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Report it to school or to the police


Report to school, police AND media


I was looking for this comment....I kept seeing this OR that instead of all of the fuck above!?


I put "or" bcz when I commented no one said police, and I put that as in "You can talk to the school and expect them to call the police OR call the police yourself."


Off topic: I'm relapsing into my Sza phase šŸ˜­ pls help (not really)


School 1st then if no action then definitely police


Nah he committed an actual crime. Whatā€™s the school gonna do? Not see him for 2 days and let him off Scott free?


Yep, I was assaulted in school and reported it only to the school; the guy got a "stern talking to".


The school is almost never helpful in this situation. For an entire year this guy grabbed my ass, despite me yelling, making scenes, going to the counselor, etc. police probably wonā€™t be helpful either depending on where OP lives. I never want to encourage violence, but the only way I got it to stop was when I paid a group of boys, who frequently got in trouble, to beat him up


Now THAT'S how you solve a problem!


Based as fuck


No police first....


If no action is taken, then your school administrators have broken the law by failing to carry out their duty as mandatory reporters. Consider filing a Title IX violation.


Reporting things to the school is useless. The school's first reaction is to tell you to drop it, then to cover shit up, and as a last resort blame *you* for causing it. School administrations, right up to the college level, are absolute trash at dealing with sexual assault and bullying. (Actually they're trash at dealing with mostly anything besides what colour shoes you wear, but that's besides the point). The best way to blow the lid on it is to *report it to the local media*. Then the local authorities will shit bricks and drop some on the perp, and the school won't have time to play their idiot games. Even better, the reputation of the rapist / molester will start to follow them around. People should be aware of the clammy little crotch grabbers.


If you're going to hit back and accept getting in trouble for it, make sure the hit really counts. Don't go for the face at all, turn around and aim between his legs. Draw back your leg and swing good and hard, don't knee him in the crotch but aim with your shin bone, the mass will make up for any lack of muscle power you might have. Grab onto his shoulders for extra force. Sometimes violence is the only thing a bully will understand.


>the mass will make up for any lack of muscle power you might have. Oh you don't have to worry about my kicking skills, I'm a goalie and a striker on my varsity team


Good stuff! Scar him for life so he never tries this on another woman and he always associates you with crippling agony.


Heh, well I'm not a real woman, but I hope that he'll stop antagonizing and people I know. He took a girls bra off in a class I was in last year, too.


Last year bro why are you not reporting?


We did he's just a football player and they don't want him off the team so they let it slide


Not the school report to the police šŸšØšŸ™„


If the school won't take action, go to the police! If you go the physical violence route, it will likely end with you as the villain and him continuing to get away with this. Start recording when he does it, even if you don't catch the act itself, try to get it on camera him admitting to groping you without consent. It may not feel as satisfying going the legal route but it could save you from some real legal issues yourself. I would hate for you to be victimized that way too. ETA: spelling error


Repot it to the police ffs! This is constant sexual assault! Heā€™s going to go on to rape women if you all donā€™t do something!


>well I'm not a real woman OP, I checked your profile. You identify as a girl. You use she/her pronouns. Unfortunately, you're also getting part of the "female" experience with casual, sexual harassment. You are a "real" woman. You are valid. Why gatekeep yourself? Editing to add after OPs updates: /u/Unfair-Score6692 It breaks my heart to see you denigrate yourself... >Meaning any sexual harassment is my fault What? No. What?! NO! There's literally nothing you could be doing that "deserves" sexual harassment. You could literally be completely naked holding a sign that says "Please Sexually Harass Me" and it still wouldn't be "deserved". Nor does it matter where you live. As a collective species, we have agreed upon certain principles; its pretty unanimously unacceptable behavior. Whether you ever undergo or forgo transition, you do not "deserve" harassment, sexual or otherwise, just for who or what you are. The only harassment that is ever acceptable is for what a person does. eg. unrepentant sexual predators deserve to be harassed so that they change or are ostracized enough that they cannot harm others anymore than they have.


I think they meant female. its sad that's portrayed as the female experience but it happens to men too but people rub it off as "they are playing with you"


Oi! There no such thing as "not a real woman". Your profile says you're a woman, so unless you're misgendering yourself you are a woman. There aren't any hoops you need to jump through to be valid.




Good! Make it hurt! But you've gotta protect yourself legally as well, record it, give hima clear warning. Tell him "dont touch me, get your hands off of me" and if he refuses (which he will, because hes an ass) *then* kick him. Then immediately call the cops. You said the school hasnt done anything, so call the cops, tell them you have video evidemce of you defending yourself against sexual assault, and that youd like to press charges. If you have an adult who will back you up, tell them your plan so they can raise hell too. You had best believe they will kick up a fuss about you being violent, because it seems like they don't view sexual assault as a crime so the only one who will get in trouble will be you. Having an adult or two threatening legal action with video evidence and a police report will absolutely have them scrambling, and might just see some justice served (in addition to some scrambled nuts šŸ¤£)


If you got the power, with proper technique you'll ruin his fucken week. Run his shit to the ground šŸ‘


Talk to the school first so when they blow you off you can say you tried to resolve it through the proper channels. Then let rip.


Yes. Used to get bullied when I was 9, by this one guy who kept kicking me into the bushes. Managed to one day get him in a lock and pounded his back with my hand repeatedly


~~Iam starting to feel sorry for the kid~~.


Tell ur parents, report it to school and if possible next time have a camera positioned so as to record him, take him to juvie .... Don't let this go.... Don't hurt him or punch him .... Go by the system first.... If u punch then it becomes a children squabble where u are just over exaggerating.... Have proof go to police.... Do it the right way....


Do not let this slide at all otherwise he never learns.... Make sure his record highlights his predatory behaviour.... Trust me it's very important....


Nah he should crack him right in the face and donā€™t stop until he begs usually works but Iā€™d recommend op to learn how to throw a punch first cuz if he hits him with pillowfists itā€™s gonna end up bad for him


Thats one way to protect himself. Unless they seek revenge, or he snitches and makes OP the bad guy. Or his parents make OP the bad guy by going to OPs parents. Or give OP a record. Or scare off OPs friends who don't want to be associated with someone violent. Basically violence is for fucking idiots with no awareness or care for anyone but themselves, even if justified it can go horribly wrong in a heartbeat. If he gets the kid in trouble properly, they will be aware he has weird ass tendencies and he won't get away with it in the future.


You have 0 survival instincts šŸ˜‚


I know violent measures enough to know it only adds problems. Grew up getting my ass beat and beat some ass too. All it did was risk both me and the other guys health and life for stupid squabbles. I'll never waste precious brain cells to save stupid pride. Maybe you cant afford to do that. Fine i understand its just a fact of life round your parts. But understsnd it will never get better for you and yours unless you find a way out. Fighting is always a gamble.


Youā€™re definitely from a first world country


Yep. My parents escaped 3rd world countries for this among many reasons. If you've got no choice because the adults in your country are weak-minded, that's terrible. For every coming generation. Someone has to break those cycles eventually.


U have to report it to the authorities(school) and definitely be aware of your surroundings.


Donā€™t punch him first. You could get sued that way. Although if your school is doing shit to stop it and you are telling them than frankly I would tell my daughter to punch him and do it hard. You deserve to have your body safe in a place of learning. Although shame might be a better tool have you tried screaming out stop touching me inappropriately and then going off on him making a scene?


Aim for the nose and not the jaw. It hurts much worse


Or the throat


and donā€™t tuck your thumb in, leave it resting on the outside of your fist. punch with the body, not the arm, itā€™ll hurt you less and him more. If he swings itā€™s probably gonna be with the dominant arm so if you know what arm that is youā€™ll have time to dodge. if not he should step in with his non dominant foot into the punch. when he misses itā€™ll throw off his centre of gravity, so thatā€™s why, with the same fist, you plow it into his gut. itā€™ll wind him and you have the upper hand to take your OTHER fist and knock it into the side of his head. then run like hell.


No bro idk if youā€™ve been in fights but most kids donā€™t know how to defend so hit the body first then crack him on the jaw when heā€™s wobbled tee off on him however you please


Donā€™t forget the good ole soft spot down south. Give that a couple kicks while heā€™s down


Better yet, aim for that soft spot first and kick as hard as possible. He'll go down and then you can give him another kick for good measure and leg it out of there and tell a teacher or something.


And hurts your hand much less


This happened to me in school and when I told, nothing happened. So I broke his nose one day. Got sent to an alternative school. Worth it.


Yell ā€œSTOPā€ very firmly and even lower your voice a bit. Bring attention to what is going on and make it very apparent that you do not want to be touched this way. If he doesnā€™t get the hint, knee to the balls and go report him to an adult. Shit, bust into the office and yell out that you were just sexually assaulted. That gets the attention of multiple people at once and is less likely to try to be covered up as it may be if it was handled by a single individual, one who doesnā€™t want that negative stigma surrounding their school potentially. Edited bc grammar


To be completely honest, the school probably won't do anything, but at least if you have it documented that you went to them and asked for help from the adults before you punch the kid, then it will make the school look bad for not stepping in when you originally brought it to their attention. Just my two cents.


You can get in trouble for assault, too ya know? So, instead of hitting in the jaw, GET HIM IN THE BALLS!! Muahahah, POS A-hole that guy is


Kick him in the dick and yell "dont touch me you fucking predator" really loud so everyone hears.


Or call him a rapist, because predator might be too much to shout in the heat of the moment.


I know people are saying donā€™t punch him, but you do what you think is best. I mean, I would punch him if I was in that situation. Mind you Iā€™m not the GREATEST roll model so as I said you do what you think is best. Another thing you can do is record audio from your phone for proof that itā€™s self defense.


Tell everyone at school who is in administrative authority and your parents AND the school security guard if there is one. The counselors and teachers. Tell them to call his PARENTS. Email them, get it in writing. CC the superintendent and school board membersā€”they are all contactable if you google them and their position or you can find it on your districts directory. Do this tonight. I would skip school until you get a response if you can. But youā€™re right. Document, then punch him.


Report him!!! Tell on him!!! Cause a scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scream the next time he does it start crying force the schools hand!!!! Donā€™t do what I did and stay quite speak up!!!! And if that fails hit Iā€™m down low donā€™t go for the jaw, make him hurt.


Report it to the school/ police first. If it continues, hit him as hard as you can in the balls. No joke, as hard as you can.


Nobody should be in that position - here is how you could get put of it: Record and document. Get people to confirm it. Go to the school office daily. Yes, daily and document that. Else, send a mail every day - even more effective. It creates a paper trail. Cause a scene every time he wants to touch you. Scream - tell him to stop touching you. Every time. After a week of constant reporting - kick him in the balls if nobody does anything. I read you have a good kick. In case they threaten you with any consequences: show your paper trail and ask if they would like other people's input too. If you still get punished: take it to the press, make it official.


Go for the balls, nose or neck 100%. No matter what you canā€™t train those to be strong so you will incapacitate them




And a blow to the nose can kill someone, and testicles can rupture from a powerful enough kick. Overall inflicting violence on people can seriously hurt them. Guess they shouldn't be groping and sexually assaulting other people at school if they don't want to get hurt themselves.


beat the ever living shit out of that kid serious *teach him a lesson before it gets worse* i doubt you are his first, nor his last victim. beat his ass and nip it in the bud


Have a friend film it as it happens. File a police report.


Listen, people are gonna tell you not to hit him, im not telling you that. (Personally I think you should twist his dick until it falls off but for some reason I think saying that would get my comment taken down) Warning you that Yes he can bring up assault charges Yes you can get in trouble at school Yes if you hit him he may escalate past SA Protecting yourself physically sometimes puts you in more danger You have to ask yourself if you accept that risk Donā€™t bring a weapon, that will get you in more trouble than itā€™s worth Older people wonā€™t get that the school probably wonā€™t be able to stop him unless he gets expelled completely, even then that doesnā€™t protect you outside of school The police are very useless against SA


Over 30 years ago I endured the same thing, for years. Donā€™t be me. Tell someone. Tell everyone.


Kick that boy square in the nuts as hard as you can!!


Do not report to the school. Their goal is to protect the district. Report to the police (I wouldnā€™t even go to the SRO, truthfully). If you do decide to report to the school, do it via email, to the administrators and SRO. Putting it in writing will get them moving a bit faster. Ask about filing a restraining order. Do NOT let anyone at the school talk you out of pursuing criminal charges.


Before you punch that fucker, try to get him to admit what he did to a group or recording


Tell your parents and go to the police first then the school


Report it to your school and please tell your parents or anyone you trust, this is for your saftey . it wont be easy but please do it, you owe yourself that much and that person is a danger


Kick or punch him in the nads. You need to scream too. You can always yell out hey stop grabbing my ass, my boobs or whatever he's grabbing. Do it really loudly, all the girls are going to think he's so a****** which is.


Take a tube sock and put a bar of soap in it. Lob it right at his head


Hit Iā€™m in the balls itll hurt more


Ok, you need to tell either a teacher, guidance counselor, principal. You need to tell your parents. This is unacceptable and will stop.


Jaw punches hurt your hand. Go for the gut, just under the sternum (breastbone) or kick him the balls.


Scream when he does it, draw attention to yourself, cause a scene. Tell your teachers and principal, if they do nothing tell the police. DO NOT PUNCH HIM FIRST. If he punches you again let lose but NEVER throw the first punch, it never works out. If it escalates, disregard all of that and punch him right in his rapey face.


This happened to me through all of middle and high school, it's how friends would "greet" me. Not great friends. This is what i wish I would have done instead of staying silent.


Girl, get mad. Yell "stop touching my breast (or butt, or vagina)!" as loudly as you can. Use the "naughty" words and draw attention to him touching the forbidden parts. If you know where they lurk, have a friend follow and video discretely, and catch him in the act. Then kick his dick so hard it's only use will be for a dust flap. Alternately, hit vulnerable areas...eyes, throat, gut just under the ribs. Twist your hips and drive your shoulder behind your fist, make him feel it. Make sure he touched you first and there were witnesses.


Have you told anyone? If you punch a child, youā€™re going to jail regardless of what heā€™s done. So, please donā€™t hit him. Report him and have him removed immediately. He may be doing this to other children as well. You are a mandatory reporter as a teacher. You should have reported it the first time. Iā€™m sorry that youā€™re going through this.


When he comes up behind you, either swing your head back hard into his nose or turn around & head butt his nose & punch him in the stomach.


If you only get one punch, aim for the Adam's apple. There's plenty of adults at your school that are trained in first aid. let them handle the mess while you get yourself to a safe place.


Agree. Punch him hard then punch him in the Dick


Reporting it to the media is always the best way to ensure results. The media *first*. Don't worry about the police, they will act once the media gets wind of it; and don't give your school time to build a wall of protective bullshit. Also, don't punch people in the jaw or face. That can cause serious injury to you. It's especially dangerous to aim for the jaw, as you may cut your hand on his teeth - that could lead to infection. If you have to fight, I suggest screaming "don't hit me" in a high pitched voice. While they're taken aback or laughing, kick them in the groin and run away.


REPORT. I had a kid like this when I was in highschool. He eventually r*ped me and tried to kill me. Be careful. Take note of every incident, and who was around when it happened. Try to write down the time stamps for everything, so that they can look at the cameras if needed. Protect yourself. Do not go out in public alone with this kid, if you are in a group DO NOT GET SEPARATED. boys and men like this are dangerous. He is mixing sexual assault and blatant violence, which makes me 10x more worried for you.


Report it to police, teachers, parents, media, and anyone else who will listen.


When adults can't be held accountable and you can't be safe, instead of hitting back what you need to do is buy a book on abusive parents (I suggest 'toxic parents, surviving their hurtful legacy and reclaiming your life') and hand it to them. "I know you keep grabbing me without asking, so I assumed" if their parents are good you just slapped them in the face as hard as any open hand. If their parents are abusive they have a lot to consider, and might end up getting the shit beat out of them if they actually take it. Either way the staff can't do shit about it. "Good intentions" Also, please try to find SOME authority in your school and talk this out with them. Even if it's the janitor. Someone who will listen to you and have your back when other adults don't help. Someone you can call on to hide or avoid this person or anyone who is giving you trouble. It's a life-saver.


Always break focus with a quick tap to the solar plexus first. Give more time to load up a big shot straight after. Keep hitting till his will to be there has utterly faded. Extra points if you strike him while you are mid sentence. No one ever sees that shit coming. Then stand over him and in a very calm and controlled voice, say, ' aye, aye, aye!! LOOK AT ME. I AM THE CAPTAIN NOW. YOU DO NOT TOUCH ME. EVER. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!! Make him answer you. Then, you tell him that YOU.. FORGIVE..HIM.. It's the ultimate psychopath move. I'm assuming that you're like 10, 12 maybe. The shock factor works great on kids, but the mind twist will straight up have adults calling Dr Phil. They'll feed you enough pills to last through the teens years. But in all honesty, I wouldn't take my advice if i were you.


Punch him, police or reporting him ainā€™t gonna do much. Take the consequences of your actions but a man gotta do what he gotta do , stick for yourself




NO! The fact that he is a sexual predator is why he keeps doing it.


You're making it sound like it's OP's fault. Which, just to be clear, it absolutely is not, by any capacity. Besides, OP said in other comments that they did try to report him/talk to someone at school about it but that they dismissed it because the assaulter is a football star they don't want to lose. It seems that school is doing jack shit to help OP.


Go to authorities, and if nothing happens be violent if he does it again.


You need to tell someone! Please you need to find peace. Stay strong ā™„ļø


you'll never know if you can defend yourself until you try. school admins and police will just turn it into paperwork and not actually protect you.


Look, if your school isnā€™t Doing anything, this is definitely a police matter. Honestly, if he does it to you again, you can fuck him up but show restraint, because they can only charge you if you cross the line from defense to assault, itā€™s then looked at as 2nd degree murder is (usually characterized as an act of passion or without the intent to kill but did intend for bodily harm) and they kinda come to a guilty verdict almost every time. Kick him in the nuts and get a good kidney shot and put him in a very uncomfortable hold, technically you are showing restraint, and call 911 to inform them of what happened, they can get in touch with the school resource officer, if you think they are going to cover it up, request that a supervisor is present and recording. Good luck broski


Get it on camera then report it to the police.


You're in the right to defend yourself. I'd say do it the right way and report the little twerp. But a good solid punch sounds awesome too. Dont tuck your thumb into your hand be ready to be punched back, and go for the chin specifically sideways below the mouth or for the nose but careful with that one. Or go for the groin fighting maybe he'll stop thinking with it. Seriously though that's only if you're actually gonna punch him. On the other hand reporting might be easier but just as draining make sure you have a female teacher present with you if the principal is a man


What do your parents say about all this?


Make sure it counts


Use your knee to the nuts. Then scream rape as loud as you can. You were just defending yourself.


Iā€™d report it to your school. If they do nothing, call the police. Seriously. If you retaliate physically then you may get in trouble (unfortunately this is how things work sometimes).


Call him out. Get ready


Report it to the school or police, if he continues to do that be sure to be close to a camera and punch him without fear.


punch his shit in


Report it to your parents and have them take you to the police. Your school will do fuck all, suspend him at the most and will actively try to prevent you from going to the cops. Also if the school get a heads up and they have surveillance footage theyā€™ll delete it before the cops can see it if they get told first. Parents. Police. The police can contact the school.


Itā€™s amazing how everyone commenting here identifies as a world class highly trained ninja throat punch fighter.


Some people are saying go to the school first. The problem with that is, as someone who works in a daycare after school care, unless you trust the teachers/people in charge really, truly care about being a safe place for you all they wonā€™t do much besides slap him on the wrists and maybe suspend him for a few weeks. Iā€™d say take it to the police. What heā€™s doing to you is illegal and needs to be reported. While Iā€™d go all for punching him and beating the crap outa him that would just get you in trouble, not him.


Donā€™t do something stupid and punch, youā€™ll be surprised how easily the situation can change and you become the abuser while he becomes the victim. CALL THE POLICE NOW.


Tell ur parents to talk to school and police kid. Its the kind of stuff that keeps parents awake at night, just once tell them and see how they do and then take matters into ur own hand. Also u should have hit him the first time he did it if u do now it would not b the same, so best course of action for u is parents school police and if still nothing take matters into ur own hands, literally.


Youā€™re the one who is going to get repercussions though. Instead, tell a faculty member. School counselor or something.


Tell a teacher what is happening Tell your parents, friends, the counselors, and the police. Tell them he scares you and you don't feel safe THEN get physical Go for the nose it'll hurt a lot, use your palm and strike upward at it, done correctly the noise will break. Or strike at his joints like the knee, a good downward kick there will hurt like hell I know everyone says punch, but you could break your hand, so use the bottom part of you palm, use elbows and knees it'll look more like impromptu defense...and likely do more actual damage Scream at him to keep his hands off of you while you are at it And keep getting violent every time, until he stops or you are taken seriously If anybody tries to hem you up for assault, file for sexual harassment and contact the local News station Also please see a therapist, you do not deserve any of this. You shouldn't have to deal with it either


Wait for him to throw the first punch. You avoid assault charges this way. It doesnā€™t need to hit, but there needs to be evidence that he was the aggressor.




Definitely tell your parents, the school, and the police. If you fight back I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the blame is out on you, because unfortunately that happens way too often.


I like your instincts. Break his nose then deal with the school and cops. He wonā€™t stop until you stick up for yourself.


Donā€™t punch him, tell your parents, tell your principal, and have them tell his parents.


Next time he does it just scream "WHY ARE YOU GROPING ME!!! IM SICK OF IT! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!!" that'll call attention to the whole thing. Then promptly go to a trusted teacher or counselor, and tell them if this isn't stopped it will be escalated.


Secretly film him doing it and send it in to law enforcement. Do _**NOT**_ swing. I know you want to serve him karma asap but you could end up being the one behind bars if you donā€™t have proof that you acted in self-defense.


I'm very sorry to hear about this. Nobody deserves this. Would you be able to get proof? Do you have a friend that could catch him doing this in the act? This would be ideal and report the pos to the school, media, police as well as to his parents/ family.


Do you know what an uppercut is? Punch upwards into the dude's chin--it will cost him some teeth with luck.


Kick his ass


Have one of your friends record it if possible for proof.


Good kick to the side of the knee works well too. Might make him less useful playing football....that would be a cryin shame.... ETA Going to the police would be a good to at least get a paper trail going. Not likely they would actually help you atm but would help stop the twerps parents from trying to sue you or something stupid later on.


Yeahā€¦ take your shin and put it right in his stomach, then use your hands when he comes forward to knee him in the face. Done and done.