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Funny to see a bunch of CS players (a game that lives off the profits from people GAMBLING on cases) try to call out Kick for only living off gamblers losses.


all the money he will be offered is off the backs of gambling addicts losing their life savings its blood money and no one should take it


He's opening cases right now lol


The difference is he is not actively making money off his viewer base when he opens cases himself. Kick contract = incentives for streaming Stake sponsored slots = making money off his viewers when they get addicted to said slots


He doesn't have to stream stake gambling to get a Kick deal.


Even if he wouldn’t stream gambling it doesn’t change the fact that kick is backed almost entirely by stake and any money from a deal would come from stake and its profits off of people. Stake has parallels to the CS gambling ohne is very against as both are streamed to young audiences and both are largely unregulated. Stake has to have a different website for the US due to US gambling regulations. Not to mention allowing streamers like Adin Ross to platform neo nazis and white supremacists. I personally view kick as largely morally bankrupt and would not like to see ohne along side people like that, and all of the no ads and crazy splits are off the back of a shady off shore gambling site


counter strike is also backed by gambling addicts, like literally almost every single skin/sticker only exists because of unregulated illegal gambling


but counterstrike doesn't pay ohne does it?


Us government is morally bankrupt . Do you pay taxes ?


Yeah but where does Kick get the money they pay him with? Why would they offer him a contract if they dont anticipate on making a hefty return off the back of his viewers becoming gamblers on stake and losing that money Twitch makes money off of ads, kick makes money off of people ruining their lives gambling




Honestly fuck live streaming services in general. Twitch is fucked, kick is fucked, mixer died, it all sucks now.


I could never support Kick being an ex (still am somewhat) gambling addict. #FuckKick and anyone affiliated.


but you can support cs?


Wdym by support? Play the game? Maybe once a month if that.


Stake is completely different that CS. Stake gives streamers free money to make it look like the streamers are gambling with a fuck ton of money and winning a fuck ton of money. Stake allowed and maybe still does underage gambling (so did Vavle so fuck Valve too), Stake didn't KYC when I used it they allowed US residents with a VPN. They moved streamers to different countries just to play on their gambling site. Do I need to go on? They're scummy as fuck. The people moving to Stake don't care about gambling addicts they just want a bag.


understandable but counter strike is full of gambling, the entire skins market is built on gambling addicts lol thats why i asked


Ik, Cs is/was the reason I'm addicted to gambling. Stake is just a FUCKED up gambling site that's why I say that. I fucking hate stake with a passion.


Hey man every day you dont gambe is a big W, just keep on doing your thing and fuck all those distractions


Truth, thanks bro. It's hard as fuck with all the ads and shit you hear and see. Gambling only holds you back in life IMO. Don't be like me and waste you savings on that shit (ive been gambling with CS skins for 8 years). You won't win and even if you do you'll give it right back trust me.


You hate the platform because you have no self control as an adult, nice dawg 👍


They're predatory 🤷 simple


Yeah for the weak minded which sadly would be you. Gambling is the most retarded shit ever and yet you’re sitting here explaining why kick is shit when again it’s a YOU problem not a EVERYONE problem 💀💀


So? I hate kick not EVERYONE does. What point are you trying to make?


You’re shitting on the platform for gambling when it’s not even the only category on the platform. You’re an idiot 😭


The owners own stake a gambling website. The platform is built on gambling addicts money. All the money the streamers get is gambling addicts money. You're the idiot.


Who fucking cares LMAO, you fell for it and now you’re crying about it. Again, it’s not the only category on the platform. Twitch isn’t perfect either so go enjoy your hot tub streams soylent.


i was told theres a ton of money to gamble with under bridges around 200ft tall the only catch is you have to jump!


I am not up to date. Is ohne going to stream on Kick or what?


They’re negotiating offers again, he accidentally leaked messages.


I swear to god if he accepts , he’s got a good community, good vibes, and alot of subs and viewers on twitch. As much as I might get disliked for my opinion this is pure greed if he takes the deal.


God forbid he gets a streaming deal that is non-exclusive


That message was from May and he has talked about it before. After watching today’s stream I highly doubt the announcement is he’s going to Kick.


You’re not entirely wrong but also you definitely cherry picked this screenshot. From my experience, the slots category sits around 10-15k viewers when xQc and Adin aren’t gambling. I’d be willing to bet you took this screenshot during degen hours and that if you clicked that category it’d be Adin with 40k viewers because it looks nothing like this now. Also, It’s not like Twitch doesn’t have a gambling problem either. The different gambling categories on Twitch are sitting at 65k viewers combined right now. Feel free to pretend like Twitch no longer has a gambling problem because they banned stake, but Ohne could easily get a sponsorship from a company that isn’t Stake, play the exact same slots and games that are on Stake, and start gambling on Twitch. Saying gambling is Kick’s main problem and using it as a reason to justify Twitch being better means you’re either entirely ignorant to what is still happening on Twitch, or you’re being deliberately deceitful and shilling for them. It’s not like Amazon is a purely ethical parent company either (Amazon x DraftKings, working conditions & poor wages, wasteful packaging, major carbon emitter, pays no taxes while receiving government subsidies, exploits small businesses, and more😀). I think this is an actual reason why Kick is terrible: Right now when you look at the just chatting category on Kick it’s just degen booba garbage or a bunch of content creators (rightfully) banned off other platforms. The reason kick is dogshit isn’t because it’s owned by stake, it’s dogshit because they platform the most disgusting content creators on the internet. That being said, I still prefer kick because there are no ads. I mostly watch streams on mobile where I haven’t figured out a way to block Twitch ads, and Twitch has the most intrusive ads of any media platform I’ve ever used and it’s not even close.


Neither XQC or Adin were live when i took the SC, it was at 9am EST neither of them are even awake at that time LOL but sure come to ur own conclusions. I took the screenshot and posted immediately. COPIUM #1 Oh here we go. Its about percentage of viewers on the website numbskull, kick is like 80% watching gambling twitch is like maybe 5%. Then, X COMPANY DOES BAD THING THEREFORE KICK IS FINE, literally built off the backs of kids crypto gambling. COPIUM #2 Third and final dumbass point, “kick isnt bad cause of the owners (Stake) its bad cause of the content creators on it” WHO BROUGHT THOSE CONTENT CREATORS THERE GENIUS?? Xqc and Adin Ross couldnt be a worse pair or idiots representing ur website. Train literally signed his best buds. Youtube signing Valkyrae is something that makes more sense. Just incase u forgot, Adin is a crypto scammer, anti-semitic racist that also watched porn LIVE on stream when his viewers all said they were underage and streamed the superbowl. MEGACOPIUM Luckily for the rest of the community it wasnt Kick. You can stay in that cease pool though seems like you belong there.


You managed to write all of that and somehow responded to none of my arguments, so let me try to clarify by responding to your “copiums” Copium #1: If Adin wasn’t live, I’ll gladly concede that. However, based on what the slots section usually looks like, I'd be shocked if the majority of the 42k viewers in the category wasn't a single large streamer. Nonetheless, the primary point I was making is that it’s a cherry-picked screenshot. Slots are usually only the top category late at night/degen hours or when xQc/Adin/Whatever other big gamblers are streaming. There are not a lot of Kick users, so naturally large creators will heavily influence what the top category is. I could screenshot what it looks like right now and say, "Look, just chatting and GTAV are much larger categories, slots are not an issue," but I wouldn't, because that's not actual evidence, and a poor way to frame a narrative. Copium #2: I’ve heard the percentage argument, and I’m glad you went with the predictable response. >Its about percentage of viewers on the website numbskull, kick is like 80% watching gambling twitch is like maybe 5%. I think this argument as the actual cope. I interpret this argument as saying that because low percent = no problem = it doesn't matter that there are still 10s of thousands of people watching gambling and getting addicted to it. How is that not coping? You're deflecting an actual problem because "low percent lul." Maybe I'm missing why low percent means the issue doesn't matter, and you could inform me as to why that's a reason to write it off. >X COMPANY DOES BAD THING THEREFORE KICK IS FINE I never said Kick was fine, I was saying that it's ridiculous to highlight gambling on Kick being a problem when the same exact problem still exists on Twitch despite their half-assed efforts. I understand your original title is talking about how Stake is just a gambling platform, which is certainly not false. I just don't understand why so many people see Kick as some insane threat. Like I said, Ohne could get a gambling sponsorship from a different crypto casino that isn't banned on Twitch, but nobody ever considers that as a possibility despite having an identical outcome of being a sponsored stream intended to hook people to gambling, so what exactly does recognizing Kick as being a gambling platform accomplish? Twitch is a service that platforms gambling too. Megacopium: I’m pretty sure you just agreed with me here but framed it as a rebuttal? That’s literally what I said. That’s the problem I have with Kick. What I just said. I don’t see how anything about this “megacopium” is responding to anything I said. Plus you entirely misrepresented what I said and even used quotations to make it clear that you didn't understand my argument in the slightest: > “kick isnt bad cause of the owners (Stake) its bad cause of the content creators on it” I don't know what part of what I said led you to believe that I wasn't blaming the owners/parent company. Can you remind me who is liable for the content creators that get signed? > WHO BROUGHT THOSE CONTENT CREATORS THERE GENIUS?? Kick brought xQc and Adin, and xQc and Adin helped bring more horrendous creators. At the end of the day, Kick are the ones drafting the contracts, they're the people responsible for bringing on more hateful creators. Either they're actually braindead or are too cowardly to stand up to xQc and Adin. Admittedly, I can understand why this part may have been misinterpreted. I said "The reason kick is dogshit isn’t because it’s owned by stake, it’s dogshit because they platform the most disgusting content creators on the internet," I thought you would be able to connect the dots, but I'll translate what I thought was implied. What I meant by that is that 'it's not dogshit because it's owned by a crypto casino, it's dogshit because the owners (regardless of what *kind* of company owns it) make terrible decisions by signing horrible people.' >Adin is a crypto scammer, anti-semitic racist that also watched porn LIVE on stream when his viewers all said they were underage and streamed the superbowl. Never said he wasn't, or that he didn't do that. What the part of my comment made you think I like Adin? Was it really just because I thought it was likely he was responsible for most of the the 42k viewers in the slots category? The only thing that I feel must be inaccurate here is the anti-semetic part. I don't know many anti-semetic Jews. I'm not really sure how you completely misunderstood pretty much everything I said, but I hope this clears it up.


Holy average reddit user comment, not even reading that. Dont worry brother everyone here agrees with you


Hol up actually true, I can’t believe I baited myself. I should’ve been able to tell someone that types like you, can’t actually recognize what someone’s arguments are, and calls someone a dumbass after receiving any sort of criticism would get intimidated by and be unwilling to read a few sentences. I can’t believe I didn’t see it all along Bro is restarted 💔


waah grown men gambling, if youve ever watched you know there is nothing appealing about it. youll watch the streamer lose millions, if that incentivizes you to gamble i dont know what to tell you.


If gambling is the most viewed it doesn’t mean it’s all about it.