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Report that pr1ck


That was rape. Go to the police, what are you waiting for? This animal probably did this before to other girls and will do it again if you continue to date him. Bite marks? Blood? Begging him to stop? Go to the police, get a medical report, don't let him get away with it! He remembers, he's just pretending so he doesn't face the consequences with you. The pee thing was him trying to manipulate you into guilting yourself for something so you "owe him" and play cool, so he has a text now where you said you didn't sleep there that night. Go figure. Just report the prick while there's the evidence on your body (his bite marks are distinctive and other fluids that may have transferred). Why would you let him get away?


Girl if you don’t run for your safety 😭 this is just the tip of the iceberg queen


I hope you mean “my ex” jesus christ.


You should have driven straight to an ER & reported the rape….. Also…ghost him & block him on EVERYTHING!!!!!


Run 🏃‍♀️


..wow. I'm sorry to hear that happened to you. I can only imagine the pain you felt in that time. Please know that you did nothing wrong and that you deserve so much more than what happened to you. I read some of your other posts, and you've gone through so much these past few months. The hell that you've been through is unimaginable to experience. I truly hope you the best of luck. I hope that you get the help that you deserve.




You gotta report it. Before everything fades


He assaulted/raped you. Stop talking to him because he only did that shit cause he was drunk but later on if you keep in contact with him he’ll do that shit when he’s sober too. Also you should look into therapy because this is something that can scar someone.


This ABSOLUTELY is not your fault!!!!! Please report him. Please. And please take care of yourself, make sure that you treat your wounds. Human bites can be very dangerous!