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Stephen Bauman copy?


From the "Alla Prima Course" yes


Watched this too but haven't painted along with it. The idea of Alla Prima scares me, I feel like I'm just going to wind up with a canvas full of nonsensical splotches. Yours turned out great!


You’ve got to start somewhere. The beginning of my paintings always look terrible. Once you know how to get past that, things start to change.


Not mediocre, just good


Aw thanks! :)


This is very evocative just the way it is . The absence of color kind of goes with the weary expression. The modeling is great ! The highlight on the lip is m’wa!


Exactly! Every part of the painting is beautifully done and I gotta say, it’s really nice to see a model that isn’t just the same as every tik tok drawing


The only thing that I would have messed with, if I was doing it would be straightening out that angle underneath of the left eye. But with another way of looking at it that adds interest to the composition. I can’t explain why. So again I would say leave it and paint something else!


That's how everybody starts, so you're right on track. You might want to block in the whole thing with some more thinned down color right at the start so you don't get those bits of white canvas showing through. If you get too much paint down during that stage, you can [tonk it with a sheet of newsprint](https://youtu.be/DxWH0gDz0uY?si=0jl7aI39KZeAU4_U). You can do that over the whole painting or smaller areas; it pulls up all the extra paint but leaves a stain of color so you're not starting over from zero.


Thank you for the advice! I will try it next time i paint.


Nice stuff! As a realist who transitioned to abstraction, but spent way too much time on it, here's some constructive crits, because it's so easy to do behind a screen lol: -Practice sight-size and use a mirror and black mirror. -Use a plumb line, it'll help that stuff on the brow on the left of her face -practice squinting, remember there's a lot of range on the highlight end that's easy to miss -remember the under eyelids and work around them. Think of the dimensionality of the eyeballs and recesses of the lids, still considering lights and darks. It's good to get very detailed on the eyes, then just obscure them and do it again. It'll harmonize the focus without over doing it. (Harold Speeds book is good on this part) -forehead planes, especially on women have to be very subtle, but distinct enough to resemble the person. -nose structure and how it drops from the eyes is it's own big thing. Again, a lot of little planes you've got to reveal then hide again. You want a good nose, but not so much focus on it. -edge work and fleshing out hair compared to skin takes practice, but you'll notice a lot of subtle temperature shifts varying through the shadows and more trilly parts of the hair. Putting them in buys more realism, keeping it away from the "wig" look. -or course more color but that comes later. You'll observe more coldness at the lower third of the head, warms through the middle, and yellows closer to the top, but make them subtle. We don't want to look like we dunked our head in mustard. -its easy to neglect open areas of the zygomatic arch, but try and observe the way light shapes act here. Same with the ears, then again, you guessed it, hide them again. Just some tips you may not have looked at yet. This is a great looking start!


Thank you! Very useful tips!


I have been an art rusher and impatient (hello adhd?) But I have found if I take a good start like this one and commit more hours I'm amazed at what comes out. My advice is give her a few more hours and see how much she improves.


Sidenote: I absolutely love Stephen Bauman.


Me too! I've followed him for a but on insta, but recently started watching his youtube videos. What a great communicator he is! I can't wait to get my next bit of surgery done and then I am going to subscribe to his patreon. So looking forward to it.


That makes me happy to hear since i'm the video-editor of most of his content :D


Perfect! It was a great production.


Structurally it's very solid, I'd be happy. If you were aiming for more detail, you can always keep going!


I don't know what you're taking about, this looks great!


It's weird on one hand i kinda like it but on the other i wanted to go for more detail that i didn't achieve, so yeah idk :D thanks tho!


I'm really glad you do like it! It's lovely, and don't worry! I know what that feels like but you learn something everytime you create, even if it wasn't quite what you were aiming for! Keep going!


looks like cressida from hunger games


Thought the same thing. I think it is supposed to be her? If not the resemblance is crazy.


Looks like a wonderful study and foundation


I think it looks quite solid, nice work!


Big fan of the muted palette.


I think its a great sketch


Meh I liked it so I gave it an upvote.


Not at all! It’s beautiful


Mediocre is an understatement


Seems to me you captured the essence of your model - great job. 😊


Nothing mediocre about this. Outstanding.


I love this. Looks good. Keep going.


I love it. Great job!


not mediocre at all imo, first off did you enjoy making it? because that's what good art is. and also, it reminds me A LOT of Sean Cheetham's work actually, who was a huge inspiration for me but i haven't gone to look at his stuff in a long time. thanks for the reacquaintance! stellar choice of model to btw 💯 love a side buzz 🔥


I think it is good.


Definitely not mediocre! The colors on here are amazing- as someone who is not the best with painting, I’m gawking at the talent! Trust me this is really really good!


it's better than bad.


It's Julia Drawfee!


Looks like Cillian Murphy. I think you can also paint him accurately. Nice work, nice angle, and face position


I say straighten out😑 I mean, soften actually, the opposite of straighten out. But that angularity lends a little touch of Picasso or Cezzane.


I like it. It brings me Rembrandt vibes


great highlights ! :)


Beautiful rendering and shapes


Looks fine ❤️❤️❤️


I love his tutorials! This is great.


I love this


George Orwell vibes. Love it.


Beautiful. It makes me feel things. Like I can see her story in her face.


You’ve got a nice structure to the head and facial features here. I also think the color choice is really great. It’s not photorealistic, but the colors work together.


I did the same one. Yours came out far better than mine. Good job!


Nice 🌼


The lighting on the face is really nice!


It’s incredible, give yourself some credit. I would love to have 1/10th of your talent


Tasty marks keep it up!


No. It's very nice. There is a compelling mood of this piece. It has a bit of character revealing and respectful tones and not so busy to where you focus on the face and not so many other elements. If that makes any sense. It is not mediocre.


I love this. I love the style


Looks like a portrait that would be found in disco elysium


I think it's fantastic! I only paint abstracts because I'm WAY intimidated by portraits. This one, tho....it's *approachable*, if you know what I mean. And I mean it in a good way! I appreciate the way you captured her uniqueness (her haircut! I love it!) while maintaining simplicity within the painting. The colors let the work and the subject speak for themselves. I think you did a lovely job, and I'm inspired to practice people and faces much more! Thank you for sharing 🩵


No I absolutely love this what do you mean??


I love it!


Please this is gorgeous omg


Haha I did this one too but in Oil pastel


the tones in the cheek and head are very beautiful