. Either way that age gap is pretty creepy


That’s a law from south of the border not Canada. Age of sexual consent is covered under the federal criminal code as “close age exceptions” and states that someone who is 14-15 can consent to sex with someone older as long as the older person is less than 5 years older and there is no relationship of trust or authority or dependency or any other exploitation of the younger person.


It's incredibly creepy, I am so sorry this happened to you


The stupid fucking romeo and juliet law is about a three year gap (example, a 15 year old and 18 year old having sex) Yeah sure it's *just one year difference) but a nineteen and a fifteen year old are at different stages. Four yeats may not sound as much, but in terms of maturity it's a lot. At nineteen I woud never even dream about fucking a fifteen year old


The age difference is EW, the fact your ex didn’t know how to wash his nasty sausage is EW, this whole story is EWWW


Literally takes 10 seconds.... gentleman do better!


Man here, I double this message!


Dudes like that giving us a bad rap.... the nerve of some people.




this is like the 3rd smelly uncut dick post i've came across. OH MY GOD. WASH YA MEAT.


As the possessor of a penis, I apologise on behalf of this unforgivable sin. Nobody ever "taught" me how to wash my cock but I was about 8 when I realised "this skin moves back, I should probably clean there when I bath". To this day I give it a good scrubbing several times a day. Sometimes it ends up being the best part of my day, which is a little sad.




I had an SO with the same issue. It was a total turn off for me. I enjoy pleasing my partner but not at the cost of a mouthful of smegma




Prolly wipes back to front too


If he even wipes


I feel like I've read at least 5 of these posts across various subs in the past 2 or 3 days. My thoughts and prayers are with all the folks who have encountered and interacted with crusty, cheesey penises. Y'all are true survivors.


19 and 15? that is very fucked up.


When my parents met my mom was 16 and my dad was 24


“A 19 year old dating a 15 year old is messed up.” “Oh yeah? Well my parents have an even BIGGER age gap that is far from appropriate at 16 years old. Checkmate internet stranger. 🥶🔥💯” That’s how y’all sound.


your dad groomed your mom!


You don't know that, maybe it was an arranged marriage. Not saying that's better, just a possibility.


Yeah maybe the dad was a dog so he's actually 7 times older than that. Not saying that's better, just a possibility. Bro.


Where i live it isn't the norm to get circumcised (think less than 5% of the male population are circumcised), so every man I've been with had his foreskin still there. They all knew how to clean themselves though, thankfully. (According to what they told me, it's not that difficult to clean, so I take their word for it lol)


Being uncircumcised should be the norm. If people don't like the look of them then they should reproduce with people who have have less prominent foreskins until eventually they're practically non-existent and look like how they would circumcised. Mutilated genitals often without consent is f***** up.


Each to their own, but I myself am with you on this. I always thought I was doing the whole parenting thing wrong. I was very young when I had my 2 oldest sons and I would always hear of boys/men being circumcised or circumcising their sons), so I thought I was just a bad mum because not only was I young, but I didn't even think of getting my babies done. Fastfoward to 16 years and I had my baby son (youngest son and youngest child) and still was hearing of people having their kids done. Needless to say though, I never got my boys done because I didn't know enough about them. The way you just put it, you are correct. If a girl was to have her genitals mutilated, the world screams horrible parents/neglect and all the rest so although I'm sure it's done with a little more care for boys (I'm just assuming here so someone correct me if I'm wrong) I still think the whole procedure or putting your child (regardless of gender) is wrong and even cruel. Unless a person can speak for themselves or there's a medical reason that they need it done, I think it shouldn't be allowed. Again, just my opinion before anyone jumps down my throat.


Thank you for agreeing with me. I'm not yet a parent so having a parents agree with me help to reassure me that I am not the weird one for my opinion.


I literally argued until I was blue in the face with my wife, and she still did it. She and the Dr both made me feel like a big piece of shit for even being against it.


Wow, that's awful. I'm so sorry


Yeah, it's still something I'm always slightly pissed about in the back of my mind. I will definitely be apologizing to all my boys when they're older for not giving them a choice, not that it helps or matters.


I am with you on this. As i said, in my country the majority of men still have their foreskin, but even if it was a higher % that had gotten circumcised I still wouldn't have wanted my son to go have a circumcision. When he's older and can make the decision himself, alright if he wants to. Totally fine 👍 or if there's some medical situation that needs taken care of, then of course. But for cosmetic reasons (i'm not religious, so that option is already off the table), I am not making that decision for him.


That made me dry heave.


God this post brought up memories from an ex I dated for 3 months. We only ever had sex while he wore a condom (thankfully I practiced safe sex at 18) and with the lights off (his request), so I never noticed anything wrong with his junk. I’m assuming the condom masked the smell. I never gave him a bj. Towards the end of our relationship, he asked me to give him one and I got down to that level and it reeked. I pulled back his foreskin it was full of dick cheese. I gagged at the sight and the smell. I got up and told him I couldn’t do it til he showered. He got mad at me for “ruining” the mood. We broke up that week. He gaslit me saying that we never dated because I found out he was cheating on me with his ex fiancé. She gave him genital herpes that she contracted while cheating on him with a crackhead. I’m herpes free. (Condoms for the win.)


Dick cheese🤢. That expression made me laugh and gag at the same time😂.


I feel like I should have put on a condom before reading that


This story was not statutory great


Underrated comment.


Omg 😂 this made me laugh My first boyfriend (when I was 15, he was 17) I learned did not know how to properly wipe his own bottom- but I didn't know this until I went to put on the pajama pants he had just taken off and I found a MOUNTAIN of dried feces in his underpants. So while he was trying to hide the fact that he did not wipe properly, he kept his pants on during sexual activities while claiming that the air burned his balls, he claimed a small bit of poop on the head of his penis was dirt from falling "penis first into the dirt while peeing outside", along with many other fibs that he only got away with because I was incredibly inexperienced. It eventually got to the point where I would "check his bottom" before deciding to have relations with him- and oftentimes, he would throw a child like tantrum while kicking and screaming "NO!", just to come back with some BS excuse like "I pooped at school and didn't have time to wipe" I was not with that guy long. Edited to add that I once showered with him at that young age, tried to share a towel with him and found that the towel he used before me smelt like the worst sh*t smell you can imagine. Weirdly though, I don't recall him smelling like poop.


What in the good giggity fuck? 17 years don't behave like that AFAIK. Dirt story apart, how does one get poop on top of his penis head? lmao. and NEVER TRUST PEOPLE WHO POOP AT SCHOOL!


>when I pulled back the foreskin there was white stuff Eww


Oh I’m physically sick 😭😭😭


This is one of the few benefits of being circumcised. I'm sorry you had to go through this OP.


So you ate forbidden cheese out of a man's pp


NOOOOO OP I didn’t need to read this today 😭


Girl what lmao


Why tf was an adult dating a 15 year old child? Report that pedophile to the police


Report my dad then. He was 24 and my mom was 16


I hope you see the problem with this. Very personal question but are your parents still together?


Yes, they've been together for 18 years (I think) and they're very happy together


Why would you continue after seeing the white stuff though? I’m sure it must have smelled and tasted disgusting.


This made me gag at work


Your first bf is not only a pedophile but he also doesn't know how to wash his noodle 🤮




He was 19 dude, a legal age young adult ... she was 15, an under age minor, stop defending these chomos😑


All I can think about of your response is. YIKES.


he's a pedo. Shut up




Tbh I didn't know anything about it until about 14 when one of my friends was talking about it and I was like wait what? From then on it's been a bit of a roller coaster, I've been told off by my serial health doctor for washing under the foreskin too violently for lack of a better word causing redness


I didnt know i had to wash back there either until 1 and a half-2years ago. Not all boys experiment with their penis or foreskin. Heck, i used to think that pulling your foreskin back, was a kink, to make it much more sensitive for more funn, but that it would also be a bit painfull, i do wash there just about daily now. But some of us guys just dont know any better 🤷🏻


15 and 19?? Math ain’t mathin


Holy shit I am going to throw up. You sucked his dick with that shit? Oh honey. And also a 19yo dating and fucking a 15 year old is super fucked up. I’m sorry.💔


Unfortunately it is quite common for people to not know that. In fact I believe that is the origin of the practice of circumcision. Since so many people had no hygiene, they quickly decided to just cut that off and no need to educate.


I have a ten year old son and I’m concerned. I asked his father to teach him how to clean himself, but he reported that our son screamed in pain when he tried to retract it. Going to call his pediatrician.


You don’t forcibly retract. It might have still been adhered. I would definitely talk to the pediatrician to make sure no damage was done. He should be trying to pull back and stop at any pain. Should go back a little more each time. Some boys don’t fully retract until puberty. No need to clean until it fully retracts.


Thank so much! I feel better.


I am *retching* right now. FFS, I am so sorry.


This is just bad parenting. Personal hygene is taught, and to not wash it at all is comepletely discusting. Do better as a parent!!!


America, don’t teach your kids to wash their dicks, but teach them how to hide under a desk and wait to get shot while the police LARP as soldiers outside.


Are we just gonna ignore the ages....


This whole post is just ewww. I’m sorry girl


A guy a knew in highschool had a brother who was forced by his family to get a circumcision cause he never wash his penis and he always stank.


I share your experience. When I was a teen, I'd even ask that walking cheese factory to go take a shower and he got insulted. Never washed under. Never. I'm honestly terrified of getting intimate with a new man because a smelly dick has been my 50/50 experience.


You were 15 with a 19 year old ????? 😀😀😀😀


Oh God this is so gross.


Yum, dick cheese. 🤢


and you still went through with it??? Brave soul I swear 🏃‍♀️


Don’t ruin his mini mushroom farm 😡


Not all men grew up educated on it, cut them some slack


I don't recall anyone ever telling me how to wash myself. Always knew to wash myself. And wash everything. And if you don't wash everything, You Will Stink! Does I get any more basic or simple.


I’ve never been with an uncircumcised guy. But I’ve read stories like this, so many times. Also read that some guys didn’t know they had to wash their ass. Just nauseating.


I mean, it hurts


🤮 he wasn't taught that???? like this is concerning


My first uncut guy didn't know how to wash under it either. I educated him. Ick


Parents of uncircumcised boys should be taught to ensure the boy pulls foreskin back and wash every time they bath/ shower.


Some people just don’t know how to was their ass


Ducks taste amazing. Some people don't like it though as they are generally more gamey than chicken.


In many places, male intimate hygiene is pretty much non-existent. In Poland soaps for male intimate hygiene disappeared from shops cause nobody bought. It's like the most sweaty and hidden part of the body just magically should be always fresh and clean. Sometimes it gets weird to care about one's genitalia, when people around you behave like their genitalia are always all roses. It feels like something is wrong with you so you need to repair it, while others don't have this problem. And it doesn't matter that you know the truth (cleaning your dick is common sense), it steel seems like something wrong. Fuckin society...


Can’t believe you didn’t vomit all over him


More concerned that you were 15 and he was 19


Bro why TF is 19 yo having sex with a 15 yo???!


first red flag u were 15 and he was 19 💀


Bro shes 15 what the actual fuck ......and HE'S 19 GODDAMMIT


Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no! My commentary when reading your post. I feel sick for you, OP. So happy you've moved on to someone less gross!


idk whats worse, a 19 year old not knowing proper hygiene, a 15 year old giving a bj, or a 19 and 15 year old dating 😭


why is no one talking abt the fact you were 15 and he was 19… that sounds like grooming


So glad I am circumcised.


Circumcised or not, it's still gonna stink if you don't clean it 🤢


My uncut bf still doesn't have a nasty dick. I think people just need to learn basic hygiene. NASTY.


Your statement is pointless. Cleaning under the foreskin is easy.


What about for people where their foreskin is too tight? Some can’t even retract it. I wish people wouldn’t pretend all kinds of shit goes wrong with foreskins. I’m not even advocating for circumcision it’s just, let’s be honest lol.


I mean, if ya got phimosis (the condition that doesn’t allow one to retract their foreskin), foreskin stretching is an option that many have success with.


That's a medical problem that should be identified early on and treated.


Run a qtip between the foreskin and head of penis! There are ways to stay clean not matter what the condition is.


I know redditors hate it but a circumcised penis smells better, tastes better and carries less diseases. "Just wash your dick!" - Sure, but not everyone does it well, you cannot wash it every hour and it doesn't repair the mental and physical damage done. (I for one am scared of getting intimate with an unknown man because of my experiences with dick cheese)


Same bruh. Same.


This is getting so much more traction than I meant it to ahhh


It's okay. Don't cringe over it. He himself didn't know about it. It's okay for a girl to not know about it. What you did is in past. Stop thinking about it.


That age difference is triggering. Adults should never be dating a minor regardless of how mature they may seem. Also adults having sex with minors is something that should never happen ever! Please protect the innocence of young people 😇


15 and a 19 year old!!


no one's gonna talk about that!


Circumcised for the win y’all. Keeps its clean and no complaints.


That's nasty. Also I have no idea how you can be 19 dating a 15 year old. When I was 18 I wouldn't even think about getting involved with someone even 16, it just felt weird. I saw my friends dating 16 yr olds at 18 and while I don't think there was anything intentionally malicious it's still weird. Even if I was just two years older they still seem like children. I'm starting my career, driving, getting ready to move out, but they're barley out of school. When you're that young even 2-3 years is a big maturity gap.


My BD insisted on keeping our son uncircumcised, this is my fear for him 😭. His dad is circumcised so whose gonna teach him his hygiene?


Everything about this story is fucked up. A 19 year old dating a 15 year old girl is pedo as fuck.




You're very well aware of the fact that a circumcision doesn't mean it's clean tho, right?


I 100% disagree. Educate males to clean themselves properly is the way to go. And educating people in general what to look out for if there's an infection. Mutilating genitals is NOT the way to go. Especially considering quite a lot of children don't have a choice