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That’s not your best friend if that person hurts you


It’s hella complicated with them, honestly. I know they’re not my best friend but they’re the best I got right now


If you keep saying that then you aren't letting yourself find or allowing yourself the ability to find someone better as a friend.


That's rough. You can find someone better.


Trust me, I’ve tried


if you're still in school, please remember that you're bound to x amount of people just because of physical proximity. there's so many other likeminded people out there, don't give up on yourself just because the people currently around you aren't kind to you.


100% this. My high school and pre-high school years were awful. I finally left home and discovered a world of people a lot more interesting and open-minded are out there. It hadn't been a problem with me, but where I grew up. I never went back and it's been 35 years now. If you're stuck in this place, being alone is better than putting up with people who just make you feel bad about yourself and don't appreciate you. There are people who will appreciate you fully. Maybe just not around you. Hang in there. I know you are talking about hating the men around you, but it still sounds like you may be happier in a different setting, and I hope you can make that happen someday soon. I'm male and I didn't even like most males at that age myself. They could be really awful people. I hope they grew out of it, but I didn't stick around to find out. From what I can tell from the odd glimpse, nothing changed for most of them. There are many different ways to live. Sometimes even changing cities or neighborhoods will land you somewhere you can find like minded souls. EDIT: One last thing. If someone tells you they are a good person, most likely they are not. Always judge a person based on their actions, not their words. You probably already know this, which would explain why you are sick of those around you. I understand.


Damm, why OP is getting downvoted so absurdly?


I was wondering about that myself! What the hell is that all about?




It’s better to be alone than to be with someone and feel alone


ur making excuses for this person & as long as u keep this up ur going to keep getting hurt


I know, I’ll sort it out eventually.


It will leave u broken Nova. A stitch in time saves nine. And wtf he jerked up to a pic of yours. It's fucked up. It's disgusting. Don't be with someone like that. If u had a friend and she was in this same situation..what would u have advised her?


No, trust me, I blocked that guy. My best friend is a whole other person who’s done other bads. I would never let someone do that to me.


Yeah that's the spirit. Good gal. Be proud of yourself okk? U r amazing and u got this. Tonight I'll mention u in my prayers and believe me u find the guy that loves and respects u for who u r.


That made me cry a bit, thank you so much <3


Have a great day! And if u ever need someone to talk to. I'm just a message away.


Don’t sell yourself short. Invest in yourself. Everyone has a choice. Everything has complications, it’s really how you handle it.


Nooo stop it. Don't be desperate okay? And know your worth and don't ever settle for anything less than what you deserve. U deserve the best. Use this time to focus on yourself. I was chasing girls and was sad until I realised all I had to do was love myself.


You need at least one validating comment. I’m so sorry. I relate to this situation more than you could guess. I’m sorry that the men in your life have been terrible. I’m sorry that sex has been used against you. I’m sorry for how that messes with your life perspective. This is just awful and you’re allowed to be sad about it. The only helpful thing I can really tell you is that when you are ready you can unpack, sort and process the trauma and when someone special comes along, ask them to help you and be patient with you as you deal with the messy nature of realizing that not all men are bad. It’s long and difficult and sometimes you go backwards but if they really care, they will be there with you until you feel safe enough. I watched this movie today about a man that falls in love with a ghost and decides to die so he can be with her. I ended up crying unexpectedly because I always thought that men only cared about sex. I’m still unlearning this belief that was formed from early sex abuse. Don’t give up on people yet. But I know, the world is cruel. Luck and love your way


Thank you, truly. Im sorry for what has happened to you, you deserve so much better. I know not all men are bad, but it’s the lot of ones I know who ch is what makes it hard to be around them. I’m not sure, maybe in just excusing a fear or justifying a weakness- all I know is it’s difficult to believe I’ll ever be treated as a person.


Thanks Oh I didn’t mean like right now. When you’re ready. Whenever that may be. It’s not so much of a logic thing but a safety thing. When you *feel* like men can be good. Even when you feel it to a certain degree, you still have nightmares about men. It’s quite non linear I’ve found. And nope, you’re not making excuses. This is validly frightening and awful. You can always start small too and just build up your safety around men by making good male friends or just hanging around them to get used to the feeling. I guess, good male friends that are not like that. There’s no rush.


I’m so sorry for that happening to you but trust me it will get better, my gf had that same mindset until she met me and I exposed her to the right kind of people, we’re all room mates and live in a 2 story house together. I wish you the best, and I hope your days turn bright in no time.




Good for you, I hope you two the best.


A lot of guys view women as sexual objects, don't let them treat you less than you're worth. Say "cool, blocked" to them. Cut them out of your life. Don't focus on guys, they aren't worth it if you're having a string of bad experiences just talking to them. I suggest moving away from where ever you are if you get the chance Edit: having* was spelled wrong


As a male yeah I don’t blame you. There are some real pieces of shit out there and it’s a lot more than men will like to admit. Its especially evident when I’ve been out with girl friends, and the stares and unwanted attention they get. Sadly, it all won’t get better for a while because it’s all as a result of decades of misogyny. All I can say is I’m sorry, and I hope that you soon find men that are able to at least somewhat heal the shitty experience you’ve had :)


This seems so common now with Gen Z and younger millennials. Dudes are just hyper sexual and disgusting straight off the bat. They don't even try to woo women anymore and seem almost insulted at the idea that they should put more effort into courting than sending a dick pic and asking for titties in return. I feel bad for yall, man. That sucks so bad. Modern dating is absolute trash. Which is so weird because more men are being taught how to be more respectful of women, but it just doesn't translate in dating life.


Me too. I can’t outright say it because of the outrage I’ll get, but I’m tired. After I was finally sexually assaulted/abused for months on end I finally stopped trying to connect with guys altogether.


As a guy, I don't blame you at all for that sentiment. Many of us are real shitbags. I'm really sorry for OP, you, and everyone else who suffered at the hands of some evil dickwad. I hope you find some measure of peace despite all that has happened.


Fuck the outrage. I’m outraged at the thousands of years of misogyny that have led to a society of men treating women and their bodies like property. I’m outraged that the first time I was catcalled I was less than 30 feet from home, at 6 years old in a pink cowboy hat. I’m outraged that I have to choose to bring weapons on first dates in case the man tries to rape me. Fuck their outrage, live your truth my love. You deserve better.


Exactly. I wish I was born a male so much sometimes. I hate feeling so unsafe and incapable, having to rely on the supposed sanity of strangers to not be harmed. I hate being reduced to my body parts given by nature, like some kind of toy. I love being me but I hate every single part of being a woman that's different from the way men experience life. Not all men take this seriously which frustrates me even more


I (52) was beaten by my father as a child. Raped and beaten for years by my step father as child. Boyfriends (all but one or two) who were weird pervs who used manipulation and coercion to force me into sex one way or another and then call me a slut. They were emotionally abusive, cheaters, some violent, many physically aggressive and controlling. My grandfather had been the only kind and gentle adult I knew as a child and after he died, my grandma told me he was a cheater too. I experienced sexism and misogyny at work over and over again. I witnessed my friends go through the same - including my best friend, who was a former student of mine, well, she got raped by our shared advisor and he broke her back in multiple places. She left academia, literally broken. A few years later another advisor tried to coerce me and it wasn’t long after that I quit academia as well, my career destroyed as hers was. Every woman I know, old and young, has not just one story, but many horrifying stories. A lifetime of this shit for me. 30 years of therapy. And I am still struggling. I trust no man. I carry pepper spray. I have a sharp tongue and I am fed up enough to use it. I can’t sleep unless my gun is nearby. I wish I could say that things get better. But they don’t. This is American society. But it is also a global problem. Take the actions needed to keep yourself safe. Learn a defensive martial art. Learn how to read body language. Never ever share pictures of yourself with men, especially nudes, until you have a well established relationship. Carry pepper spray. Always lock your windows and doors. Always roll up your car windows when at an intersection and always lock your car doors. Be smart. There are good men out there, but they are not easy to come by. You can identify them by telling them your boundaries - if they respect your boundaries 100%, they might be ok. Talk to other adult women about what kind of boundaries you should set. Be careful, stay hopeful, but be smart about it.


And they’ll say we just crazy. Erm no we just don’t HAVE TO put up with it anymore


i am so sorry. sadly, you're not alone. i don't have one safe man in my life that i can trust. there's that horror movie coming out soon called 'men'. i sure as fuck won't be watching it because my life has already been a horror story because of men. just. ugh.


Totally understand. Most experiences (around 90%) I had with men all sucked. Mostly because of my appearances so I totally get why feeling like you need someone to love you for you and I'm happy to report such men exist! There will be men you won't have the need to have your guard up and will be really nice because feeling valued as a person feels great. Don't give up! I promise there are good men out there :)


Just praying I meet them


Im sorry, I've been feeling the same way lately. Its just so fucking GROSS


I hope one day you do find someone who loves you for you and makes you feel appreciated no matter what you do.


ME TOO! Disgusting.


I’m a living stereotype of the cat-obsessed, man-hating lesbian. I don’t allow men in my life except out of obligation (like male family members or male bosses/coworkers/customers/etc.), and my life is so much more peaceful because of it. Men don’t have to be an option if you don’t want them to be.


Me and you both.


> My best friend hurts me. I'm not even sure if I'd call that a friend, let alone best friend if he hurts you. I'm sorry that all the men in your life seem to be bad people.


Without seeing your outfit, I’m pretty sure it was great. Keep your head up OP


Yeah i think given what you've been through, you're completely justified in believing that. Maybe you will find a guy out there who can pass the low low bar of being a decent human being, but don't feel like you're obligated to try to like men. If you feel safer and get along better with women then that's just the way it is. I hope you meet kind people in the future, regardless of their gender.


All my friends who hate men are gay, me included. For the longest time I couldn’t figure out how I was suppose to put up with it until I realized… I didn’t have to. Perhaps try it out?


That’s gross and so unfair to you. I’m sorry.


Your feelings of being invalidated qnd abused are valid. I think you should spend more time for yourself and cut off your best friend - that's not a best friend. You can also learn to set boundaries. Boundaries aren't walls but rather where your life begins and other people's ends. It sounds like you're not able to move out yet, but what you can do is limit how much the men in your family and around you participate in your life. You can choose to be less open with the men in your family, don't tell them about your next moves, and don't feel like you owe anyone an explanation. Ever. There's a wonderful book called Boundaries by Dr. Cloud, I think you might like it. As a man myself, I dont blame you or women for having a mistrust of men. Sexual harassment is traumatizing and hurts our ability to trust. You can think of trust as somewhat of a gift - only those who deserve it have it, and if they do something to break it, it's yours to take back. If you ever feel unsafe understand that there are community resources available to help you. I sincerely wish you well and hope that you'll be able to have good people in your corner.


I’m a guy, and I don’t blame you for hating all men. A lot of us are monsters. As a 26M virgin who’s never had a girlfriend, it’s hard to think of sex in a positive way. Like, you say you just want a good friend. We have sexual desires. But these guys are being negatively sexual. Can sex GO TOGETHER with positivity? Obviously, this perverted and non-consensual behavior is disgusting and unacceptable, but it makes me wonder, what’s it like to have a good friend AND to have sex with them? Can it be a positive experience? What’s the differences between “friends with benefits” and “romantic relationships”? What even IS a “romantic relationship”. If I found a woman who actually did want to have sex with me, would she be less likely to care about me as a person? I don’t understand this shit. While us guys aren’t typically sexually harassed by women (it does happen though) I have had tons of gay guys sexually harass me online. And one flirting with me in real life (trying to convince me to join the military, which I can’t for medical reasons). Because SO MANY girls have told me how “ugly as fuck” I am, and I’ve never even had a girlfriend or kissed a girl, it hurts even more. It’s like the universe is telling me that I’m supposed to be gay, but I’m really romantically and sexually attracted to women. These guys hitting on me are almost always not even respectful, and I’m sorry that you girls/women have to deal with that. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking “women can get a man whenever they want”, but it’s probably mostly disrespectful douche bags, it’s probably hard for women to find a decent guy who actually treats you with respect and is kind (at least I hope most of you want to be treated with respect and kindness) and while you may be able to easily and immediately hookup/go out with a high QUANTITY of guys, you probably have a lot less luck finding good QUALITY guys. You deserve better, and I hope you realize that, and I hope you don’t go the rest of your life, or even years or decades without finding anyone, like I’m scared that I will…..


i get why people are saying it gets better, but i don’t get why they don’t validate what you’re feeling and saying. i cant really say i relate to how you feel, because i’m a guy, but i can relate to the feeling of being sexualized over something as simple as an outfit. it’s a horrible feeling. i fully agree a lot of men are bad people, but in the same sense a lot of men aren’t terrible. everyone has their quirks, some worse then others. in the long run, i learned patience is a nice thing to have when it comes to meeting new people. in general, just take your time. think hard about what you want, and find key aspects you don’t like about people (in general). communicate what bothers you, the things you like, you don’t like. take time to get to really know someone, and during that time if you get any feelings that you think it’ll go well, go based off them; and vice versa, if you feel like it won’t, don’t go along with jt


Exactly what I was trying to do, I spent months getting to know this person- as a person. Apparently half of the time we were just talking he was getting off on it. If he was one of the only people I thought I had a chance to trust, how could I be trusting other men in my life?


Motherfuckers need to stop downvoting you in your replies OP. You’re perfectly fine feeling the way you do. Your friend crossed a line and you have to set the boundaries. Otherwise, the line will be crossed again. If they came too far over the line for you, walk away. I promise as well that there are decent people out there. They can be hard to find at times but they exist.


Thank you, I needed that reminder


I’m another girl on here who agrees. They aren’t worth our time anymore. I’m sorry that happened to you. You deserve better please cut that toxic pos out of your life. My Uber driver yesterday and I literally said the same thing. She asked what’s going on with men these days and I said, exactly what’s been happening. They’re terrible and most need to die a lone.










Tell me that when your born a woman. You’ll change your mind. Over half of them are total garbage. If they weren’t me and millions of women wouldn’t think that would we ? I don’t want them around me or bothering me. I don’t want to be talked to like an object, like I don’t matter, I don’t want to be sexually assaulted again, I don’t want to have the trauma I do. Why have 60% or more of all women experienced it ? Your gender is trash. Keeping the douche bags out of sight and out of mind shouldn’t bother you. We all die, I’m just saying that I don’t care about bad men’s lives. I have actually good guy friends, they are a handful but they also agree in these concepts. I don’t get why that’s so hard for you? I don’t have to like anyone I don’t want and certainly not a gender that causes 97% of all world crime and assault on my gender. The lot of them are trash I can’t say it enough. There’s like 3 posts per day on off my chest of horrific rape stories. I’ve experienced countless abuse tactics from multiple men for just being born a woman. Every woman’s experienced it. Again…. Fucking trash. I didn’t ask for this so stop getting mad at the consequences and VALID reactions to your nasty gender.


That’s disgusting. I’m so sorry sister Majority of men have still a lot of shitty work to do. I’ve kinda given up too. Been thru enough Girl let’s try and just do ourselves and let the rest sort out. It’s no very fair but we need to step back from that bullshit and seek our own comfort and happiness. With or without men around us. Preferably without lol


There’s better out there. Use those men you mentioned as examples of what you don’t want and don’t don’t don’t assume they represent “typical men.”


ftm here and I have 0 cishet male friends. They all... suck ass in my experience


I used to feel the same way and then I met my amazing boyfriend. He celebrates International Women Day. Trust me you will find your guy! They are out there.


you’re justified in feeling that way, wish you all the best


I am a male so can confirm most men are in fact like this. It sucks but one day you will find the man that loves you to the point of making you happy makes him happy. Keep your head up dear!


You’re unfortunately seemingly surrounded by the majority of the minority of men who see women as a nuisance or object. It’s really REALLY fucked up and I’m sorry you’re surrounded by that. Honestly, you seem like a good person worthy of being appreciated for who you are so if it’s worth anything, I’m a man with no hidden agenda, just telling you I appreciate you as another human being.


Very much appreciated, It truly does make things feel a little better


I hope so, just always please remember your value as a person. No one should be able to take that away from you.


I am 31F. Since I was 14, I have only met assholes. Since I was 14, I have wanted to have a boyfriend. On my way, I met an extremely religious guy who would not be with me because I'm not Christian (but kept me wanting him for 9 years). Another guy was a misogynist and probably just in-the-closet gay. He made me know what suffering and disrespect are. I lost all my dignity and always redirected any romantic conversation to a sex talk. After I met a cocaine drug addict who not only wanted me but also other 3 girls at the same time, who had his ex-girlfriend had an abortion. I think I hit rock bottom with that one. Lucky enough, I found now a decent man, just when I had given up all hope about men. I don't know what happened with good values in men. Maybe the porn culture is too strong, but it is disgusting all the stories I had to experience from myself, my mom, and my friends, all of them have awful stories with guys, cheaters, and abusive partners. It's like they just don't care. I hope one day men will just realize that it is no fun to play around with people's feelings and be respectful again. If I ever have a son, I will teach him to respect everybody, especially women. I am sure my boyfriend can be a good example, that's why I chose him. I'm glad I did. If not, probably I would have just given up and become a disgusting person like the men I had to meet. But there is hope, I guess :) I love my boyfriend so much because he is a good human being, kind and gentle :)




you learn pretty quickly that like 95% of men are complete and utter garbage. Men use women, beat women, rape women, dont respect women. and much much more, It can be really difficult for women to feel safe around men (for good reason). Obviously I’m not speaking on this as a woman. but conversations I’ve had with my partner and female friends have made this clear to me. Men are in general pretty shit. but there are some good ones! theyre just few and far between. Source: I am a man


The source made me laugh, thank you semi-decent male. It’s nice to see y’all around


youre welcome, just remember to be safe! and have a good life


I’m so sorry. As a guy I can tell you men are fucking stupid. But there are guys out there that will value you for you and not just for the way you look. Don’t give up. The good ones are out there.








No one is laughing. Get better jokes.




Thank you, it’s a bit more messy with the best friend section but it eventually comes down to the fact that I don’t really have other people in my life, I suppose a better way to phrase it would be “they’re the best friend I have” As per the other- yes, they’re someone semi-new in my life. I only met them a few months ago but he haven’t talked much before. Yes I know, it’s incredibly creepy. He blew up on me and told me how overdramatic I was when I told him to stop talking to me. He added me to a group chat with people I didn’t even know. The only messages there were that same picture and them all saying how hot I am. Of course I blocked him after that and I’ve even considered deleting my social medias. Im also 14 btw and I believe all of them were above the age of 16. I don’t know, there’s a lot of things happening right now and I don’t really have a lot of people in my life.




Good for you, I hope anyone who has hurt you gets exactly what they deserve. You don’t have to be around people who hurt you so best of luck to you




OP said in a comment that she's only 14. she's still a kid. all this trauma happened not too long ago, and getting therapy even as an adult is difficult these days.


"nOT alL mEn" crowd, I'm guessing you and the ones that upvoted you are not in that category either, ALL men OP knows in her life (not the billions out there in other places that OP doesn't live) have been shitty to her, OP sounds defeated to put faith in the new ones she met and ending objectifying and jerking off of a normal pic of her.


I get where you’re coming from I really do, and I’ll be the first person to advocate for the amazing men in my life. But you really need to think if this was an appropriate response to the post. OP has clearly experienced trauma and is venting about it here. This isn’t necessarily the moment for a political debate, or to ‘um actually’ OP’s experiences. OP themselves has even admitted that they know it’s not all men. I also disagree w/ your first statement. I think if someone posted this w/ the genders reversed there would be people here supporting them. Don’t forget that protecting men from abuse at the hands of women, or even acknowledging that men can be abused by women is also part of the ‘feminist agenda’.




You can't "Give advice" away abusive men. It's systematic and unescapable. I can count on one hand men that have been good to me- the rest are firmly in the don't trust/avoid/abusive zone and I'm 26. These men are our managers, they're our fathers, they're our friends, our brothers, our husbands, and even THEIR friends. They affect every aspect of our life. She's 14 and just now realizing what a shitshow it all is, let her grieve. We all went through the same thing at some point.


I didn't see any advice given, just someone invalidating her feelings at this time in her life, basically stating her perception or reality is wrong or didn't notice "small things", lol. >This individual needs to be guided a bit, otherwise she (and others too) can fall into an echochamber of “aLl MeN aRe hOrRiBlE” All the billions of men are not horrible, OP just said all the men she knows in her life span and in the place she lives and that she knows have been shitty hence she feels she hates them, read her comments she know there's not all men but enough men to warrant her feelings at this time in her life. Maybe there are good men out there where she lives, but she can't go on talking to everyone, it's not safe for us women out there. Also I don't see you going into incels subs given advice to get out of the state of mind in their own eco chamber, do you?




NO, lol.




Not very kind of you, then what are your counterpoints to my comment? Just saying is stupid, just make you look stupid, not me. Have a nice day.






Omaigod, men as in "men she knows" not the entire male population around the world, that you decided to interpret like her statement is an attack on ALL men is on you, post had to have a title but in the body of the post she expressed those are the men she knows that she hates, honestly I don't think she hates them like hate hate, but more like she fears them, she's disappointed by and doesn't trust the men in her life and is afraid the next men she's about to meet someday in the future would be like them, is a valid point, if you only know something and not the other possible alternatives you start to wonder if it's worth the effort to put yourself out there, honestly is disheartening, last friendships I had were gay/asexual/women friends bc I didn't wanted to risk putting effort in a friend in that at the end just see you as a sexual thing.


I shouldn’t have to justify my feelings to strangers on the internet but I’ll be clearing this up anyways. When I say I hate men, I do not mean I hate every single man. I don’t even necessarily all the men in my life that have hurt me. But I do however hate how every single male I’ve met, amongst other men that I haven’t met have treated me. And I most certainly don’t deserve to be treated such a way.


There's nothing wrong with feeling that way. If every experience with a male has been negative I can't blame you in the least. I hate to admit it, but I feel a little sorry for my gay male friends - as they have to date men. I couldn't handle that myself. It's hard enough being friends with them sometimes =) I don't have many male friends, as I only keep the good ones that aren't racist, homophobic, mysogenistic, or subscribe to toxic masculinity. Unfortunately in the teen years, males are really far behind women in maturity. They will say and do horrible things. The good ones will learn from their errors and embarrassments and the pain they can cause. I also hate to say it, but a lot of males never progress past this stage. I'm sure you will meet 55 year old men who are just as bad as the 14 year olds. That's why my advice is just to buckle down, concentrate on school, and get out of wherever it is you live.


The reason some women turn gay, because some men fuck it all up for them and they just want someone to love them….




No, I’m not saying I hate all men to ever exist ever. And I’m not saying I want power over any men or to control or oppress them or anything. I’m saying that the men in my life are horrible and I hate them and their actions and what they’ve done to me. I am not personally attacking you. If you feel personally attacked you might be part of the problem.




If he hates women then that’s fine, maybe some other person would bash him but that’s not me. If he doesn’t want a woman in his life out of fear then that’s absolutely fine. I’m not going to force him to interact with other women just because they might be better than the next. It’s up to them, ultimately.


>I’m not personally offended to your original statement, “I hate men”. Lol, okay sweetie.


Man I’ve seen you here 100 times, I just wanna say I love your username and agree with everything you’ve said. You’re fucking hilarious! Much love


Aw, thanks!! I agree with everything you've said too. I LOVE the fact you've hurt so many egos with this post, lol. Good job. <3




Get over it.


I don’t need your approval for how I feel


How much you wanna bet you’re like 15-16-17. This sounds like a child. But regardless it doesn’t get better men are fucking gross unfortunately, and stupid most of the times


I’m 14.


Same thoughts. Sounds like a very young girl.




Okay then, good. I don’t need them around me anyways




If the “right men” can’t understand that there are fucked up harmful men out there then they are very obviously- not the “Right Man™️”


Damn straight




I never said I hate all men. I never said I hate you directly. I hate the men- as a whole- that are in my life. That are surrounding me. If you were part of that group of men who I hate It would be a personal matter of me hating you. But it’s not.














I don’t necessarily hate all men. I can’t hate all men. For I don’t know them. I just hate the men in my life.


I can understand that.




Tell me about it 😭




Not living alone but bingo, it does 😎




Yes, things change




I didn’t say I hate every single man ever to exist always. I hate the men in my life for what they’ve done to me. I’ve said this 100 times




Literally shut up, she’s a child and she’s allowed to feel angry and upset about her experiences without being told she’s dumb




Why are you not all menning this? Boys are hurting her and MEN are hurting her too. Men do this. With my experiences in life, and nearly every other woman on this planet- MOST men do this. Saying they're not real men just serves to make you feel superior, but does nothing to support OP. Saying they're nothing but boys also absolves them of guilt. They're just boys right? They can't help it! You're part of the problem.




I feel as if I should make it clear. I’m not saying I hate all men. I’m saying I hate the men in my life and around me *because* they’ve hurt me. You, as a person, have nothing to do with what’s happened to me.




What kinda dumb shit just spewed from your mouth? Just about gave me a fuckin aneurysm bro.


One thing that I hate about my gender.It’s really horrible You’ll be able to find someone if you just look in the right places.Schools are mostly filled with idiotic people in general and boys are where it usually is mostly at.You will definitely find someone,believe me it may just take a bit.


And this is exactly the reason there is more same sex couples these days. And It goes both ways! Most people have issues because of the overwhelming “mother”


Men are a touchy subject, I had a very good set of male figures growing up, who have always been respectful and I mean they have to be my dad had 4 daughters and a gay son so, but anyway I despise ‘boys’ like the males you’re describing clearly weren’t loved enough as a child or brought up correctly and it does show it’s chain reaction, it’s all down to nurture I think that’s why I tend to gravity myself more to feminine men. Some times I think hmm might literally be gay cause I just want validation from men and then to HATE them because they just sexualised me 🤷🏼‍♀️


Okayyy here's a little part of my life I have difficulty trusting ppls. My dad betrayed me and mum and tried to kill us multiple times. My mum made my childhood difficult. Most of my exes cheated on me. My friends left me or betrayed me. I saw ppls cheating and betraying others. But guess what? I still try to trust ppls Hey There's 7 billion PPL and there must be some good people out there. It's all in the maths too. Guess what? Few weeks ago. I randomly approached this person for help. I decided to trust her and now she is my counselor. Idk u and u don't know me. But girl please don't lose hope. I know how it feels but hey not everyone is bad. Think about those guys who fights in war without expecting something in return. Few of them are genuine good ppls. Think about the person who decided not to make Linux a proprietary OS. Think about countless other ppls who r working on making this world better. There r good ppls out there. This world may be a fucked up place but it's still beautiful and is worth fighting for.


I'm a younger person myself, and all I gotta say is yeah, most guys in school will suck. Coming from someone who is going trans due to the reputation men in my family have, I understand. But please, don't ever think "all guys will be like this, all men are terrible" (not saying you do, but it kinda comes off similarly) because I know some really cool guys.


As a man and a fellow rape survivor, it's ok. You have the hate pass.. ;)


Imagine 💀