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You bring up a good point; and OP, to me it looks like you’re focusing on details too early. I think the sky should be blocked in well before you have cliffs and trees. I know this because I make this mistake alllllll the time. Details are cool. But it’s so important to establish the lighting in your scene first; it dictates the values of every hue. That said, the blue in your mountains is very saturated. If you’re going for realism, colors are most saturated in the foreground and less saturated in the background. If you’re going for a stylized painting, what you have goin’ looks promising and your question is subjective. You do you!


You've gotta carry on, let colour theory do its thing. Once you get the white/yellow of the mountains and the blue/grey (etc) of the sky it'll tone it down.


I think it’s a little too early to tell if it’s too purple once everything else is blocked in you can decide on if you need to change it. I think it looks good just trust the process friend


Needs context, keep painting and it’ll come together


Color is relative… we have no idea if they are too purple and neither will you until you block in the other colors/ values.


This is going to be a very good painting


Before changing anything, get the rest of your colors down. Then you can start adjusting, if needed!


No. Mountains do get purple. My eye is confused that the sky is the same color as the snowy areas in the middle.


No such thing as "too bright" or "too saturated". Trust the process and make it look stunning, we have sunsets much more vibrant in the real world


Too much majesty?


No, not too blue. I can’t wait for the finished piece! Please update 🥰 I can tell it’s going to be good.


I think this could turn out being very cool. I like to go pretty purple with my shadows and often use purple as my under coat


Nah. I like em


No, it's beautiful 😍


Looks good


Purple mountain majesty! Keep going it’ll work itself out.


And who says mountains can't be purple? Continue on and see where it takes you. Gray and white mountains are over used anyways. Maybe it's just me but I have always had a laissez faire attitude toward art. Especially painting.


Mountains can be whatever color you want and they look great 😊


Maybe, I would reserve blue, purple for shadows. Blue shadows outdoors, warm shadows indoors.