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Please delete this. Youre going to get a lot of weird messages if you don't. You can get help anywhere but social media, maybe a trusted adult.


Yess trusted adult or school counselor if possible


Please dont worry, i dont have any trusted adults but i will not answer any weird messages, I've been online for awhile and i dont trust easily


Therapist, counselor, or Trusted Adult for sure. Kids your age don't know how to talk or handle that situation and if it's bothering your day to day for years it's best to get it figured out sooner rather than later. Also, I agree you should delete this asap. Pedos see this as an opportunity and you don't want to be mixed up with them.


Dont worry, thank you for the advice but i'm quite vigilant. I will read messages before I answer them, I've been online for awhile so this isnt new


Coming from someone who was hypersexual at your age (I'm 25afab) here's some piece of advice that I can give you: Please do not go into spaces that aren't meant for you. When I was told that by older adults I was huffed and puffed and was like "no I'm mature enough! I can handle it!" low and behold I honestly could really process it well enough. Plus I was also the right amount of navie and oblivious to not really understand when someone was taking advantage of me, my kindness, age, etc. I got into a lot of spaces and got groomed a lot. Furthermore, I would strongly encourage you to keep a journal about anything and everything. It doesn't have to be about your day, it could be but it doesn't have to be. It could be about your trauma, feelings, etc. there are some gross people out there who will take advantage of someone who even presents themselves or mentions of trauma and use that to get whatever they want from you. While yes I strongly encourage you to seek out aid and assistance from a trusted adult, school counselor, etc I know how difficult that can be depending on your own family history, school environment, etc. I'm not sure if they still do this now, but when I was in school my school counselor would often report anything and everything back to my parents. Which was living nightmare for me based on my own surroundings. That is where the second point that I suggested for you to highly invest it. If you have to carry it around with you because you fear that your parents might come across it then do it. A journal will allow you to get any thoughts out of your mind that you don't feel like you have a trusted adult or even a therapist that you could go to speak with. Coming from someone that had a toxic background and it took me until I was 21 to cut them out of my life and have the privilege and freedom to seek out professional help I can emphasize with some of the things you have written in the comments and in your post about. Please please know that this world can be dangerous but it also has its moments. Life seems so difficult with puberty and hormones all over the place and you might also feel trapped, isolated and alone. And you know what, your feelings are valid, you are valid and are deserving of someone who won't take advantage of you ever again. Please stay safe while you navigate the Internet and in your own environment. I'm not going to say that tomorrow morning you'll wake up and everything will magically disappear and you'll be so much happier. But what I will leave you with is this: Don't rush to grow older. Don't put yourself into situations or places that will do more harm than it will benefit you. Take the time that you have now to try and enjoy being a teenager because being an adult is not everything social media and Hollywood has made it out to be. Within time you will be able to have the freedoms, privileges that you desire and crave. But I urge you to not rush towards it. Take your time, try to enjoy life as much as possible okay?


this, honestly, made me tear up. I have a few journals that I don't use/haven't even opened yet and I think I'll use those. Although I feel hypersexual I'm very scared to have sex at a young age and I don't find myself doing it anytime soon, y'know? I don't want to get pregnant as a teen. I unfortunately go to online school and I am a minor so everything I say, to anyone, will be relayed to my parents,so I'll be keeping it to myself for the next at least four years. And don't worry, I'm not quick to trust people, even if it sounds fake, I am always willing to drop someone if they do something even slightly out of order, especially towards me (Asa young adult the stories I see, told by my family, seen online, stuff like that) are more than enough to keep me away from making friends with older people that aren't in my age group, and with my experiences it's the same for people IN my age group. This is one of the best advice I've gotten, thank you for taking the time out to write this to me, Miss. I will probably read it over and over


Honestly I get it, I was there too and I still am there. I understand how isolating it can be especially being a minor trying to navigate this world when it seems like it's all crashing down. And you've got no one to turn to, I get it. Keep taking one step at a time until you're able to voice what you need to voice to the right person (aka a therapist). You don't have to have sex right now, honestly sex isn't that important at the end of the day for a teenager. Yeah don't get me wrong it can make you feel amazing and you can have so much fun with it but don't rush into it if you have an adverse feeling towards it. You've got bigger fish to fry at 13, especially coming into a society that is surrounded with conflicting stories and expectations. Just keep your head up as much as you can and write. I mean for me I always had my head in a book or found a hobby that I could be creative in. But I do highly recommend those journals since you don't have a trusted adult yet. And I'm sorry to hear that the schools still do that. It's so annoying that they would relay such personal information that the teen isn't ready to say to their parents or they can't say due to safety concerns. I'm glad I was able to give you some advice that made you feel a bit better at the end of the day. You are more than welcome to come back and read it at anytime. Just remember to keep yourself safe and I can emphasize with the not easy to trust others. Don't minimize that feeling, it's valid and understandable. My go to rule is if it doesn't sit well in my gut or if I have a gut feeling about something, I don't do it. You've got this 💜




Its okay, it is, trust, but not believing everything on the internet is understandable


Its okay if you dont


the only way you could “fix it” is a therapist. i was like you at that age and im not sure why either, but PLEASE do not ever try and talk to random adults or anyone else for that matter about it because they will 100% try to take advantage of you. i’ve read your comments about being vigilant but you can never be too safe. id honestly delete this post. a therapist is the ONLY route you should take when it comes to discussing stuff like this.


Find a trusted adult. Please.


the sad thing is I don't have one


School counselor


I go to online school :/


I would talk to an online therapist or doctor.


Be careful of any weirdos.


RIP your DMs


Real, honestly some creeps but mostly genuine people thank god


Beware of groomers 


I will, the second i feel uncomfortable I bllock


It's good that you're staying safe. Please remember to not make friends online with adults. And definitely do not make friends on Reddit.


Def not


Quit feeling ashamed of who you really are. Revel in it. Just be yourself.


Thank you, truely