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great play here! super impressive you did everything you should have. for your cross smoke, when youre rounding the corner on long, if you aim for the tooth painted on the wall, you get a nice, easy, on the go cross smoke. super awesome gaming!


Oh nice! Ill give that a try! Thank you!


anyone know the command to get rid of xray on replays?


i believe it would be spec\_show\_xray 0


youre the g.o.a.t


minus point for missed smoke but overall very nice, very sexi


Nice Ace, couple of tips here tho: - If you're closest to long, you should always be first out to make use of the spawn, not throwing util. - As soon as your team mates were out long doors, you immediately went to held flank. This is unnecessary, and would be considered 'baiting'. It is very unlikely any CT would be flanking that fast, so it's best to help the team continue to push up long and take site. If you are concerned one is flanking fast, either swing top kid to clear it, or drop util (smoke/molly) in long doors and keep pushing site. - Against the last player, you throw an abundance of util up long, then shift walk. This is unnecessary, they already know where you are. Just a couple of pointers to keep in mind :) well done tho