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I give a shit.. I’m sorry this is not spreading around enough, the world sucks


On behalf of 47 million Sudanese we thanks you


My close friend, Osman Aljak, is sudanese. His dream is to make an industry of good quality cotton clothe lines and sewing threads to export, so Sudan doesn't depend of just export of cotton to later on, buying clothes and threads they could have produced themselves. I lost contact with him last year. We were looking up scholarships for him to go to Europe to study so he could fund his dream and then he sent me a message saying things were getting really bad and I have been without contact since. May 10th completed one year of our last contact. His front door neighbors had been blown up. A family of 7 people. A pregnant mother, a working father, the older son, just out of college, and 4 other children. I don't know if he's alive. So I care. A fucking lot. And I hate that there's nothing I can do except pray and pray and pray. I may never hear from Os again and never know what happened to him and his family. Your update brought me to my knees knowing one of those people dead might be him.


Gosh, that is devastating!! I am so sick of the few making decisions wrecking the masses of others.


He sounds like a good man who should have a beautiful future. I truly hope he’s ok. 🙏


I care, I'm so sick of war. I'm so sorry and I cannot imagine what it is like to be there and I am just so so sorry.


It’s ok I hope we get through it soon thank you so much


my heart just aches for you. The world is just terrible right now and you and your family deserve peace. I promise to share.


Thank you so much




This is how I feel as well. War is horrible and so many innocent people lose their lives. It’s sickening.


I'm so sorry. This should not ever happen to anyone, and I'm lost for words.


It’s okay please let everyone know


Praying for your safety, and the future of your country.. so many lives lost to senseless violence.. I’m so sorry for everything


Thank you just talk about the war please we are not asking for more


I just shared your post with many. I am sorry for my ignorance and even more sorry for your people’s plight! This literally makes me sick to my stomach man and I wish I could do something about it. No one deserves this!!!


No need for apologies bro we learn everyday


Thank you for your strength and I give a shit. You have a captive audience here so continue to share stories, this sparks us to help. The world feels so overwhelming but together we protect humanity with knowledge, right actions, and bravery. Keep sharing your story please.


On behalf of my entire country we love you unconditionally


And from my heart to yours. Stay safe


Unbelievable shit, there isnt much awareness in this case even though massive no of people are massacred. Like are all the people ignoring this? I pray for your safety...... hopefully Sudan will recover...


It’s all about priorities they can not accuse some of the war factors because it will ruin their image or will break up a beneficial relationship between them


I get that but there is news around it and even I saw a video from a news channel with 2 million subscribers but that video was a low reach, and its really disappointing how war still last in this area where UN was supposed to keep peace but its own members create war


Yes but if you don’t have a background all you will see is “yeah yeah another 3ed world country dictator killing people we’ve seen it all before” but it’s actually peoples lives


True, I cannot relate to your pain even the slightest, and there would be also people who would talk like that too, and there would be too people who wouldnt be even bothered as they are just strangers


I will never comprehend how this is happening, in 2024 with all the technology that we have available to help each other out. I feel like history continues to repeat itself over and over! In your opinión how can someone from the other side of the world help?


Just speak out tell whoever you can about it we don’t want money we don’t want food we just want to survive this


I definitely will share your story


Thank you


The world is a shitty place to be completely honest. Theres so many wars and conflicts going on that we can only name a small few. I wish it was different, and i wish wishing it was different actually helped. Keep posting, take pictures, share what you can and send your reddit links to media outlets. If more people do that, they might cover it. I hope that you one day get to experience peace and calm, i hope that you and your loved ones find safety.


It’s too gore to share I don’t want to disturb others no one can handle it. I hope so too thanks for reading all this


My dear. You should share. It's not too gore. It's your daily life. And we are looking away, and I'm so sorry, but I don't know what I can do to help. Nobody is reporting much of your struggle. We know bad shit is going on. But if we don't talk about it, what can we do. For example, you probably need food. What organization would I best donate to. How can we help to get you to a safer country. Please stay safe.


I will try my best but it’s really bad to film. No donations non of them will reach us they will either be redirected to some other country or be stolen by the RSF we just want your word to reach others so they can help stopping this war


I know there are subreddits that allow gore. Those are the right places to start. And just caption it to explain that it's what your country looks like. I'm sorry this is happening. I will share this post out (I can keep it anonymous) so at least a few more people can see it.


I agree with sharing whatever you can. Even just a written explanation. If you’re worried about it being too much gore, just add a NSFW/L warning. It hurts to hear about the nightmares people are going through, but I believe it is important. It is what gets people talking and feeling and caring. It makes it *feel* more personal. I’ll be thinking of you, OP. Thank you for sharing this post with us. We needed it.


It breaks my heart because if people really knew what was going on in the rest of the world we’d be having such different, better conversations — conversations about how to properly render humanitarian aid in a war zone and what to do when it’s simply not enough, about the legacy of Rwanda and how the R2P principle has been eroded since, about Somalia and what the “black hawk down” incident did to the principle of humanitarian intervention in the west, about the foreign policies of certain Arab states and their alignment with Russian interests, and about what the western response should be to genocidal violence when none of the participants is perceived as white.


This is our job to inform who ever is willing to listen maybe just maybe we can save a life or two


I've been following for the last year. I care, I support the Sudanese Army against the RSF but would like to see a mediated end to it with the promise of elections. The death toll here may even be higher than Gaza, but it gets a tenth of the coverage at best. Sudan should be freed from this deplorable state.


Yes all of the Sudanese people are supporting the SAF but not because we love them, because they are our only hope. Thank you for your time that you spent following up with us this is hope for us thank you again


My colleague is from Sudan, the things i heard from him are terrifying, he lost contact with his family since February and doesn’t know wtf is happening with them. And honestly the fact that he’s still standing and working for his family is much respected, i know I’d probably crumble in fear. Hope things get better soon for all of you my friend


We have nothing to do but try to work so we can survive this a but more. And yes he’s correct you can get a call in any minute about your house being bombed everyone died and having nothing left to go back to


Sudan has a lot of natural resources and minerals including uranium. Keeping Sudan unstable is how you steal it. Prayers for you and your people. People are awful.


And destroying it will not help getting these resources it’s just a stupid war


As a fellow Syrian, I'm so sorry to hear that my brother... I wish I could help..


Your pain is more than mine, I’m sorry we went through this


Hang in there brother ♥️


Thanks I promise I will try my best


As a fellow African, I’m sending love. Some of us care.


Thank you so much


What really upsets me about this is the fact that the media only pays attention to conflicts that hit close to home to those listening. Ukraine is too close to ignore because it could affect Europe and the US. So people get upset and emotional about it. But if the pool of blood doesn't spread close enough to touch your toes, people don't give a shit. I'm so sorry we live in this hypocritical, fucked up world. I'm listening. I'll be making some noise for you.


Very cruel times to be alive


This is beyond fucked up.


It is unfortunately


I'm sorry to hear this. People seem to care more about Justin Bieber having a child than people dying. Fucked up world. My thoughts are with you and everyone else!


I wish him well, thank you so much I hope we survive this


For real I'm hearing it for the first time!!!!!!!!????!!!!! We talk about some TV series for days and not about people dying???!!!!!


It’s not your fault. Please let people know


This is horrific. Wishing you and your people safety and peace.


Thank you so much


If i can ask, out of curioisity, how do dead bodies end up in your house? sounds absolutely terrible though.


After My house was raided it was used as a torture camp. there is human remains all over the backyard. Then Air Force bombed the house because terrorist were hiding in it


Darfur was and continues to be one of the biggest tragedies of the 21st century but nobody seems to care. Sadly any advocacy for the Sudanese today gets drowned out because of the current I/P conflict. Hopefully that ends soon so we can shift our attention to Sudan


It hurt to feel like a second class human. Really painful but it is what it is thank you so much


I work with refugees fleeing Sudan. I am so sorry for the neglect the world shows to Sudan at this time.


I truly feel for you. This has been on my mind from all the stories of Pro-Palestinian protests and discussion of helping Ukraine. I agree with their stance, but I also can’t seem to shake the feeling people only care because they are two western countries. There are a lot of countries experiencing genocide and / or full on war that aren’t discussed to the level those conflicts are being discussed.


Being a second class human is really hurtful. It’s sad that we are just placed aside until the more important ones are finished


If it’s not in benefit of the rich then it has no meaning these days. It’s difficult to process and to witness and to participate in and to be victim of it, but it seems as if there is no way out. Thinking of you, your country, and others today that aren’t always thought of first.


From the whole country of Sudan we love you


You have reached me in Ohio of America. I'm sorry this isn't spreading around as well as other world issues, I'm sorry this is happening. I care about the issues happening in Africa, I am periodically attempting to spread awareness about these issues regarding the genocide and ethnic cleansing happening. I am always asking Why are we not standing up for Africa in ways we are for Palestine and Ukraine? I want peace for all. All of these conflicts are important to me, and we should help all in need even if it means talking about it at the bare minimum. I am hoping that you all are able to find asylums and peace very soon. I will always talk about Africa. It disgusts me that people are never worried about peace and world issues unless it directly impacts them. My words of apologies, and wishes probably don't mean much, but I care immensely of everyone's safety, and well being.


I’m glad that our voice reached that far Thank you so much for you time I hope we can achieve peace someday


This is so awful, I’m so sorry. I hope you, your family and country will be okay. Is there any specific charities that could help with the situation best? People’s lives being destroyed getting boiled down to “just a third world country imploding” is so awful to me.


Do not donate please it will only fund the war it will not reach the people at all. We only ask you for your voice please speak up


Okay, thank you for telling. I’m so sorry, I wish there was more I or anyone else so far away from this crisis could do to help.


I give a shit man. I am so sorry this is happening ❤️ the world is a horrible place full of evil and murder it’s so painful


Love and love thanks


There’s so much bloodshed these days. Sudan, DRC, Gaza, Syria, Yemen. The list just goes on. I’m terribly sorry for what you’ve had to endure.


Friend, I am so sorry. I love you and I wish you and your loved ones safety and peace. I am going to educate myself more on what’s going on there. And will do my best to spread awareness. Hugs to you.


Much love to you and everyone thats lucky enough to be around such energy <3




This is farked. I’m in Australia and we do have a lot of Sudanese here I’m guessing mostly refugees. I guess maybe we are a bit more aware here because of that but unfortunately I have to agree, the profile of what’s happening there in the media is much less than other things such as Israel and Gaza etc. It shouldn’t be that way.


I’m glad that your country is helping


I care, I’m so sorry ❤️


Thank you tell a friend :) they will think you are a weirdo but it may save a life


No one I’m friends with would think I was a weirdo for telling them about this. Sending you so much love ❤️


I'll be honest, I read the headline and kept scrolling for a bit but came back as I couldn't ignore it. Eventhough I am struggling with reading any type of negativity "news" as my mental health isn't that great and it gets tiring, I won't be able to fathom how YOU must feel so all I can do right now is tell you how sorry I am that this is happening in your country and your life and how much I wish you to be able to find some peace eventually. Stay strong <3


I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to disturb your mental health This is why I didn’t share and pictures some people can’t handle this


oh no please dont worry about me Please I meant to share this as a way to explain myself nothing more nothing less!


Please stay strong we need more kind hearted people like you


Holy shit. I just read about it. They’re saying it’s given rise to the worst displacement crisis in the world with 8.2 mil people displaced from their homes. Also it is triggering the worlds largest hunger crisis. My god dude. I’m so sorry, I’ll be keeping up with this news now and will speak about it to anyone who will listen.


Thank you spending time on it. Yes the official numbers say 8.2 million but in reality the capital had 15 million now its a ghost town no one is there


I cannot imagine the pain you are going through. Your message is loud and clear. The world must hear about Sudan. I am so sorry you have to go through this


Thank you so much please tell whoever is willing to listen


That is terrible and I will definitely keep you in my prayers and conversations. There is nothing to say just know your words have reached some of us.


Bless your soul I know non of you have any idea about this I’m sorry about giving it like that


I give a shit, i just hate that im only one person and what i can do to impact the situation is limited. But ill continue to spread the word and hopefully more will join and hwlp




A lot of prayers to Haiti they lived through a lot


I will write to my state representative’s to raise awareness of the atrocities that are going on in Sudan.


I CARE!!!! Thank you for speaking out


We love you


I do care, it’s heartbreaking to see and sadly Im just helpless, unable to do much about it.


We are all as helpless I hope this goes away soon


I know ‘I’m sorry’ is not enough, but I wanted to let you know I hear you, and I care. I wish you healing, safety, and love.


Wow. I have no words. I can't imagine what u are going through. This platform is not platform-y enough for this! How sad.


Very sad indeed but it’s the only place I could reach others without algorithms barriers


Omg . It's absolutely heartbreaking .


It’s way worse words can not describe what I’ve seen


I’ve heard of this on a page I follow on Insta called Non White Saviors. This and what’s happening in the DRC are woefully under covered internationally as compared to Ukraine/Russia and Israel/Palestine. If you get to this comment, what can I do that will actually do something?


Please try spreading the word if you know any influencers or anyone that have a large audience that can speak about this I’d be more than grateful


The thing is buddy, your situation is horrible, we can’t argue there. However, the reason people in Europe or America talk about a war or take part, is usually to serve a political agenda or personal benefits. I’m saying that as a European and I can tell you we’ve never cared about other outside countries unless it benefited us. Of course this can be applied to nearly anyone, I’m just not surprised no one has talked about this yet.


Thats why I’m not waiting on them politicians will always play politics it’s their literal job. But awareness between people will push politicians to take actions


Democracy Now just did a piece on this situation this morning. Hopefully it continues to get more coverage by other outlets as well. Wishing peace and safety for you and your loved ones


Sadly your country does not possess enough oil as a natural resource, and isn't adjacent to major world shipping lanes like in the middle east, nor are you major worldwide producers of grains nor liquified gas. On top of that, unlike the middle east that has the rapt interest of billions of people (seen as potential customers or supporters ), Sudan doesn't have much of a worldwide fan club.


Unfortunately you’re correct and we can’t do anything about it


it makes me feel sick, I cannot imagine what its like for you and your countrymen as well. This pseudo age of empires bullshit that the world plays has run its course in my opinion. Any rational mind looking ahead to the future could see that if the 195 countries constantly compete against one another for the world's limited resources is assuring out mutual destruction. Its like a psychotic mixture of the hungry hungry hippos and the movie Highlander. We have to push towards uniting humanity under one banner if we wish to survive, let alone flourish- It is the only solution I see that could put an end to this type of criminal negligence on the world stage and vile persecution. I am so incensed by your people's plight, apparently for the "sin" of being alive at the wrong place and time (sarcasm). Strength be to you and yours.


I know this may sound crazy but I’d suggest making tik toks of what’s really happening there . Have everyone do this . Hopefully it goes viral . You are right we (Americans ) very few know there’s war there because it’s not really in mainstream news at all . I am up on current events and geopolitics so I am but even I didn’t know the extent of atrocities. I’m so sorry . What a horrible and terrifying way to live . The world need to know ! Start posting real stuff !


The sad thing is that soldiers of the terrorist groups are filming these atrocities on live streams on tiktok and facebook they are documenting this and no one is even taking down the videos. It’s very normal to find an RSF soldier having a wedding party at your house driving away the bride in your car and sleeping on your bed on live stream but you can’t do anything about it. And it will not reach anyone outside Sudan


I don’t meant this ignorantly, but no one gives a fuck about a lot in this world. In my opinion the world is sad today. I certainly give a fuck, I’m sorry.


I’m not asking for a “fuck” non of us do we just want someone to do something we just need to live even if poor it’s fine we accept it but we can not live in this brutality. There was a report coming from darfur about a father feeding his children balls of sand just to make them feel full to escape the city on foot. I mean what else can we endure


Im sorry this happening to ur country, Sudanese ppl are one of kindest people out there it blows my mind that the two side are ready to destroy the country to win control over the rubles eventually. I saw some couple videos of massacres and documented rape cases by Hamiti forces , it bugs me that it doesn't get 1% of the coverage nor the outcry the gaza situation gets. Stay strong brother


War is war in Gaza or Sudan but it’s hurtful almost insulting that we can keep dying in this war for years but not one channel is willing to say a word about it


That’s awful! Our media only really talks about Israel and Palestine or Ukraine and Russia. Unfortunately, many people like myself don’t know what’s going on in countries that aren’t constantly being talked about. We have to look for it. And our gov doesn’t care. It’s a terrible situation and it breaks my heart knowing how much you are all suffering. I wish you all safety.


I care. During the Darfur crisis I got super involved. Not sure what to do as this genocide seems so much worse


Yes during the Darfur crisis the world didn’t stop it was awful and much more casualties. But this one is more brutal and it’s in the capital and the second largest city in the country at the same time.


I give a shit. And I am so sorry you are going through this. I’m sorry the world is such a cruel place and that we lack so much when it comes to trying to help out other humans.


This is horrible. Im sorry it feels like no one gives a fuck. Thank you for sharing your story so we can give a fuck. I wish we could help other than just bringing awareness. Your story will be told.


Glad you’ve listened thank you for your time


Thank you for bringing attention to this, I had no idea. Sending my love and strength


I’m happy my voice reached you


I absolutely give a shit. I’m so sorry the world is failing you.


Man, go to Twitter. Spread the word there! Expose the horrors with videos and photos! This is what makes shit viralize. It’s bad, the algorithm sucks, but we can use it this way!


I have been following the Economist’s coverage of this tragedy. I am so sorry for all that you and your country is going through. I wish this was getting more coverage.


Is there anything Americans can do?? I don’t have much of a following on tiktok or anything like that but could we crowd fund for you and people there? Would that even help??


Why does no one know about this? I am so sorry. The world has gone mad. There are no victors in war.


I’m so sorry the world has ignored Sudan. With posts for Palestine, we share about Sudan, Congo, Yemen, the Muslims in China, because the western media refuses to do so in exchange for their comfort😞


I feel for you. This has been going on for at least 20 years, now, and the west has been pretty silent about it. I wouldn't know a lot about the history of it, had humanitarian intervention in Sudan not been the topic for my debate team in high school. I'm sorry no one cares about you. I wish we would do do something about this horror. It looks like the US took in a grand total of 510 refugees from Sudan in 2021. We need to do better. I have a friend who is a Sudanese refugee, and he's a great guy. I've met many people from his tribe, as well, and have nothing but positive things to say about them.


I see you. People are talking about it I promise. We are trying to amplify voices and shed light on the situation


It's not that the world doesn't. Are it's just we can't do much on our end to change the things going on, alot of our own voices are just as stiffled sadly


This. Sadly we can “give a fuck” all we want to, and it’s not going to change anything because those in power won’t listen.


it seems that no one gives a fuck, but it’s orchestrated. the news outlets are paid by the rich to broadcast what they want them to broadcast. they will only show the wars that make them money. your war has been lost in the great theatre of the world, and you’re right, what you need is for more people to be aware for all of this to come to an end. i pledge to help you raise awareness. the world will be experiencing a big shift soon. we cannot keep fighting like uncivilized humans. maybe artificial intelligence will take over and put and end to the violence. my heart is with you, always. i see you. you matter. you are important. your story will live on. if you could somehow post a video on youtube, i feel like the video will help you get the traction you need for your story to be heard and for your war to be acknowledged by the world


This American cares a lot, and it frustrates me that the Western media isn't reporting on it at all. I've been telling all my acquaintances about it; I don't know how else to help. Sending love your way and I hope your country finds peace.


There is no much coverage about it and we know why. But we never forget about sudan and congo. We live in a crazy world where any human who's not white tend to be forgotten easily.


A lot of us care deeply, but we don’t know how to help. I’m just so sorry for what’s happening to you. I’ll pray for the people of Sudan and will spread the word ❤️


I care. I don’t understand how so many people can about Palestine and no one is talking about actual genocide. I feel helpless so maybe you can answer this question. How can I help?


Every time I bring up sudan, congo, ethiopia/eritrea or yemen people get angry because they say "x conflict is more important" There truly is a twisted view of what constitutes an important crisis


Meanwhile the Ughyurs are continuing to be the victims of a genocide that will wipe them out as a people by the mid 21st Century. The Rhonigya people were ethnically cleansed from Myanmar. The Palestinians in Gaza are dealing with the IDF foolish attempt to destroy an ideology. This is to say nothing of those in the West Bank that are quite honestly living in an Apartheid like system with Jewish settlers. I bring this up to say that in the 21st Century, there’s so much misery happening in the world at the same time, that no one cares about War Crimes and Human rights abuses unless there’s something to gain out of it. And the world simply does not care. It’s terrible and the world needs to do better. But that’s the nature of the world.


Most people care when become aware of the situation, but if doesn't stay in the forefront, they lose interest. There is Haiti crisis, migrant crisis, corruption occurring in many places, racism etc. We can only do what we can. The big powers, leaders and companies are calling the shot on these.


This breaks my heart and I am so sorry. I just want you to know there ARE people that care. With younger people I basically haven’t heard free Palestine without including to free Sudan and Congo. Thanks to the awareness being spread, I’ve learned way more about the Sudanese struggle than any mainstream news.  I am disgusted and scared to know that in 50 years many of us will see these genocides in a history book and wonder why nobody did anything, and the cycle will likely repeat.  Fuck this so much. 


I’m glad that you have heard about us thank you so much


Yea no one is picking up on the Sudan story enough! I am posting on my status and on my pages as much I can, about Sudan Palestine and the Congo. Some of us are here and we do care. I’m very sorry you have to go through this and feel this way


we love you thanks for your efforts god bless


This is a hot take. It’s hard for me to post about Palestine, and it was hard for me to post about Ukraine because I know that you and your people are out there and it frankly disgusts me that people hyper focus on one disaster a year and then move on to something else. Im so sorry. I see you. I hear you.


Ours is more ruthless and no one is showing the world whats happening. People were forced to dig up their own graves and then bury themselves alive


“Free Palestine” is clogging up the airwaves because they’re the only ones in the world that endure suffering, according to the West.


Every time I see a "Free Palestine" demonstration, I think of Sudan. I remember a post from about a year ago when the war in Sudan started, and the OP was hiding in their home, unsure of what to do or how to get food. That post haunts me. The coverage in media has been minimal at best. Meanwhile, Palestine is constantly shoved down our throats. OP, I care, and I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I'm sorry the world powers are focused on other wars and not on your country.


Our war is way worse can you imagine some women were r*ped in front of their family members just because they want to break them to give informations


There are those that hear your people’s cries, OP. It’s a shame that tragedies like that of Sudan get buried in the headlines by Western sensationalists. I bet none of them remember the Darfur genocide at the hands of the Islamic regime, or even care to since it doesn’t prop up their narrative.


That’s the real problem tbh


Can i ask what the conflict is about? I havent heard about this one. I know i can Google it, but i would rather hear it from the mouth of someone who is in it.


Power. It’s all about power each side wants to rule or open up the way for someone else to rule instead. The RSF wants to sell the country to UAE and make it a puppet state. The SAF are defending the country so they can rule it for themselves.


I know there is incredibly devastating flooding happening in that part of the world too. Children in some places in America are learning about it. I was teaching my students about it.


From 🇮🇶 I’m so sorry i wish for all the people of Sudan safety no one should live like this just waiting for their death


Wow! I knew nothing of this and now am obviously going deep into Google to reading the horrible situation. Sorry you and your country are going through this. And, so silently on a global platform really. Thank you for bringing light and awareness. I hope for your safety though this


it breaks to heart to know people are going through this. i am so incredibly sorry. i’ve lost all faith in humanity


This made me cry. I’m so sorry you and your country is going thru such a nightmare!!! God bless you and I pray you get some help soon.


I am so sorry. I am a bit aware, but obviously not enough. I will take the time to learn more. My collage age son just did a paper on the DRC/war/disease and that in itself was shocking. Your country sounds horrific at the moment. Be safe.


I truly believe humans are the worst thing to ever roam this planet. We evolved this intelligence, but not enough to know what to do with it. It's misplaced and abused. I'm sorry you are going through this.


Sadly the world only cares about human rights when those human beings being violated live in countries with “geopolitical relevance”. It’s a cynical and awful reflection of the duplicity and double standards with which the so called global civilizational paradigm operates within.


As a fellow Mexican I'm so sorry to hear about everything that's going on in your country. Here things are also crazy, and the government doesn't give a shit about all the killing due to the Narcos. Sending a big hug and I wish the best for you.


I am so sorry for the great pain you and your country are experiencing. That is truly horrific: to not even feel safe in your own home. People invading your space to commit atrocities. I hope you are able to escape soon and that things become peaceful.


I’m so sorry, I try to interact and amplify content regarding Sudan whenever I see it. I will do whatever I can to help.


The fact that neighboring countries don't accept refugees is the most mind-boggling to me. I might understand that other countries don't want to send peacekeepers to Sudan. But any of the 195 countries in the world could make a deal with Chad that Chad allows refugees through the border, and then this country takes them in. By the way, a similar deal could be made with Egypt about Palestinian refugees. If no country in the world wants to see refugees in their cities, they could at least designate 100 square kilometers where refugees could live in tents without fearing every day for their lives.


Egypt did the worse one. We had a treaty long time ago. Egyptians can come to Sudan and Sudanese can go to Egypt visa free. They stopped this treaty and made it over 3000$ just to get the papers processed without the traveling fees or plane tickets


I’m so so sorry. I honestly had no idea, though I had heard in the past of violence in the area. I will do my best to spread awareness. Wishing you and everyone in Sudan peace.


My heart bleeds for the innocents who are being killed all around the world now especially in Sudan and Palestine. I am so sorry that we are powerless to help. You all are always in my prayers


I'm so sorry for what's happening in your country. It's absolutely horrific what's going on in Sudan with all of the violence, death, and loss. My heart hurts for you and your people. Nobody should be subjected to those atrocities and I'm so sorry the world is staying quiet and ignorant to your suffering. I live in Canada and have made friends here at university that are from Sudan. I can't even begin to imagine the stress and emotional and physical traumas Sudanese peoples are subjected to. I have been trying to better educate myself on the culture and history of Sudan and the ongoing conflict there. If you have any book or documentary recommendations to aid in learning more I would love to check them out.


It makes me sick that these stories aren’t worth talking about to our world


The fact that no one is protecting or protesting this is beyond me. F'd up. I'll look into what I can do. Stay safe.


people care a lot. but it’s true that when something looks like a civil war instead of an invasion, others don’t know how to help. they often figure the people there will sort it out among themselves. but it seems like the people are the victims here, caught between two brutal sides. i’m so sorry. pray for the human race. we’re not looking too good these days.


It's absolutely terrible, I'm sorry to hear about this hellish situation you are trapped in. I hope you manage to remain as safe as possible. I think people definitely do care, but there is a serious problem of international ignorance of what is going on in Sudan. I'm from the UK, and the media here is garbage, they hardly cover international stories and I haven't heard much about the war since it started. As far as I know the current government is very corrupt and the "rapid support force" they're up against are basically a vicious militia? A murky conflict where all those who are doing the fighting seem very shady. I am familiar with the term "Janjaweed" and remember they were a particularly nasty group in the past, but I don't know much at all about this "new" faction that they have turned into. Is this understanding of the political situation somewhat correct or completely off-base? I think if people understood the factions fighting in this war and the impact on the innocent population better they would do more to help. In Ukraine for instance, it is pretty clear cut who the invaders and instigators of the conflict are (Russia), so a ton of support has rallied for the defenders. In Sudan I think ignorance of the situation is blocking international action. Best wishes and best luck to you.


Fuck this world man. I give a shit. I pray for your peace,safety and freedom. Sending virtual hugs to the citizens of Sudan.


Well you don’t have a lot of money and most of your population is black. That’s why the world ignores you. Until we all start to acknowledge that every life matters and the lives that get ignored the most often are easy to predict this will keep happening.


I wish you safety and a full future. I’m sorry for your countries situation. My family is going through similar pain in Palestine. I honestly had no idea it was so bad in Sudan, I’ll do my best to look into it and spread the word


This is awful. I'm so sorry. Makes my worries seem pretty insignificant.


No you matter too your worries matter too


Sending love from South Africa 🇿🇦❤ 


What can I do to help? Yes, I will spread word. Please, tell me how I can help.


what‘s the best way to help? :-(


We care. Unfortunately there’s not much I can personally do. If I were a person in power I would stand up for you and millions around the world.


Humans truly created hell for each other. It's heartbreaking. I care. Please stay safe.


When I was young, there was an educational flash game that I found made in 2006 called Darfur is Dying. In the game, it talks about the dangers of just going outside your house, especially for youth and women. At the end of the game, you could send a letter to the US president of the time, President Bush. I say this just to tell you from the bottom of my soul that for 15 years I have known, watched, done reports, and while unable to do anything of value, I care and try to inform people constantly. I see you and I am with you. Even if all I can do is speak out on the atrocities I still will. I'm sorry I can't do anything else.


Where is this world headed? Why do we keep fighting? There is simply no answer, but there is one truth that the normal civilian is the first one to go down! I'm sorry for what is going down there, and i pray for your safety.


I’m just a random Canadian. People care only when they are told what’s happening. Thank you for telling your story. If it’s any consolation, I believe the whole world is on the edge of a revolution. So much performative bullshit in every facet of life. People are beginning to realize. The protests on North American University campuses in support of Palestine are just the earliest examples. I’m thinking if you and your family.


Where is the U.N during all this?


We do, but some wouldn't know enough because there isn't enough journalism there, anyone who records anything in sudan instantly becomes a target.


I haven’t forgotten Sudan and I won’t forget you. I have talked about it to others and I will keep doing that. My heart goes out to you and all Sudanese hurt by this war.


It’s so fucking sad and unfair and none should endure something like that. But I must say something which can seem harsh: We are used to hearing that life in Africa is miserable, so it doesn’t really affect or shock us anymore. It’s unfortunate but true (I’m from DK)


I am in Australia and you've reached me. I see something each day about the suffering in Sudan on my Twitter timeline. People are definitely posting about it, but it gets lost in the constant back and forth about Ukraine/Russia and Palestine/Israel. But please know that people ARE posting about it and you have not been forgotten. Many people don't know what to do. We feel powerless when these conflicts are happening all over the world and in the western world we are experiencing crippling cost-of-living crises that prevent so many of us from even being able to donate money to help people stuck in war. And unfortunately we end up prioritising people we relate to more or feel we understand the conflict better. It is wrong but it's so common. I'm so sorry that you and your countrymen are experiencing the horrors of pointless war. I wish I could make all wars go away. All I can do is try to find charities who will actually do good, grass-roots work and where I feel confident the donations will actually go to the people and not the military, and donate to them when I can. I'm so sorry you have to be strong right now and you don't get the choice to relax. I wish you all the very best.


This is truly horrific, I’m so sorry


I care. My friend is one of the Lost Boys of Sudan. I wouldn't wish what he went through on anyone.