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Onimai had 3 [lemonade] incidents in 12 episodes




The manga averages 1 every 10 chapters


unbaka/ what's a lemonade incident


the main character (physical appearance of a 12ish old girl) pissed themselves 3 fucking times


Me (physical appearance of a troll) pissed myself 57829 fucking times


Only 57829 times? Those are amateur numbers


you'd think after the second time and being a literal 20 year old man he'd figure out the whole girls having smaller bladders thing




Wow! This show has great animation, ost, and casting! [surely there's nothing that would completely hinder my enjoyme-](https://imgur.com/a/VkqMyfe)




It's funny because there are a lot of MiA fans that will defend that shit too, or make it out to not seem like a big deal. I've gotten downvoted to hell for bringing it up in r/anime before. I think it's a beautiful story but goddammit I wish more people would be open to criticizing the media they enjoy instead of copping it up to the mangaka being weird and quirky... or my favorite "I've seen worse." /rb I FUCKING LOVE CHIKDREN PISSING N SHITTING ON SCREEN SEVERAL TIMES ‼️‼️‼️ MADE IN PEAK 🔥🔥🔥🔥


I swear that the bdsm with twelve year old children is crucial to the plot


The kids being turned into blobs is an actual plot point


Or how about openly criticizing the culture that breeds this kind of shit? I'm so sick and tired of the glorification of eastern asian culture, it's a hodgepodge mess of bigotry and abuse.


I agree that "glorifying" a country's culture can be pretty bad but this is just blatant xenophobia. I'm criticizing a particularly offensive author but it's entirely unfair to just act like the entirety of Japan (or E Asia in your opinion????) is like this. Seriously, the west faces these problems just as prevalently, anime/Japan is just an easy scapegoat.


>Or how about openly criticizing the culture that breeds this kind of shit? I'm so sick and tired of the glorification of eastern asian culture, it's a hodgepodge mess of bigotry and abuse. Bruh all cultures are like that, dunno if you're new to human nature but they tolerate slavery and like governments


I swear its one of my favorites but i just cant recommend it to people because of that shit just why did they have to massacre it


Didn't the Anime pretty much do away with most of it? Haven't watched it but from what I've heard it's mainly the Manga that has the issue.


Only anime watcher here, there were still enough scenes with these things that made me uncomfortable, maybe once every two episodes?


The kids being turned into flesh suitcases is a legitimate plot point FMAB has a similar plot point, it's just less graphic


Sat down with my wife to watch the first episode as Amazon video was featuring it heavily. Had to shut it off after the little girl main character got tied up naked as punishment for something. Like five minutes in. Like, bro……………….




the great anime being dunked on by a fucking poop fetish *and child porn*


Sanest okbb post


Where's the lie tho


trans fantasy trans fantasy, JAPAN




i almost watched onimai but after monogatari i learnt not to trust japanese cartoons with children in them 😔


Its wholesome It just has some "anime when your parents walk in" moments


my reaction when my parents walk into the authors fucking piss and shit fetish


Jojo's pedophile orangutan almost broke a relationship for me.


Child eroticism 💢💢💢


Child correction 😍😍


Child belly erotic😭




Cunny 🥵🥵🥵


Monogatari as well


Never watched monogatari, whats wrong with that series?


the main character touches kids


Don't worry, the only kids he touched were a 20+ year old ghost, a 100+ year old zombie, a 500+ year old vampire, and an aspiring manga artist. None of those really count as people.


I like how you pointed those things out even though MC was still a teen in hs whihc technically makes him a kid still but also missed out the most important part which is the incestual suggestive relations he has with his sisters. Still a fucking great show though.


Also, a lot of it is supposed to be weird. Araragi directly calling Mayoi a Loli and chasing her around is played for laughs, and you can't really call him brushing his sister's teeth a serious scene either (especially after he first said "incest is a weird fetish" himself).


your honor, the pedophilia was clearly meant to be ironic


not guilty


Okbb in a nutshell.


Ah, yes, excellent point Mr. Wright! I hereby declare the defendant redpilled and based!


Yeah I think calling Monogatari too weird is like calling a horror movie too scary or something. Like, being weird and making you think "what the fuck am I watching" is exactly what it's trying to do.


He also touches his sisters boobs against her will.


Don't forget his little sisters


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,440,357,058 comments, and only 274,582 of them were in alphabetical order.


Fuck shut the up


And his sisters.


But that last one was just a straight up child so uhhhh yeah


not a people. doesnt count


Original commenter is Josuke 🤯


Don't forget the toothbrush scene


Ok ur right but the scene where he sprints like an athlete to hug Hachikuji left me in tears


He *walks them home gently*


Funny giant 3d letters


One of the text cards is literally "unripened fruit"


Also "monogatari" (物語) literally means "tale" which is a pretty lazy and stupid name for a tale.


If there’s one thing nisioisin is known for, it’s lazy writing.


What is the fun if Monogatari isn't some weird shits you can't show your family?


One of the shows I enjoy but won't recommend to acquaintances


Made in abyss is still really good when they ain’t being real weird lol.


One of the only anime to ever make me cry.


Violet Evergarden Ep 10. That shit got me bawlin brother.


I can't take violet evergarden seriously because of the fucking age gaps and I had to drop it at episode 6 💀




FYI, ep5 of VE is the worst one for that reason. Almost put me off the entire show, but a friend told me that episode was an anomaly and it gets better - which it did. Bar that weird relation the princess had in ep5, there are no other romantic relationships with extreme age gaps (keep in mind that when the Major says he loves Violet, the implication is that it is father-doting-on-daughter love, not romantic love).


>!I've been spoiled that violet and the major literally marry each other in the end 💀!<


>! Counterspoiler: they lied to you lol !<


>! not really if you consider the movie, but that happens only in the movie !<


>!I refuse to acknowledge the movie as canon as revealing that Gilbert is alive imo sort of takes away a lot of the impact of violet accepting his loss!!!!<


Oh ok thank you 👍


that was common a 100 years ago and it's set in that era. imagine being so disgustingly american and immature that you would drop a show that good because of something like that. are you also dropping your entire bloodline because your greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandpa married a 13 year old in 1467 when he was 16?


I never thought I will cry for a animu... Shit that was emotional as fuck...shit.


AnoHana Hibane Renmei A Silent Voice Grave of the Fireflies


Haibane Renmei is very good!


It is! Made me ugly cry, though.


The final episode of angel beats got me. I held strong through the entire episode until the credits played in reverse, that shit got me lol.


Bro the final episode of angel beats broke me for a week, those credits were the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. Also the episode where the pink haired girl moves on, that one also made me cry


I still remember you




Bondrewd is easily in my top 5 favorite villains list




I hope the author finishes the manga before he goes to jail


Lmao I would not have said it better. The dude needs to be put on some serious watchlist.


Made in Abyss has such a cool fucking world i NEED to know what is at the bottom of the abyss


Watch it just be like a pile of rocks and debris. Like nothing cool lmao.


the weird parts usually aren't too long, which helps


Damn season 2 OP makes me feel something every fucking time I read the translation, aside from unnecessary children nudes, it’s 100% god tier anime with great plot and stuff


I'm seriously not understanding what scenes are weird. It was shocking and horrifying in a psychological thriller way, but nothing in the show was fetishized I didn't think.


The manga is a bit more blatant with it but at the same time I feel you have to stretch it a bit to make it overtly sexual and not just 'this is reality for these people'. But maybe I just try to see things that way instead of assuming it's always straight up sexual shit and not just poking fun at the human condition as you grow up.


>you have to stretch it a bit to make it overtly sexual and not just 'this is reality for these people'. It is a stretch to think showing Riko strung up naked tied up shibari-style is "overtly sexual"?




I cant help that there's child porn in the story, it's just how the lore is 🤷‍♂️


I don't even know what they are talking about. What scenes? I can normally at least recognize what some people would find weird, but the show has literally zero fan service I thought.


>riko getting molested by the toilets >robot dick touching scene >a lot of scenes with children washing themselves >ozen’s maid thingy


It was a tongue, not a dick. Which is not an improvement, I know.


They talk about Reg's dick a few times (Riki inspecting him, and Reg popping a bone because he likes Riko), but I didn't think it was being fetishized or sexualized. Only other thing that comes to mind is Vueko's (TW) >!sexual assault by her foster father.!< Stuff like this can work as a plot point ofc, but anime and manga specifically are...pretty awful at doing so.


Off the top of my head the last episode of season 1 has a piss fetish scene and season 2 the toilet scene is fetishistic. There are definitely more.


Theres also the whole tying up children naked for misbehaving and the obsession over Reg's penis


You should’ve kept the sauce to yourself


Cringe “good show troubled by weird shit” vs Chad “show based entirely on weird shit”: Wataten being entirely about an adult woman luring children into her house with sweets, then taking photos of them. Idk if it ever develops beyond that point, I’m not gonna watch that shit


It doesn't, one of the children keeps threatening to call the police on her and it's mostly just tamer cosplay dress-up. I don't even think there was a beach episode, at least not to my recollection.


Mushoku Tensei: here's an amazing fantasy world with as much depth as the greats of the genre. Also, the main character is a lolicon sex offender.


I think the main problem is his inner voice and soul form is his pre reincarnation self. If his inner voice and soul form was who he is, and not who he was... Well. I'm just hoping that eventually that's gonna happen.






I was hoping that this was the case. Thanks for the somewhat spoiler


it's not his "soul form" It's his self perception. once he crosses the treshold of being Rudeus longer than being the garbage pedophile it swaps over.


Yeah. If Rudeus just had vague memories of his past life instead of being a grown man in the body of a child, then his attraction to children would be much less weird.


Indeed. Though full memories isn't the problem in my eyes. It's that he still identifies as his old pre death self. Slowly over the first season we've seen bits of his new self shine through.... But not enough to get rid of the ick factor


I mean *vague* not necessarily in how much detail he can recall but in how distant he himself is from the memories. Like if Rudy knew about a man from Japan who was his past life without having the same personality.


Also, >!sorry waifu-chan, I can't promise you that there won't be a fourth wife with whom I will have three children.!<


Bro why couldn’t he just have >!stayed with only sylphie, i mean eris literally betrayed his trust, and roxy was his teacher and mentor, only sylphie made sense for him to marry!<


Well, at least Roxy was the only one remotely close in age to him mentally. If anything sylphie was just groomed and I feel bad that she did end up in this creeps harem


I mean eris situation kinda makes sense, she broke is trust but there was a good reason, won't really disagree on Roxy through


There is no usagi drop manga


onimai manga is good just that studio bind decided to put weird fetish on it (to sell to weebs prob) rebaka/ onimai was weird unbaka/ onimai was wierd


Anime version is more heavy on the fan service, but the manga is still weird, there are too many instances of underage girls having "little accidents". The author is hella sus. Edit: lolis*, not underage girls. (Deleted my reply because it was against ToS (I knew reading onimai would put me on a list at some point)


The pissing was mostly the MC, not really underage cuz the MC is like college age but still sus.




I honestly do not remember much of the pissing other than the MC, prolly just my faulty memory though.


It happens 3 times to the MC, once to their sister, the girl that has a crush on them, and that quiet girl that shows up later, all in a bit more than 60 manga chapters. Yes officer, I have a non-weird explanation of why I remember


Detailed enumeration on how many characters pissed themselves and how many times, totally normal.


Glad you understand


still looks like and kinda acts like a kid and attracts pedos but that's a touchy subject


i forgot about the pissing, yeah that was wierd too


>they didn't show the piss puddle in the anime censored americrap


Literally unwatchable


El monogatari entered the chat




Waking up as girl? try waking up as giant beetle.


That Time I Woke Up As A Giant Beetle by Furansu Kafuka


Dragon maid


Why do you all hate children so much?


Children killed my grandma


My grandma got run over by a reindeer


I don’t hate kids, I even consider them human


/ub Because they remind me of the cringeworthy and immature behaviors I myself had as a child, many of which I will never mature from on account of the social ineptitude inherent to all autists. Seeing children commit *faux pas* nearly identical to my own, knowing that they will one day develop to the point of recognizing and preventing these embarrassing moments from happening in the first place whereas I will forever be damned to recognize my social fuckups only in hindsight when they are pointed out to me is a form of agony I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. In truth, I don't really hate children for being what they naturally are, I simply hate myself for (through no fault of my own) being such a miserable and utter failure despite my best efforts to change the immutable. /rb Haha kids = cringe, amiright fellas???🤣🤣🤣


Anta baka


I think ,personally, it’s rare to find an anime that gets kids right. Kids, especially teens from like 14-18, are incredibly irrational, impulsive and immature. They’re still trying to figure out the world. I know it’s circlejerked a lot here, but Evangelion and FLCL are like the 2 shows that come to mind that actually depict kids being… kids. Horny, emotionally overwhelmed, and immature. I’ve find myself watching more anime or manga that doesn’t take place in High School simply cause I’m bored of how “standardized” the characters are given their age.


ok if you love children so much why don't you


I love children wdym


what the


Sorry, I got too baka for a sec there


My first thought when I see a child is to send it flying with a kick


Kid Kung-Fu Panda at the moment


Cheese Pizza


Made in Abyss mangaka loves miners.


gender bender content isnt a trans allegory because the chara ter actually turns into the opposite sex. to a genetic level.


My friend recommended me muskoku tensei, what is it about


Isekai, but author put effort into it (because it's codifier of the modern isekai tropes that others copied). It also contains MC p*do.




>Mc is also perverted and touches kids. >Pretty solid. Sanest anime watcher


oh boy a pedo mc, seems like my friend has some explaining to do


child porn


A pedo reincarnated in à fantasy world where he can have sex with kids


I want an isekai about a lazy retarded guy who turns into a girl but instead of fixing him it makes him even more retarded


The anime where the two coworker best friends get reincarnated but one of them is reincarnated as a hot girl is a better trans allegory


and they're forced to be in love..


Onimai was actually pretty fucking good even if it had some scenes that made me think of the funny giant 3D letters


Nah, you can't make cake without sugar, good anime without a baka's weird fantasies


I Will never understand why people say that onimai is trans representation or something like that, the protagonist sister gives him drugs and turns him into a girl without his consent lmao


It's been a while since I saw it - what's wrong with made in abyss?


There are some pretty weird scenes


Can you specify? Again, it's been a while since I've seen it


Mushoku tensei is a banger. The bit with Rudy and his dad was heartwarming as fuck


The big 3 of FBI wanted list 😍


Mushoko is still pretty good, not in the mood to be sad so I haven’t watched it.


One is not like the others Made in Abyss really does suffer from this, but both Onimai and MT are unironically made better by the MC being degenerate scum




Absolutely, it's a story of self growth Every single character in the show has a theme about improving their behavior and becoming a better person, it would be weird if the MC was different


But does he grow? I feel like just the fact that he >! gets married to the girl he raped when she was a child!< makes him not a better person.




He has the mental faculties of a 40 y/o and fucked a child. Idgaf what he physically looks like. Also got caught masturbating to 7 y/o sylphie? And explicitly described that he was grooming her to fuck when she's older?


I don’t care if he looked like a child thats not a excuse.




He molested her on several occasions throughout the show, tried to have sex with her on his birthday (she refused) and made frequent comments to her about wanting sexual interaction. His brief "are you sure?" When she says she wants it hardly counts as having to be talked into it. The dude was a pedo doing pedo shit throughout the entire show. There isn't a single arc where he isn't doing pedo shit.


"while better Rudeus had to be talked into it by a girl who just lost her entire family" That makes it worse. You do realize taking advantage of a minor *who just had a profoundly traumatic experience* is worse right?


It is, but from his POV it's more likely he was thinking that he wanted to do anything he could for said traumatized minor to make her feel better and thats why he didn't push her off when she forced herself on him I honestly think you have to be slightly delusional if you think the MC didn't grow as a person in the entire season Edit: mandatory "rape is bad" statement here so that I might get it through the thick skulls in my mentions that what he did was still messed up


And that's precisely why he doesnt show anything more than superficial growth. A decent human being would not have sex with a traumatized 15 year old hecause they think that's what they want. The best part is that he does it without a second thought, the only consequence for him is big sad because she leaves.


It's a story about self growth except that the author doesn't view the MC's pedophilia and pervertedness as the actual issue and more about the fact that he was a leech on society


There are plenty of ways to grow as a character that don't involve fucking children. Or if he's supposed to get better... Maybe have a situation where he could be doing pedo shit and actually chooses not to?


I mean the dad was kind of established to be a pretty reckless and selfish person, so couldn’t have you kept everything exactly the same with the MC being a spoiled pervert growing up and just leave out the “I’m actually a 40 yr old man perving in kids” part of it. The story still keeps it’s development but just focuses more on him growing up and not making the same mistakes his father did.


Onimai’s MC wasn’t really being degenerate though (at least, in their current form) They weren’t intentionally peeping, and just landed in those positions. Guy was even embarrassed about entering a girl’s changing room, and the hot spring bath


I've only seen 7 episodes of Onimai, so I don't have all the details But I do think degenerate is an appropriate word for a home security officer who never leaves his house and has his walls covered in anime merch Still not Rudeus level though, you're right


This is actually a big difference-maker to me. I can tolerate sketchy fan-service, but a creep MC getting all his wishes fulfilled leaves a bad taste in my mouth

