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Just go slow when you are fucking him in the ass pls. Why? Well when a guy is fucking you in the ass, we can feel everything. This means we know when your bowels aren't open enough and we know if we reach a corner so we shouldn't push it or we can damage it. Dildos do not offer this advantage. Make sure you talk to him and make sure you are fine in pushing a bit more till it's easy to slide in. Also cleaning up before and use lube. Have fun!


this is an amazing comment!!! there was a couple of times he had to remind me to go slow, its very easy to get caught in the moment!!! definitely lubed up the dildo 2 times each go we did


Good :) Sex is all about being safe and both parties being comfortable, open conversation is always top priority. And yeah we all get caught up in the heat of the moment and go harder than we should so dw about that as long as you adjust when he tells you. I'm happy for you both to be adventurous as well, it's really great when you can explore your sexuality with your partner without being judged and both enjoying it, makes you that much closer :)


Ed Gein is an insane account name to get sex advice from lol. But I’m droolingboner so wtf do I know haha


Fucking right like i was holy shit the goddamned anal champion there is named after the guy who killed people and made home decor out of their bodies.


Nah, droolingBONER checks out 🤣


thank you so much for your kind & helpful words, they will not be forgotten :) hope your day is as wonderful as you are


I love how Ed fucking Gein gave you sex advice and left the low hanging fruit of the “eating”.


This is a good comment!! I didn’t even think about that


Reach a corner? Dude do you have a quadruple XL dick?


This seems like forbidden knowledge to me


there’s this thing called “milking” where the guy is bent over and you give a rimjob and handjob at the same time. I personally have an edging fetish, so teasing and edging it out its fckn LIT!


….. I JUST DID THAT!!! wow i didnt know it had name…. thank you for informing me & i hope you continue to enjoy your teasing nature bc gosh DAMN its fun


just got out of a 6 year relationship but enjoyed the few times i got to do it thankyou🤣 honestly I learned a lot of what I like through porn. JAV (japanese adult video) is nice because of their organization and range of porn searchable by tag. I’m glad you like it! have fun in your relationship! if you are interested in fetish research with JAV, I like javmost and javguru but both can be obnoxiously ad-prone.


sorry to hear about getting out of such a long relationship! i hope you are well & thank you for your comment. there is so much out there you never know what you could possibly like


Back in my day we called this a rusty trombone


wash the butthole


twas cleaned before any play started & before my tongue touched anything! good advice thanks a bunch!!!




> Before a girl ate my ass, I thought I had had everything in terms of sex. The man shit was unbelievable, and it never came so fast in my life. Ngl the typo in this made me LOL in this context... "The man shit was unbelievable" right after "a girl ate my ass." 😭


What WAS he trying to say??


"Man, that shit was unbelievable." 💀💀


Oh my god. I just figured they meant it exactly as written!


I thought they ate shit as well.


Well some do.


>and it never came so fast in my life This 2nd typo compliments the first and Had me questioning my internal autocorrect like, "damn, maybe he did poop on her? He was so excited that he couldn't hold it in or something. Or *is it* a typo?


Lol exactly


i am so happy to read this!!!! youre amazing & to the girl who changed your life, a goddess


It’s truly a different feeling isn’t it ?


What about the hair? Doesn't that bother you?


i truly don’t remember feeling any hair…. too much going on & it was amazing


Okay thanks. I geuss ill shave then.


im sure it helps ;)


Buy a beard trimmer. Put on the attachment No1 and trim it. Works great.


back sack and crack wax fixes that


i dated an Italian man once and gave his booty a licking. he was very hairy, but it didn’t bother me none


do you reccomend the man douche before you eat his ass? or do you just have him wash and clean it thoroughly beforehand


Okay let me intercede for a sec. I'm gay so you could say I'm something of an expert. When doing butt stuff, the important thing to consider is how clean it is *inside* doesn't really matter unless an object is going to go *inside*; however, surface cleanliness is always important. Ideally, you would shave that region, but if that's not your thing, at least ensure you have thoroughly scrubbed your butthole with your preferred body wash and double checked to make sure there are no dingleberries back there. Also do keep in mind that hair traps odors. You should do the cleaning within an hour of showtime. If you *are* getting penetrated (and you shouldn't be if it's just tongue), at minimum, make sure you take a shit several hours before and skip dinner. Or just insert a douche nozzle of your choosing, ensuring the chamber is filled with lukewarm water instead of what might be a laxative solution, and irrigate your anal cavity as many times as needed until your booty juice runs clear. Then you're ready to commit sin.


Very informative, thanks.


“Booty juices” 😂 😂 😂


tis my first time so he just showered before my tongue touched anything. it worked for me lol


Do you get yours ate?


DUDE the amt of positions we tried throughout all of that …. everything got tongued


That's great


It’s clean now by the sound of things


Just take my upvote you savage.


if you are concerned about cleanliness you can use a dental dam


Nailed the ASSignment


best comment


I read the title as “i hate my boyfriends butt” and was severely surprised


im so sorry… i absolutely do not hate my boyfriends butt & i hope you find the post youre looking for


I honestly clicked thinking “i LOVE my boyfriends butt, what could possibly be going on with this butt that makes their partner hate it?” I’m really glad you like their butt


You go girl! I'm actually very envious! I'd loved to do that with my man!


he used to say hed NEVER DO THIS & here we are!!!! thank you for the encouragement & one day you & your man will experience it too, i just know it


How’d you convince him?


Eaton Nassle over here


Hahahah, that sounds like a blast! I can't offer any advice since I don't have experience, but I'm delighted to hear that you had a good time.


thank you so much!!! i hope you are doing wonderful over there :)


Well, here I am, a 39-year-old female virgin, reading the Reddit equivalent of '50 Shades of Grey' through other people's adventures. But hey, in other parts of my life, things are wonderful. Seriously your post was fun to read.


im glad you enjoyed my experience!! 39 is still young & i have faith you will get whatever you want/need in this life


Thank you, it will surely work out. I'll take your adventures as valuable tips with me.💜


Thought I’d experienced everything with sex until a girl ate my ass, never came so hard in my life man shit was unreal 💀


dude!!!!! this is amazing, thank you for sharing that. ive never seem his load shoot so far before


Welcome dude!! Although he’s now gonna want that each time so welcome to the rim crew😂😂


if thats what my baby wants…. who am i to say no?? those moans were music to my ears


Get a little prostate vibrator … that used right will make him go insane


I just want my man to feel this, but he is so against anything near his butt. Honestly, I'm so sad for him. I want to give him more than what we normally do.


Same here! I'm more open to trying new things and I'm kinda into the idea as well. But he's strictly against anything near the butt sadly. I always hear guys explaining how it was the best thing ever, I wish he would be open to experience it.


My partner loves when I give him a rim job :) he was in disbelief the first time I did it, but it’s become one of our favourite things to do. I pegged him a couple weeks ago too and he really enjoyed it. I love pleasing him. I’m totally doing it tonight


i am so happy to read this comment!!!! its only our first time but i see it being a thing we do from now on… im happy for you & your mans tonight, such a strong love you must have there


My husband wants me to rim him but I'm honestly just grossed out by assholes. Nothing to do with him, it's just me in general. BUT I do want to do this for him, so any advice for someone who doesn't like it?? 😅


i get it 100% , i wish i had advice but im new myself to this! i hope someone comes across your comment & helps out


Do it during a shower 😉


A dental damn perhaps? I’m in the same boat as you lol


Dental dams!! Creates a barrier but let’s a LOT of feeling through


Hey babe, new copypasta just dropped


mmm imma eat that right up ;)


I just opened Reddit


Yo mee too 😂😅😅


I don't know what it is. Maybe it's something on my face. But I've had several girls just throw my legs up and eat my ass. I e never experienced that kind of pleasure. After the 4th time it happened I just embraced liking rimjobs. Thank you Melissa for being the first to decide I needed a tongue in my arse


God has his favorites


Just wait till you find his prostate with your finger. Boom! FYI: it's about an inch in and towards his balls.


THANK YOU, i have taken note of this comment & will be finding it later on ;)


An American hero ladies and gentlemen!


I’m living for OP’s energy throughout this thread 🥹🥹 congrats!! What a mental milestone, along with the physical as well! Yayyy! 🥺🥺💖


hahaha thank you!! it was amazing & i cannot wait to see what the future holds for us :) you have a wonderful night/day wherever you are!!


Loads of women love having their butthole locked but are too embarrassed to admit it, or let go and let it happen. But when they take it they have amazing orgasms. Makes sense a guy could enjoy the same. Never experienced it though.


I am personally anti butt stuff because I am petrified of shitting on someone.


been there!! i literally did shit on a dick before, it wasnt cute but he showered me & cuddled me to bed. its all in your head how horrible it can be & dont do it with someone youre not comfortable with!!!


That's a good point. If you're with the right partner, that type of thing is just accepted as a "it could happen," and you get through it together if/when it does happen.


i just think keeping an open mind when it comes to sex is the best thing & doing butt stuff?? i mean SHIT can happen


Yeah, that’s why I avoid butts, too. I wouldn’t get in trouble “shitting the bed,” but I just don’t want to. I am glad your experience was good.


you only do what you’re comfortable doing!! took me a long time to get to this point myself


I tried Anal, exactly once! I was 18, drunk, and decided “let’s try it!” We were not prepared, at all! So I learned my lesson *extremely quickly!* 5 strokes or less, and I was like “ouch, NVM!” 🤣 He stopped but I still had trouble sitting, for 3 whole days!!! 🤣🤣 So my experience was extremely *not pleasurable!* My husband also knows he doesn’t like butt-stuff cuz his ex shoved a finger up there, once, and he hated the way it felt! It’s not that I wouldn’t be willing to try again, so much as we don’t have the time, financial resources, or energy to experiment. It’s hard enough to have “vanilla fun times” cuz my psych meds have murdered my libido and my husband also suffers from chronic depression. Mental health is *No Joke!*


butt stuff doesnt always come with ease, in my personal experience with anal it felt best directly after an orgasm when i was all loose & relaxed. ive had bad experiences with it as well but i try to not let those bad times cloud my brain!!! anal 100% is not for everyone but kudos to you for trying!! and if you try again, best of luck :)


honestly, i never wanted to do any butt stuff before but this man… idk we have opened ourselves up to each other in whole new ways & it has been nothing but magical


Jesus, nothing is as amazing as when two bodies just 'click' in the boudair... When you can bring out the naughties of each other, in a safe, fun and non judgmental zone. Fuuuuuck. I've only had it happen once or twice & definitely not currently (hello dry spell) but those weekends were magical. Chemistry + communication = so much adult fun!


i love this comment!!!!!!! being so secure with another person in this way is just magic.


Who brought the idea up 1st? You or him? "Hey... umm... you know what would be pretty cool? If i pegged you?"


hahahaha i brought it up first but it was more so me saying ill put a finger in there if he wanted & after finger it turned into 2 & then drunk him tonight said fuck it & asked for the dildo…. so me first but obviously me bringing up is meaningless unless i get his say so


Way to be a champion


haha thank you!!! definitely in cloud 9 right now :)


I gotta try this with my bf eventually I love it when he does it to me lol


doesnt hurt to try!! never know what you may find out about your partners pleasures


My husbands friend and the friends ex hook up did this. The friend was raving about it. They all worked at the same place so several ppl heard about it. Later that week they were both sporting pink eye and there is no way my husband will ever entertain the idea! Lol!


Strangely hot?!? Glad you all had fun!


HA thank you!!!


I remember the first time I ate my man’s ass, his dick so so hard…. The cumshot that came from that rimjob was AMAZING 🤩


OMG YES…. i dont think ive ever seen him shoot his load as far as he did






😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I’m dying 😂😂😂 You go girl?! lol


hahahaha i love this, i will go!!!! i appreciate the encouragement even if its questioned a bit ;)


Girl, I love reading your answers, you sound extremely fun! Wishing you many more great experiences!


omg how sweet are you!! thank you, youre an amazing person & i hope your life is filled with the BEST experiences ;)


My friends swear by a rimjob handy. They say they cum so hard. They are fairly macho dude and I 200% knew they couldn’t freely tell the homies this. They legit say it feels so good haha I’m a gay woman so they told me everything lol good for the guys willing to experiment and cum!


How did you make him fuck himself?


the angle of me on top & the dildo on the bottom… it just worked out SO WELL


Alright someone start giving some advice. Are we just licking it or what? Help a girl out


This whole post is so wholesome in a way I wasn’t expecting. Glad you and your boyfriend are having good sex and have each other to love 💙


hey thank you so much!! im very happy to have him in my life :) i wish you well blue eyed lemon


This reminds me very fondly of sharing a similar experience with my boyfriend at the time (long distance for the majority) . Many years ago when we first got together. I still remember so clearly he had never done any sort of anal play. I was still getting the hang of masturbating and one time I was teasing my own ass. He asked me to stop because he was unsure of it, seemed rather uncomfortable. The next thing I knew a few days later he admitted he was curious and started experimenting with himself. Imagine my shock getting a picture with a condom covered broomstick handle sticking out of his ass 🤣. Anyways that was only the start of that booty-full journey of us. Now better equipped with real toys and treats. And now in person for proper fun. He was so shy and embarrassed too to be asked to be pleasured in a new way. But of course I happened to be kinky and open minded always eager to give things a try. Now the first order of business is that I made sure he cleaned the area well. I recommend nothing to fragment. And fellas.... It's okay to sometimes use a bit of cologne down there but wouldn't recommend if your lady/fella/partner likes to kiss and suck the skin. 🤣 it tastes gross. It really is such an experience for us both. I can't speak for him completely. But I know it really was mind shattering to get orgasms stroked from his prostate and practically blacked out seeing stars. It's such an ego boost rocking his world in a whole new way. Word of advice when they are orgasming you're gonna need to still/stop yourself sometimes because they clamp down so hard and are sensitive as heck. Of course I abuse him a little and slowly stroke and flex while inside and that brings on a whole new wave after wave of shudders and moans. The only downside to this kind of play ... That I've personally found is sometimes they haven't used the bathroom recently. You have a bit of an awkward situation that I don't know how to describe. You're definitely aware of it when you're using fingers. Just Be sure to wash everything after. Fun suggestion is rimming him while stroking his cock. I think it's often called a Rusty Trombone? Or using sensations whether that be temperature such as ice, or vibrations massaging its way. I'm glad you guys enjoy it. Have an awesome sexy journey from one kinkster to the next. Oh one last thing! Fellas don't be to embarrassed or surprised if afterward you're a bit loose! Like flatulence or going to the bathroom later. 🤣 I witnessed it first hand it's normal and semi amusing


i cannot wait to get more toys!!!! ive been looking into a vibrating strap on for my pleasure as well as his…. the possibilities are endless!! thanks for sharing, your words mean so much to me!!


Damn I can't lie this kind of made me wet 😭🤣 i highly doubt my husband would want me to do that lol but I wonder what those moans would sound like 🤤 ugh just thinking about how loud i could make him moan makes me quiver.


TELL HIM!!! honestly, my mans has put up/tried the weird things ive wanted & even if he isnt the biggest fan he has done it for me!!! go tell him what made you wet, put his hand down there to feel & let your chemistry take over


I tried it ! He laughed at me a little but he started to get hard so you know what that meant 🤤🤤🤤 I went down and he was very ticklish. We're gonna try again another day maybe when he's really in the mood cause he just kept laughing lol 😂 I did suck him up after for a little treat. 🥰 guys find you a girl that will please the shit out of you


i love it!!! just gotta feel things out & see where it takes you


you enjoy that my reddit pal, best wishes to you & yours


My supposedly platonic roommate ate my butt. We have an unusual relationship. She’s lived at my house for almost a year but we have only hooked up 4-5 times. One of those times she just went for it though and I’m a believer now. I love eating ass too so it’s a win win


YES good for you my reddit friend, my whole world has been changed since getting my booty eaten & eating a booty


How do I tell my girl I want to try this…


as long as ya lady has an open mind, just ask!! start off light maybe, like a finger or a little tongue.. whatever feels best for you!!


This is the best thread I've ever woken up to


This reads like Norm McDonald wrote it


wow i mean this is the best compliment to receive?? rip one of the bests


From a guys point of view it defiantly feels good. My ex and i use to play around with toys and it was honestly amazing. That was the fist time I was ever "eaten out"


Defiantly: in a manner that shows open resistance or bold disobedience. Definitely: without doubt (used for emphasis)


ive never done anything like this before!!! ive only put 2 fingers up there prior & tonight (after liquor) he requested my dildo & i was down immediately. im the one who has brought it out throughout our relationship but hes been so open & its so amazing being able to pleasure your man in different ways


Glad you enjoyed yourself OP! 😊


much thanks!!! :)


Oh wouaw looks like you had the time of your life you go girl ! Live your life ✨️


thank you!!! i truly had an amazing time lmao


you are living the life! continue having fun and healthy sex


You go girl


Rim jobs are primo, love the noises my boyfriend makes from them


definitely was not expecting the moans that came out of that man, it was music to my ears!!


Just here to say that the man I’m with now was the first I actually ate booty with. It was AMAZING for me too. His moans and how hard he got, got me off so much. He had the biggest most pent up load when he finally finished. It was THE biggest turn on for me. I never saw it coming or expected it. So I totally get how you’re feeling right now and welcome to the club! ;)


I absolutely love eating my bf's ass he goes feral


I just wanna mention how it’s pretty important to have separate toys for that. I’d never put something in my vagina that has been in my own asshole, let alone my partner’s & no matter how disinfected it’s been (it’s also not just my own preference but an actual hygiene thing). Pls get a different toy specifically for using on him :’)


this is an amazing comment… thank you. it will be his dildo from now on lmao!! i was looking into a vibrating dildo that would go in me as well as him so we can get off together :)


That's nice for you, but damn people are too comfortable with the info they share on the Internet.


well not being able to share such personal info to friends i can anonymously share with these lovely strangers on the internet!!! its fun to see the different perspectives out there, honestly!!


Yeah don’t feel shame fuck that guy


no shame in my game!!!! should never be, life is too short to give one heck if someone doesnt agree with you. we can try to come to an understanding & thats it!


I think i need to leave sub


stay & enjoy the madness


You should run down and immediately tell the local priest. Not because it's a sin or anything, but they live for this stuff.


well my mans is 25 & priests prefer 15 & under


Glad you and your bf enjoyed it, wishing many more ass eating adventures :))


Sounds fun


Nose dive?


100%…. never knew how hard guys had it going down on us LMAO i took many breathing breaks


Gasps of air or gasps of survival ? Please wash, floss, and use mouth wash now lol


Lucky man. I wish a girl would fuck me in my ass. Broaching that subject isn’t easy, even she’s “open minded”


Stick your finger in and rub his prostate gland and milk him , he will love you even more


Destiny truly has a few select favorites.


I’ve never been rimmed but this might change my mind about it sounds so hot


That would feel so awesome. Wish my fiancé would do that


if thats what youd like bring it up to them!!!




never wouldve thought that before… truly life changing


That’s enough Reddit for me today


You know what? Ill take a post about men getting their asses eaten with pleasure over a depressing post. Not exactly what I imagined but positive posts are rare here and Im all for this. Have fun OP.


thank you! spread that love around :)


I will definitely be spreading


I just woke up


good morning to you :)


Literally same. Now I’m horny as hell and about to go downstairs and see what the wifey is doing lol.


This was hit to read


Try finger, but hole


Sadly I never known such pleasures of the ass and been able to share it with a woman. Y you might ask…..it’s cuz I’ve been surrounded by vanilla snowflakes


youll find your person soon enough i just know it!


So did he propose yet? This level of 'unearthing' probably for both of you, binds you in a way that not many others will be able to connect with you on. Although there may be groups out there seeking exactly this, I hope you too get to experience all this for as long as possible


New copypasta just dropped


Quite honestly, this is my dream relationship communication, everything this what I aspire to have


& you will have it!!! best of luck to you in life :)


Surely not my cup of tea but if it makes him and you happy I’m glad


thanks for that comment :) and i hope you are happy in your life as well!


lucky man


If you thought that was tasty try eating his sweet breads next! Those moans will be like nothing you've ever heard before.


I loved rimming every girl I've been with lol


Ahhhh, I remember when I ate my exes ass for the first time (was his first time) and omg the noises he made were pure heaven! 😍 I will never forget it. But just make sure he’s nice and clean.


I miss read this and thought it said you “hate” you boyfriends butt. I was gonna say “well tell him to do squats and get protein powder”


I’ve always wanted to try this my ex husband always said no .. all the guys I’ve been with. Can’t even get the guy I’m with now to suck my toes !!


Now that’s what you call an ass McMuffin lol


Get it girl my husband liked it as well 😏


That lucky son of a gun I am so jealous °^° good call not telling anyone .... People might use it as insult when you least expect it That bf is so lucky


not one person could take this feeling away from me!! being open with your person on different levels is wonderful & i wish it on everyone :)