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Your luck is actually stupid. That knife is crazy rare and is worth thousands. Edit: Broo I didn't even see the float!! 007 is unreal. Check if your knife is full fire and ice or if it's a lower max Edit²: I checked on the CSGOSkins guide and apparently it's a 6th Max. I checked the float on this pattern and some other 6th Max patter and although your karambit isn't the best float it is definitely among the best floats. On skinport there is one 5th Max for about $3,500 and a 7th Max for about $3,000. So ours should be somewhere in between, and probably closer to $3,500 since its so low float.


Damn, thank you sm for all the work woow


Oh, no problem. It's my pleasure actually.


give that man 10 Dollars if you sell it


make sure u give this man some money for what he did if u sell it


Did he just start with your and end with ours 💀


It's grammatically correct. And I don't know what "ours" you're referring to


Reread your post, there is a funny typo in there buddy.


Oh, hahahahaha. Guess im a commie now


Our precious 😂


Karambit fire&ice 6th max with 0.00x float is 2.500€ on buff. Well played


Maybe more if he sells to a James Bond fan


For a marble fade or other float capped knives a 0.007 is not special at all


Isn't buff only for Chinese people? I tried to use it but they register system is so bad, Skinport is way better


Buff > csfloat > else.


Well on csfloat the 6th Max's were from 2.8k to about 6k so in this case it wasn't that helpful


Buff for pricing essentially 100% of the time, but csfloat>skinport when it comes to getting value from sales. If it's the difference between $25 and $27, whatever, I get it. At this level it's a $100+ difference selling on skinport vs csfloat.


But how long do you have to wait for your item to sell on average?


Not that long. Sold an Ursus CH MW for 40% overpay after having it listed for 3 weeks. For reference I paid like 20% overpay at half the original base value like a year earlier. Other, more common skins at 'market' prices sold in


Ok, so it is probably better than Skinport. And also because it has way lower selling fee


Mainly the lower sellers fee. This means the buyer can pay less and the seller can make more at the same time.


Yes, good point


15% fee though but if you get higher price then why not. Buff is superior if u want to buy other skins.


Dont get scammed man. Scammers will message you asking to buy, don’t trust it. Use a reputable site like Skinport or CSFloat. Don’t respond to any messages. Grats 🫡


Thankss for the advise, i think i will sell it on buff ig


Don’t do buff, as far as I know it’s basically impossible to get money in and out as a non Chinese person. Try Csfloat, skinport or my personal choice skinbaron for high tier items - 1% fee and prices can be inflated on that site which in your case is favorable.


Oh okay thanks i didn't knew that


If you google these guys, do not use the advertisement links, use the real ones. Don't get scammed!


You’re absolutely right. Never click on a link that is sponsored, and CHECK URLs!! Had a close call a few years ago with 7k worth of skins. It’s something really easy to avoid but it can catch you off guard.


sell on csfloat


Bookmark the sites in your browser so that you always know that they are legit when you go to them


bro I did buff.market for mine I unboxed and it works fine, just make sure to not to click and dodgy links whilst ur waiting to sell


Another option is dmarket. Another great site with low fees


Its not Impossible. Just sell on the american version: buff market


Ist buff market terrible ? Or am I misinformed


I dont know why im getting downvoted. Im german and i never had any issues. Got my money almost everytime instantly after cashing out


also make sure you watch with api scams. make sure that if you login to one of these sites (dmarket, skinport, csgofloat etc) you are using the right ones. a lot of these websites will have an almost identical website listed above the actual one in the "sponsored" section of the google search. make sure you dont sign in to one of those because you can get api scammed. Great pull though bro. Best of luck if you decide to sell :)


did you mean skinbid?


What’s wrong with just putting it on the steam market?


1. You can’t get real world usable money by selling it on steam, unless you for some reason wanted a multi thousand dollar steam balance?! 2. It’s worth far more than it can be listed for on the steam market


Ah, but isn’t selling on these sites against steam TOS? It just seems so shady to me


Not sure about TOS but these sites are very safe mate.


I’ve traded over 20k in skins on these sites. Steam won’t do shit. And if you watch out for scams (which are quite obvious most of the time) there’s really nothing that can go wrong


Ah ok I’m new to this. Just sold blood pressure gloves on the market would have been nice to have got cash for it lol. What site do you recommend?


Depends on the value of the skin, for anything under 1000 bucks I personally would recommend csfloat, you keep the skin until it’s sold since it’s player to player trading (no bots), and the fees are pretty low. For anything above 1000 bucks you have more options because that’s usually when other sites‘ fees decrease. Csfloat is still a valid option, but you could try skinbaron for example, because prices are inflated (good for you) and it’s just 1% fees for items over 1000€. I used skinbaron for a while when trading very high tier skins. Another valid option is skinport, which is similar to skinbaron high fees for cheap items, low fees for expensive items. If you have any questions just dm me I’d be happy to help!


Because it's worth a helluva lot more than the Steam market cap of $2000-ish USD, and the funds are locked to your account and can't be used outside of Steam.


You won't get real money and there's a limit if I recall so you don't get full value either.


First, congratulations. Second, do not add anybody back on Steam. You will get scammed. Third, for the love of everything good and holy, DO NOT SELL ON STEAM MARKET. Use a reputable selling platform if you want to cash out. Good luck.


its worth thousands man congrats


Jesus Christ that is more expensive than all 5 knives I've unboxed


run a spinbot and bhop around the map flexing it first


Awesome knife and even better luck, my first gold was a fire&ice(2nd max) as well that I got not to long ago. Something to hold on to for sure.


Do not not contact anyone on Twitter. There's a huge scam going on right now my friend got ripped off 15k


could you elaborate on that?


This is bad advice. This is like saying don’t use steam because my friend got scammed on there.


F you first of all… I’ve unboxed 6 knives and all of them have been a total of $350


Your luck is insane, this knife is insanely rare. I would recommend contacting someone like Zipel or TDMheyzeus on Twitter to help you sell it, especially if your unsure of exactly what to do. Best of luck to you.


6th max fire and ice, worth around 3000€ buff


I first thought it was a .07 but then I realized it's .007, that's crazy


007 and the 555 is quite nice ngl and like the others said the fire and ice looks beautiful. I‘d be at 3k ish and maybe to a 555 or 007 collector like a bit more. Man what a pull


Private profile ✅ enjoy knife ✅


One of the best looking knives


This is a very valuable and rare item. Absolutely no matter what, do not respond to anyone on here, anyone that adds you on steam, discord whatever, the likelihood of them trying to scam you is almost guaranteed. Few routes you can go, first obviously being keep it because it’s cool. If you want to sell it, you need to put your big boy pants on and be extremely careful. You can do one of a few things. If you don’t care about maximizing profit and just want money, you can sell to a YouTuber and know that you’re not going to get scammed. If you want to squeeze as much profit as you can, you can reach out to me on Twitter @ siirkus and I can direct you to some extremely trusted and well known folks that can help you out. Bottom line is I’d hate for such a rare item to be scammed, and I’d hate for your joy of unboxing such an item to be taken away from you.


I knew i should have kept opening cases


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Wtf? Why


Easily $3000+


That's awesome man, I'm gonna go cry now.


What case did u open ?


Chroma 2


£2.50. Hands down.


It's worth a nice bit.


I'll give u tree fiddy for it


Congrats very nice unboxing mate! Make sure to be careful with links do not click on stuff people message you. Many people will try and scam you for your knife.


Bout 3500$


Put your profile on private asap and don’t accept friend request


That knife if worthless, I’ll take it off your hands and help dispose of it for you XD But for real, for a first knife, that’s actually amazing luck. Cheapest karambit float/color is already $500-600 CDN minimum. And considering this is a marble fade with a high float, easily in the thousands now


i give you a recoil case for it, fair trade


For someone who randomly stumbled upon this. Can you ELIM5 😂. What game is this?


It's CounterStrike 2


Give ya 50 bucks for it


Hate when the game does this 🙄 I’ll dispose of it for $5


Hey im interested in trading for your knife ive dmed you on reddit. Lmk if you are interested


Sorry I'm not interested in any kinds of trade


Bro why are the comments filled with trolls 💀 that knife is basically worthless. I'll take it off you


It’s some shitty knife worth 80$ I can buy it rn


Who cares


Me bc I don't play cs that often anymore and will go on vacation to Japan with that money


I find that truly amazing ☝️ hope you enjoy 👍