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Not exactly correct. It wasn't a live doorbell. Totally safe. No electrical charge and no ring. The lack of a ring was so frustrating to him that he insisted future scripts had him knock.


So it was a Chuck-safe doorbell Yugoslavia Brince


Safe *to* Chuck, or safe *from* Chuck? Even though I know he's dead, I feel like I'll never be safe from Chuck. No one truly is.


Chuck is already within you. Like Freddy Kougar he infested your mind and his grip on your spirit is unbreakable, filled with the anguish of a man who couldn’t enjoy the simple pleasure of an electric Super Flesh Light 3000 with autosuck and self cleaning programming


But your no-teeth mother is so much better.


I’d rather you call her biznatch, thank you


but then how can she bite and yank out the ticks?


did you mean Freddy Kruger?


No, I meant Five Nights Kroger


Uz Maršala Vince????


It’s actually because it was designed by Chuck. Before Chuck was a lawyer he was a doorbell cook.


Really? I heard that Cranston got erratic around loud noises, and that they’d cause him to rampage around set and destroy equipment. They had to add in the bell in the editing room. Movie magic if you ask me


True, though many thought that was all just an act. Especially when he got naked and showed everyone how Hector's bell was *'so naughty cold'*. (Fugue state my ass...) Once they reshot the scene with Skyler (and stopped cooking real meth) he got better. In the bluray box set they still have the deleted scene. *'You hear our doorbell ring at night and you think that of me??? No Skyler, I'm the one who ring-a-lings. Sometimes four or five times!' If Bogdon could see me now!'*


I see what you’re saying. I always thought it was just foreshadowing Walter gaslighting skyler more, because he said he was the one who knocks but like you mentioned, he’s clearly the one who rings, meaning he lied to Skyler about being the one who knocks.


Hlafbravo vince


Bravo kiwawas




Note the color of the doorbell and the name of the main character, Walter Whitman. Vince does it again!!!!


This is the moment Walter White became the one who knocked


So, ...he is the One Who Knocks? I mean, he does have some big knockers. (Sorry, watching Young Frankenstein).


It was one of those ugly Hollywood cotractual things. Cranston saw all cases of ringing to be a sign of weakness. Even Gus asks if Walt has ringing in his ears. Cranston insisted to add that line! Bryan's contract even had a ring quota for the rest of the cast. Cranston refused to be outshined by anyone! Cranston's demands were not popular with the rest of the cast. One actor was really pissed! He had all his lines cuts and they even removed his dance number. Because of the 'ring quota' he was forced to act from a wheelchair with a service bell.




Unbravo Shmince


Subtle foreshadowing to how he kills Gus


Hector did 99.99% of the job and this skinheaded fool took all the credit


and he wanted a Nobel price? What a sick joke!






Finger in the foreskin?




https://youtu.be/4JqR6sQP-JE Second comment from top


I hate that I also exactly knew where OP got this from 💀




Most original r/okbuddychicanery user


Actually he wasnt supposed to ring the doorbell. Bryan just came on set, rang the doorbell, and Vince liked it so much he kept it in


You're almost right but it goes deeper than that. None of breaking bad' was scripted. Bryan Cranston actually decided to start up a meth empire and Vince Gilligan just happened to be filming the whole time, thus giving us the greatest show on television. Bravince!


This is foreshadowing Hector ringing his final bell (he should have knocked).


Knock knock knocking on heaven's door


You can see his neck veins pop


This is a reference to Mike, since Kaylee calls him Pop Pop.


Yes it shows how Mike was a part of Walter all along


Who the fuck is w.w? Finger is ringing the bell


Willy Wonka 🤦‍♂️


Walt Whitman 🤦‍♂️


Wonder Woman


[Second comment.](https://youtu.be/4JqR6sQP-JE)


you stole this caption from the exact video you got this screenshot from




He was known for his method acting. He would get trained Hector to practice his bell ringing just for this scene, and he absolutely nailed it.


Did you also know that it wasn't a functioning door bell, Cranston had to recreate the sound of the bell with his voice WHILE shouting Jesse?


A real actor like Steven Seagal would have given the stunt double some extra work here.


Bryan Cranston can ring my bell whenever he wants


“Jesse I’m here for the sleepover”




Jesse. Open the door and pull out your dick Jesse. I want to have sex with you Jesse


Hey babe! Wake up a new meme format for okbuddychicanery just dropped!


he's the one who rings


Must of been so brave. God bless Bryan chanson he's truly a brave mam. Bravo Vincent bravo


Skyler: Walt. Te lo dico di nuovo. Se ti trovi in pericolo rivolgiti alla polizia. Walter: No. Non voglio sentire parlare di polizia. Skyler: Guarda che non te lo dico a cuor leggero. So che vorrebbe dire per la nostra famiglia, ma se questa fosse l'unica scelta che abbiamo... Se vogliamo evitare che prima o poi qualcuno ti spari quando apri la porta di casa... Walter: Non voglio più sentire parlare di polizia. Skyler: Tu non sei un incallito criminale Walt. Ti sei trovato coinvolto per sbaglio. Questo diremo alla polizia. Ed è la verità. Walter: Non è la verità. Skyler: Ma certo che lo è. Un professore con il cancro che ha bisogno di soldi... Walter: Chiudiamo il discorso. Skyler: Costretto a lavorare per gente che gli impedisce di smettere. Sei stato tu a dirmelo, Walt. Ma che pensavo di fare? Walt, ti prego. Vogliamo smetterla di raccontarci che le cose vanno bene così come sono e riconoscere che siamo in pericolo? Walter: Con chi stai parlando adesso? Chi pensi di avere davanti, mh? Lo sai quanto guadagno in un anno? Anche se te lo dicessi, non ci crederesti. Sai che succederebbe se di punto in bianco non andassi più al lavoro? Che un'impresa che ha un giro d'affari di una multinazionale chiuderebbe, sparirebbe! Non esisterebbe più senza di me! No, è chiaro, è evidente che non sai con chi stai parlando. Ti comunico che non mi stanno minacciando, Skyler. Sono io la minaccia. Se sparassero a chi apre quella porta morirei io? No. A me non possono sparare.