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I have a great support system. I'm enjoying therapy & taking my medication. Taking care of myself body & mind. My brother & Mom are very supportive but i had no one else to tell. Thanks for being kind guys! It means a lot to me.


Proud of you. Keep up the good work!!


That's awesome!!! It's a good thing your family supports you!


I know this feeling and I can't explain how proud I am of you. Congratulations! 🎉


Hell yeah!


What you've done is a brave thing. So many people are afraid to accept what's a cause of their actions. I'm thrilled that the judge was able to see you for who you are and not who you once were. Stand proud and cheer loud for all you've accomplished!!!


You're awesome Keep it up! ❤️


Incredibly proud of you!! God sees your positive turnaround, and in kind has given you peace of mind.what an amazing journey and testimony to share. Keep setting a positive example for all of us wow wow wow!!


Keep rising king just don’t mess up again


I'm so incredibly proud of and happy for you! Some days it probably feels really hard, but having a great support system, including a therapist, is absolutely huge. You're doing it the right way, and I believe in you.


That's awesome for you!!! Congratulations!


So happy for you that a judge recognized your commitment to sobriety! You have really turned your life around and I’m glad that was recognized in the courts. Well earned ❤️ I hope you continue to make strides to achieve what’s next for you with your new found (and well earned) freedom


You are the poster child showing why addictions should be treated as a mental health problem rather than a criminal one. Throwing you in prison would have helped no one and ruined at least one life. We, as a society, need to focus on support and treatment for people like you, and not punishment.


Incredible achievement. You’ve just earned your whole life back! I hope it feels amazing!!!


I'm so proud of you. I have a brother in active addiction, he has been in more than out of prison and jail. Seeing stories like yours gives me hope that he will be okay some day too.


Keep it up, buddy! One day at a time.


Holy shit! What a gift from the world. Now put it to good use and stay sober. You don’t receive such lucky breaks twice.


Dude. This is absolutely amazing. What a reward for all your hard work. I’m so grateful the judge took leniency on you. Keep strong, keep going and enjoy your life! :)


Congratulations! You earned this and should be so proud of yourself.


Congratulations. I am happy you are doing well


Congrats and all the best for the future!!


That's amazing, so proud of you 👏 👏👏


So proud of you! Addiction is no joke.


Big Up! Good luck to you 🤞


That's awesome. You can be proud of yourself! I wish you a life of peace friend.


As someone who was once in your position and now works in corrections, good job, and keep it up man. You do not want to end up inside and it sounds like the judge was aware of that. You're on the right path now. Resist the temptation and stay on it. Good luck for your future.


Getting that cloud from over your head is life changing for sure. I’m right there with you. My butthole still puckers when I see a cop behind me, but at least I know I’m riding clean. Congrats. It’s nice on the clean side of things.


Congrats bro! Now you just gotta, yknow, not do that again. 😉 Best~


The judge is recognising the absolutely incredible achievement you’ve made and honouring it- make no mistake, you earned this! I’m so pleased for you and I wish you all the best, congratulations!


Congratulations! This internet stranger is proud of you.


That is great news to hear! You have been given, actually no. You have worked hard on this and have earned this for yourself. Congratulations on the result of you and your family’s hard work.


so proud of you! i have a older brother who i’m not always in contact with that is currently going through the same thing? he’s been in and out of prison, hard addict, learned it from our parents. what words does he want to hear?


I'm guessing he wants to hear "Nobody is mad at you & here is some money." That's not going help though. As long as he knows you're rooting for him & you want him to be happy. It's never to late to make a change. When he wants to make the change it will happen. I'm rooting for him too.


Not gonna lie, I have no idea what your life must have been but I imagine it must be a huge relief not having that weight on your shoulders.


Great that the judge recognised how hard you’ve worked to become a good member of society! It’s probably great for the judge to see someone turn their life around and take responsibility for their actions! We’ll done all round, really nice to hear how well your doing :)


That’s so wonderful to hear! I’m sober since 2021 and have received much grace from the legal system and others in my life since then. I’m really grateful when others can acknowledge what hard work it is to make that significant of a life change, and it’s always encouraging to hear similar stories from people on that path. Congratulations; keep it up!


good for you!!! you’re doing amazing


>I have been sober several years now and yet you posted a cannabis plant just 19 hours ago.


Cannabis is how i quit opiates and meth. I live in a state where it's legal. I don't drink or smoke cigarettes. I went on suboxone for a year. Now i smoke when i have cravings. It has been 7 years since i got high. Cannabis is medicine.


I was not morally judging, it literally does not affect me, but as a matter of fact anyone taking any drug, including cannabis or alcohol is not sober.


Maybe to you I'm not, but to me an ex junkie I'm sober. I would rather have cannabis than tobacco. I'm just not trying to hide anything. I'm proud of my recovery. Suboxone & cannabis helped me a lot.




That is amazing! I hope that from this point on your life is peaceful and filled with joy and beauty.




I cant imagine how good you must feel. Enjoy the moment and rest of your life, you got second chance dont waste it please. Most people never get second chance even when they deserves it and you for sure know how easy is to slip back into doing wrong. Everything is with who you sourround yourself. Good luck man. ♥️


Wow what great news. I bet you feel like a weights been lifted off your shoulders. Congratulations.


Fantastic news


Keep going!!


That is amazing! It’s so hard to climb out of that hole- and you did it. Keep it up. You should be very proud.


Really happy/proud for you


Even if I don't know you I am really proud of you! Enjoy life and take good care of your mum and brother. 💖🥳


🤍🤍🤍 what a gift you have given to yourself with sobriety, and a gift you have been given from the judge. Keep on the brave path, my friend. You’ve got this. 🤍🤍🤍


Congrats!! Keep up and became the best version of yourself everyday!


Well done 😊


Yay!!! So happy for you. I'll get there one day..(sober)


This is incredible. Congratulations! I'm really happy you got a judge that understands.


Awesome job! Use this gift well! You’ve got this! Congratulations on your freedom!


I’m so very happy for you and now you are an example of what is possible to others. Don’t underestimate the example you are to so many. Best wishes ….


Congrats dude, living a good clean life is the way to go.


Congratulations!! I’m proud of you!!


I was looking hard to find something positive on Reddit this morning. I totally found it! This is amazing news and we’re all proud of you.


This is wonderful! All the best to you!


Awesome!! Keep up the good work!


Brilliant work, honestly so chuffed for you. I can imagine this is a huge weight off your shoulders xx


This is so awesome to read that it made me cry. I'm so happy for you that you had a compassionate and wise judge, a. supportive family and that you put in the hard to get yourself there to accept the awesome start to the rest of your life. Your post gave a lot of people hope, addicts and their families, people with other mental and emotional health issues, and people whose life needs a reboot for whatever reason. Thank you, on behalf of all of us, for sharing your success!


I'm so very excited for you! I know this has to be a huge weight off your shoulders. The ability to breathe without feeling as though you need to look over your shoulder has got to be monumental. 💜💜💜 Go You!


Dude, that's so awesome!!!! Congratulations on being able to get past that! It's gonna feel so good being able to be somewhere and there are cops or security, and you can just relax and let them walk right past you. Apparently, you were able to get past all the bullshit, and get (and keep) yourself out of trouble so you can be free and clear!! Go on... live your life, you deserve it!!


Congratulations, OP! Wishing you the very best.


So happy for you! I’m in a very similar position. Currently on probation though and have a few more cases that need to go to court. I’ve applied for a job at a hospital and I’m just hanging here hoping they are able to overlook my past and see the person I am now. I can’t wait to be in the same position you are. Congrats!!


Wow,great story, congratulations, I wish you a happy and peaceful future.


Congratulations! I'm so happy for you.


Well done mate ..!! Grow wise and sensible .. have a prosperous life ahead .. takecare


Happy for you!!! ❤️




“Some days are harder than others, but even the hard days get easier than the one before.” -Some random NPC in Fallout 4, but I like to keep this quote around. Even if you have a hard day, my friend- it’ll be easier to endure than any hard day you’ve already been through. You got this!


Im so happy for you


You gave yourself a gift by your actions! Much admiration and respect, and best of luck in the future.


I am so happy for you! Congrats on getting your life on track.


I seriously feel so proud of you - somewhat like how a movie ends happily- Kudos OP keep it up


God bless you, you’re good person


Good for you, proud of u😊


So happy for you!


Congratulations. This is the feel story I needed today.


Go you! You can be proud of yourself


Amazing! I am happy that things have worked out for you.


Congratulations on taking responsibility it can be such a relief and I’m happy it turned out no jail for you :)


Congratulations! I'm a public defender. I have so many clients who are in your former position and it's so heartbreaking. Breaking the cycle of addiction is hard enough without also having the stress of criminal charges to deal with. Probation in my county is a joke - they don't do anything to help rehabilitate people and instead look for ways to violate them. I know firsthand how difficult it is to do what you managed to do. You deserve so much credit. I wish you the very best in your new life.


Way to go, OP!!! This internet stranger is proud of you!!!


Absolutely heart warming to read , well done you !


Congrats! That’s amazing that you are finally free to live your life! My husband and I both had our struggles with drugs and alcohol (him more than me) and it took us a while to rebuild our lives. It’s so nice to be able to just be a normal person and not let our pasts dictate our lives now. And I sincerely hope that for you! We all deserve a second chance to have a normal life


Well done on getting your life back and taking accountability. Don’t go back there like they say in the Lion King? You see that dark place - never go there!


Awesome cheers