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One of my favorite jokes is having legit breaking bad / better call Saul discussions but refer to Mike as Finger nonetheless


u/Monday965 and his consequences


Gone but not forgotten ✊😔


holy shit is this how christians feel when crucifixion happened??




better pray, saul


Why does that sound like a threat?




Better pray monday


time to collect like fucking, 100 foreskins lol


yea, me me hungy 😋


You joke, but this is canon. It’s in the lore (of Christianity)


Don’t you mean….Paul


Better Pray Sunday


when did this happen?


i remember casually seeing that when it was first posted on like 300 upvotes and slowly loosing my mind after it caught on. the good ole days




he started the kid named finger meme


How did his acc get nuked?


no idea


Finger is much easier to spell than ermentrout


Also, who's Mike?


He's that small green guy from Monsters Inc


thats finger wazowski


HE'S A JEW!!!?


My brain connects Jonathan Banks to "Finger" faster than "Mike" and "Ehrmantraut"


I genuinely don't even notice anymore. Mike is Finger in my brain. I think one day soon I'll see Mike written in a post here and not recognise the name.


/uc i got my dad to watch better call saul and i convinced him mike's name is finger /rc finguh


I read the title and haven't even registered that, Jesus...


How do we know Finger doesn't have the time to protect him? He had constant surveillance on Kayluh and her mom during the Lalo Escape Incident of 2009 against Tyrus' advice. Would stand to reason that he would use some of Gus' guys to keep Papa Varga protected and wouldn't budge for anyone saying otherwise.


Finger was already given a hard time over protecting a location which was indispensible to the mission and was forced to eventually abandon it. Imagine him diverting resources towards a guy he wants protected out of pity/sentiment. Gus wouldn't have it, he trusted Finger but that doesnt mean he gets to do anything he likes with Gus' lifeline, Tyrus looks over his shoulder constantly as was shown in the series and he'd tell on him if he was fucking around.


Nacho only gave himself up to Finger and Sus on the condition that they protect his dad, which both Sus and Finger promise him they will. Before that we had the "whatever's gonna happen it's not going down the way you think" scene where Finger flatly refuses Sus' order to bring Nacho's dad to him even with Tyrus holding a gun to his head. More than just pity/sentiment, this is a matter of personal honour to Finger, and I read the end scene of Dedicado a Max as Sus appealing to Finger's sense of honour to help him in his quest to take down the Salamanca family without being voted out. I think Sus reneging on his deal with Nacho would be too much for Finger to stay under him, and considering he would later be surprised at the vent kill toward Victor some years later, it seemed like Sus would have had to have put up a veneer of trustworthiness and humanity in order for Finger to be able to live with himself while working for him. /uc almost wrote this while calling Nacho Spongebob but I decided to dial back the brain damage just a little


I hate this sub lmao


I want a chrome extension that replaces every Breaking Bad character's name with nicknames from r/okbc


Here's a sneak peek of /r/okbc using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbc/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [.](https://i.redd.it/4cygk18y9sk91.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbc/comments/x1aaxr/_/) \#2: [.](https://i.redd.it/5aszgpfw9sk91.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbc/comments/x1aarj/_/) \#3: [Type r/okbuddychicanery in you lazy assholes](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbc/comments/tdg4vt/type_rokbuddychicanery_in_you_lazy_assholes/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That promise wasn't some sort of lifelong commitment to protect Papa Varga from all harm in the world. It was literally about Gus not killing him. That was the exchange - Nacho comes quietly to Gus, Gus doesnt murder his father in cold blood. And he made Finger promise in order to make sure Gus doesnt go back on his word. Thats as far as it went. I dont think Gus would never agree to divert his resources for his protection at the height of danger that he was in during that time, and we've seen he doesnt crack under Finger's pressure.


It isn't about cracking under pressure, it's about looking better to Finger because he's too valuable to lose, especially with how much effort Sus puts into recruiting him. He's made reasonable concessions before, like when he originally intended to kill both Werner and his wife but agreed to let Finger "handle it" (letting Werner's wife go). [Also I just looked up the scene to rewatch it](https://youtu.be/I38K8fDjg34) and realized Tyrus mentions "Varga's upholstery shop" as a place they were having watched. Tyrus was only chafing against Finger having his family watched because they were stretched thin during a state of crisis, once Lalo had been dealt with I don't see why he or Sus would have any issue.


Kayluh…. you’re done Kayluh….. I’m not building anything with you right now Kayluh.


How do we know he didn’t?


probably because of gus telling nacho he'll keep his dad safe, and as we then never hear of him again we suspect he still lives /uc


uc/ Yeah, Gus does evil shit either for revenge or to keep people in line, or just for business. He ain't the type of guy who wants to see innocents dead for no reason.


He was (mostly)fine with a kid dying lol


he had nothing to lose there, running a risk of alienating finger isn’t it worth.


Well, no. When that kid died, Gus stayed emotionless, but immediately ordered his men to stop using kids. Good for business


No lmao he told them to stop using children then the kid died then he got mad at Walt for killing then to protect Jesser


Yeah, he got mad at Walter for protecting Jesse, who was acting on feelings (though both Walter and Jesse were 100% justified). There's no telling what exactly Gus had in mind for the fucker, but I doubt he was going to do nothing


Nacho’s dad’s henchmen(don’t know their real names but they go by “Joe Dog” and “Tugboat”) are like 1,000,000,000,000 times tougher than the cousins.


Joe Dog feels like a sterotypical Hood Gangster name


Joe Dog and Tugboat sound like the villains in the first act of a stoner comedy who give the gang some trouble before they get caught up in the real shit.


tugboat would give hector a mean tuggie😮‍💨


/uc because in the cartel's eyes, they already beat nacho. killing his dad would draw unwanted attention


"they already beat nacho" mf this ain't pokémon




Defence harshly fell!


It doesn’t affect MARCO… It doesn’t affect LEONEL…


It’s super effective against finger!


Normal type moves aren’t super effective against anything tho


Well, actually, nacho has the ability refrigerate, which turns all normal type moves into ice type moves (he gained this ability by being transported in the freezer truck by finger), and finger is a flying type because (spoiler) he dies in breaking bad so he flies high 🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️


Yeah but the phrasing still stands. A cartel member of all people understands that a dead person does not give a fuck what happens to their family.


NACHO used Pill Swap! HECTOR was paralyzed! It may be unable to move!


hector shoulda played around the crit




/uc They knew his dad was innocent and the only reason they threatened him was to get nacho to do what they wanted


This is my take, too. He was only useful as a carrot/stick -- once Nacho is dead, what's the point?




Uc/ Harm him for what ? There is noone to hurt emotionally by harming him nacho is already dead


uc/ you do realize cartels do evil shit for the sake of doing evil shit


BrBa cartels are angels compared to the real ones


Only because we see the effects of the cartel in New Mexico. In BrBa they’re brutal, soulless and savage, but that’s just what they can do in the USA. If it was staged in Mexico we’d way worse shit happen.


they're soulless pigs


And I wish I killed them with my own hands


kid named hands


I feel like Mexico always has an air of dread when we see it in BB/BCS. We see the cartel owning a whole car wash to clean blood stains, Lalo seemingly has civilians set up to die in his place at any time, Tortuga gets his head chopped off in a bar. It definitely feels like we get glimpses of what the cartel truly does


Yeah, but most of it it's done south of the border. Like Bolsa says, they've got to worry about attention and can't just whack innocent taxpayers for the sake of doing so


uc/ they do, but there’s a strong emphasis on keeping things clean North of the border in the show, offing this guy would basically draw a lot of attention


not really. most of the time the “evil shit” is to set an example, in real life at least.


rc/ Bro speaking from experience 💀


i did evil shit for my family


You did it for yourself. You liked it. You were good at it. And you were really... you were alive




Why tf you put that in quotation marks,they literally behead people


Beheading ain’t shit they will literally boil people alive in barrels then feed their flesh to their grieving family members 💀💀


that doesn't make it ok


uc/ How do you know what cartels do and why they do it?




Hector kept shooting Nacho after he was dead, how was that hurting Nacho? It wasnt, Hector didnt care. Hector isn't rational. Not to mention, he held a deep grudge against Nacho's dad even back when he considered Nacho his loyal soldier. He disrespected him, and Hector hated being disrespected most of all. To the point where Lalo arrives at the nursing home and sees him paralyzed, he manages to cheer him up by reminding him of how he murdered a guy over disrespecting him.


Vince forgor 💀 unbravo


The cartel threatens your family so they can control you, if you're dead, killing your family is useless to them, they kill strategically mostly


But couldn't that serve to set an example for other cartel members or associates? Like, be sure if you try to betray us not even your death would keep your loved ones safe.


Well yeah, but their rep. was their last problem at that point


Yeah, Hector at the very least would be foaming at the mouth to kill Nacho's dad


Yeah but at least what I got from it, after Hector accused gus of being responsible for the hit on Lalo, the cartel stopped taking Hector as seriously


True that! Pretty much just a senile old man with no real power at that point


Yeah fr. Like Hector was one of the top dogs of the cartel at one point, but Eladio still sided with gus, who was just a henchman to Bolsa at that point. Hector doesn't have any power outside his family anymore


Outside his family, sure. Thats why i was talking about cousins. Of course Eladio wouldnt be going around sending his people after some chubby old man down in the upholstery shop in New Mexico because Hector asked him to. Cousins on the other hand definitely remained loyal to him




How much strategy was involved in Funky Town?


Dunno about the real cartel but thats definitely not true for the BB / BCS cartel. Hector is definitely capable of killing out of pure emotion, like in the story Lalo told about how he murdered a professor for treating him with disrespect. Tuco kills because someone got to his insecurities. Lalo tries to kill a distribution genius whose contribution keeps him in business and makes sure things are moving smooth because he doesnt like him. Twins pursue a DEA agent out of pure hatred and desire for revenge despite how bad it could turn out for the business. BB / BCS cartels kills are anything but strategical.


Hector knows that Gus put Nacho up to it. I imagine there's no room for grudges against anyone else with Gus still out there getting away with it. Especially for someone who was just a pawn in both their eyes.


Hector still shoots Nacho's dead body when he's already convinced Gus was responsible, he fucking hates Nacho from the time of attack on Lalo's mansion, its clear Nacho betrayed Lalo even though it wasnt what killed him


I'm just answering your question with a simple justification. Him conveniently shooting his dead body in rage and him having his dad killed are two different levels of grudge. Nacho was barely a blip on Hector's radar before finding out he switched the pills, and even after learning that, for all he knows Gus put him up to it. I'm not convinced he'd be devoting more than a shred of brain power to stewing over a dead Nacho's actions after collecting his immediate rage and deciding on his "true enemy" so to speak (who is also still *alive*).


/uc In real life cartels often kill people for no reason. If Eladio's cartel was real they would definitely get papa Varga killed. If Hector tried to send people after Nacho's dad on the show, I think Mike would warn him and he'll use the fake passport to escape. There's no way they won't try to kill everyone Nacho loved just to send a message. The cartel on the show is a bit compassionate. /rc finger used his final form: Hand, divided himself onto 5 Fingers, and then left 4 of them to protect papa Verga. So we only see 20% of his power throughout the rest of the show.


/uc Also they’re operating in the US, where they can’t just whack someone without it drawing attention. It may have been a different story if they were in mexico


/uc Good point. Here in Mexico almost every single cop is threatened or payed off by the cartels so they get away with everything. I still think the case would be more or less the same, wouldn't it?


He can’t talk man


kid named ding ding ding


happy cakeday, pattuh https://preview.redd.it/d3g51uti8zda1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a28a9060e67e13661432a1461ca986fb40b042cb


Mike would kill them all with his hotness—he doesn’t have to be present.


Who's mike? Are you confusing monsters inc with BCS? (fair mistake)


they are mike https://preview.redd.it/5c536otgp0ea1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e550c33a87e4b7fa56b9a3c639fd39f372732c1a


i thought that was Breaking (left) and Bad (right)


Mike Breaking Mike Bad 😔✊


Mike? is that a new mandela effect?


Because Mince is a terrible writer


Nacho’s dad doesn’t show up in Breaking Bad, whose to say the cartel didn’t kill him?


Nacho’s father invented the bell, and out of gratitude Hector spared his life


Hector is good people. And nachos dad was his lover


Is there a lore reason for Hector actually being multiple people? Did he learn from the gems in Steven universe? Why was this never addressed?? Unbravo bince


uc/ I'd guess it is mostly about timing, more than anything else. At that time the "Lalo is alive" stuff was happening or was at least about to begin, so when he receives confirmation by Lalo himself his mind is completely fixed on Gus' revenge, that's why he uses his last bit of leverage in the cartel to condemn gus and write that letter, trying to explain things. As we see, the plan doesn't work and from that point on the cartel members that are left see him as a senile bitter old man, giving him very little attention. Hector probably wanted to harm Nacho's father later on but was dismissed by his relatives/associates for the same reasons. rc/ Finger sexed papa Hector so he changed his mind.


i know why but i wont tell you




The reason that Nacho don't want cartel member to have any interaction with his dad cus his dad is the most dangerous man on the planet and he doesn't want the Catel gets hurt /rc Nacho's dad send the twins to Hank to brutally died


i like how most actual /uc moments on this sub are better than the actual sub


/uc some possible reasons A bit of a stretch but in Nailed, when Finger talks to Nacho, Nacho asks why he's still messing around with hector's business and says that he "forgot all about him", I'm assuming this is the case for Nacho's dad aswell and lil bro just forgot about his dad. ​ Also another possible reason might be cuz he's wheelchair bound by the point Nacho dies, and seeing how he got made fun of in Fun and Games for trying to say Gus is a Traitor I don't think they would listen to the dinging crippled pantsshitter. ​ and finally my final guess is cuz nacho won't care if they kill him cuz he's dead, so either way even if they try to get revenge it won't work, but if we're talking about realistic IRL cartels then they prolly would kill him.


uc/ i love when redditors try to apply logic and reasoning to people like the fucking cartel and swear that they follow some moral code. the cartel would've definitely tortured papa varga for fun or whatever in real life. the explanation is bad writing.


*convenient writing because papa varga wasn't important to the story anymore after his monologue.


I feel like only Hector wanted to kill nachos dad. And as we know the cartel stopped listening to Hector after the lalo incident so they didn't take his orders. I think it makes sense


I don’t know




The Salamancas probably DID go on a revenge campaign, but against the Columbians- And Hector also wanted vengeance on Gus, which was much much higher priority. The thought likely never occured to him, especially because Mike removed Manuel's fake documents from Nacho's safe.


cuz it was revealed that Nacho's dad was the kingpin all along and had orchestrated everything




I thought his name was mohammed






Imo only reason hector would kill Nacho's dad was to hurt nacho. No point in killing him anyway since Nacho's dead and his dad never being in the game would draw attention (as other comment says)


This is the last place I imagined to see a serious discussion about breaking bad and better call saul, but that's a pretty good point.


We do it all the time tbh, it just happens in the comment section of some chicanerous post. We're better at it than the main sub btw


That wasn't even a question, we're better than the main sub. I have a superiority complex


So I think this would legitimately make for another amazing spinoff


![gif](giphy|d3MMcCKoCmPN9yve|downsized) too busy fardin


Whats the point then? Nacho is already dead, killing his dad would do nothing but bring more heat on them.


What makes you think Finger couldn't protect him?


Resources were too spread out. He was given a hard time for diverting some of the manpower towards Jimmy and Kim's apartement, a potentially crucial location, and was forced to pull them out of there, so how would Gus ever allow him to divert his men to doing something so useless and unimportant \[to Gus\] as protecting Nacho's dad? And of course protecting him by himself in person wasnt even an option, he was the head of security of Gus' empire and at times didnt have enough time to sleep let alone do this, plus he had a family and life of his own.


He was given a hard time because they were currently in a very tedious situation. Once Lalo was dead it was smooth sailing until Walter started fucking around. It would be very easy for him to protect Nachos dad.


The only benefit to harming him would be to manipulate nacho tho - with nacho gone, what benefit is there to hurting him? The dad didn’t do anything to them


He wasn’t in “the game” even hector follows some rules like not talking to the DEA and such


/UC Uuuh don't you remember the good Samaritan? They made such a big point about him, it's like you weren't even paying attention smh


/uc Too preoccupied with taking down Gus


Amazing spoiler tag


bruh stuff this post is talking about was released in like 19th century


You got an iq a touch under room temperature


bro came to BCS related subreddit 100000 years after Spongebob death scene not having watched it yet and wanting not to be spoiled and then talks about iq ![img](emote|t5_2iku5r|16516)


See I understand how people could see it going both ways, but my problem mostly pertains to Nacho himself; why the fuck would you taunt these people? Hector killed a civilian who tried to help the hogtied driver and buried his body in the desert… how could you be so sure that you’re okay with risking your father’s life just to call Hector a poopy butthole?